I wonder what its like to be white?

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I request a second time that you explain yourself ;if one believes something they should be able to explain it. I am requesting that you do not rely on satire or sarcasm , unless you consider this a joke.

Are you able to respond in those serious mannerisms?

Oh, I was too subtle?

Black culture sucks because it promotes violence. Gangsta rap is the predominant voice, one that glorifies and promotes rape, murder, and assault - which means black culture promotes these.

Black culture sucks because it hates education. Even among those who seek a higher education, they are more likely to pursue "ethnic studies" or some other bullshit basket weaving degree than to subject themselves to a real education in science or business.

Black culture sucks because it perpetrates the myth that blacks are intellectually inferior and cannot learn English, hence must be "taught" in the ghetto slang of Ebonics. (I know plenty of black people who speak perfect English.)

Black culture sucks because it promotes the fantasy of the elite over the reality of the masses. Young black men are pushed into basketball and football as viable career choices when only one in two hundred thousand have any chance of success. If someone has a talent, great. But for most, learning accounting and chemistry is the real path to success.

Thank you for your response, I am interested in why you observe blacks as you do.
If I may question you and give you further space to explain your views. Explain to me why you think gangster rap is our predominant voice? Do you also feel that a certain form of white music is the predominant voice of your race?
No. However, I would say the US owes us reparations. The typical white person wouldnt be able to afford reparations by themselves.
for what?

make it based in reality.
For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.
for what?

make it based in reality.
For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.

That's only due to the limited IQ of the Black mind. Understanding a brain that actually thinks instead of simply acting upon impulse and basic bodily needs is beyond your capacity to comprehend.
for what?

make it based in reality.
For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.

Well I certainly think so, a most unusual people. Its like they view themselves as the judges of the world?
For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.

Well I certainly think so, a most unusual people. Its like they view themselves as the judges of the world?
I get that sense as well. Its an amusing mindset to observe and can become very interesting when they realize that some dont believe they are intelligent enough for the job.
For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.

That's only due to the limited IQ of the Black mind. Understanding a brain that actually thinks instead of simply acting upon impulse and basic bodily needs is beyond your capacity to comprehend.
Great example. Here you show you have no clue that impulses indeed come from the brain and are carried out by the brain. Then you further retard your stance by not understanding that curiosity is the greatest indicator of intelligence.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.

Well I certainly think so, a most unusual people. Its like they view themselves as the judges of the world?
I get that sense as well. Its an amusing mindset to observe and can become very interesting when they realize that some dont believe they are intelligent enough for the job.

Yes , I agree . I was most perplexed when he suggested that a degree in basket weaving would be unacceptable to him??I wonder then if a white woman got a degree in basket weaving , would he consider her white trash?
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.

That's only due to the limited IQ of the Black mind. Understanding a brain that actually thinks instead of simply acting upon impulse and basic bodily needs is beyond your capacity to comprehend.
Great example. Here you show you have no clue that impulses indeed come from the brain and are carried out by the brain. Then you further retard your stance by not understanding that curiosity is the greatest indicator of intelligence.

Actually, you are admitting to your own failure to understand. Is it the white folks who are on here clai,ming the Black brain is a mystery to them? LOL!! You walk right into your own deadfall with your eyes wide-shut.
Henry Ford was a black man? The two Wright brothers were black? Bill Gates is black? Alexander Graham Bell was black? LOL!!
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.

That's only due to the limited IQ of the Black mind. Understanding a brain that actually thinks instead of simply acting upon impulse and basic bodily needs is beyond your capacity to comprehend.
Great example. Here you show you have no clue that impulses indeed come from the brain and are carried out by the brain. Then you further retard your stance by not understanding that curiosity is the greatest indicator of intelligence.

Actually, you are admitting to your own failure to understand. Is it the white folks who are on here clai,ming the Black brain is a mystery to them? LOL!! You walk right into your own deadfall with your eyes wide-shut.
The Black brain is a mystery as opposed to a curiosity to whites because whites lack the capability to understand much of anything. I am glad you used that specific word "mystery" in demonstrating their lack of intellect and the depths of their total cluelessness.
Henry Ford was a black man? The two Wright brothers were black? Bill Gates is black? Alexander Graham Bell was black? LOL!!
Imhotep was Black. Elijah McCoy was Black. Mark Dean is Black. The Haya people are Black. The Egyptians were Black. etc etc.

