I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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In US news, it appears the CDC made testing blunders. We should've gone with the test kits developed by Germany and what WHO recommended.
Debunked lie..........WHO has stated that story line is BS.....try something else TDS drone.
Pres Trump changing and calling it The CHinese virus instead or its proper name, The Corona Virus or COVID19, or him calling it The Kung Flu was purposely done by him to irritate Democrats, Scientists, and the Chinese.... You can't deny it.... it is, who he is....imo.

Complete Bullshit with all respect.. I've seen MONTAGES of ALL the media -- especially the heads up DNC ass media calling it the Chinese Flu or WuHan flu before the HERD masters of the Dems told them it was racist to do so...

This is ABSURD... THey were ALL DOING IT until the Chief Rabbi of the Dem's diversity enforcement FORBID IT...

It's no worse than the Spanish Flu or other illnesses associated with origin ... I think Dems are becoming too fragile to even exist or something...

Need to not flake out this easily... Take ANY epidemic disease and chances are the ORIGIN is in the popular name OR EVEN --- the scientific name.... From the Wiki....

Ebola virus and its genus were both originally named for Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), the country where it was first described,[1] and was at first suspected to be a new "strain" of the closely related Marburg virus.[5][6] The virus was renamed "Ebola virus" in 2010 to avoid confusion. Ebola virus is the single member of the species Zaire ebolavirus,

FFS -- Zaire is STILL in the scientific naming of the disease... Y'all need to grow up...
You know what Flacal, I truly don't want to argue with you... You see and hear what you've been guided to hear, and I too see and hear what I've been trained to hear.... we are not going to agree....

You don't see him the way he comes off to us, on a daily basis.... y'all are just blind to it, or simply don't care....?

And we do not, in any way, shape or form..... see him, as anything, that even remotely, resembles, good.... or good for this Nation! We will simply never see what y'all ever saw in him or why you think he's been good as a president or good for this country, long term.... maybe we are blind to it??

Anyway, it was recently that liberals started mentioning his comments as racist, not back with the travel ban from China, because.... drum roll, he CHOSE to play on it in that manner.... maybe not to rile the bigotry towards Chinese Americans from a handful of his followers, but to cast a spotlight and a shadow on the Chinese govt for temporarily, holding back, what info they had, on this new pneumonia showing up there in Wuhan County...which helped facilitate the pandemic.... not realizing bigotry against American Chinese would or even could, be a result....but that is just so so so being unaware, of reality, it's unimaginable....imo.

Yes, the virus did begin in Wuhan county, in China. Yes it has been called the Wuhan Virus, quite a bit, early on, until the official name, the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019, took hold... COVID19....

January 31st Biden made the remarks..............It's not out of context and in that video.
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

What's the population of Japan compared to the US?

If you're going to make that comparison use percentages if you can figure out how to calculate them

For example in my state .006% of the population has been confirmed by testing to have been infected.

Sorry I don't see this as the apocalypse it is being made out to be

Population of Japan: 126,000,000

Population of United States: 332,000,000

So the United States is nearly 3 times the size of Japan, but has 35 times more cases. That's a massive failure by TRUMP!
Not really it just proves that the US population is much more mobile and the US is a much more popular international destination.

The fact that most cases are being reported in the most densely populated areas should be no surprise either
Japan's population density is 336 people per square kilometer; the population density of the United States is 35.77 per square kilometer. So Japan's population density is TEN TIMES the U.S., yet the latest numbers I've found online show 33,404 cases in the U.S. but Japan had only 1,803 on Sunday. Either they're doing something right, or we're doing something wrong. Or both.
50% of those are in one city. So maybe you should say NY did something wrong
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.

Stop over hyping the lethality of this bug.

The lethality of this bug is way lower than advertised because we know that an unknown and potentially large number of people have been infected but their symptoms were mild or even nonexistent any they never sought medical help or got tested
I'm sure that's a comforting thought for those people who lost loved ones to the disease.
That is such a bullshit argument.
Masks don't prevent the spread of those that don't have it but only for those that do, so why did you give them masks? Your lies are funny.
Yeah I know that now. However that shows my thinking even before it really started hitting. If I could figure it out as a layperson, why didnt that fuckup in the WH know something was wrong? Simple. He was more worried about his numbers than the people.
He did. No one knew what it was exactly until it was too late. Like you, Trump is human. Hell the NBA halted their season too late too. The impact of Trumps decisions has massive negatives on our economy and human psyche. Do you really blame him for waiting a little longer to completely shut the country down? One of my clients told me life was not worth living as he had to lay off 150+ people. He has three young kids at home. Trump is doing the best he can. Even on this board people are arguing if he overreacted. Opinions differ. This is an extremely difficult and unprecedented situation. I hope your family is safe. Despite our feud, I wish for health and happiness for you and yours. Look at the bright side, my people seem to have discovered an effective treatment.

