I wonder what its like to be white?

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Many whites are are also lovers of dogs in thier various breeds; and admire the different attributes that said breeds have. Many whites love horses. And use the various breeds for various purposes according to how they might suit thier wants or needs. Why would it be any different for our recognition of human breeds?
In my view ,one of the most dangerous things about racism , is the people who are totally unconscious of how deeply rooted it is in them.

In my view ,one of the most dangerous things about racism , is the people who are totally unconscious of how deeply rooted it is in them.
I was not raised in a racist environment. Myself and my 11 siblings didn't have a great childhood. We learned very early in life to not be judgmental toward others. We were less fortunate than everyone around us. We survived and I don't dwell on my past. It is there and I will always remember it but it made me strong and taught me a lot.
The funny thing about equality... People only want to achieve it with thier superiors...

The incredible thing about the consciousness of white people , they actually think they have no superiors. They don't reach for the top, they automatically assume the position in their minds.

Its like a race of Napoleons , a race of Alexander the greats.

There is another identified problem. What you see as white is just human. All of us have similar thoughts.

Well I agree ; but I think its 50 - 50 ; 50% race and 50% human nature.
The worst, and most damaging lie to race relations is, " we're all the same". It spits in the face of actual diversity. And ignores our differences as if they don't matter. Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.
In my view ,one of the most dangerous things about racism , is the people who are totally unconscious of how deeply rooted it is in them.
I wasn't raised in a racist environment. I had a horrible childhood, as did
In my view ,one of the most dangerous things about racism , is the people who are totally unconscious of how deeply rooted it is in them.
I was not raised in a racist environment. Myself and my 11 siblings didn't have a great childhood. We learned very early in life to not be judgmental toward others. We were less fortunate than everyone around us. We survived and I don't dwell on my past. It is there and I will always remember it but it made me strong and taught me a lot.

I understand , good for you. I dwell on my past because it keys the future I see.
I have always found it amazing that people with lower intellectual abilities and those who have severe inferiority complexes always think that those not so restricted have a superiority complex. It is quite the other way around. Light example: You are angry at me because you think that I think that I am smarter than you. It may be that I am. Maybe not. But the point is that it is YOU who think that I am smarter than you. Those thoughts you are assigning to me from your own thoughts. It is you who think I have a superiority complex because you have an inferiority complex. You see, those thoughts are yours. Not necessarily mine. You want to know what it is to be white? Then you want to know what it is to be Chinese or Japanese or etc. It is only the blacks that have that degree of social problems. You refuse to assimilate. We all have assimilated. All of us. Even some of you. And those that do don't experience the same things you do. What you need to do is not to wish to be white, but to embrace being a human being. You fail to see that the more grossly and demonstrably different you make yourself in rebellion the worse it becomes for you. If you jump around and act like a gorilla then that is how you will be seen. Wake up. I loved the post from the Seminole. I have a lot of respect for Natives. They have earned it. What he said is the absolute truth. You all need to get over yourselves. If you want help we will gladly help you but not at the point of childish behavior. Negros don't know how to behave in public, how to dress or how to speak. These things are a necessity for getting along with others. Not just for you but for all.

I refuse to assimilate?? Man you sound like a borg. And to say blacks don't know how to behave in public , or how to dress or speak ,this is one of the attitudes that drew me here to stomp on your race in the first place. Horrible ways of thinking , which you are totally unaware of.

I mean between your ears of race , there's nothing there.

Sound like a Borg. See you can't even get real and see the truth. What that Seminole man said is the same thing that most other races say about yours. Wake up homey you are your own worst enemy. I'm not against you. I know you need help. But until you can come to the realization that you are suffering self inflicted wounds it won't heal. All what you think is long dead. Or it would be if you would let it die. But you cannot can you? Then you wouldn't be the trod upon victim you enjoy being.

I know I need help ; I am long dead myself. My kind does not come around any more. I am one of those blacks who will go to my grave thinking the things I do about whites ; I am totally convinced. No ,I will not wake up ,I sleep in the grave of my heritage. One of those slaves who got killed for refusing to submit.

Man I am truly sorry. It doesn't have to be this way. Damn.

With me it has to ; I know your race ,even if you do not. Classic cases of denial at the sub atomic levels.

I had a black guy asked me once,"How can a black man be prejudiced." Really. Wow. You are several times more prejudiced than you think I am. That's rather hypocritical. And delusional. Why do you waste yourselves so?
The worst, and most damaging lie to race relations is, " we're all the same". It spits in the face of actual diversity. And ignores our differences as if they don't matter. Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.

Well I agree with that.
I refuse to assimilate?? Man you sound like a borg. And to say blacks don't know how to behave in public , or how to dress or speak ,this is one of the attitudes that drew me here to stomp on your race in the first place. Horrible ways of thinking , which you are totally unaware of.

I mean between your ears of race , there's nothing there.

