I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
My step grandson works for a hospital. They don't have any cases. The other nearby hospital doesn't have any either.

How many more are there?
Well I've been calling around me and so far, none. In fact, the data that I have from a reliable source investigating in the area is that only 6 people in my county supposedly have it. That seems impossible that if it were so fking dangerous, only six people would have it in a county in illinois.
6 people have it. In my county 65 people have it. We don't know what that means. People are using the term tests positive for sick. In truth it means tests positive but healthy. No recoveries. Because no one is actually sick.

Democrats have flimflammed this all upon us
agree. I'm still trying to grasp how someone got tested that isn't sick when the guidance was to test only those with symptoms. That's why I challenge all of the numbers. all of them. BTW, all the numbers for global warming are spread just like this was. Hence my basis.
They could have a cold or Type a or b Flu......not the Coronavirus .........a few months back I was sick for a few days.........Guy came to work with the Flu......had a 103 degree temp.......went home after a few hours........was there long enough to give out the Flu.

He got tested..........confirmed a and b Flu............I used the old remedy.......Buried in covers and sweated it out.........with Vicks Vapor Rub..........

Google that........the docs of today would call it an Urban Legend.........and they are full of it.....the Old Docs said do it..........and it WORKS.
from January to the first week in February, my entire family had a cold and one son in law the flu. Had another colleague that had the flu in that same timeline. today, we're all feeling good. I check in every other day with the family. And I speak with my colleague daily. They have been so inconsistent with this and over reacting because they don't want to seem insensitive that we've now got this full blown hoax going. Just like global warming, and the same people pushing that are pushing this. so everyone excuse me if I choose to not believe them. The oceans aren't rising and hospitals aren't filling up. FACT!!!
I'm not pushing panic.......and in the Cluster areas...........they are FILLING UP HOSPITALS.......

That has happened in our history......in China they were building Hospitals in a couple of weeks for this...........Percentage wise.........in New York......they are filling up........

I choose to live in reality..............in HIGH NUMBER PLACES........Hospitals are being overwhelmed .............

Not here......and not in my State.............we are a Fly Over State......and not all packed in like New York........and we are a HOT AND MUGGY STATE.........Viruses don't like us............they don't do well here.......LOL
sorry Care4all, the link I gave was Conservative Treehouse -- which STILL list "The Hill" as the source of Biden's remarks... The headline at the Hill was...

Biden slams Trump response to coronavirus epidemic: This is no time for "fearmongering"
BY TAL AXELROD - 02/01/20 01:23 PM EST

The conservative tree house, whoever they are, gave an opinion on the Hill article.... You ALSO gave a link to the news article from the hill, and even though it was the day after Trump' s speech, the article with the sensationalized header, never mentions the China air travel... it mentions lots of other issues that Biden was upset with.... which I cut and pasted, with the Hill article link.

Maybe, we both need to find out, what exactly Trump said and talked about in this travel ban announcement, to know what Biden got his bitching about topics from....

Maybe it was as you presume, just the travel ban itself, and not the other things Trump babbled on about, that seemed to get Biden's goat? But maybe it was the other things that Biden notched about, or maybe it was the way Pres Trump presented the travel ban....?

Regardless, at the time of the announcement, the Democratic leadership was not out there in force calling the ban itself, as racist, that I can recall...? I personally was on this board, supporting it, though I too, felt it was a bit late, to make a real difference....And 50,000 cases plus as of today, seems to support such.
Biden sure as hell did......and I showed a video that says it WORD FOR WORD.........not out of context.
Governor Gruesome says he needs 50,000 MORE hospital beds despite hospitals being near empty. He's relying on computer modeling.

He forgot the first law of computers GIGO.
like computer modeling says the oceans will end up at the doors of people in Pittsburgh. Doh!!! didn't happen.

These fkers are lunatics.
Anyway, it was recently that liberals started mentioning his comments as racist, not back with the travel ban from China, because.... drum roll, he CHOSE to play on it in that manner.... maybe not to rile the bigotry towards Chinese Americans from a handful of his followers, but to cast a spotlight and a shadow on the Chinese govt for temporarily, holding back, what info they had, on this new pneumonia showing up there in Wuhan County...which helped facilitate the pandemic....

And what exactly the hell is wrong with the leader of US slapping back at China for suppressing the valiant medical doctors that TRIED TO WARN THE WORLD? What is wrong with placing blame on China for ejecting most of our major news reporters?

