I wonder how this will impact other websites?

If they register and sign on they can talk directly with most of us and see that the majority of members are pretty cool.

Grandma, are at SF?
In the end, when [...] and the rest of the pussy brigade go off the deep end and blow up a black church...will it be said they frequented the hate site known as USMB...do you want to be associated with their hate and potential killer actions?

This site claims over 38,000 members. Surely it's to be expected that there will be some dregs and bottom feeders.

Outside of the basement forums the board is open to non-members for reading. They can see that the posting members aren't all haters. If they register and sign on they can talk directly with most of us and see that the majority of members are pretty cool.
Yes, it claims 38,000 members. Regretfully, about 2% are active members. Of that 2%, 1% are part of the pussy brigade (and their sympathizers) and the anti-Christian hate mob.

I'm the new guy...this is what I see. Every post derailed by the pussies and a mirrored hate thread for every thread created.

They're in rabid fail mode. Their 15 minutes ended last November and they're going nuts trying to "regain" the control that they never had. They realize that this time when they fall back into oblivion they won't be able to crawl back out.
Is there a reason that the SPLC doesn't point out the ties of murderers to sites like Think Progress?

@Quantum Windbag :

There's a BIG difference between hate groups and haters having memberships in groups Faux "news" told you to hate.

Stormfront, the KKK, SOME militia groups, and other hate groups promote violence and threats of violence to others as a way to achieve their goals - goals that are unconstitutional, and often ultimately unworkable. By and large hate group membership is largely frustrated lower common denominator types that seek power and control not by improving themselves but by subjugating or destroying their intellectual, psychological, social, and economic betters. They can't accept progression, and progression accelerates at the turn of centuries.

There are members of hate groups that are not going to take a busload of schoolkids hostage or shoot up a church or burn a cross in the new neighbor's front yard. But far too many members come in because they need to feel that they belong to a group and they don't fit in with 80% of society. The individuals want to create mayhem and need a larger group to help give them "courage" as well as join them as a "great army" in their individual "quest."

Other groups, like Think Progress, the NAACP, and Raza are nonviolent and non-exploitative in nature. They sometimes draw in persons that are disturbed or evil, but those particular individuals do not define the larger group. Many times the dangerous-type individuals have a membership, but they rarely visit the websites or go to meetings or get involved in the group activities.

Does that help?

SPLC is a hate group.

Does that help?

You're a dishonest troll. You need help.
If they register and sign on they can talk directly with most of us and see that the majority of members are pretty cool.

Grandma, are at SF?

I meant they can "talk" to us through PMs. :)

edited to correct By SF I thought you meant San Francisco. Duhhh... No, I'm not at Stormfront, but I visited the site before. Nothing but throwbacks there.
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I have been on Stormfront, read a few posts, and the sort of people who post there shouldn't have ever been born, I'm sorry.
CaféAuLait;8958286 said:
The KKK sucks, horrible people. The report includes those from Anders Breivik overseas as well which was something like 77 people alone.

I think it needs to go, just like NAMBA websites which probably contributes to an unknown amount of child rape. Unfortunately, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has fought for the rights of The KKK and NAMBLA.

From the ACLU website:

ACLU Praises Cleveland Mayor's Support of KKK's First Amendment Right to March


ACLU-EM Defends KKK's Right to Free Speech


From ABC News:

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group - ABC News

Everyone gets their first amendment rights, even racists and child molesters.

Yes. But sensible people retain the right to find such speech to be unacceptable.
At that point those same sensible people should marginalize the speech.
The best way to do that is to ignore them....Battling and responding in kind in an attempt to silence them gives these bastards the audience they desire.

The point is not about who deems what acceptable It is about whether an internets forum makes people kill. They don't.
Really? Only 21 deaths by al quaeda ideology?

Does that include the 17 by John Mohammed the Beltway Sniper, or the 13 killed by Nidal Hassan? Does that include honor killings? There have been six high profile honor killings in the US since 9/11. Not including Shaima Alawadi of San Diego whose death was initially blamed on right wing extremists.


Why do you not understand that the Islamic jihad types are the definition of right wing extremists?

They follow cherry-picked hardcore fundamentalist "religion," not as a spiritual discipline but as a means to control the masses.

Those who oppose them are met with death, not meetings and compromise.

They fight to the death all forms of social evolution (progression.)

Their goals are ultimately unworkable. If those extremist groups were to succeed and gain control over the world's population, the planet would be devoid of humans in a matter of a few generations.

