I wish Biden will be renominated...but he's not.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The DNC is corrupt, but it is not stupid. Renominating Biden would result in a repetition of the 1980 Presidential election, where the electorate repudiated the incompetent Jimmy Carter in record numbers. At least Carter was a "nice guy" whereas Biden is a venal creature whose traitorous dealings with foreign governments are being exposed on a daily basis. Anyone who thinks the DNC will march to the gallows again is a naive fool. My biggest fear is that some other nominee will suddenly appear at their convention and convince enough people to forget the last four years.
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It's a damn shame this country has been reduced to choosing between two geriatric dicks.

The DNC is corrupt, but it is not stupid. Renominating Biden would result in a repetition of the 1980 Presidential election, where the electorate repudiated the incompetent Jimmy Carter in record numbers. At least Carter was a "nice guy" whereas Biden is a venal creature whose traitorous dealings with foreign governments are being exposed on a daily basis. Anyone who thinks the DNC will march to the gallows again is a naive fool. My biggest fear is that some other nominee will suddenly appear at their convention and convince enough people to forget the last four years.
The good news for Biden is that the right is likely to nominate Trump. The worst thing that can happen to Biden is for Trump to be taken out of the election because of all the felonies.
The DNC is corrupt, but it is not stupid. Renominating Biden would result in a repetition of the 1980 Presidential election, where the electorate repudiated the incompetent Jimmy Carter in record numbers. At least Carter was a "nice guy" whereas Biden is a venal creature whose traitorous dealings with foreign governments are being exposed on a daily basis. Anyone who thinks the DNC will march to the gallows again is a naive fool. My biggest fear is that some other nominee will suddenly appear at their convention and convince enough people to forget the last four years.
Biden will have to drop out over health reasons.
It isn't going to matter who the media anoints after the election. Both sides will refuse to acknowledge legitimacy. You see, that's what happens when you steal an election and are allowed to do it without consequence.
Don't believe me? Will YOU accept Trump as POTUS if he wins? Do you think Republicans are going to believe Tater is going to get 81 million votes again? Nah, we've had our last peaceful transfer of power and we can thank the Dems for what comes next.
It isn't going to matter who the media anoints after the election. Both sides will refuse to acknowledge legitimacy. You see, that's what happens when you steal an election and are allowed to do it without consequence.
Don't believe me? Will YOU accept Trump as POTUS if he wins? Do you think Republicans are going to believe Tater is going to get 81 million votes again? Nah, we've had our last peaceful transfer of power and we can thank the Dems for what comes next.
Trump won’t be POTUS if even one conviction has 14th Amendment implications. Every state election board will be petitioned to remove him from the ballot. If enough agree, there’s no way he can win.
It isn't going to matter who the media anoints after the election. Both sides will refuse to acknowledge legitimacy. You see, that's what happens when you steal an election and are allowed to do it without consequence.
Don't believe me? Will YOU accept Trump as POTUS if he wins? Do you think Republicans are going to believe Tater is going to get 81 million votes again? Nah, we've had our last peaceful transfer of power and we can thank the Dems for what comes next.
Qanon above on the loose.
No one has a better chance against Trump.

All of the other GOP can rock Biden's world, except Ramaswamy and Hutchinson.
1. Trump will not be nominated. He is disqualified to hold office.

2. If the MAGA IDIOTS (aka MAGGOTS) force DeSantis or Ramasawmy as the nominee, Biden will win in an unprecedented landslide.

3. The ONLY hope the Republicans have is if they ignore the MAGGOTS and nominate a ticket like Pence/Halley or similar. That ticket will attract Traditional Republicans and independents. The MAGGOTS will be marginalized in the General election.

4. Regardless of the above, the overwhelming sentiment of the American people is that Climate Change is a very real threat to everyone (Even the Republicans booed Ramaswamy when he said "Climate Change is a Hoax"). That issue alone may sink any chances of any Republican from winning.
Trump won’t be POTUS if even one conviction has 14th Amendment implications. Every state election board will be petitioned to remove him from the ballot. If enough agree, there’s no way he can win.
That's been the Demofascist plan all along.
The DNC is corrupt, but it is not stupid. Renominating Biden would result in a repetition of the 1980 Presidential election, where the electorate repudiated the incompetent Jimmy Carter in record numbers. At least Carter was a "nice guy" whereas Biden is a venal creature whose traitorous dealings with foreign governments are being exposed on a daily basis. Anyone who thinks the DNC will march to the gallows again is a naive fool. My biggest fear is that some other nominee will suddenly appear at their convention and convince enough people to forget the last four years.
I beg to differ. They ARE stupid, that's why they are not allowing anyone to debate Biden.

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