Trump CLEARLY hit back against any BACKLASH against our Asian citizens.. They are scared of retribution and he vowed to protect them..

Can you discuss China's culpability in this WITHOUT focusing on Trump?

Can you discuss the remedies, the facts of this disease without focusing on Trump?

Can you condemn your clan's Congressional leaders for holding up the aid package because they want to push all their agenda items like abortion and solar credits into the appropriation?

I'm having a really hard finding ANYONE on the left on USMB who can focus on the ACTUAL crisis...

We can pick our preferred leadership choices (as bad as they are) at a LATER DATE....
No where in that linked article to Joe's comments did it mention the travel ban??

That speech was made within 24 hours of the announcement of the travel ban.. Biden is a "China lacky".. Has constantly denied there were any trade or strategic problems with that nation.. And YES -- if you read Breitbart link, there is a link to the SOURCE which is The Hill and they TITLED the thread to be "about the travel ban"...

I believe one or more posters have also given you media links to hosts and guests expressing the same views about the travel ban...

Mind you -- ALL THIS happened while the impeachment was just winded up and Trump had a HUGE head start on ANY leading Democrats to address the Corona Virus problem.. 1st China travel ban came a day or so BEFORE the impeachment was even over...
There was one Asian American Congresswoman, who no body knows, or ever heard about, who represents an Asian, Chinese American community that was being discriminated against since the virus hit, who made that comment about president Trump inciting racism etc etc.....

But the rig h t wing took that and spread it like wild fire That Democrats as in all of us, accused Trump as being racist for the partial China travel ban.... yet I never heard it on the liberal news that the Democratic party was calling it that, and this is what democrats think....And I watch or hear the liberal news, most all day long.... NONE of that, most were happy with the ban, though late... the virus was here already, spreading around the country.... it still helped prevent this community spread from being even worse... it was a good move....imo, and most others.

Pres Trump changing and calling it The CHinese virus instead or its proper name, The Corona Virus or COVID19, or him calling it The Kung Flu was purposely done by him to irritate Democrats, Scientists, and the Chinese.... You can't deny it.... it is, who he is....imo.
WaPo published a story about it a while ago with a guy calling Trump a 'racist.' look it up.

Again, WaPo has a paywall.
Besides, if you're claiming something exists, it's YOUR job to provide it, not somebody else's to do your homework for you.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
So? Is it "racist"?

Do you actually think "Spain" is a race?
Nope. Never said "Spain" is a race. Learn to read.
No where in that linked article to Joe's comments did it mention the travel ban??

That speech was made within 24 hours of the announcement of the travel ban.. Biden is a "China lacky".. Has constantly denied there were any trade or strategic problems with that nation.. And YES -- if you read Breitbart link, there is a link to the SOURCE which is The Hill and they TITLED the thread to be "about the travel ban"...

I believe one or more posters have also given you media links to hosts and guests expressing the same views about the travel ban...

Mind you -- ALL THIS happened while the impeachment was just winded up and Trump had a HUGE head start on ANY leading Democrats to address the Corona Virus problem.. 1st China travel ban came a day or so BEFORE the impeachment was even over...
There was one Asian American Congresswoman, who no body knows, or ever heard about, who represents an Asian, Chinese American community that was being discriminated against since the virus hit, who made that comment about president Trump inciting racism etc etc.....

But the rig h t wing took that and spread it like wild fire That Democrats as in all of us, accused Trump as being racist for the partial China travel ban.... yet I never heard it on the liberal news that the Democratic party was calling it that, and this is what democrats think....And I watch or hear the liberal news, most all day long.... NONE of that, most were happy with the ban, though late... the virus was here already, spreading around the country.... it still helped prevent this community spread from being even worse... it was a good move....imo, and most others.

Pres Trump changing and calling it The CHinese virus instead or its proper name, The Corona Virus or COVID19, or him calling it The Kung Flu was purposely done by him to irritate Democrats, Scientists, and the Chinese.... You can't deny it.... it is, who he is....imo.
WaPo published a story about it a while ago with a guy calling Trump a 'racist.' look it up.

Again, WaPo has a paywall.
Besides, if you're claiming something exists, it's YOUR job to provide it, not somebody else's to do your homework for you.
well son, if the wapo published it, why would it be somewhere else? really, the stupid in here is a virus.
And what exactly the hell is wrong with the leader of US slapping back at China for suppressing the valiant medical doctors that TRIED TO WARN THE WORLD? What is wrong with placing blame on China for ejecting most of our major news reporters?