Did you not understand that the SPLC was making a comparison between Jihadists and what they call right wing extremists and you call all Christians. By making a statement that Islamic radicals are responsible for only 21 deaths since 911, it opens the door for the facts that there were 37 mass deaths or high profile deaths. Just off the top, without giving the matter a lot of investigation.

Islam, by killing Christians for the mere fact of being Christians is the natural compatriot of the left which is why the left has to portray jihadists as not nearly as bad as those horrible Christians.
Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."]
LOL. That's why I don't waste my time with CNN. It's a clown show. The Fort Hood murders and Boston Marathon bombing alone claimed more lives than that. I don't know if they are just stupid or dishonest, probably both but either way it's not good.
100 killings? I bet other things that link all these people are : taxes, the enormous regulatory bureaucracy of the executive branch, the NSA collecting their emails and browsing behaviors, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau collecting all of their credit card actvivity....
@Quantum Windbag :

There's a BIG difference between hate groups and haters having memberships in groups Faux "news" told you to hate.

Stormfront, the KKK, SOME militia groups, and other hate groups promote violence and threats of violence to others as a way to achieve their goals - goals that are unconstitutional, and often ultimately unworkable. By and large hate group membership is largely frustrated lower common denominator types that seek power and control not by improving themselves but by subjugating or destroying their intellectual, psychological, social, and economic betters. They can't accept progression, and progression accelerates at the turn of centuries.

There are members of hate groups that are not going to take a busload of schoolkids hostage or shoot up a church or burn a cross in the new neighbor's front yard. But far too many members come in because they need to feel that they belong to a group and they don't fit in with 80% of society. The individuals want to create mayhem and need a larger group to help give them "courage" as well as join them as a "great army" in their individual "quest."

Other groups, like Think Progress, the NAACP, and Raza are nonviolent and non-exploitative in nature. They sometimes draw in persons that are disturbed or evil, but those particular individuals do not define the larger group. Many times the dangerous-type individuals have a membership, but they rarely visit the websites or go to meetings or get involved in the group activities.

Does that help?

SPLC is a hate group.

Does that help?

You're a dishonest troll. You need help.

Really? The SPLC has a pretty simple definition of hate groups.

All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.
Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Websites appearing to be merely the work of a single individual, rather than the publication of a group, are not included in this list. Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.


The SPLC has beliefs or practices that malign The Tea Party, Evangelical Christians, Mormons, and many other groups simply because of their political beliefs. That means they fit their own definition of a hate group.

Want to try again?
1 at SPLC and thousands at stormfront

you got a point whiteball?

The point I gather is that if Conservatives behaved like Liberals we Conservatives would be standing up for Stormfront simply because the SPLC is the organization you Libs support.

I know it may be hard for Conservatives to wrap our brains around such twisted Liberal "thinking" which comes to our Fuzzy Friends so naturally!

I had a problem with it my damn self!
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I never know how much of this sort of reporting is factual and how much is biased. I don't know who Stormfront is but it doesn't sound like my kind of place to hang out but just because a killer may be associated with a particular website doesn't mean the website created the killer. But I'm speculating.

There's one organization that has ended more beating hearts than "rightwing extremists" (of which most liberals would consider me since I like the Tea Party) and Al Qaeda combined. It's called "Planned Parenthood."

According to the Guttmacher Institute, since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States.[47]
Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder how many geniuses died as a result of Planned Parenthood or how many great inventions are lost forever.

Oh well ... sorry for the tangent. I just like to keep things in perspective for my own sake.

lol....You supplied a link form an arm of Planned Parenthood to support your claim, you know?

Anyhow...I think there's a big difference between a racist's right to kill someone and a woman's right to do as she fits with her own body.

Now, let's look at the 50 million number.

Of those fifty million...

In 2010, 85% of all abortions were performed on unmarried women (CDC).

Women living with a partner to whom they are not married account for 25% of abortions but only about 10% of women in the population (NAF).

In 2010, 55.6% of abortions were performed on women who had not aborted in the past; 36.7% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and 7.7% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).

Among women who obtained abortions in 2010, 40.3% had no prior live births; 45.9% had one or two prior live births, and 13.8% had three or more prior live births (CDC).

Women between the ages of 20-24 obtained 32.9% of all abortions in 2010; women between 25-29 obtained 24.5% (CDC).

Women in their 20's have the highest abortion rates. In 2010, women aged 20-24 had 27.4 abortions for every one thousand 20-24 year-old women. Women aged 25-29 had 20.4 abortions for every one thousand 25-29 year-old women (CDC).

