I wonder what its like to be white?

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I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.

ironic how irony can be lost on those creating it....
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

Jesus is Jewish. God has no skin, he is spirit and a disrespecter of persons.
Stop playing the victim. Instead of being jealous of whites, embrace Ben Carson's outlook on opportunity. Silky hair has nothing to do with your plight.
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

Jesus is Jewish. God has no skin, he is spirit and a disrespecter of persons.
Stop playing the victim. Instead of being jealous of whites, embrace Ben Carson's outlook on opportunity. Silky hair has nothing to do with your plight.

Oh I can't help the jealously , I have tried. I guess I been burnt too much by white people in my life ; I agree Jesus was not white , nor God ; but buddy , you can't tell some white folks that.
like ebonics?

Yes, but much more severe. I think the sheer reach of the white influence has been incredible , they have affected every race on earth. And caused both good and evil. And they hate hearing the truth about themselves and their ancestors.
Or the fact that ignorant people like you trash them, and then forget thousands of years of human history.
"white people are shitty. They had black slaves"
---"yea, the ones their own tribe leaders sold to the white man for a bucket of fucking oranges" "not to mention whites were enslaved in Africa at the SAME TIME"
"white people LOVE to conquer"
---- "yea so did EVERY OTHER RACE in the history of mankind"


Oh I think all races love to conquer , but the white race has led the pack. At one point in history , the sun never set on white ruled soil. No , the white race has been number one in taking over a people and their lands. They have kept an incredible pace in selfishness.
Yea, lets forget the Asians, Arabs, Romans.. Thousands of years of history.
YOUR problem is, the whites just run shit now.

Excellent point , the whites run things now, but I think they have a history of this; but now is the most impressive time in history to dominate. I think the Romans were white ; the white attitude just seems to fit them.
They weren't.. they were Latin. The Romans actually looked down at the whites. Referred to them as animals and barbarians. Kinda like what you are doing.
No wonder you ignore history. You don't know much about it.
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.

Well I agree with you , not all whites are worse than other races , I am curious , could you give us a percentage of those who are?
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.

Well I agree with you , not all whites are worse than other races , I am curious , could you give us a percentage of those who are?
wonder what its like to be white?

Fucking Awesome!


Yes, but much more severe. I think the sheer reach of the white influence has been incredible , they have affected every race on earth. And caused both good and evil. And they hate hearing the truth about themselves and their ancestors.
Or the fact that ignorant people like you trash them, and then forget thousands of years of human history.
"white people are shitty. They had black slaves"
---"yea, the ones their own tribe leaders sold to the white man for a bucket of fucking oranges" "not to mention whites were enslaved in Africa at the SAME TIME"
"white people LOVE to conquer"
---- "yea so did EVERY OTHER RACE in the history of mankind"


Oh I think all races love to conquer , but the white race has led the pack. At one point in history , the sun never set on white ruled soil. No , the white race has been number one in taking over a people and their lands. They have kept an incredible pace in selfishness.
Yea, lets forget the Asians, Arabs, Romans.. Thousands of years of history.
YOUR problem is, the whites just run shit now.

Excellent point , the whites run things now, but I think they have a history of this; but now is the most impressive time in history to dominate. I think the Romans were white ; the white attitude just seems to fit them.
They weren't.. they were Latin. The Romans actually looked down at the whites. Referred to them as animals and barbarians. Kinda like what you are doing.
No wonder you ignore history. You don't know much about it.

Well they were white latins in my view , their thinking was white , their behavior was white , their dominating ways were white , their lust were definitely white; In my view they were white.
wonder what its like to be white?

Fucking Awesome!

I watch your signature everytime I read one of your posts lol
I just cracked up because crooked cankles head was bobbing to the tune of the song I am listening to lol
Or the fact that ignorant people like you trash them, and then forget thousands of years of human history.
"white people are shitty. They had black slaves"
---"yea, the ones their own tribe leaders sold to the white man for a bucket of fucking oranges" "not to mention whites were enslaved in Africa at the SAME TIME"
"white people LOVE to conquer"
---- "yea so did EVERY OTHER RACE in the history of mankind"


Oh I think all races love to conquer , but the white race has led the pack. At one point in history , the sun never set on white ruled soil. No , the white race has been number one in taking over a people and their lands. They have kept an incredible pace in selfishness.
Yea, lets forget the Asians, Arabs, Romans.. Thousands of years of history.
YOUR problem is, the whites just run shit now.

Excellent point , the whites run things now, but I think they have a history of this; but now is the most impressive time in history to dominate. I think the Romans were white ; the white attitude just seems to fit them.
They weren't.. they were Latin. The Romans actually looked down at the whites. Referred to them as animals and barbarians. Kinda like what you are doing.
No wonder you ignore history. You don't know much about it.

Well they were white latins in my view , their thinking was white , their behavior was white , their dominating ways were white , their lust were definitely white; In my view they were white.
Except they hated white people.. Idiot
SO I guess you think the Chinese are white too? And the Africans? And the Muslims? And the Spanish? I mean, using YOUR logic..
I wonder what it is like to be white? What makes the white mind turn?
I wonder what it is like to be white? What makes the white mind turn?
Sex, drugs and rock n roll.
What makes the black mind turn? Robbery, murder and destruction.
See, I can do this too. But I wont ignore history :D
Oh I think all races love to conquer , but the white race has led the pack. At one point in history , the sun never set on white ruled soil. No , the white race has been number one in taking over a people and their lands. They have kept an incredible pace in selfishness.
Yea, lets forget the Asians, Arabs, Romans.. Thousands of years of history.
YOUR problem is, the whites just run shit now.

Excellent point , the whites run things now, but I think they have a history of this; but now is the most impressive time in history to dominate. I think the Romans were white ; the white attitude just seems to fit them.
They weren't.. they were Latin. The Romans actually looked down at the whites. Referred to them as animals and barbarians. Kinda like what you are doing.
No wonder you ignore history. You don't know much about it.

Well they were white latins in my view , their thinking was white , their behavior was white , their dominating ways were white , their lust were definitely white; In my view they were white.
Except they hated white people.. Idiot
SO I guess you think the Chinese are white too? And the Africans? And the Muslims? And the Spanish? I mean, using YOUR logic..

The white history is of interest;

The Real History of White People
I wonder what it is like to be white? What makes the white mind turn?
Sex, drugs and rock n roll.
What makes the black mind turn? Robbery, murder and destruction.
See, I can do this too. But I wont ignore history :D

My grandmother on my mothers side was whole blooded Indian , my grandmother on my fathers side was white. Both my grandfathers were black . I guess they had a taste for other races. I understand that ,I too have had my share of other races. I like all women ,just the black ones the best.
I wonder how many powers are out there that can enter the human mind and swell its ego? Well the unfolding of human history , is also a way to track the human behavior. White people behave in an interesting manner.

Impressive ; egotistic ; sly ; dangerous; domineering ; deceitful ; worth looking into;

Lets look into the white history.
Let me clue you in on something about white people.

They crap. They grow old. They die.

Just like the rest of us.
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.

I think you all ready know what thats like don't you?
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