"I went to an Ivy League school...I got very good marks"


Your opinion is noted, and is beyond stupid... because you haven't shown what HER SCORE IS. I don't give a flying fuck how many numbers and graphs you give, if you don't show what her score is and where it lands on those graphs, all you are doing is spewing bullshit to support your confirmation bias.

How can someone propose to be so smart, saying you have THREE Ivy League degrees, and yet be a racist dumbass? You might as well take those degrees and roll you a blunt with them and smoke it up, because with your attitude they are worthless.

your idiocy is not my concern. the only racism is affirmative action where white men-often Jewish-and Asian men and women, are discriminated against for something they and their ancestors-had nothing to do with. you're just apologizing for a racist program that benefited people who weren't smart enough to get in on their own merit

Your opinion is noted, and is beyond stupid... because you haven't shown what HER SCORE IS. I don't give a flying fuck how many numbers and graphs you give, if you don't show what her score is and where it lands on those graphs, all you are doing is spewing bullshit to support your confirmation bias.

How can someone propose to be so smart, saying you have THREE Ivy League degrees, and yet be a racist dumbass? You might as well take those degrees and roll you a blunt with them and smoke it up, because with your attitude they are worthless.

your idiocy is not my concern. the only racism is affirmative action where white men-often Jewish-and Asian men and women, are discriminated against for something they and their ancestors-had nothing to do with. you're just apologizing for a racist program that benefited people who weren't smart enough to get in on their own merit

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... At this point I think most people on this forum now know you are a liar and couldn't get into a community college let alone an Ivy League one.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... At this point I think most people on this forum now know you are a liar and couldn't get into a community college let alone an Ivy League one.

how much would you be willing to put up on a bet? LOL. every board there is some moron who makes that claim and then gets his nose rubbed in it. I use the same handle all over the net and people like you ultimately get schooled.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... At this point I think most people on this forum now know you are a liar and couldn't get into a community college let alone an Ivy League one.

how much would you be willing to put up on a bet? LOL. every board there is some moron who makes that claim and then gets his nose rubbed in it. I use the same handle all over the net and people like you ultimately get schooled.

Good grief. You could show me twenty degrees, and it wouldn't matter. When you are a racist piece of shit, you are as ignorant as they come. You don't even understand something as simple as showing proof of your assumptions. You assume Michelle Obama and Barack Obama only got into Ivy League schools because of their skin color and not their accomplishments... yet you haven't shown a single shred of proof that their grades or extra-curricular activities did not meet the requirements.

It doesn't take an Ivy League graduate to understand something so simple.
Good grief. You could show me twenty degrees, and it wouldn't matter. When you are a racist piece of shit, you are as ignorant as they come. You don't even understand something as simple as showing proof of your assumptions. You assume Michelle Obama and Barack Obama only got into Ivy League schools because of their skin color and not their accomplishments... yet you haven't shown a single shred of proof that their grades or extra-curricular activities did not meet the requirements.

It doesn't take an Ivy League graduate to understand something so simple.

the race card is what low wattage leftwing losers throw when they are incapable of rational argument.

Did you apply to any major league law schools? its a well known fact that Obama and his wife didn't have the type of undergraduate grades needed for whites to get into Harvard Law. WTF DO YOU THINK HIS UNDERGRADUATE RECORD HAS BEEN SEALED? if he was Phi Beta Kappa at Columbia do you think he would hide it

BTW why didn't OBAMA apply to be a supreme court clerk -being the first black president of the Harvard Law review, he would have had a better than 50-50 chance of getting the single most prestigious law job a new graduate can get. a clerkship that gains you a big signing bonus at major league law firms and which makes an academic tenure position far easier to access.

I know the answer-lets see if you can figure it out
Good grief. You could show me twenty degrees, and it wouldn't matter. When you are a racist piece of shit, you are as ignorant as they come. You don't even understand something as simple as showing proof of your assumptions. You assume Michelle Obama and Barack Obama only got into Ivy League schools because of their skin color and not their accomplishments... yet you haven't shown a single shred of proof that their grades or extra-curricular activities did not meet the requirements.

It doesn't take an Ivy League graduate to understand something so simple.

the race card is what low wattage leftwing losers throw when they are incapable of rational argument.

Did you apply to any major league law schools? its a well known fact that Obama and his wife didn't have the type of undergraduate grades needed for whites to get into Harvard Law. WTF DO YOU THINK HIS UNDERGRADUATE RECORD HAS BEEN SEALED? if he was Phi Beta Kappa at Columbia do you think he would hide it

BTW why didn't OBAMA apply to be a supreme court clerk -being the first black president of the Harvard Law review, he would have had a better than 50-50 chance of getting the single most prestigious law job a new graduate can get. a clerkship that gains you a big signing bonus at major league law firms and which makes an academic tenure position far easier to access.

I know the answer-lets see if you can figure it out

You can assume all you want, but unless you KNOW their scores and their college profiles, all you've got is hot air.

