I wonder what its like to be white?

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I've had diversity training and have been taught to be embrace all cultures so this thread has been very enlightening on my continuing journey to inclusiveness.

Anglo Saxons have a really rich cultural heritage too. Are they supposed to be included?
No, it's not that specific. It's really just typical PC warm fuzzies, I was being sarcastic.
We are extremely lucky to be white. That's all I am saying. Some people are lucky enough to win the lottery. Some people are lucky enough to be born white. It is what it is. Nothing can change it. You can cry for 40 years but you still won't have the winning lottery ticket and you won't be white. There is something you can do. Go do that.

White people are highly annoyed by the black people that cry.

Interesting mindset , "Being white is lucky", or like being white is similar to winning the lottery. Very close to being white is being right ,or ;

Being white is being chosen
Being white is being blessed
Being white is being superior
Being white is being holy
Being white is being exculsive

I tell you its a most stunning mindset; a frightening conceptual consciousness that lays beneath a peoples skin;

lets continue our look at what it is like to be white; to think white.

It seems that way when we are constantly bombarded with information about how horrible it is to be black. We know that something must be going on. Our life doesn't suck 1/1,000,000th as much as what black people say about their lives.
Interesting you put it that way. "Bombarded" Yes something is going on. Its called simultaneously brainwashing low intellect whites with an inferiority complex and causing stress to Blacks that are not mentally strong enough or knowledgeable enough to simply ignore the propaganda aimed at demoralizing them. Your life sucks a lot but since you have white privileged granted to you by your ancestors that realized you were unable to compete with Black men you have been brainwashed into believing "at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person". Of course its a placebo but even placebos work for awhile.

"at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person"

Oh my God, i know you've said this shit many times, but every time I see this. I really cant believe you think this is the way your average white person thinks. Can I please make shit up about what I think black people think ?
Its of interest that you are so far out of touch that you are amazed I think this way. I see this mindset a lot. No matter how ignorant or inbred a toothless white trash person is they always have that societal crutch to make themselves feel better. What other reason would they blame their misfortunes on a Black person taking their jobs or stealing their woman?

Further more, if i was to lose everything tommorow, and end up living under a bridge, the life of a black man has absolutely no bearing on my predicament, why would I ever think those thoughts I have absolutely no idea, my own success or failure rests with myself ultimately, why would I not believe that most people also feel this way? How you have this amazing power to read others minds, i just dont get, BUT, I'm sure there are a few losers who feel the way your describing..... its your broad brush I really have problem with, but, whatever. thats your opinion
Interesting mindset , "Being white is lucky", or like being white is similar to winning the lottery. Very close to being white is being right ,or ;

Being white is being chosen
Being white is being blessed
Being white is being superior
Being white is being holy
Being white is being exculsive

I tell you its a most stunning mindset; a frightening conceptual consciousness that lays beneath a peoples skin;

lets continue our look at what it is like to be white; to think white.

It seems that way when we are constantly bombarded with information about how horrible it is to be black. We know that something must be going on. Our life doesn't suck 1/1,000,000th as much as what black people say about their lives.
Interesting you put it that way. "Bombarded" Yes something is going on. Its called simultaneously brainwashing low intellect whites with an inferiority complex and causing stress to Blacks that are not mentally strong enough or knowledgeable enough to simply ignore the propaganda aimed at demoralizing them. Your life sucks a lot but since you have white privileged granted to you by your ancestors that realized you were unable to compete with Black men you have been brainwashed into believing "at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person". Of course its a placebo but even placebos work for awhile.

"at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person"

Oh my God, i know you've said this shit many times, but every time I see this. I really cant believe you think this is the way your average white person thinks. Can I please make shit up about what I think black people think ?
Its of interest that you are so far out of touch that you are amazed I think this way. I see this mindset a lot. No matter how ignorant or inbred a toothless white trash person is they always have that societal crutch to make themselves feel better. What other reason would they blame their misfortunes on a Black person taking their jobs or stealing their woman?

I don't know, I've never met one of those people. I'm giving you my honest opinion based upon my own thoughts and relationships with other people in my personal life.
I've met them and dealt with them on many occasions. You can see the incredulity, hatred, and fear in their eyes when they realize who I am. Its almost like an offense to them that this Black person is better at, more qualified than, or able to cause their women to forsake them in order to cast their lot with me. What do you think causes this other than a belief that they are actually superior to me simply because they are white and I am Black?
It seems that way when we are constantly bombarded with information about how horrible it is to be black. We know that something must be going on. Our life doesn't suck 1/1,000,000th as much as what black people say about their lives.
Interesting you put it that way. "Bombarded" Yes something is going on. Its called simultaneously brainwashing low intellect whites with an inferiority complex and causing stress to Blacks that are not mentally strong enough or knowledgeable enough to simply ignore the propaganda aimed at demoralizing them. Your life sucks a lot but since you have white privileged granted to you by your ancestors that realized you were unable to compete with Black men you have been brainwashed into believing "at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person". Of course its a placebo but even placebos work for awhile.

