I will not cooperate! A statement of scientifically and constitutionally backed defiance

You're a whiny and criminall irresponsible fool, nothing more. Your actions will take the lives away from some, and so your proclaimed rights are bullshit. You have no right to infect children with COVID Delta variant, you halfwit.

Tell ya what. When you lock yourself down in your house for (what's going on) 18 months because of this damned virus, you can lecture me about not caring about the safety and welfare of children.

And stop using children as a tool for your arguments, you don't give a damn about them, you halfwit.
I am not wearing a mask, nor am I getting vaccinated. You will have to tie me down to a chair first. I will not cooperate with mask mandates or vaccine passports.

1. Because I have to wear a mask if I am vaccinated.

2. I have to get vaccinated even if I catch and recover from COVID.

3. Children, with naturally superior immune systems to adults, still have to wear masks and get vaccinated.

4. There are credible reports stating that instead of simply immunizing someone from COVID and/or preventing them from spreading the virus to others, there is a risk that it does neither. People are catching the virus despite being vaccinated, or worse, catching it and spreading it regardless of vaccination, whereas it may lessen the symptoms, but it won't stop transmission.

5. None of the above or the recommendations I see coming from the CDC *or from the 'pro-science' left'* mesh with established science on human immunology, biology, or interaction with viruses.

Namely, the human immune system has a memory. So if you catch a virus and recover from it, your immune system will fight it off more efficiently the next time you are infected with it, thus eliminating the need for a vaccine or a mask. Common sense, scientific fact.

Nextly, a vaccine is supposed to prime your immune system against a virus you have yet to be infected with. It is not meant for people who have already caught the virus and recovered from it. If it can't protect an immune system that hasn't been exposed to the virus (IE, a person catches the virus despite being vaccinated one or multiple times), it is useless. If it cannot stop the spread of the virus in addition, it is doubly useless.

Moreover, if you were naturally or artificially immunized against the virus, you shouldn't be forced to wear a mask, which itself offers insufficient protection from a virus that is smaller than the spaces between the interwoven fibers of the mask. Science says your body should be able to recognize and defeat the virus from now on, eliminating the need for a mask. Common sense.

I will not take an imperfect vaccine. I will not be responsible for transmitting this virus to someone else, risking the well-being of family or friends in the process.

Lastly, vaccine passports are tantamount to segregation, not against race, but against people who exercise their liberty to make conscious decisions about their own health and their own bodies (sound familiar?). If a woman can make a choice about her body in regards to abortion or birth, then a person should be allowed to decide whether or not to wear a mask or get vaccinated. We shouldn't have to be discussing stuff like this in a supposedly *free* country.


Thank you and good day.
Stay in your red state
I am not wearing a mask, nor am I getting vaccinated. You will have to tie me down to a chair first. I will not cooperate with mask mandates or vaccine passports.

1. Because I have to wear a mask if I am vaccinated.

2. I have to get vaccinated even if I catch and recover from COVID.

3. Children, with naturally superior immune systems to adults, still have to wear masks and get vaccinated.

4. There are credible reports stating that instead of simply immunizing someone from COVID and/or preventing them from spreading the virus to others, there is a risk that it does neither. People are catching the virus despite being vaccinated, or worse, catching it and spreading it regardless of vaccination, whereas it may lessen the symptoms, but it won't stop transmission.

5. None of the above or the recommendations I see coming from the CDC *or from the 'pro-science' left'* mesh with established science on human immunology, biology, or interaction with viruses.

Namely, the human immune system has a memory. So if you catch a virus and recover from it, your immune system will fight it off more efficiently the next time you are infected with it, thus eliminating the need for a vaccine or a mask. Common sense, scientific fact.

Nextly, a vaccine is supposed to prime your immune system against a virus you have yet to be infected with. It is not meant for people who have already caught the virus and recovered from it. If it can't protect an immune system that hasn't been exposed to the virus (IE, a person catches the virus despite being vaccinated one or multiple times), it is useless. If it cannot stop the spread of the virus in addition, it is doubly useless.

Moreover, if you were naturally or artificially immunized against the virus, you shouldn't be forced to wear a mask, which itself offers insufficient protection from a virus that is smaller than the spaces between the interwoven fibers of the mask. Science says your body should be able to recognize and defeat the virus from now on, eliminating the need for a mask. Common sense.

I will not take an imperfect vaccine. I will not be responsible for transmitting this virus to someone else, risking the well-being of family or friends in the process.

