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I withdraw my consent to be governed ...

Who are you pointing your finger at, Holmes? Who is "you?"
If youre relinquishing consent to being governed while still being governed by laws and taxes.....youre not relinquishing consent to be governed.

Its not too terribly hard to conceive that your little protest is meaningless by proxy of not having any teeth at all, to it.

1) You don't know what consent of the governed means, maybe you should take a civics class.

2) So what is your earth shattering plan? Teach me how to change the world like you do. If you think your opinion is worthless, you're probably right. I think my opinion is important
Teach you how to change the world?
Take a civics class?

Youre not advancing the conversation very handily, we are still left with you declaring non-consent to be governed on the internet while in reality, its both meaningless and not the case.

I never said I was changing the world or whatever else weird shit you're talking about

Take a civics class and learn what consent of the governed means and come back to the conversation. That's why you don't understand what I am saying. It's the basis of our Constitution and you don't even know what it means. You're another sad recipient of a government education
You consent if you reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military? P
Breathing clear air, drinking safe water, so on and so forth?

Wrong again. All I do is use what I pay for. If some street urchin smears a muddy cloth on your windshield and then demands $10 for "washing" it, have you consented to pay for the "service" you received? Nope.
Here's a hanky, stop crying. Maybe you can go play with your dolls for awhile and come back when you calm down
We are still left with your inability to advance the conversation, and the majority telling you that unless you literally DO something, your whine here means both jack & also shit.

Your "revocation" is an inactionable plea for attention.

We're stuck you that you don't know what consent of the governed means and you're not interested in looking it up. That's being stuck on you, not me, Holmes

Tell me again what a waste of time message boards are being that you are saying it ON A MESSAGE BOARD.

You sir, are a dumb ass
Your continuous deflection is cool, bro.

But....unfortunately, your revocation of consent is still empty and meaningless.

Your life and opinion are empty and meaningless, mine are not. That's your choice, that's my choice
Your ad hom melting down doesnt change the fact that you are in no actionable way revoking your consent to be governed.

Ill keep nailing it down, you keep going off on asides about girls and dolls and shit. :thup:

Revoking your consent requires no action other than saying your revoke your consent. If you refuse to purchase the insurance the salesman is selling, what is required other then your refusal to sign the papers?
Take a civics class and learn what consent of the governed means and come back to the conversation. That's why you don't understand what I am saying. It's the basis of our Constitution and you don't even know what it means. You're another sad recipient of a government education
You consent if you reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military? P
Breathing clear air, drinking safe water, so on and so forth?

So the people of the Soviet Union consented to their government if they drove a car.

That's as stupid as it sounds
That's all you got from my post.....lolol
You can't handle it if I put more than one point in a post. As demonstrated here, you can't handle one thing either.

So just to be clear, any one who "reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military?" has consented to be governed.

So the Soviet Union, Iran, Iraq, China, Cambodia, Nazi Germany, if they accepted those government services, they consented to their government.

Do you know how stupid you are?
Yes they did...until they leave or collectively change their government. May I suggest you read some John Locke?

so did the Jews in Nazi Germany consent to be gassed?
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Take a civics class and learn what consent of the governed means and come back to the conversation. That's why you don't understand what I am saying. It's the basis of our Constitution and you don't even know what it means. You're another sad recipient of a government education
You consent if you reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military? P
Breathing clear air, drinking safe water, so on and so forth?

So the people of the Soviet Union consented to their government if they drove a car.

That's as stupid as it sounds
That's all you got from my post.....lolol
You can't handle it if I put more than one point in a post. As demonstrated here, you can't handle one thing either.

So just to be clear, any one who "reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military?" has consented to be governed.

So the Soviet Union, Iran, Iraq, China, Cambodia, Nazi Germany, if they accepted those government services, they consented to their government.

Do you know how stupid you are?
Yes they did...until they leave or collectively change their government. May I suggest you read some John Locke?
John Lock believes in the social contract, which is obviously a myth.
And yet you declare yourself to be so much more important than me, based on what? I don't even see anything you're accomplishing that I don't, but I guess that's for you to explain
I declared myself more important than you?

We can start there.

