I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

Uncle tom / Ben parrots the teabagger talking point number 12

Right from the obama playbook. Except that the Carson info is made known. Obama isn't even black yet he used his skin color to gain unearned affirmative action privilege at every level and suckered racist new klux klansmen like you.
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and Thisbesties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

This coming from a man, who's party has spent the last 8 years disrespecting a black man in the white house, pot meet a old friend, called kettle or better still toilet paper, meet my ****

wth does barry the lying socialist hating bigot have anything to do with him being black?
I wonder if I should expect to encounter the Black Lives Matter protesters? Have they been active at any of the Trump events?
Trump predicts Hillary could get 'up to 20 years in prison' for deleting more than 30,000 emails – and a federal law that she voted for backs him up!
Bush never went to jail for deleting emails. Do you "not recall" that?

I love hypocracy. GOP are so funny.

Oh by the way only a fool thinks hillary going to the big house. Maybe the white house.
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.

I'm liking TRUMP for his talking about what it seems the MAJORITY of the citizens in the country is worried about. but you want to go be a jerk who is also some MOD ON HERE, have at it

Yes, he's telling you what you want to hear, but he's all talk and no substance. He's the 2016 version of Barack Obama and you idiots are falling for the same crap they did eight years ago.

There it is. DTMB can't make five reasonable posts in a row without saying something stupid.

Trump is the 2016 version of Obama. Awesome!
So... Anyone else going to Mobile?

Roll Tide!!!

Hey, good luck getting to see Donald, I hear the comedy club is a pretty small place, only holds about 45 people

Trump would need an auditorium. Hilarious Clinton supporters would fit into a booth at McDonald's.

Good ol' Professor. Have you ever issued your mea culpa after you were let down by Glenn Beck a few years back? Don't tell me you are falling for the Trump schtick as well. I'm shocked.
I wonder if I should expect to encounter the Black Lives Matter protesters? Have they been active at any of the Trump events?

No, I just read today they are going to a State Fair to harass everyone and their children. This group has now become nothing but a Joke and people need to start asking: where are they getting all this money to TRAVEL around for all this "Protesting" , harassing people, stirring up riots, etc?
They are being financed by George Soros, Al Sharpton and the DNC

Black Lives Matter plans protest at Minnesota State Fair

a LOT of comments with the article. not any good
So... Anyone else going to Mobile?

Roll Tide!!!

Hey, good luck getting to see Donald, I hear the comedy club is a pretty small place, only holds about 45 people

Trump would need an auditorium. Hilarious Clinton supporters would fit into a booth at McDonald's.

Good ol' Professor. Have you ever issued your mea culpa after you were let down by Glenn Beck a few years back? Don't tell me you are falling for the Trump schtick as well. I'm shocked.
So... Anyone else going to Mobile?

Roll Tide!!!
All idiots at trump rallies.
Yeah...all the smart ones are at hillary rallies.

poor little dems. they just help but hate on everything and everyone. they are jealous that NONE of their old fogies is as hot as Trump is.

Jealous???? Seriously???? That last crop of GOP hero's you idiots voted into Congress and the Senate last election did what for you fools? Just askin!!! Actually I pity morons like you, always reaching for the one GOP candidate that won't fuck your world up once elected and thus far, lets see who HASN'T FIT THAT BILL...UHMMMMM
I'm on the move now!


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Wish I could go..it's only a few hours from here...work, though...somebody has to finance these 3rd world peasants and the rest of the welfare crowd...a day of reckoning approaches, though.

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