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

I expect a mass collapse of small businesses because of this. A month closed will kill damn near every independent restaurant in the country.

There are places where I live that are doing take out however, many restaurants depend on their ambience and will still have to pay for the brick and mortar. I hope you are wrong though.
Most restaurants make 25-40% of their income from something that they cannot sell: alcohol!

My neighbor is in a panic, because he has rent, taxes, and a pile of other bills due, and no idea how he'll pay any of it.
Texas is now allowing the sale of alcohol by restaurants for curbside pick up and delivery.
if liquor stores are open it's silly to pay restaurant prices for booze
I think the point is to help local business get thru this, not get the best deal.
It kind of is always about getting the best deal IMO
Not always. If a majority of your local restaurants don't survive this life will not be the same. A buddy of mine had a great idea...........he ordered pick up from his favorite local spot and also bought a $500 gift certificate to help them with cash flow. If I had to guess, he will never even use it.
Hey, I agree with you on this! Everybody should do what they can to support their local businesses.
Even if it spreads the virus more

What a fucking hypocrite you are
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
So? Is it "racist"?

Do you actually think "Spain" is a race?
you think china is?
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.

Hey mr Conspiracy theory.. My daughter is in Med Research at Vanderbilt.. Ground zero for the outbreak in Tenn. She's had 2 co-workers diagnosed.. KNOWS there are cases at the Med center...

You think these people are "faking it"?????
I appreciate her service. It could be the flu. there is still the flu. symptoms are identical. damn that virus spread across our country fast even after the travel bans. And guess what, the flu was already killing 16,000 americans. No disrespect to your daughter, but I doubt she could tell the difference between China Virus and the flu. And if you can't admit that, then there's no point discussing this with you any further. Ignore me.
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
My step grandson works for a hospital. They don't have any cases. The other nearby hospital doesn't have any either.

How many more are there?
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
My step grandson works for a hospital. They don't have any cases. The other nearby hospital doesn't have any either.

How many more are there?
Well I've been calling around me and so far, none. In fact, the data that I have from a reliable source investigating in the area is that only 6 people in my county supposedly have it. That seems impossible that if it were so fking dangerous, only six people would have it in a county in illinois.
No where in that linked article to Joe's comments did it mention the travel ban??

That speech was made within 24 hours of the announcement of the travel ban.. Biden is a "China lacky".. Has constantly denied there were any trade or strategic problems with that nation.. And YES -- if you read Breitbart link, there is a link to the SOURCE which is The Hill and they TITLED the thread to be "about the travel ban"...

I believe one or more posters have also given you media links to hosts and guests expressing the same views about the travel ban...

Mind you -- ALL THIS happened while the impeachment was just winded up and Trump had a HUGE head start on ANY leading Democrats to address the Corona Virus problem.. 1st China travel ban came a day or so BEFORE the impeachment was even over...
January 31st...........and Biden went into the Xenophobia to ban travel routine.

Was weeks later that they even formed a committee to even act concerned about what was coming here. The Ban ..........whether they like it or not..................bought us time.......Or we would have had the growth we have now at the same time Europe did.
well first, the CDC was trying to get access to health officials in China to understand what it is they found. China didn't allow their access. you know this though and just ignore it. Second, you have no idea who or what was going on here. just don't you had no idea what was going on. When china continued to refuse access to the CDC trump engaged the travel ban. fk, please, if you wish to argue this subject know something about it.
I've never argued what you are saying..........My last post was specifically about Biden making Xenophobia remarks about the Travel ban...............The Ban made sense...........and NO I DO NOT TRUST CHINA.

What part of this equation DO I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT..........please continue.
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
Wow. You are living in a dream world. So because you don't know anyone who has lost someone (not that surprising, since the total right now is around 500 people out of 300 million), you don't think this is real? This whole thing is a coup attempt by China and the democrats? This defies belief.
Oh, I think people are getting sick. you bet. China Virus? nope. flu maybe? you know there is the flu right? it kills over 20,000 annually, has for as long as I have been alive. the hoax is the pandemic and the hysteria about it. Jim Jones your koolaid sucka, not me. Still no patients in any hospitals around me. None, zip. I'm locked inside and there's nothing. I've lost 10% of my money and there's still zip. fk you and your global warming antics now on this. There is so much they aren't telling us. This oversteps the boundaries of elected officials. This is america and we have a constitution and law. China wants our country, and many in my country are now subservients to them. Can you say NBA?
No where in that linked article to Joe's comments did it mention the travel ban??

That speech was made within 24 hours of the announcement of the travel ban.. Biden is a "China lacky".. Has constantly denied there were any trade or strategic problems with that nation.. And YES -- if you read Breitbart link, there is a link to the SOURCE which is The Hill and they TITLED the thread to be "about the travel ban"...