Yes, you declared my views are irrelevant. You can't seem to explain why yours are. Or if you're saying we're both irrelevant, I just disagree with you and this is a waste of time
I said your revoking of consent without any action behind it is irrelevant.

I dont know how that relates to your taking care of your lawn and shit, learn to read? I dont know, but youre certainly not doing a good job.

So your opinion of gay marriage is irrelevant because you've done nothing about it?
My opinion of gay marriage?

Well, Im assuming you KNOW that opinion.

And i have DEFINITELY done something about it.

What have you done, other than whine about it in this forum?
I said your revoking of consent without any action behind it is irrelevant.

I dobt know how that relates to your taking care of your lawn and shit, learn to read? I dont know, but youre certainly not doing a good job.

If you think what you think doesn't matter that's fine. I don't think what I think doesn't matter. So you're wasting air. But why do you waste your time posting on message boards if you think your view doesn't matter?
What I think followed by what I do with those thoughts as manifested in the real world matters.

Bitching on a messageboard that Im revoking consent to be governed while taking no action if revocation is meaningless, and all your rah rah isnt going to change that basic fact.

Why do you post on message boards when you think your opinion is so irrelevant. Guess what Holmes, discussing what we think is why we are here. What is wrong with you?

And if you think I should STFU about my views, why don't you practice what you preach?

We're here to discuss. If you don't want to do that, stuff it in your fat stupid face, but your telling me to stop saying my views is just getting tired.

Fuck you and the fart that blew you in. Discuss or go away
Liberals whine, whine, whine about issue 'A' until it gets passed into law. Then when someone whines about issue 'B', they claim it's irrelevant because it hasn't been passed into law yet.

This is what passes for logic among liberal.s
Literally all you do is whine and strawman, whine and strawman.

You couldnt reason your way out of a rat maze, wherein the rats hold a 100% success rate. Youre all angry running into the walls with a middle finger up talking about liberals are the cause of all of your misery, your uhappiness and bitterness and never taking responsibility to be a man about a god damned thing.

You failed to address my post which pointed our your hypocrisy.
Why is that? Explain other than with the lame nothing really matters
Becsuse what youre saying is that you will take no action.

You will not break any laws
You will pay your taxes

Ergo, you are not in effect "relinquishing consent" any place but inside of your cranium.

What action are you taking to accomplish your agenda?
My agenda?

I work, save, maintain excellent credit, am climbing the Corporate ladder in a Fortune 100 company, Im raising 2 beautiful children, Im paying my mortgage off, I stay healthy both mentally and physically by continuing my exercise and eating habits and I also take care in my hobbies. I take care of my extended family wherever needed, and participate in my community(banquets, charities, trivia nights, etc).

My yard is well maintained, we vacation and have nice things together as a fam.

Thats what Im doing towards MY agenda.

Do you think coal plants should be outlawed to cure AGW or not?
I dont believe Ive researched the issue of coal plants thoroughly and so ive never OPINED regarding coal plants.

Have you ever had a go fund me campaign earn zero fucking dollars?

How about this: Do you think the government should impose taxes and pass laws to cure AGW?

See if you can respond with something other than personal attacks.
Sure it does. The Constitution is what got us here. It was Alexander Hamilton's secret plot to enslave us.
What you call enslavement, others, who are far more informed on the subject, call Federalism.

Being a bootlicking douche bag makes you "informed?" A "federalist," at least at the time of the founders, was simply someone who didn't believe in freedom.
You're a bloody fool and ignorant of the actual history of MY Nation! To accuse one of the founding Federalists of a plot to enslave the citizens is pitifully stupid along with being woefully ignorant. Now piss the fuck off and scurry back in your den like the fucking rodent you make yourself out to be in the eyes of normal folks!
You're a bloody fool and ignorant of the actual history of MY Nation!

Although to suspect the Federalists of deliberately plotting may seem a stretch when so bluntly presented, the fact is, the designing politicians who called themselves Federalists did not create a government that preserved the confederacy. They were nationalists whom the actual federalists - the Antifederalists - believed were planting "the seeds and scions of slavery and despotism."*

Being woefully ignorant like are, you lap up taxation and regulation like Kool-Aide and call it freedom.