If I may ... nothing. That's an entirely legitimate complaint. China tried to variously ignore and suppress info on, the nascent virus from Wuhan, evidently to save face/image and stave off the economic impact. That's pretty clear and they need to be held accountable for it.

But if the remedy for that is to plant the name of the entire country (as if "China" were some kind of monolith) on the virus, well Rump did exactly the same thing for the same apparent reason, that his pet stock market numbers might tank -- and with similar consequences to what China's attempt to sweep it under the rug brought. Therefore, if a virus name is to be deployed as some kind of "remedy", should it not be called the Chinese-Rumpian Virus?

The fact is, "China" didn't spawn the virus -- Wuhan did. Infectees in Shanghai and Beijing and Hangzhou were victimized by the unwanted viral invader just as infectees in Milan and Seoul and San Francisco were. If the so-called "Spanish Flu" (which had no origins in Spain) could be definitively proven to have spawned in Kansas, should it then be renamed "the United States flu" simply because Kansas is somewhere in the US? Very similar -- that Wilson government also suppressed the news because it was bad for the business of war. How would you, as an American not from Kansas, like to be lumped into a virus on the basis of a common political unit? If you're from New Hampshire or Kentucky or Utah? And I'd guess that Spain itself has never been crazy about it.

The broad brush of "Chinese" which deliberately ignores those distinctions, and the fact that the Shanghais and Beijings were just as victimized by it, can be interpreted as offensive, not because it's "racist" but because it's ignorant. Ignorance is of course the prime ingredient in racism, and it's just as destructive.

As for Rump and his empty words about "protecting Asians" his first line of such defense could be and should be taking responsibility for his own orange mouth.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
So? Is it "racist"?

Do you actually think "Spain" is a race?
Nope. Never said "Spain" is a race. Learn to read.

Then why did you ask if it's "racist"?

How can something that doesn't involve a race distinction, be "racist"?

Are you still stupid?
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
So? Is it "racist"?

Do you actually think "Spain" is a race?
Nope. Never said "Spain" is a race. Learn to read.

Then why did you ask if it's "racist"?

How can something that doesn't involve a race distinction, be "racist"?

Are you still stupid?
You really have issues following a conversation, Simpleton. :D
Three days ago:





You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
So? Is it "racist"?

Do you actually think "Spain" is a race?
Nope. Never said "Spain" is a race. Learn to read.

Then why did you ask if it's "racist"?

How can something that doesn't involve a race distinction, be "racist"?

Are you still stupid?
You really have issues following a conversation, Simpleton. :D

It's in the quote nest. YOU ASKED. Now you can't even take responsibility for your own post.

Fuck outta here, WIMP.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
So? Is it "racist"?

Do you actually think "Spain" is a race?
Nope. Never said "Spain" is a race. Learn to read.

Then why did you ask if it's "racist"?

How can something that doesn't involve a race distinction, be "racist"?

Are you still stupid?
You really have issues following a conversation, Simpleton. :D

It's in the quote nest. YOU ASKED. Now you can't even take responsibility for your own post.

Fuck outta here, WIMP.
Sorry, Snowflake. I was addressing someone who I assume is informed enough to be up to speed on the subject. Then you decided to jump your ignorant ass into the conversation and make a fool of yourself.

Let me know if you ever figure out that a "reporter" actually asked Trump at a presser if calling the Chinese virus the Chinese virus was "racist", ya fucking moron.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

Not everything is about Trump. Honest.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

Actually it's 62.3%. For now.

Better leave the numbers to those of us who can handle them. You can see why.
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.
Then you don't know anyone who knows anyone who works in the medical field.
Sorry, one of my best friends is a doctor, and another good friend, his wife is in medicine. Next theory?
Well, obviously, you're an expert and we can all stop worrying about all this bullshit right now. Thanks for that!
I don't claim to be an expert. I listen to the experts.
Who doesn't? That has NOTHING to do with what I said or asked nor what you said or asked.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

Actually it's 62.3%. For now.

Better leave the numbers to those of us who can handle them. You can see why.

US mortality rate is 62.3%??????????????????

Using your numbers of 49,594 infected that would mean 30,897 people have died in the US from the Chinese virus.

You really are stupid. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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