I believe one or more posters have also given you media links to hosts and guests expressing the same views about the travel ban...

Mind you -- ALL THIS happened while the impeachment was just winded up and Trump had a HUGE head start on ANY leading Democrats to address the Corona Virus problem.. 1st China travel ban came a day or so BEFORE the impeachment was even over...
January 31st...........and Biden went into the Xenophobia to ban travel routine.

Was weeks later that they even formed a committee to even act concerned about what was coming here. The Ban ..........whether they like it or not..................bought us time.......Or we would have had the growth we have now at the same time Europe did.
well first, the CDC was trying to get access to health officials in China to understand what it is they found. China didn't allow their access. you know this though and just ignore it. Second, you have no idea who or what was going on here. just don't you had no idea what was going on. When china continued to refuse access to the CDC trump engaged the travel ban. fk, please, if you wish to argue this subject know something about it.
I've never argued what you are saying..........My last post was specifically about Biden making Xenophobia remarks about the Travel ban...............The Ban made sense...........and NO I DO NOT TRUST CHINA.

What part of this equation DO I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT..........please continue.
my bad, rereading it, did you mean it took china weeks later to form a committee? My apologies, I thought you were referencing trump's team. I will delete that post. no problem.
Cases are coming in CLUSTERS...........more problems with dense populations.........

My county only has 2 cases REPORTED so far................but up in Jefferson county I think they have 86 or so...........A CLUSTER.............

New York has a massive Density of people there......over 100 k per square mile.....it's no surprise that it has exponential growth there............Population of Wuhan was 11 million......but not as dense as New York.

New York has over 8 million.....they are spreading like wildfire..........and I think high rises and air flow..........And I've shown my reasoning on other threads and here.......

SARs...........HONG KONG spread studies....this isn't the same virus........SARs was deadly.....but the studies from it show DATA........and the very CURES come from it's studies now.
No where in that linked article to Joe's comments did it mention the travel ban??

That speech was made within 24 hours of the announcement of the travel ban.. Biden is a "China lacky".. Has constantly denied there were any trade or strategic problems with that nation.. And YES -- if you read Breitbart link, there is a link to the SOURCE which is The Hill and they TITLED the thread to be "about the travel ban"...

I believe one or more posters have also given you media links to hosts and guests expressing the same views about the travel ban...

Mind you -- ALL THIS happened while the impeachment was just winded up and Trump had a HUGE head start on ANY leading Democrats to address the Corona Virus problem.. 1st China travel ban came a day or so BEFORE the impeachment was even over...
January 31st...........and Biden went into the Xenophobia to ban travel routine.

Was weeks later that they even formed a committee to even act concerned about what was coming here. The Ban ..........whether they like it or not..................bought us time.......Or we would have had the growth we have now at the same time Europe did.
well first, the CDC was trying to get access to health officials in China to understand what it is they found. China didn't allow their access. you know this though and just ignore it. Second, you have no idea who or what was going on here. just don't you had no idea what was going on. When china continued to refuse access to the CDC trump engaged the travel ban. fk, please, if you wish to argue this subject know something about it.
I've never argued what you are saying..........My last post was specifically about Biden making Xenophobia remarks about the Travel ban...............The Ban made sense...........and NO I DO NOT TRUST CHINA.

What part of this equation DO I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT..........please continue.
my bad, rereading it, did you mean it took china weeks later to form a committee? My apologies, I thought you were referencing trump's team. I will delete that post. no problem.
It took our Senate and Congress WEEKS to go to committee on Coronavirus........after the 31st Travel ban...............

Which was the correct move.
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
My step grandson works for a hospital. They don't have any cases. The other nearby hospital doesn't have any either.

How many more are there?
Well I've been calling around me and so far, none. In fact, the data that I have from a reliable source investigating in the area is that only 6 people in my county supposedly have it. That seems impossible that if it were so fking dangerous, only six people would have it in a county in illinois.
6 people have it. In my county 65 people have it. We don't know what that means. People are using the term tests positive for sick. In truth it means tests positive but healthy. No recoveries. Because no one is actually sick.

Democrats have flimflammed this all upon us
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
My step grandson works for a hospital. They don't have any cases. The other nearby hospital doesn't have any either.

How many more are there?
Well I've been calling around me and so far, none. In fact, the data that I have from a reliable source investigating in the area is that only 6 people in my county supposedly have it. That seems impossible that if it were so fking dangerous, only six people would have it in a county in illinois.
6 people have it. In my county 65 people have it. We don't know what that means. People are using the term tests positive for sick. In truth it means tests positive but healthy. No recoveries. Because no one is actually sick.