Lastly, vaccine passports are tantamount to segregation, not against race, but against people who exercise their liberty to make conscious decisions about their own health and their own bodies (sound familiar?). If a woman can make a choice about her body in regards to abortion or birth, then a person should be allowed to decide whether or not to wear a mask or get vaccinated. We shouldn't have to be discussing stuff like this in a supposedly *free* country.


Thank you and good day.
Yup. The gig is up. Enough people are finally fed up with this bullshit. We’re not playing this game anymore.
I have the total right to discriminate against you, to mess with your life, to block you in every way, since you are a reprehensible fascist anti-science danger to others. You are no different from any terrorist.

Yet here you are, talking to me, calling me names, doing nothing to encourage my cooperation except issuing threats and attempting to coerce me.

And you have no right to come around me unvaxxed and unmasked. Try it and see what happens, little cowardly crybaby incel punk.

I will do what I damn well please, you pissy snowflake. I have every right to put you into the ground if you react violently to my presence.

Thing is, you're an emotional little fool behind a keyboard. I have no reason to fear a keyboard warrior like you.

And oh, by the way, don't tempt me.
Of course, because unjust laws allow them to. But it is an act of willful discrimination, as it would be by saying women who had an abortion cannot partake of my business.
But the aborting woman has zero chance of killing you. An infected person is not much higher than zero, 0.3, but there still a very small chance even if being way overreacted to.!
Yes, I discriminate against fascists and racists. I fuck them up. You have made bad choices, incel brat.
You try that with me, and it will be the last thing you see on this mortal coil. You will see what your wild assumptions about people will get you.

But then again, what are the odds we'll meet in person? 1 in 340 million?

Your threats are hollow, as are you.
But the aborting woman has zero chance of killing you. An infected person is not much higher than zero, 0.3, but there still a very small chance even if being way overreacted to.!

Can we not parse words here? I'm not in the mood for it.
Sure, okay...Um, women are a protected class regardless of their reproductive status. Stating that unvaccinated, dangers to health, cannot enter your establishment is not discrimination. A woman who has had a legal abortion is not a health risk.

It is. On basis of a choice.

Choice, remember? The one you pro-abortionists seem to be a fan of? Funny how it doesn't work for the other side.

Once again, you corner yourself in your own flawed logic.

"A woman who has had a legal abortion is not a health risk"

She was to the unborn child. Anything else?
Can we not parse words here? I'm not in the mood for it.
I mostly agree with your idea but the practical application will be very tough
If you and 10 other people go and sit unmasked at a place and refuse to leave then that could possibly get some media attention
It is. On basis of a choice.

Choice, remember? The one you pro-abortionists seem to be a fan of? Funny how it doesn't work for the other side.

Once again, you corner yourself in your own flawed logic.

"A woman who has had a legal abortion is not a health risk"

She was to the unborn child. Anything else?
It is a matter of law. Anti-vaxers are not a protected class. Women are a protected class.

It’s a fetus not a child. It cannot exist outside the womb and it is entirely dependent on the woman. it is part of her body. The coronavirus exists outside the host and spreads easily to others and will kill others.

Once kids can be vaccinated I don’t give a shit what you do to yourself but you endangering others.
She doesn’t have to make you. You will. You don’t leave home, you don’t work, you’re not going anywhere.

You make me laugh. I live in Georgia. We were the first to drop the lockdown.

And since Ron DeSantis is governor of Florida, Kemp pretty much takes his cues from him.

Keisha Lance in Atlanta tried to issue a mask and vaccine directive over Kemp's EO and got stomped. I feel free here, and I will in fact go anywhere I please within a 1000 mile radius.

As is my legal right to do so.

Your desperation is palpable. Your rage is seething. You despise freedom in any form that isn't granted by your handlers in Washington.
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Once kids can be vaccinated I don’t give a shit what you do to yourself but you endangering others.

Spare me.

And unless these kids have underlying immunodeficiencies, the vaccine is lost on them. You don't seem to understand that kids have stronger immune systems and can easily fight off things like COVID-et, al.
I mostly agree with your idea but the practical application will be very tough
If you and 10 other people go and sit unmasked at a place and refuse to leave then that could possibly get some media attention
Personally, if a business requires masks, I will not enter. But if they allow those who are unmasked to enter, then it's on those who are afraid to protect themselves...which means stay home under their bed.

Now the CDC says VAXXED people are 74% responsible for spreading it. VAXXED. Yes. Them. They are putting ME, as unvaxxed, at risk and SHOULD be getting some media attention.

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