I wonder how this will impact other websites?

Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

A white supremacist site has blood on its hands, according to a new report.

Stormfront.org is linked to close to 100 killings in the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center found.

From the Guardian:

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

"It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”

NBC News reports that Frazier Glenn Cross, the man accused of killing three people at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City on April 13, was barred from Stormfront because of disagreements with the site's founder.

The report calls Stormfront the "murder capital of the Internet." SPLC's research shows the site typically only gets about 1,800 visits a day, half of which are people outside the U.S.

But the site has a core group of very active users, and Stormfront's "bias-related murder rate" accelerated significantly after Barack Obama became president, the report found.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."

Q. "I wonder how this will impact other websites?"

A. It won't have an effect on this web site, the racists and haters here are armchair terrorists - too chicken to go into the real world and act out their pathologies.
But USMB is not geared or set up as a racist hate site. Yes, some are here and are also members at SF, but SF is set up for racism. USMB is not.

How are you set up for racism? By allowing pussies to continually derail threads and post misleading nonsense? The forum is what the community allows it to be. And when the pussy brigade goes off the deep end and kills a minority...they will be linked forever to USMB. Even if you agreed with the pussy brigade on a certain topic, would you give them a thanks and associate your name with their hate?
I see your point but there's a difference between an owner of a forum determining what can or can't be discussed and a government that suppresses free speech that it doesn't like.

Again, if the following sites are allowed to meet in public and voice their anti-American ideologies or racial hatred then Stormfront has the same right (whether we like their ideology or not):

National Council of La Raza | Take Action (La Raza or "the race") (Hispanic hate group)
NBPP (New Black Panters) (Black hate group)
NOI.org - The Nation of Islam Official Website (Nation of Islam) (Black Muslim hate group)
Anti-Defamation League: Leaders Fighting Anti-Semitism and Hate | ADL (Anti-Defamation League) (Jewish hate group)
Suspended Domain (Jewish Defense League) Jewish hate group)
Aryan Nations World Headquarters (Aryan Nations) (White hate group)

We could eliminate these extreme groups but then we would be left with a new set of extreme groups. We could simply keep eliminating all speech whatsoever until everyone is forced to agree with everything the government tells us. At that point we have a scenario not far from the one seen in the movie 1984. Is that really what we want?
Again, I have no problem with the existence of stormfront. But when a group of people with like ideas are linked to violence and criminal activities, then they become a target for scrutiny...whether it is stormfront, NBPP, or NAMBLA.

In the end, when ShootSpeeders, Steinlight, Matthew, and the rest of the pussy brigade go off the deep end and blow up a black church...will it be said they frequented the hate site known as USMB...do you want to be associated with their hate and potential killer actions?

Because it is always right to convict people based on who they know, unless it is Obama, right?

Well, I don't know what Obama has to do with this, but we do judge a person by who they associate with. Would you associate yourself with child molesters and rapists? Why or why not? There is no conviction, it is how you choose to be perceived...and more than likely, if you associate with idiots, you pretty much are an idiot
Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

A white supremacist site has blood on its hands, according to a new report.

Stormfront.org is linked to close to 100 killings in the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center found.

From the Guardian:

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

NBC News reports that Frazier Glenn Cross, the man accused of killing three people at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City on April 13, was barred from Stormfront because of disagreements with the site's founder.

The report calls Stormfront the "murder capital of the Internet." SPLC's research shows the site typically only gets about 1,800 visits a day, half of which are people outside the U.S.

But the site has a core group of very active users, and Stormfront's "bias-related murder rate" accelerated significantly after Barack Obama became president, the report found.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."
You know, I went over to that website once and it only took one post to figure out they're a bunch of pussy's.

I logged in as "Rob Whitey" and only laid down one post.

Then I found out the first 50 posts are monitored and reviewed by a mod, before they are posted to the forum. Which made me think, "Here you fuckers talk like you're a bunch of tough guys, yet you're too pussy to handle what someone says, without a mod reviewing it for content."

That was it for me.
Without even knowing it, you just provided the proof that the website holds some culpability to these killings.
I was looking at some older posts on this forum. There was actually some great conversations. There is no need to ask what happened...it is obvious the level of discussion severely deteriorated when the pussy brigade took over with their nonsense.
Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

A white supremacist site has blood on its hands, according to a new report.

Stormfront.org is linked to close to 100 killings in the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center found.

From the Guardian:

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

"It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”

NBC News reports that Frazier Glenn Cross, the man accused of killing three people at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City on April 13, was barred from Stormfront because of disagreements with the site's founder.