Democrats have flimflammed this all upon us
agree. I'm still trying to grasp how someone got tested that isn't sick when the guidance was to test only those with symptoms. That's why I challenge all of the numbers. all of them. BTW, all the numbers for global warming are spread just like this was. Hence my basis.
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
My step grandson works for a hospital. They don't have any cases. The other nearby hospital doesn't have any either.

How many more are there?
Well I've been calling around me and so far, none. In fact, the data that I have from a reliable source investigating in the area is that only 6 people in my county supposedly have it. That seems impossible that if it were so fking dangerous, only six people would have it in a county in illinois.
6 people have it. In my county 65 people have it. We don't know what that means. People are using the term tests positive for sick. In truth it means tests positive but healthy. No recoveries. Because no one is actually sick.

Democrats have flimflammed this all upon us
agree. I'm still trying to grasp how someone got tested that isn't sick when the guidance was to test only those with symptoms. That's why I challenge all of the numbers. all of them. BTW, all the numbers for global warming are spread just like this was. Hence my basis.
They could have a cold or Type a or b Flu......not the Coronavirus .........a few months back I was sick for a few days.........Guy came to work with the Flu......had a 103 degree temp.......went home after a few hours........was there long enough to give out the Flu.

He got tested..........confirmed a and b Flu............I used the old remedy.......Buried in covers and sweated it out.........with Vicks Vapor Rub..........

Google that........the docs of today would call it an Urban Legend.........and they are full of it.....the Old Docs said do it..........and it WORKS.

Now they are using Plasma from those who beat the virus for treatment......those who beat it have ANTIBODIES to the virus..........aka......using plasma to treat........and they used to make vaccines that way too I believe........
Folks this is another Coup attempt. China is working with the demofks. they are pushing false information. I still haven't seen one person talk about their loved ones dying. Not one. Where's the media with that if this is real? My city has zero. nothing in the hospitals. Call your local hospitals and let me know. I bet they don't have any patients. go for it.
My step grandson works for a hospital. They don't have any cases. The other nearby hospital doesn't have any either.

How many more are there?
Well I've been calling around me and so far, none. In fact, the data that I have from a reliable source investigating in the area is that only 6 people in my county supposedly have it. That seems impossible that if it were so fking dangerous, only six people would have it in a county in illinois.
6 people have it. In my county 65 people have it. We don't know what that means. People are using the term tests positive for sick. In truth it means tests positive but healthy. No recoveries. Because no one is actually sick.

Democrats have flimflammed this all upon us
agree. I'm still trying to grasp how someone got tested that isn't sick when the guidance was to test only those with symptoms. That's why I challenge all of the numbers. all of them. BTW, all the numbers for global warming are spread just like this was. Hence my basis.
They could have a cold or Type a or b Flu......not the Coronavirus .........a few months back I was sick for a few days.........Guy came to work with the Flu......had a 103 degree temp.......went home after a few hours........was there long enough to give out the Flu.

He got tested..........confirmed a and b Flu............I used the old remedy.......Buried in covers and sweated it out.........with Vicks Vapor Rub..........

Google that........the docs of today would call it an Urban Legend.........and they are full of it.....the Old Docs said do it..........and it WORKS.
from January to the first week in February, my entire family had a cold and one son in law the flu. Had another colleague that had the flu in that same timeline. today, we're all feeling good. I check in every other day with the family. And I speak with my colleague daily. They have been so inconsistent with this and over reacting because they don't want to seem insensitive that we've now got this full blown hoax going. Just like global warming, and the same people pushing that are pushing this. so everyone excuse me if I choose to not believe them. The oceans aren't rising and hospitals aren't filling up. FACT!!!
sorry Care4all, the link I gave was Conservative Treehouse -- which STILL list "The Hill" as the source of Biden's remarks... The headline at the Hill was...

Biden slams Trump response to coronavirus epidemic: This is no time for "fearmongering"
BY TAL AXELROD - 02/01/20 01:23 PM EST

The conservative tree house, whoever they are, gave an opinion on the Hill article.... You ALSO gave a link to the news article from the hill, and even though it was the day after Trump' s speech, the article with the sensationalized header, never mentions the China air travel... it mentions lots of other issues that Biden was upset with.... which I cut and pasted, with the Hill article link.

Maybe, we both need to find out, what exactly Trump said and talked about in this travel ban announcement, to know what Biden got his bitching about topics from....

Maybe it was as you presume, just the travel ban itself, and not the other things Trump babbled on about, that seemed to get Biden's goat? But maybe it was the other things that Biden notched about, or maybe it was the way Pres Trump presented the travel ban....?

Regardless, at the time of the announcement, the Democratic leadership was not out there in force calling the ban itself, as racist, that I can recall...? I personally was on this board, supporting it, though I too, felt it was a bit late, to make a real difference....And 50,000 cases plus as of today, seems to support such.
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