"at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person"

Oh my God, i know you've said this shit many times, but every time I see this. I really cant believe you think this is the way your average white person thinks. Can I please make shit up about what I think black people think ?
Its of interest that you are so far out of touch that you are amazed I think this way. I see this mindset a lot. No matter how ignorant or inbred a toothless white trash person is they always have that societal crutch to make themselves feel better. What other reason would they blame their misfortunes on a Black person taking their jobs or stealing their woman?

I don't know, I've never met one of those people. I'm giving you my honest opinion based upon my own thoughts and relationships with other people in my personal life.
I've met them and dealt with them on many occasions. You can see the incredulity, hatred, and fear in their eyes when they realize who I am. Its almost like an offense to them that this Black person is better at, more qualified than, or able to cause their women to forsake them in order to cast their lot with me. What do you think causes this other than a belief that they are actually superior to me simply because they are white and I am Black?

You must be in some competative line of work or something
Interesting mindset , "Being white is lucky", or like being white is similar to winning the lottery. Very close to being white is being right ,or ;

Being white is being chosen
Being white is being blessed
Being white is being superior
Being white is being holy
Being white is being exculsive

I tell you its a most stunning mindset; a frightening conceptual consciousness that lays beneath a peoples skin;

lets continue our look at what it is like to be white; to think white.

It seems that way when we are constantly bombarded with information about how horrible it is to be black. We know that something must be going on. Our life doesn't suck 1/1,000,000th as much as what black people say about their lives.
Interesting you put it that way. "Bombarded" Yes something is going on. Its called simultaneously brainwashing low intellect whites with an inferiority complex and causing stress to Blacks that are not mentally strong enough or knowledgeable enough to simply ignore the propaganda aimed at demoralizing them. Your life sucks a lot but since you have white privileged granted to you by your ancestors that realized you were unable to compete with Black men you have been brainwashed into believing "at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person". Of course its a placebo but even placebos work for awhile.

"at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person"

Oh my God, i know you've said this shit many times, but every time I see this. I really cant believe you think this is the way your average white person thinks. Can I please make shit up about what I think black people think ?
Its of interest that you are so far out of touch that you are amazed I think this way. I see this mindset a lot. No matter how ignorant or inbred a toothless white trash person is they always have that societal crutch to make themselves feel better. What other reason would they blame their misfortunes on a Black person taking their jobs or stealing their woman?

Further more, if i was to lose everything tommorow, and end up living under a bridge, the life of a black man has absolutely no bearing on my predicament, why would I ever think those thoughts I have absolutely no idea, my own success or failure rests with myself ultimately, why would I not believe that most people also feel this way? How you have this amazing power to read others minds, i just dont get, BUT, I'm sure there are a few losers who feel the way your describing..... its your broad brush I really have problem with, but, whatever. thats your opinion

You are speaking from a personal point of view and telling me how you feel. You dont represent the typical white person. I am speaking about the masses of white males. This is not a guess or mere speculation. This is information given to me by white women or my personal experience. If you dont fit the stereotype then good for you. However, that doesnt mean much when discussing the masses.
Interesting you put it that way. "Bombarded" Yes something is going on. Its called simultaneously brainwashing low intellect whites with an inferiority complex and causing stress to Blacks that are not mentally strong enough or knowledgeable enough to simply ignore the propaganda aimed at demoralizing them. Your life sucks a lot but since you have white privileged granted to you by your ancestors that realized you were unable to compete with Black men you have been brainwashed into believing "at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person". Of course its a placebo but even placebos work for awhile.

"at least I am higher on the social totem pole than a Black person"

Oh my God, i know you've said this shit many times, but every time I see this. I really cant believe you think this is the way your average white person thinks. Can I please make shit up about what I think black people think ?
Its of interest that you are so far out of touch that you are amazed I think this way. I see this mindset a lot. No matter how ignorant or inbred a toothless white trash person is they always have that societal crutch to make themselves feel better. What other reason would they blame their misfortunes on a Black person taking their jobs or stealing their woman?