The report calls Stormfront the "murder capital of the Internet." SPLC's research shows the site typically only gets about 1,800 visits a day, half of which are people outside the U.S.

But the site has a core group of very active users, and Stormfront's "bias-related murder rate" accelerated significantly after Barack Obama became president, the report found.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."

dear gawd, how fucking dumb are people
1 at SPLC and thousands at stormfront

you got a point whiteball?

I wonder what "murder" he blames SPLC for.

On the theme of this topic. Sorry, while Stormfront is indeed reprehensible, blaming it for what the deranged people it attracts does is like blaming J.D. Salinger for John Lennon's death.

If that hadn't set these freaks off, something else would have.
Is there a reason that the SPLC doesn't point out the ties of murderers to sites like Think Progress?

[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]:

There's a BIG difference between hate groups and haters having memberships in groups Faux "news" told you to hate.

Stormfront, the KKK, SOME militia groups, and other hate groups promote violence and threats of violence to others as a way to achieve their goals - goals that are unconstitutional, and often ultimately unworkable. By and large hate group membership is largely frustrated lower common denominator types that seek power and control not by improving themselves but by subjugating or destroying their intellectual, psychological, social, and economic betters. They can't accept progression, and progression accelerates at the turn of centuries.

There are members of hate groups that are not going to take a busload of schoolkids hostage or shoot up a church or burn a cross in the new neighbor's front yard. But far too many members come in because they need to feel that they belong to a group and they don't fit in with 80% of society. The individuals want to create mayhem and need a larger group to help give them "courage" as well as join them as a "great army" in their individual "quest."

Other groups, like Think Progress, the NAACP, and Raza are nonviolent and non-exploitative in nature. They sometimes draw in persons that are disturbed or evil, but those particular individuals do not define the larger group. Many times the dangerous-type individuals have a membership, but they rarely visit the websites or go to meetings or get involved in the group activities.

Does that help?
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CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."

I never know how much of this sort of reporting is factual and how much is biased. I don't know who Stormfront is but it doesn't sound like my kind of place to hang out but just because a killer may be associated with a particular website doesn't mean the website created the killer. But I'm speculating.

There's one organization that has ended more beating hearts than "rightwing extremists" (of which most liberals would consider me since I like the Tea Party) and Al Qaeda combined. It's called "Planned Parenthood."

According to the Guttmacher Institute, since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States.[47]
Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder how many geniuses died as a result of Planned Parenthood or how many great inventions are lost forever.

Oh well ... sorry for the tangent. I just like to keep things in perspective for my own sake.

This is the first I've heard or read of stormfront...
Really? Only 21 deaths by al quaeda ideology?

Does that include the 17 by John Mohammed the Beltway Sniper, or the 13 killed by Nidal Hassan? Does that include honor killings? There have been six high profile honor killings in the US since 9/11. Not including Shaima Alawadi of San Diego whose death was initially blamed on right wing extremists.


Why do you not understand that the Islamic jihad types are the definition of right wing extremists?

They follow cherry-picked hardcore fundamentalist "religion," not as a spiritual discipline but as a means to control the masses.

Those who oppose them are met with death, not meetings and compromise.

They fight to the death all forms of social evolution (progression.)

Their goals are ultimately unworkable. If those extremist groups were to succeed and gain control over the world's population, the planet would be devoid of humans in a matter of a few generations.
CaféAuLait;8958286 said:
Driftingsand....Stormfront is the internet's KKK.

The KKK sucks, horrible people. The report includes those from Anders Breivik overseas as well which was something like 77 people alone.

I think it needs to go, just like NAMBA websites which probably contributes to an unknown amount of child rape. Unfortunately, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has fought for the rights of The KKK and NAMBLA.

From the ACLU website:

ACLU Praises Cleveland Mayor's Support of KKK's First Amendment Right to March


ACLU-EM Defends KKK's Right to Free Speech


From ABC News:

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group - ABC News

Everyone gets their first amendment rights, even racists and child molesters.

Yes. But sensible people retain the right to find such speech to be unacceptable.
At that point those same sensible people should marginalize the speech.
The best way to do that is to ignore them....Battling and responding in kind in an attempt to silence them gives these bastards the audience they desire.
Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

A white supremacist site has blood on its hands, according to a new report.

Stormfront.org is linked to close to 100 killings in the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center found.

From the Guardian:

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

NBC News reports that Frazier Glenn Cross, the man accused of killing three people at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City on April 13, was barred from Stormfront because of disagreements with the site's founder.