Good boy.

*Alfred, Antifederalist 16
It sounds like you paraphrased that from Orwell's book. The Federalists were actually Antifederalists and the Union was actually a Confederacy! And "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia!"

First and foremost, the Antifederalists lost the argument when the Constitution was ratified in 1788 and eventually and technically became the first statute of the United States; the Law of the Land! Attempting to rewrite history to fit another narrative you're comfortable with after indoctrination and consumption of a faction's propaganda is a fool errand!

Second, the 13 States tried a confederation form of government first and it failed miserably, and a constitutional convention was agreed upon to create a new form of government to,"...form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..."; a constitutional federal republic aka constitutional federal representative democracy, a UNION in the common tongue! In a literal manner only, you are correct, only by accident of the English language and not intent; "...Federalists did not create a government that preserved the confederacy"! No cigar for you!

Third, the authors of the "Federalist Papers", Hamilton, Madison and Jay, were, indeed, Federalists. "Alfred" was numbered among the Antifederalist who felt an actual Union of the several States was anathema to what had gone before, wishing to maintain strict sovereignty of each State for the greater good of their own State primarily and very unwilling to cede any sovereignty to a Federal entity. In other words, another Confederation maintaining the status quo like conservatives of any stripe are wont to attempt to continue things unchanged.

Therefore, fuck you very much, I'm sure!
Tell me, Einstein, where I attempted to rewrite history.
You consent if you reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military? P
Breathing clear air, drinking safe water, so on and so forth?

So the people of the Soviet Union consented to their government if they drove a car.

That's as stupid as it sounds
That's all you got from my post.....lolol
You can't handle it if I put more than one point in a post. As demonstrated here, you can't handle one thing either.

So just to be clear, any one who "reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military?" has consented to be governed.

So the Soviet Union, Iran, Iraq, China, Cambodia, Nazi Germany, if they accepted those government services, they consented to their government.

Do you know how stupid you are?
Yes they did...until they leave or collectively change their government. May I suggest you read some John Locke?

so did the Jews in Nazi Germany consent to be gassed?
Of course not...thus the war crime trials.
You consent if you reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military? P
Breathing clear air, drinking safe water, so on and so forth?

So the people of the Soviet Union consented to their government if they drove a car.

That's as stupid as it sounds
That's all you got from my post.....lolol
You can't handle it if I put more than one point in a post. As demonstrated here, you can't handle one thing either.

So just to be clear, any one who "reap the benefits of our government.....are you using government roads?....government mail?....police and fire services? Protection of our military?" has consented to be governed.

So the Soviet Union, Iran, Iraq, China, Cambodia, Nazi Germany, if they accepted those government services, they consented to their government.

Do you know how stupid you are?
Yes they did...until they leave or collectively change their government. May I suggest you read some John Locke?
John Lock believes in the social contract, which is obviously a myth.
In you opinion...but it exists.
This is like people who have been saying for the last 50 years, "I don't recognize the government's authority to tax me so I'm not paying tax..."

I didn't say that, I specifically said I am not saying that. Reread the OP and stop saying snarky things that have nothing to do with what I said

I said 'this is like...'

So if you aren't saying you don't give your consent to be govorned by duly elected US officials and laws, what are you saying?

Another liberal who failed civics. Seriously, if you don't understand the basic premises of the foundation of the laws of your own country, has Google never occurred to you?

It's your position and you don't want to defend it, which is fine. I just don't know what exactly you are advocating if not anarchy and that you are special and the laws don't apply to you. You don't want to answer, fair enough. It's your thread.

If you want to discuss the second part of your post, ask it again without the snarky lie you started the post with. I specifically said repeatedly that your strawman is not what I'm saying

I'm snarky just as habit. I find humor in everything.

Again, what is your position.
We are still left with your inability to advance the conversation, and the majority telling you that unless you literally DO something, your whine here means both jack & also shit.

Your "revocation" is an inactionable plea for attention.

We're stuck you that you don't know what consent of the governed means and you're not interested in looking it up. That's being stuck on you, not me, Holmes

Tell me again what a waste of time message boards are being that you are saying it ON A MESSAGE BOARD.