Those guys you listed were white and in all likelihood stole their inventions from Black people since whites were so afraid of competition and legally were able to forbid Blacks from registering patents. In the case of the Wright Brothers they werent even the first to fly.
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I wonder what it is like to be white. To have something in your very consciousness that continually rubs your ego in all situations. To cheat your way to the top , and then hate seeing things shrink on your big mountain? Just think , white people created sarcasm and perfected it , they are so powerful they can corrupt the human language.
like ebonics?

Yes, but much more severe. I think the sheer reach of the white influence has been incredible , they have affected every race on earth. And caused both good and evil. And they hate hearing the truth about themselves and their ancestors.
Or the fact that ignorant people like you trash them, and then forget thousands of years of human history.
"white people are shitty. They had black slaves"
---"yea, the ones their own tribe leaders sold to the white man for a bucket of fucking oranges" "not to mention whites were enslaved in Africa at the SAME TIME"
"white people LOVE to conquer"
---- "yea so did EVERY OTHER RACE in the history of mankind"


Oh I think all races love to conquer , but the white race has led the pack. At one point in history , the sun never set on white ruled soil. No , the white race has been number one in taking over a people and their lands. They have kept an incredible pace in selfishness.
Its because they were successful, industrious and generally smart. Do you think if an African warlord had Hitler's war machine (tanks, planes, etc) they wouldn't have tried to conquer land across the world? Imagine how much worse Rwanda would have been if they actually had technology.
for what?

make it based in reality.
For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.
Tell you what.

You pay reparations to the jews, and I'll support paying reparations to you.
For becoming and economic power from the labor of uncompensated workers. Whites were able to benefit but Blacks got no monetary compensation. That wealth was used to create legacies that positively affected the white families that today oppress and control poor whites such as yourself and people of color.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.
Tell you what.

You pay reparations to the jews, and I'll support paying reparations to you.
Why would I do that? My ancestors were part of the original Hebrews.
I said reality, not ancient history.

and it wasn't all on the backs of slaves, not that you know that.

and I'm not oppressed by anything other then the government.

try the truth this time.

why do you want reparations?
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.
Tell you what.

You pay reparations to the jews, and I'll support paying reparations to you.
Why would I do that? My ancestors were part of the original Hebrews.
Egyptians, black people, held them as slaves.

Does that sound like an idiotic thing to ask?

that's how you sound to me and everyone else.
I did make it based in reality

Of course it was all on the backs of slaves. They were the ones that did everything.

Yes you are oppressed. Part of your oppression is your inability to see your oppression.

I would want reparations as a symbol that the US recognizes the forced efforts of my ancestors in making the US an economic power. I'm not holding my breath though. Whites hate admitting they need help in everything they do.
no you didn't
no it wasn't. Not even close.
yes, obama is an oppressor. I see the oppression.
you were never a slave and you don't know anyone that knew someone that was a slave. you are owed nothing.

The minds of white people are a great curiosity.
Tell you what.

You pay reparations to the jews, and I'll support paying reparations to you.
Why would I do that? My ancestors were part of the original Hebrews.
Egyptians, black people, held them as slaves.

Does that sound like an idiotic thing to ask?

that's how you sound to me and everyone else.
There are lots of reasons your post is retarded. I will discuss each one.

There is no proof the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt.

The Hebrews were Black people just like the Egyptians.

Egypt is in Africa not the US.
Egypt are fans of chess like in my living home with once muslim with big soccer fans and play chess with me 40/30 wins for his and then 30 percentage draws my new muslim friend close to turkey and he are fans of musics metal species and rap species at my home my computer..
I wonder what its like to be white ; I wonder why I never wonder what it is like to be any other race? One reason is the " White Touch", seems like when white people get their hands on something , that thing is never the same again, and that goes in both good and evil directions.

Like when they got religion into their hands ; its been perverted ever since.
I wonder what its like to be white ; I wonder why I never wonder what it is like to be any other race? One reason is the " White Touch", seems like when white people get their hands on something , that thing is never the same again, and that goes in both good and evil directions.

Like when they got religion into their hands ; its been perverted ever since.
Same can be said for other races.
I wonder what its like to be white ; I wonder why I never wonder what it is like to be any other race? One reason is the " White Touch", seems like when white people get their hands on something , that thing is never the same again, and that goes in both good and evil directions.

Like when they got religion into their hands ; its been perverted ever since.
Like when I meet up with one of my black beauties n I put that white touch in her.:laugh:
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