I will not cooperate! A statement of scientifically and constitutionally backed defiance

I believe...that the Delta variant is REALLY contagious

Not for people who were vaccinated. Sorry to disappoint you, you really wanted to shoot to record deaths.

It's the downside of Trump's vaccines, huh? They worked. Doh!
Check your news source... Do you think they are causing massive increase COVID?

This shows you that the news you are getting is making you highly uninformed..

Even if you catch them coming they have to be processed by law. This US law and International Law... I think you have been watching too much World War Z, it is not a documentary...
They are infected with Covid dumb ass FACT! Now shut your lib lemming mouth.
Not for people who were vaccinated.
Covid in general is less contagious if you are vaccinated. Thanks for pointing that out
Sorry to disappoint you, you really wanted to shoot to record deaths.
Considering your anti-vax position, it would appear that is more accurate describing you...
It's the downside of Trump's vaccines, huh? They worked. Doh!
Fine. Give him credit. Just get the fucking shot
Covid in general is less contagious if you are vaccinated. Thanks for pointing that out

Considering your anti-vax position, it would appear that is more accurate describing you...

Fine. Give him credit. Just get the fucking shot

I'm vaxxed you stupid fuck.

What I'm against is forcing vaccinated people to wear masks. There is no science basis for that.

But you run around screaming irrational bull shit at the top of your lungs, panic porn guy
Canadians aren't exactly famous for their independent spirit?

Isn't the Queen still on your money?

Canadians can tell horseshit when they hear it.

No she is not. Hasn't been since we got our own Constitution.
Wrong. That won’t hold up in court either. People like you will be mocked and shunned as ridiculous virtue signaling maskers.

You're the ones being mocked and shunned. MLB baseball players and staff who haven't been vaxxed are going to have to stay in their hotels when they come to Toronto to play the Jays. Those who have been vaxxed, will be going to restaurants, and going out and about in the City - 90% of which is vaxxed.

I grew up in the age when the first vaccines were becoming available for children. I wasn't allowed to go to a public swimming pool until 1955 because that's where you got polio. That was the fear and paranoia of the time, even though chlorine kills everything in the water. It took years to develop the vaccine because this was a new technology.

Mumps, measles, diptheria, tuberculosis, whooping cough, Scarlet fever, pneumonia - diseases that basically don't exist today because of vaccines. At school, they just lined us up and jabbed us all with everything that came down the pike. And because of that, nobody I know died of any of the diseases I just mentioned. Literally all of my friends, and every child in my family, and in my extended family grew to adulthood.

None of these vaccines has had as long a development period as the MNRA vaccines they started working on right after SARS in 2002. But in order to do mass testing, you need thousands of test subjects, and neither SARS, nor MERS (another covid virus out of Wuhan), had sufficient victims or spread, to fully test.

The insanity of the anti-vax crowd is that they grew up in an era where everyone around them has been vaxxed all of their lives, and pretty much wiped out communical diseases outside of flu, colds, and things that are more nuisance than life threatening.

Given that no one I know has had the flu, a cold, or pneumonia since we started wearing masks, and I have serious asthma so this is a huge bonus for me, I'm keeping the masks.
I'm vaxxed you stupid fuck.

What I'm against is forcing vaccinated people to wear masks. There is no science basis for that.

But you run around screaming irrational bull shit at the top of your lungs, panic porn guy

There is a LOT of scientific basis for that, but you don't want to hear it. Stop being an infant. Man up, and do your part. This isn't about your rights. It's common sense, and it costs you nothing but your outrage.
I'm vaxxed you stupid fuck.

What I'm against is forcing vaccinated people to wear masks. There is no science basis for that.

But you run around screaming irrational bull shit at the top of your lungs, panic porn guy
You are anti-vax and anti mask.

And yet you got the shot.

Oh I get it. You're a soulless Trump Humper
There is a LOT of scientific basis for that, but you don't want to hear it. Stop being an infant. Man up, and do your part. This isn't about your rights. It's common sense, and it costs you nothing but your outrage.

That's what I wanted, you to say there is a lot of evidence, not actually point to any of it.

God, Canadians ...

And again.

Dragonlady to people who GOT THE VACCINE: "Stop being an infant. Man up ..."

And you wonder why you can't persuade people who don't want to get the vaccine. Unbelievable
You are anti-vax ... And yet you got the shot.

Yes, you are that stupid

Lush: Duh, dar, an anti-vaxer is someone who doesn't want to wear a mask because they got vaccinated. That's what the term means. Burb, drool ....
That's what I wanted, you to say there is a lot of evidence, not actually point to any of it.