You sir, are a dumb ass
Your continuous deflection is cool, bro.

But....unfortunately, your revocation of consent is still empty and meaningless.

Your life and opinion are empty and meaningless, mine are not. That's your choice, that's my choice
Your ad hom melting down doesnt change the fact that you are in no actionable way revoking your consent to be governed.

Ill keep nailing it down, you keep going off on asides about girls and dolls and shit. :thup:

Revoking your consent requires no action other than saying your revoke your consent. If you refuse to purchase the insurance the salesman is selling, what is required other then your refusal to sign the papers?
I dont think youre on the same earth as me.

Revoking consent requires an act when its 'consent to act' youre revoking in the 1st place. Otherwise your revocation is literally fucking minutia.
I declared myself more important than you?

We can start there.

Yes, you declared my views are irrelevant. You can't seem to explain why yours are. Or if you're saying we're both irrelevant, I just disagree with you and this is a waste of time
I said your revoking of consent without any action behind it is irrelevant.

I dont know how that relates to your taking care of your lawn and shit, learn to read? I dont know, but youre certainly not doing a good job.

So your opinion of gay marriage is irrelevant because you've done nothing about it?
My opinion of gay marriage?

Well, Im assuming you KNOW that opinion.

And i have DEFINITELY done something about it.

What have you done, other than whine about it in this forum?
None of your fucking business, whiney twat
Becsuse what youre saying is that you will take no action.

You will not break any laws
You will pay your taxes

Ergo, you are not in effect "relinquishing consent" any place but inside of your cranium.

What action are you taking to accomplish your agenda?
My agenda?

I work, save, maintain excellent credit, am climbing the Corporate ladder in a Fortune 100 company, Im raising 2 beautiful children, Im paying my mortgage off, I stay healthy both mentally and physically by continuing my exercise and eating habits and I also take care in my hobbies. I take care of my extended family wherever needed, and participate in my community(banquets, charities, trivia nights, etc).

My yard is well maintained, we vacation and have nice things together as a fam.

Thats what Im doing towards MY agenda.

Do you think coal plants should be outlawed to cure AGW or not?
I dont believe Ive researched the issue of coal plants thoroughly and so ive never OPINED regarding coal plants.

Have you ever had a go fund me campaign earn zero fucking dollars?

How about this: Do you think the government should impose taxes and pass laws to cure AGW?

See if you can respond with something other than personal attacks.
Refer to the post you are responding to. Because it answers this very question.
We're stuck you that you don't know what consent of the governed means and you're not interested in looking it up. That's being stuck on you, not me, Holmes

Tell me again what a waste of time message boards are being that you are saying it ON A MESSAGE BOARD.

You sir, are a dumb ass
Your continuous deflection is cool, bro.

But....unfortunately, your revocation of consent is still empty and meaningless.

Your life and opinion are empty and meaningless, mine are not. That's your choice, that's my choice
Your ad hom melting down doesnt change the fact that you are in no actionable way revoking your consent to be governed.

Ill keep nailing it down, you keep going off on asides about girls and dolls and shit. :thup:

Revoking your consent requires no action other than saying your revoke your consent. If you refuse to purchase the insurance the salesman is selling, what is required other then your refusal to sign the papers?
I dont think youre on the same earth as me.

Revoking consent requires an act when its 'consent to act' youre revoking in the 1st place. Otherwise your revocation is literally fucking minutia.

ROFL! So you believe you have consented to purchase insurance even though you have done nothing? Really?

I realize you want to obscure the meaning of "consent" because you want us to believe that we have consented to all the outrages douche bags like you have imposed on us in the last few decades.
Yes, you declared my views are irrelevant. You can't seem to explain why yours are. Or if you're saying we're both irrelevant, I just disagree with you and this is a waste of time
I said your revoking of consent without any action behind it is irrelevant.

I dont know how that relates to your taking care of your lawn and shit, learn to read? I dont know, but youre certainly not doing a good job.

So your opinion of gay marriage is irrelevant because you've done nothing about it?
My opinion of gay marriage?

Well, Im assuming you KNOW that opinion.

And i have DEFINITELY done something about it.