51% of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25; women aged 20-24 obtain 33% of all U.S. abortions, and teenagers obtain 18% (AGI).

In 2010, adolescents under 15 years obtained .05% of all abortions, but had the highest abortion ratio, 851 abortions for every 1,000 live births (CDC).

Black women were 3.7 times more likely to have an abortion in 2010 than non-Hispanic white women (CDC).

The abortion rate of non-metropolitan women is about half that of women who live in metropolitan counties (NAF).

The abortion rate of women with Medicaid coverage is three times as high as that of other women (NAF).

37% of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant, and 28% identify themselves as Catholic (AGI).

At current rates, nearly one-third of American women will have an abortion (AGI).

Nahhh...forget it.

I'm not going to help you derail Gracie's thread with your nonsense.

Really? Only 21 deaths by al quaeda ideology?

Does that include the 17 by John Mohammed the Beltway Sniper, or the 13 killed by Nidal Hassan? Does that include honor killings? There have been six high profile honor killings in the US since 9/11. Not including Shaima Alawadi of San Diego whose death was initially blamed on right wing extremists.


Why do you not understand that the Islamic jihad types are the definition of right wing extremists?

They follow cherry-picked hardcore fundamentalist "religion," not as a spiritual discipline but as a means to control the masses.

Those who oppose them are met with death, not meetings and compromise.

They fight to the death all forms of social evolution (progression.)

Their goals are ultimately unworkable. If those extremist groups were to succeed and gain control over the world's population, the planet would be devoid of humans in a matter of a few generations.

Did you not understand that the SPLC was making a comparison between Jihadists and what they call right wing extremists and you call all Christians. By making a statement that Islamic radicals are responsible for only 21 deaths since 911, it opens the door for the facts that there were 37 mass deaths or high profile deaths. Just off the top, without giving the matter a lot of investigation.

Islam, by killing Christians for the mere fact of being Christians is the natural compatriot of the left which is why the left has to portray jihadists as not nearly as bad as those horrible Christians.

Islamic fundamentalists are no different than the far right fundies - ultra conservative, violent, hateful, dull-witted control freaks.
SPLC is a hate group.

Does that help?

You're a dishonest troll. You need help.

Really? The SPLC has a pretty simple definition of hate groups.

All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.
Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Websites appearing to be merely the work of a single individual, rather than the publication of a group, are not included in this list. Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.


The SPLC has beliefs or practices that malign The Tea Party, Evangelical Christians, Mormons, and many other groups simply because of their political beliefs. That means they fit their own definition of a hate group.

Want to try again?

Mormons are known for stalking members that choose to leave the flock, to the point of harassment.

The Tea Party and evangelical christians are as harmless as a basket full of pit vipers. They're known for their extreme fear of change and hatred for anyone that's at all different than them.
You're a dishonest troll. You need help.

Really? The SPLC has a pretty simple definition of hate groups.

All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.
Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Websites appearing to be merely the work of a single individual, rather than the publication of a group, are not included in this list. Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.

The SPLC has beliefs or practices that malign The Tea Party, Evangelical Christians, Mormons, and many other groups simply because of their political beliefs. That means they fit their own definition of a hate group.

Want to try again?

Mormons are known for stalking members that choose to leave the flock, to the point of harassment.

The Tea Party and evangelical christians are as harmless as a basket full of pit vipers. They're known for their extreme fear of change and hatred for anyone that's at all different than them.

You forgot to mention immigrants.
You're a dishonest troll. You need help.

Really? The SPLC has a pretty simple definition of hate groups.

All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.
Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Websites appearing to be merely the work of a single individual, rather than the publication of a group, are not included in this list. Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.


The SPLC has beliefs or practices that malign The Tea Party, Evangelical Christians, Mormons, and many other groups simply because of their political beliefs. That means they fit their own definition of a hate group.

Want to try again?

Mormons are known for stalking members that choose to leave the flock, to the point of harassment.

The Tea Party and evangelical christians are as harmless as a basket full of pit vipers. They're known for their extreme fear of change and hatred for anyone that's at all different than them.

Also if you actually click on Quantum Crazypersons link, they aren't complaining about the MOrmons, they are complaining about LDS Splinter groups that are full of inbred, polygamist racists.

Which are actually closer to the religion that Joseph Smith (dum-dum-dum-dum-dum) taught.

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Islamic fundamentalists are no different than the far right fundies - ultra conservative, violent, hateful, dull-witted control freaks.
Correction. The ultra liberal left wing fundies are the control freaks. They are the ones voting for the nanny state, not conservatives.

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