I don't know, I've never met one of those people. I'm giving you my honest opinion based upon my own thoughts and relationships with other people in my personal life.
I've met them and dealt with them on many occasions. You can see the incredulity, hatred, and fear in their eyes when they realize who I am. Its almost like an offense to them that this Black person is better at, more qualified than, or able to cause their women to forsake them in order to cast their lot with me. What do you think causes this other than a belief that they are actually superior to me simply because they are white and I am Black?

You must be in some competative line of work or something
This was in the military and IT field which are highly competitive.
...being white sure makes us open to being castigated and open to blame .....?

Ah, the victim card again......
I wonder what it's like to be black. Living with violence, and accepting black on black crime and drugs and self hatred, misogyny and homophobia. And hating whites, always with the anti white racism. What's that like to be able to shift the blame and always get away with it? Whites MAKE US blacks be hateful and mean and self destructive. Don't know how exactly, but we can blame ALL whites for ANY crimes period. How does that work, exactly?

I believe it was the destiny of whites to end up exactly as they are. There were no choices ; as I have explained ,we are what we are, because we were supposed to be what we are. Women are women , because they were supposed to be. In my view , men are men , because we were supposed to be. In my view , Atheist and Homosexuals are that way , because they were supposed to be. There are some exceptions , but very few of them.

That is how God really is in my view ,things will be his way , and we have absolutely no choice in the matter. We just like to think we do.
Give me a break, I didn't predetermine my race any more than YOU did. Please, your insanity is showing. you have lost any gravitas I might have given you to begin with. You are nutz. Wacko. I don't care what you have to post from here on out, yer DONE.

I was nuts before I came here , I am nuts now , I'll be nuts when I leave. Welcome to my world ; welcome to thread!

I feel another poem;

Wait ! Its gone? Oh well, such is the way of the nut.

Ahhh , its back , the poem came back ;

I was made to write
strange that now I write about white
I rarely have before , not that its a bore
I just often don't know what to say any more
I just wondered out loud what its like to be white
as the thread swells , white may learn that others can be right
So here I go , another night of insanity

Goodness , I can't think of what rhymes with insanity?

Humanity? Vanity?? Shawn Hannity???
I wonder what it is like to be white. To have something in your very consciousness that continually rubs your ego in all situations. To cheat your way to the top , and then hate seeing things shrink on your big mountain? Just think , white people created sarcasm and perfected it , they are so powerful they can corrupt the human language.
we created sarcasm?

We Are Just Fucking

w/o sarcasm, no comedy, w/o comedy, no Chris Rock

you're welcome

Oh yes ,whites have created scarcasm as well. The race has implanted many infections in the human language.

Bull shit on this comment. Were you there when sarcasm was invented? sounds like more sour grapes

Where were you when the white Vikings brought sarcasm to the White British? Welcome to thread ;

Vikings 'brought sarcastic sense of humour to Britain'

Welcome to truth.

Nah, thats just what they say, I'm sure sarcasm was invented by some old married couple, who grew so old together that sarcasm was all they had left.
Ah, the victim card again......
I wonder what it's like to be black. Living with violence, and accepting black on black crime and drugs and self hatred, misogyny and homophobia. And hating whites, always with the anti white racism. What's that like to be able to shift the blame and always get away with it? Whites MAKE US blacks be hateful and mean and self destructive. Don't know how exactly, but we can blame ALL whites for ANY crimes period. How does that work, exactly?

I believe it was the destiny of whites to end up exactly as they are. There were no choices ; as I have explained ,we are what we are, because we were supposed to be what we are. Women are women , because they were supposed to be. In my view , men are men , because we were supposed to be. In my view , Atheist and Homosexuals are that way , because they were supposed to be. There are some exceptions , but very few of them.

That is how God really is in my view ,things will be his way , and we have absolutely no choice in the matter. We just like to think we do.
Give me a break, I didn't predetermine my race any more than YOU did. Please, your insanity is showing. you have lost any gravitas I might have given you to begin with. You are nutz. Wacko. I don't care what you have to post from here on out, yer DONE.

I was nuts before I came here , I am nuts now , I'll be nuts when I leave. Welcome to my world ; welcome to thread!

I feel another poem;

Wait ! Its gone? Oh well, such is the way of the nut.

Ahhh , its back , the poem came back ;

I was made to write
strange that now I write about white
I rarely have before , not that its a bore
I just often don't know what to say any more
I just wondered out loud what its like to be white
as the thread swells , white may learn that others can be right
So here I go , another night of insanity

Goodness , I can't think of what rhymes with insanity?

Humanity? Vanity?? Shawn Hannity???

Shawn Hannity. An excellent example of white racism dressed up in a suit. Like a white bull dog fox news just sicked him on blacks.
I wonder what it is like to be white. To have something in your very consciousness that continually rubs your ego in all situations. To cheat your way to the top , and then hate seeing things shrink on your big mountain? Just think , white people created sarcasm and perfected it , they are so powerful they can corrupt the human language.
we created sarcasm?