No I didn't apply to law school, because I didn't want to go to law school. Instead I applied and got accepted into grad school, and the grad assistant program in criminology.
You can assume all you want, but unless you KNOW their scores and their college profiles, all you've got is hot air.

No I didn't apply to law school, because I didn't want to go to law school. Instead I applied and got accepted into grad school, and the grad assistant program in criminology.

Obama didn't make even HONORS at columbia-white males who had perfect boards but below a 3.4 (the cut off for lowest honors) had less than one out of 100 chance of admissions
You can assume all you want, but unless you KNOW their scores and their college profiles, all you've got is hot air.

No I didn't apply to law school, because I didn't want to go to law school. Instead I applied and got accepted into grad school, and the grad assistant program in criminology.

Obama didn't make even HONORS at columbia-white males who had perfect boards but below a 3.4 (the cut off for lowest honors) had less than one out of 100 chance of admissions

You have no idea what his scores were... and I already said what is more important here, many times they select people that may not have the best scores, but are involved quite heavily in extra-curricular activities.

Then there is other things that may have kept him from actually being listed as graduating with honors. My diploma says I graduated Summa Cum Laude, but I wasn't listed in the graduation pamphlet. It happens, I know firsthand that it does.
You can assume all you want, but unless you KNOW their scores and their college profiles, all you've got is hot air.

No I didn't apply to law school, because I didn't want to go to law school. Instead I applied and got accepted into grad school, and the grad assistant program in criminology.

Obama didn't make even HONORS at columbia-white males who had perfect boards but below a 3.4 (the cut off for lowest honors) had less than one out of 100 chance of admissions

You have no idea what his scores were... and I already said what is more important here, many times they select people that may not have the best scores, but are involved quite heavily in extra-curricular activities.

Then there is other things that may have kept him from actually being listed as graduating with honors. My diploma says I graduated Summa Cum Laude, but I wasn't listed in the graduation pamphlet. It happens, I know firsthand that it does.

you're lying now. he didn't graduate with honors.
You can assume all you want, but unless you KNOW their scores and their college profiles, all you've got is hot air.

No I didn't apply to law school, because I didn't want to go to law school. Instead I applied and got accepted into grad school, and the grad assistant program in criminology.

Obama didn't make even HONORS at columbia-white males who had perfect boards but below a 3.4 (the cut off for lowest honors) had less than one out of 100 chance of admissions

You have no idea what his scores were... and I already said what is more important here, many times they select people that may not have the best scores, but are involved quite heavily in extra-curricular activities.

Then there is other things that may have kept him from actually being listed as graduating with honors. My diploma says I graduated Summa Cum Laude, but I wasn't listed in the graduation pamphlet. It happens, I know firsthand that it does.

you're lying now. he didn't graduate with honors.

I didn't say he did. I said he could of and it was mistakenly left off of the lists. You can't say I'm wrong however, because you don't know what his grades were.

All you can do is continue to assume and create a confirmation bias to fit your racist feelings.
I didn't say he did. I said he could of and it was mistakenly left off of the lists. You can't say I'm wrong however, because you don't know what his grades were.

All you can do is continue to assume and create a confirmation bias to fit your racist feelings.

racism has no sting anymore. SJW idiots like you use it way too much
I didn't say he did. I said he could of and it was mistakenly left off of the lists. You can't say I'm wrong however, because you don't know what his grades were.

All you can do is continue to assume and create a confirmation bias to fit your racist feelings.

racism has no sting anymore. SJW idiots like you use it way too much

No it has no sting because racist like you, in this new Trump led world, don't give a fuck about people knowing your true colors.
He is so good at what he does, that you can't even see it.

Snake oil salesmen are very good at what they do
They size up their audience and tell them what they want to hear

Most can aspire to use that skill to become used car salesmen. Trump used it to gain the presidency

And hence by reminding people that he is an Ivy League graduate, he demonstrates that people like RW, who says shit like this are dishonest partisans who should be granted no credibility.

Like any good Snake Oil Salesman, Trump misrepresents his product

Ivy League in the 60s was not the Ivy League of today. You did not see many bright Asians running around Ivy League schools in the 60s

Ivy League was for the elite. Not elite intelligence but the social elite
Getting in to Ivy League schools meant you had connections. Connections like JFK, George Bush and yes, Donald Trump. Once in, you went for the "Gentleman's C". Just enough to get by

Got a link to support you claim that the Ivy League of the 60s was not academically elite?

Cause this is the first time I have ever heard this claim.

How Wealthy Families Manipulate the Admissions Process at Elite Universities

YOu weren't talking about admissions. YOu said the schools were not academically elite. SUpport that or admit you pulled it out of your ass,

because you are comfortable lying if it gives you the slightest partisan point.
I went to an Ivy League School and I got very, very good marks, making the Dean's list every semester.

But that fact doesn't make my shit stink any less than someone who struggled through Community college.

Nor does it make me a good candidate for President.

IF someone were to say you were a bad candidate for the Presidency because you were stupid, your ability to graduate from an Ivy League school would be proof that you were not.