The report calls Stormfront the "murder capital of the Internet." SPLC's research shows the site typically only gets about 1,800 visits a day, half of which are people outside the U.S.

But the site has a core group of very active users, and Stormfront's "bias-related murder rate" accelerated significantly after Barack Obama became president, the report found.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."
You know, I went over to that website once and it only took one post to figure out they're a bunch of pussy's.

I logged in as "Rob Whitey" and only laid down one post.

Then I found out the first 50 posts are monitored and reviewed by a mod, before they are posted to the forum. Which made me think, "Here you fuckers talk like you're a bunch of tough guys, yet you're too pussy to handle what someone says, without a mod reviewing it for content."

That was it for me.
As with any extremist group, these people are highly paranoid.
It comes as no surprise they view all newcomers as potential infiltrators.
In the end, when [...] and the rest of the pussy brigade go off the deep end and blow up a black church...will it be said they frequented the hate site known as USMB...do you want to be associated with their hate and potential killer actions?


This site claims over 38,000 members. Surely it's to be expected that there will be some dregs and bottom feeders.

Outside of the basement forums the board is open to non-members for reading. They can see that the posting members aren't all haters. If they register and sign on they can talk directly with most of us and see that the majority of members are pretty cool.
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You know, I went over to that website once and it only took one post to figure out they're a bunch of pussy's.

I logged in as "Rob Whitey" and only laid down one post.

Then I found out the first 50 posts are monitored and reviewed by a mod, before they are posted to the forum. Which made me think, "Here you fuckers talk like you're a bunch of tough guys, yet you're too pussy to handle what someone says, without a mod reviewing it for content."

That was it for me.

I've been on forums that do that. Randi Rhodes old message board was one that did the same thing. When you first register, you're put on "moderator review" until they are convinced you're not just a spammer.
My guess Stormfront is the kind of place that get's a lot of people faking who they are, or people who try and flood the board with attacks. They probably have to review or it would be board war.

Randi Rhodes.....Now there was a fine example of a fringe kook. Now she's an unemployed fringe kook.
She was silenced by the indifference of radio listeners who found her commentary unacceptable.
In the end, when [...] and the rest of the pussy brigade go off the deep end and blow up a black church...will it be said they frequented the hate site known as USMB...do you want to be associated with their hate and potential killer actions?


This site claims over 38,000 members. Surely it's to be expected that there will be some dregs and bottom feeders.

Outside of the basement forums the board is open to non-members for reading. They can see that the posting members aren't all haters. If they register and sign on they can talk directly with most of us and see that the majority of members are pretty cool.
Yes, it claims 38,000 members. Regretfully, about 2% are active members. Of that 2%, 1% are part of the pussy brigade (and their sympathizers) and the anti-Christian hate mob.

I'm the new guy...this is what I see. Every post derailed by the pussies and a mirrored hate thread for every thread created.
Is there a reason that the SPLC doesn't point out the ties of murderers to sites like Think Progress?

@Quantum Windbag :

There's a BIG difference between hate groups and haters having memberships in groups Faux "news" told you to hate.

Stormfront, the KKK, SOME militia groups, and other hate groups promote violence and threats of violence to others as a way to achieve their goals - goals that are unconstitutional, and often ultimately unworkable. By and large hate group membership is largely frustrated lower common denominator types that seek power and control not by improving themselves but by subjugating or destroying their intellectual, psychological, social, and economic betters. They can't accept progression, and progression accelerates at the turn of centuries.

There are members of hate groups that are not going to take a busload of schoolkids hostage or shoot up a church or burn a cross in the new neighbor's front yard. But far too many members come in because they need to feel that they belong to a group and they don't fit in with 80% of society. The individuals want to create mayhem and need a larger group to help give them "courage" as well as join them as a "great army" in their individual "quest."

Other groups, like Think Progress, the NAACP, and Raza are nonviolent and non-exploitative in nature. They sometimes draw in persons that are disturbed or evil, but those particular individuals do not define the larger group. Many times the dangerous-type individuals have a membership, but they rarely visit the websites or go to meetings or get involved in the group activities.

Does that help?

SPLC is a hate group.

Does that help?
They should leave the site up. Its funny mocking all the cave apes and inbred bigot pussies that migrate here from the site. You can tell they came from the site because they all are dumb as a bag of lint and recite the same story. I think the killers go there to get educated by the pussies about what to do.
That would be a great site to troll and actually initiate some throw down, like my size 16 boot kicking in the back 1 of there skulls. It would be easy to get 1 rattled and ready to goose step all the way up to my front porch.

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