We Are Just Fucking

w/o sarcasm, no comedy, w/o comedy, no Chris Rock

you're welcome
I would guess that whites created sarcasm due to their negative stance towards life and nature in general.

so you're saying they owe us reparations?

No. However, I would say the US owes us reparations. The typical white person wouldnt be able to afford reparations by themselves.

for what?

make it based in reality.
I wonder what it is like to be white. To have something in your very consciousness that continually rubs your ego in all situations. To cheat your way to the top , and then hate seeing things shrink on your big mountain? Just think , white people created sarcasm and perfected it , they are so powerful they can corrupt the human language.
we created sarcasm?

We Are Just Fucking

w/o sarcasm, no comedy, w/o comedy, no Chris Rock

you're welcome
I would guess that whites created sarcasm due to their negative stance towards life and nature in general.

so you're saying they owe us reparations?

No. However, I would say the US owes us reparations. The typical white person wouldnt be able to afford reparations by themselves.

for what?

make it based in reality.

For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.

Really? So white people have a monopoly on those behaviors?

Nope - they are just plain decency.

Black people who follow these are derided as "going white" by the BLM types.

If that is what you are stating, you are for the most part vaulting much of what the OP has pointed out in this thread

Race is a meaningless construct. Culture is the issue we face in this nation. American black culture sucks.
we created sarcasm?

We Are Just Fucking

w/o sarcasm, no comedy, w/o comedy, no Chris Rock

you're welcome
I would guess that whites created sarcasm due to their negative stance towards life and nature in general.

so you're saying they owe us reparations?

No. However, I would say the US owes us reparations. The typical white person wouldnt be able to afford reparations by themselves.

for what?

make it based in reality.

For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.

I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I would guess that whites created sarcasm due to their negative stance towards life and nature in general.

so you're saying they owe us reparations?

No. However, I would say the US owes us reparations. The typical white person wouldnt be able to afford reparations by themselves.

for what?

make it based in reality.

For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.

I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?

I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
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Really? So white people have a monopoly on those behaviors?

Nope - they are just plain decency.

Black people who follow these are derided as "going white" by the BLM types.

If that is what you are stating, you are for the most part vaulting much of what the OP has pointed out in this thread

Race is a meaningless construct. Culture is the issue we face in this nation. American black culture sucks.

Explain to us WHY Black American culture sucks? We want to understand why you think like that; explain yourself.

Explain to us WHY Black American culture sucks? We want to understand why you think like that; explain yourself.

Explain why a culture that idolizes violent gangs and despises education "sucks?"

Dajmn, I wonder if I can?

BTW, "Satire" is a Greek word based on classical definitions.
White culture idolizes Billy the Kid and the Mafia. They make movies glorifying them. Whites hated being taught civilization. They hated it so much they had to be taught twice after giving up the first time.

Explain to us WHY Black American culture sucks? We want to understand why you think like that; explain yourself.

Explain why a culture that idolizes violent gangs and despises education "sucks?"

Damn, I wonder if I can?

BTW, "Satire" is a Greek word based on classical definitions.

I request a second time that you explain yourself ;if one believes something they should be able to explain it. I am requesting that you do not rely on satire or sarcasm , unless you consider this a joke.

Are you able to respond in those serious mannerisms?

so you're saying they owe us reparations?

No. However, I would say the US owes us reparations. The typical white person wouldnt be able to afford reparations by themselves.

for what?

make it based in reality.

For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.

I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?

I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.

no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

I request a second time that you explain yourself ;if one believes something they should be able to explain it. I am requesting that you do not rely on satire or sarcasm , unless you consider this a joke.

Are you able to respond in those serious mannerisms?

Oh, I was too subtle?

Black culture sucks because it promotes violence. Gangsta rap is the predominant voice, one that glorifies and promotes rape, murder, and assault - which means black culture promotes these.

Black culture sucks because it hates education. Even among those who seek a higher education, they are more likely to pursue "ethnic studies" or some other bullshit basket weaving degree than to subject themselves to a real education in science or business.

Black culture sucks because it perpetrates the myth that blacks are intellectually inferior and cannot learn English, hence must be "taught" in the ghetto slang of Ebonics. (I know plenty of black people who speak perfect English.)

Black culture sucks because it promotes the fantasy of the elite over the reality of the masses. Young black men are pushed into basketball and football as viable career choices when only one in two hundred thousand have any chance of success. If someone has a talent, great. But for most, learning accounting and chemistry is the real path to success.
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