Hence, relevance.
I didn't say he did. I said he could of and it was mistakenly left off of the lists. You can't say I'm wrong however, because you don't know what his grades were.

All you can do is continue to assume and create a confirmation bias to fit your racist feelings.

racism has no sting anymore. SJW idiots like you use it way too much

No it has no sting because racist like you, in this new Trump led world, don't give a fuck about people knowing your true colors.

Stop being a lying asshole race baiter.
Why Trump last week reiterated that he went to an Ivy League school and did well is beyond comprehension. Who the hell that is a public figure who also is indeed smart and mastered the content taught at whatever school(s) they attended bothers, unbidden and for any reason other than to show a measure of understanding about something besides the actual content taught in that school, to attest to as much is anyone's guess.

Whether one was a good student and did a fine job of learning what was taught will be evident in myriad ways to which one need not attest and that others will attest to on one's behalf. That happens all the time. People have no reluctance about saying things like "so and so is really good at...," "he's really smart," "she's a brilliant mathematician," "she did an excellent job at ...," and so on. Even Trump's biggest detractors and opponents willingly accord that he's very good at some things. If one earns a given accolade, one will receive it, in abundance and from people who matter and people who don't.

Umm, no they don't. This site is full of people who moronically claim that Trump is stupid, and will hysterically attack you and your intelligence is you point out the obvious truth that he is brilliant.

Thus, we have in your opening paragraphs, the reason for him to say it, because only normal, there are plenty of dishonest people out there pushing the lie that he is stupid.

And Trump, unlike so many other republicans, is pushing back against the vile liars.

Good for him.
I watched his interview with Lou Dobbs (yes, I have intestinal fortitude) and Trump genuinely believes in and understands his economic philosophy. Getting it down to where the rubber hits the road is where he's a little shaky. The rest of what he makes pronouncements about are just stuff he has to say. I don't think he's even that big on the immigration issues. That was a dog whistle for the pied piper to use.

YOu just had to go there didn't you? I thought I might have a substantive post to respond to.

But you had to go to Dog Whistle at the end.

Immigration is a valid issue, and the only reasons someone would pretend it is not, is because they know their position is bad for the nation as a whole, but want it anyway.

If we can't discuss serious issues, without it bogging down in personal attacks, we can never solve any issues.
There is NOTHING in Trumps demeanor that indicates he is a legitimate Ivy League graduate
and this is based on you being an Ivy League graduate? I hold three Ivy degrees and Trump is as smart as many I have met. He is certainly as smart as Moochelle who was an affirmative action case at Princeton and then Harvard Law.

Now you are straining credibility

Where has Trump EVER spoken as eloquently as Michelle Obama?
Trump has never shown the vocabulary, speaking ability or writing skills of a college graduate, let alone an Ivy League graduate

I can't see him passing Freshman English at a Community College
And his parents had to send him to military school as a child because there was something not right with him

and at least one of his professors in that ivy league university said he was a moron. silly people should know that at Donald's daddy's level of wealth, it's easy to get your baby into an ivy.... just like Jarrod kushner's daddy did... even though Jarrod wasn't smart enough either.

The Story Behind Jared Kushner’s Curious Acceptance into Harvard — ProPublica
I didn't say he did. I said he could of and it was mistakenly left off of the lists. You can't say I'm wrong however, because you don't know what his grades were.

All you can do is continue to assume and create a confirmation bias to fit your racist feelings.

racism has no sting anymore. SJW idiots like you use it way too much

No it has no sting because racist like you, in this new Trump led world, don't give a fuck about people knowing your true colors.

Stop being a lying asshole race baiter.

project much? :cuckoo:

it is not "race baiting" to call white christian male supremacist trump worshippers what they are.
I didn't say he did. I said he could of and it was mistakenly left off of the lists. You can't say I'm wrong however, because you don't know what his grades were.

All you can do is continue to assume and create a confirmation bias to fit your racist feelings.

racism has no sting anymore. SJW idiots like you use it way too much

No it has no sting because racist like you, in this new Trump led world, don't give a fuck about people knowing your true colors.

Stop being a lying asshole race baiter.

project much? :cuckoo:

it is not "race baiting" to call white christian male supremacist trump worshippers what they are.

If the only "reasons" you have for calling someone such a vile name, is their race, religion and sex, and support for Trump,

then you are a fucking asshole for insulting them without cause.

I note the first "Reason" you gave for assuming your fucked up assumptions, btw, was RACE.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a potted plant.
Someone compared Trump to Michelle Obama as Ivy League graduates

One only has to listen to Michelle Obama speak, see how she handles herself in public, listen to her vocabulary and speaking style and you can recognize she is an educated person

Trump never demonstrates a working vocabulary....the best, great, very, very good, he is stupid, I'm smart

your fluffing of Obama is hilarious but she's not all that smart. Her senior thesis at princeton is a joke and demonstrates if she had been white, she never would have been admitted into that school

If you read it, she writes in coherent sentences

Something our president is unable to do

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