God, Canadians ...

And again.

Dragonlady to people who GOT THE VACCINE: "Stop being an infant. Man up ..."

And you wonder why you can't persuade people who don't want to get the vaccine. Unbelievable
Where is the evidence for your point of view, right-winger? Want us to just believe you because you are on the right-wing.
Nobody said that masks absolutely stopped the Covid-19 virus. But they do slow down the flow of air, and therefore stop the virus from traveling as far.

Place a candle about 2 feet from your mouth, then try blowing it out with a mask on.

Wearing a mask AND social distancing severely limits the virus transmission.
I’m with you on social distancing but most masks are ineffective. That’s why they put warning labels on mask containers: does not protect you from Covid-19.

Medical professionals change their protective masks several times a day to reduce contamination factor. Any medical worker forced to wear the same mask for 8-12 hours a day has a legit grievance to file a medical claim (if experiencing medical side effects) if that’s going on anywhere as it was months back due to mask shortages.

I do not claim to be a mask expert but I am aware of what people do while out in public wearing masks. Just go to a public place and people watch for 10 minutes. No way is the average mask wearer not going to be spreading germs with constantly touching their faces, pulling their masks up scratching their noses, and I’ve seen at least 5 (adults!) raise their mask and actually sneeze and cough. I could go on but I’ll spare you:)
I’m with you on social distancing but most masks are ineffective. That’s why they they put warning labels on mask containers: does not protect you from Covid-19.

Medical professionals change their protective masks several times a day to reduce contamination factor. Any medical worker forced to wear the same mask for 8-12 hours a day have a legit grievance to file a medical claim (if experiencing medical side effects) if that’s going on anywhere as it was months back due to mask shortages.

I do not claim to be a mask expert but I am aware of what people do while out in public wearing masks. Just go to a public place and people watch for 10 minutes. No way is the average mask wearer not going to be spreading germs with constantly touching their faces, pulling their masks up scratching their noses, and I’ve seen at least 5 (adults!) raise their mask and actually sneeze and cough. I could go on but I’ll spare you:)

Your argument seems to be "Masks are not perfect, so don't bother using them".

Masks help reduce the spread significantly. But they are not perfect.
I’m with you on social distancing but most masks are ineffective. That’s why they put warning labels on mask containers: does not protect you from Covid-19.

Medical professionals change their protective masks several times a day to reduce contamination factor. Any medical worker forced to wear the same mask for 8-12 hours a day has a legit grievance to file a medical claim (if experiencing medical side effects) if that’s going on anywhere as it was months back due to mask shortages.

I do not claim to be a mask expert but I am aware of what people do while out in public wearing masks. Just go to a public place and people watch for 10 minutes. No way is the average mask wearer not going to be spreading germs with constantly touching their faces, pulling their masks up scratching their noses, and I’ve seen at least 5 (adults!) raise their mask and actually sneeze and cough. I could go on but I’ll spare you:)
Any front line workers should get better masks that do protect them and others from the pathogen.
Your argument seems to be "Masks are not perfect, so don't bother using them".

Masks help reduce the spread significantly. But they are not perfect.
I am not saying do not wear masks. In an airplane, I’m sure they’re somewhat helpful although when you eat or drink you can take off your masks, so that’s an interesting kind of deal. Similarly, restaurants require that you wear them in but at the table you take them off, so it’s interesting but I’m sure it does somewhat help if standing next to somebody while waiting for a table they are masked and you’re masked to reduce the risk.

In a recent trip all flights required masks. Prior to one flight there was a layover and an obviously sick teenager was going to be boarding the same plane. Watching her I knew she probably had a fever, she was chilling with a blanket around her, looked like death etc. I thought how lovely. No health measures in place to keep her from getting on the plane as long as she was wearing a mask. I’d be fine if airlines would start taking temperature checks as a standard process for boarding the plane. Of course, sick people who are significantly more contagious with a fever, can take pain meds prior and have a false reading still get on the plane.
Any front line workers should get better masks that do protect them and others from the it i
Agreed and their masks need to be cleaned effectively. That was an issue last year for overwhelmed hospitals that they could only thoroughly clean a few masks at a time using a light machine. It seems there’s an open market for large, medical grade cleaning machines that could clean hundreds of masks not just a handful at a time. One company gifted a local hospital one of those small light machines. It was about the size of a large breadbox, could only clean I think 6 masks at a time, but the ER staff still thankful.

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