What have you done, other than whine about it in this forum?
None of your fucking business, whiney twat
ROFL! Nothing, in other words.

Thanks for playing!
Your continuous deflection is cool, bro.

But....unfortunately, your revocation of consent is still empty and meaningless.

Your life and opinion are empty and meaningless, mine are not. That's your choice, that's my choice
Your ad hom melting down doesnt change the fact that you are in no actionable way revoking your consent to be governed.

Ill keep nailing it down, you keep going off on asides about girls and dolls and shit. :thup:

Revoking your consent requires no action other than saying your revoke your consent. If you refuse to purchase the insurance the salesman is selling, what is required other then your refusal to sign the papers?
I dont think youre on the same earth as me.

Revoking consent requires an act when its 'consent to act' youre revoking in the 1st place. Otherwise your revocation is literally fucking minutia.

ROFL! So you believe you have consented to purchase insurance even though you have done nothing? Really?

I realize you want to obscure the meaning of "consent" because you want us to believe that we have consented to all the outrages douche bags like you have imposed on us in the last few decades.
No, you miss the point dweeb.

In order to revoke consent...(next parts in caps cuz youre steeeeeewpit)AND HAVE IT MEAN A GOD DAMNED THING, AT ALL, you have to get off your fat ass and do something.
What action are you taking to accomplish your agenda?
My agenda?

I work, save, maintain excellent credit, am climbing the Corporate ladder in a Fortune 100 company, Im raising 2 beautiful children, Im paying my mortgage off, I stay healthy both mentally and physically by continuing my exercise and eating habits and I also take care in my hobbies. I take care of my extended family wherever needed, and participate in my community(banquets, charities, trivia nights, etc).

My yard is well maintained, we vacation and have nice things together as a fam.

Thats what Im doing towards MY agenda.

Do you think coal plants should be outlawed to cure AGW or not?
I dont believe Ive researched the issue of coal plants thoroughly and so ive never OPINED regarding coal plants.

Have you ever had a go fund me campaign earn zero fucking dollars?

How about this: Do you think the government should impose taxes and pass laws to cure AGW?

See if you can respond with something other than personal attacks.
Refer to the post you are responding to. Because it answers this very question.
You're just trying to weasel out of addressing the point. You claim if you don't take some overt action, like breaking the law, then you haven't done anything. So what laws have you broken that you disagree with?
I said your revoking of consent without any action behind it is irrelevant.

I dont know how that relates to your taking care of your lawn and shit, learn to read? I dont know, but youre certainly not doing a good job.

So your opinion of gay marriage is irrelevant because you've done nothing about it?
My opinion of gay marriage?

Well, Im assuming you KNOW that opinion.

And i have DEFINITELY done something about it.

What have you done, other than whine about it in this forum?
None of your fucking business, whiney twat
ROFL! Nothing, in other words.

Thanks for playing!
I dont play your little failgames, mr kickstarter that earned net ZERO dollars out of what...a 40million dollar goal?

Youre mentally disturbed.
My agenda?

I work, save, maintain excellent credit, am climbing the Corporate ladder in a Fortune 100 company, Im raising 2 beautiful children, Im paying my mortgage off, I stay healthy both mentally and physically by continuing my exercise and eating habits and I also take care in my hobbies. I take care of my extended family wherever needed, and participate in my community(banquets, charities, trivia nights, etc).

My yard is well maintained, we vacation and have nice things together as a fam.

Thats what Im doing towards MY agenda.

Do you think coal plants should be outlawed to cure AGW or not?
I dont believe Ive researched the issue of coal plants thoroughly and so ive never OPINED regarding coal plants.

Have you ever had a go fund me campaign earn zero fucking dollars?

How about this: Do you think the government should impose taxes and pass laws to cure AGW?

See if you can respond with something other than personal attacks.
Refer to the post you are responding to. Because it answers this very question.
You're just trying to weasel out of addressing the point. You claim if you don't take some overt action, like breaking the law, then you haven't done anything. So what laws have you broken that you disagree with?
What on fucking EARTH does my taking action on something...or breaking the law...have to do with fucking GLOBAL WARMING you insane fuckin weirdo?

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