I wonder what its like to be white?

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I wonder what its like to be white ; I wonder why I never wonder what it is like to be any other race? One reason is the " White Touch", seems like when white people get their hands on something , that thing is never the same again, and that goes in both good and evil directions.

Like when they got religion into their hands ; its been perverted ever since.
Like when I meet up with one of my black beauties n I put that white touch in her.:laugh:
Careful. I hear those inflatable dolls will give you a dick burn.
I wonder what its like to be white ; I wonder why I never wonder what it is like to be any other race? One reason is the " White Touch", seems like when white people get their hands on something , that thing is never the same again, and that goes in both good and evil directions.

Like when they got religion into their hands ; its been perverted ever since.
Like when I meet up with one of my black beauties n I put that white touch in her.:laugh:
Careful. I hear those inflatable dolls will give you a dick burn.
Damn son r u telling us u caught an STD from using a blow up doll.:eek-52:
You ever read the definition of white in a dictionary ;then read the definition of black; two simple terms, shockingly far two different terms ; the stigma even exist in websters ?
The white stigma runs very deep into humanity and very deep into the weird white consciousness. It can be lethal. The anger and power of whites can eliminate whole races.
Which came first , the egg or the chicken? Which came first , black arrogance or white arrogance ;

Jeremy Tate; Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance… : ThyBlackMan.com

That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
The thing about white people is that the top white people do indeed enjoy a lot of money, fame, power, etc., because white culture does dominate the world.

I don't think it's true for everyday, average white people. In fact, I'm not that impressed with them. I've met many white men who were clueless dolts.
Which came first , the egg or the chicken? Which came first , black arrogance or white arrogance ;

Jeremy Tate; Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance… : ThyBlackMan.com

That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.
Which came first , the egg or the chicken? Which came first , black arrogance or white arrogance ;

Jeremy Tate; Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance… : ThyBlackMan.com

That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
Which came first , the egg or the chicken? Which came first , black arrogance or white arrogance ;

Jeremy Tate; Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance… : ThyBlackMan.com

That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.
Which came first , the egg or the chicken? Which came first , black arrogance or white arrogance ;

Jeremy Tate; Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance… : ThyBlackMan.com

That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.

Well lets just examine what I do know ; whites insulted me all my life , my mother all her life , my grandmother all her life , just that is 200 years , will you accept that?
That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.

Well lets just examine what I do know ; whites insulted me all my life , my mother all her life , my grandmother all her life , just that is 200 years , will you accept that?
All whites? I was insulted most of my life because I come from a large, poor family. I don't hold all rich people responsible. I was insulted as a teenager for being a hippie, not all people insulted me. I have been told I was despised for being white by black people, I don't blame all black people. Holding grudges is harmful to your peace of mind. We are all individuals with individual personalities, races, behaviors, etc. Being hateful, or having a negative or resentful attitude toward whites, just for being white, is not only racist, but further fuels the racism toward you for your behavior.
Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.

Well lets just examine what I do know ; whites insulted me all my life , my mother all her life , my grandmother all her life , just that is 200 years , will you accept that?
All whites? I was insulted most of my life because I come from a large, poor family. I don't hold all rich people responsible. I was insulted as a teenager for being a hippie, not all people insulted me. I have been told I was despised for being white by black people, I don't blame all black people. Holding grudges is harmful to your peace of mind. We are all individuals with individual personalities, races, behaviors, etc. Being hateful, or having a negative or resentful attitude toward whites, just for being white, is not only racist, but further fuels the racism toward you for your behavior.

Not all whites ,but most of them. I am not hateful , but I most definitely hold a negative attitude toward whites , its like being in a room with someone who is capable of any evil , and you just never know what mood they are in. Nor do you trust them. I was in the ER last night ; a white man , 75 years old , was brought in by his son. He was in a wheel chair and had to be lifted onto the bed. The only white male nurse on duty , refused to help two other nurses on duty lift him ; he claimed he did not want to hurt his own back. I am 61years old , 6 feet two inches tall and in decent shape. I was appalled at this guy ; got up myself to help put the man in bed , but my doctor would not allow me , for insurance purposes ; this doctor would not even help , he was white too. The male nurse and the doctor acted as if they were above helping lift this man ; both the old man and his son had very kind spirits. The old man just looked at me and said , " Son , don't worry about it , eventually their going to figure it out."

I just shook my head. And I have seen this kind of stuff all my life.
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.

Well lets just examine what I do know ; whites insulted me all my life , my mother all her life , my grandmother all her life , just that is 200 years , will you accept that?
All whites? I was insulted most of my life because I come from a large, poor family. I don't hold all rich people responsible. I was insulted as a teenager for being a hippie, not all people insulted me. I have been told I was despised for being white by black people, I don't blame all black people. Holding grudges is harmful to your peace of mind. We are all individuals with individual personalities, races, behaviors, etc. Being hateful, or having a negative or resentful attitude toward whites, just for being white, is not only racist, but further fuels the racism toward you for your behavior.

Not all whites ,but most of them. I am not hateful , but I most definitely hold a negative attitude toward whites , its like being in a room with someone who is capable of any evil , and you just never know what mood they are in. Nor do you trust them. I was in the ER last night ; a white man , 75 years old , was brought in by his son. He was in a wheel chair and had to be lifted onto the bed. The only white male nurse on duty , refused to help two other nurses on duty lift him ; he claimed he did not want to hurt his own back. I am 61years old , 6 feet two inches tall and in decent shape. I was appalled at this guy ; got up myself to help put the man in bed , but my doctor would not allow me , for insurance purposes ; this doctor would not even help , he was white too. The male nurse and the doctor acted as if they were above helping lift this man ; both the old man and his son had very kind spirits. The old man just looked at me and said , " Son , don't worry about it , eventually their going to figure it out."

I just shook my head. And I have seen this kind of stuff all my life.
You don't know most of the whites. Have you ever considered that perhaps a lot of the racism you have experienced from whites is due to your attitude and behavior toward them? The white people that I know of who are leery of black people are that way because they have been treated or talked to in a negative way by black people. There is a lot of fear too. You can pick up any local newspaper and the majority of the violent crime is committed by black people. A lot of robberies and murder. When white people on these message boards say negative things toward black people, the response many times is threatening, like "you wouldn't say that to my face". Violent reaction for disagreeing. I do not agree with the racist people, of any color, who dislike or hate people simply because of their race, I am against people for their behavior and attitudes toward me or my loved ones.
Your experience at the hospital wasn't a racial issue. Those men were just lazy. I have known and met many lazy people in my life.
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