Sound like a Borg. See you can't even get real and see the truth. What that Seminole man said is the same thing that most other races say about yours. Wake up homey you are your own worst enemy. I'm not against you. I know you need help. But until you can come to the realization that you are suffering self inflicted wounds it won't heal. All what you think is long dead. Or it would be if you would let it die. But you cannot can you? Then you wouldn't be the trod upon victim you enjoy being.

I know I need help ; I am long dead myself. My kind does not come around any more. I am one of those blacks who will go to my grave thinking the things I do about whites ; I am totally convinced. No ,I will not wake up ,I sleep in the grave of my heritage. One of those slaves who got killed for refusing to submit.

Man I am truly sorry. It doesn't have to be this way. Damn.

With me it has to ; I know your race ,even if you do not. Classic cases of denial at the sub atomic levels.

I had a black guy asked me once,"How can a black man be prejudiced." Really. Wow. You are several times more prejudiced than you think I am. That's rather hypocritical. And delusional. Why do you waste yourselves so?

Well I think what that black man said is delusional.
Sound like a Borg. See you can't even get real and see the truth. What that Seminole man said is the same thing that most other races say about yours. Wake up homey you are your own worst enemy. I'm not against you. I know you need help. But until you can come to the realization that you are suffering self inflicted wounds it won't heal. All what you think is long dead. Or it would be if you would let it die. But you cannot can you? Then you wouldn't be the trod upon victim you enjoy being.

I know I need help ; I am long dead myself. My kind does not come around any more. I am one of those blacks who will go to my grave thinking the things I do about whites ; I am totally convinced. No ,I will not wake up ,I sleep in the grave of my heritage. One of those slaves who got killed for refusing to submit.

Man I am truly sorry. It doesn't have to be this way. Damn.

With me it has to ; I know your race ,even if you do not. Classic cases of denial at the sub atomic levels.

I had a black guy asked me once,"How can a black man be prejudiced." Really. Wow. You are several times more prejudiced than you think I am. That's rather hypocritical. And delusional. Why do you waste yourselves so?

Well I think what that black man said is delusional.

He was very delusional yes. A sad case.

I'd like to relate something to you. Hate is a vicious thing. But it violates the hater much more than the hated. While you may hate me (for example anyway) it really doesn't bother me unless you are perhaps around. But it eats at you always.
In my view ,one of the most dangerous things about racism , is the people who are totally unconscious of how deeply rooted it is in them.

In my view ,one of the most dangerous things about racism , is the people who are totally unconscious of how deeply rooted it is in them.
I was not raised in a racist environment. Myself and my 11 siblings didn't have a great childhood. We learned very early in life to not be judgmental toward others. We were less fortunate than everyone around us. We survived and I don't dwell on my past. It is there and I will always remember it but it made me strong and taught me a lot.

Let me also say this ; the environment we were raised in is very meaningful; your parents must have been exceptional ; my mother was exceptional. She experienced racism ,but did not teach it to her children , but she could not keep it out of me. She was raised in Kentucky , only her faith in God kept her from being like me. I have no faith. My house was not racist ,but my heart was. The police back then used to really treat us bad. And the school system taught us things that were racist.

I am not going to ever forget that stuff. They taught us white was lovely and black was demonic.
I know I need help ; I am long dead myself. My kind does not come around any more. I am one of those blacks who will go to my grave thinking the things I do about whites ; I am totally convinced. No ,I will not wake up ,I sleep in the grave of my heritage. One of those slaves who got killed for refusing to submit.

Man I am truly sorry. It doesn't have to be this way. Damn.

With me it has to ; I know your race ,even if you do not. Classic cases of denial at the sub atomic levels.

I had a black guy asked me once,"How can a black man be prejudiced." Really. Wow. You are several times more prejudiced than you think I am. That's rather hypocritical. And delusional. Why do you waste yourselves so?

Well I think what that black man said is delusional.

He was very delusional yes. A sad case.

I'd like to relate something to you. Hate is a vicious thing. But it violates the hater much more than the hated. While you may hate me (for example anyway) it really doesn't bother me unless you are perhaps around. But it eats at you always.

I agree with that ; I can see the wisdom in it. I don't hate anyone. But I dis like people for varying reasons.
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.

Well lets just examine what I do know ; whites insulted me all my life , my mother all her life , my grandmother all her life , just that is 200 years , will you accept that?
All whites? I was insulted most of my life because I come from a large, poor family. I don't hold all rich people responsible. I was insulted as a teenager for being a hippie, not all people insulted me. I have been told I was despised for being white by black people, I don't blame all black people. Holding grudges is harmful to your peace of mind. We are all individuals with individual personalities, races, behaviors, etc. Being hateful, or having a negative or resentful attitude toward whites, just for being white, is not only racist, but further fuels the racism toward you for your behavior.

Not all whites ,but most of them. I am not hateful , but I most definitely hold a negative attitude toward whites , its like being in a room with someone who is capable of any evil , and you just never know what mood they are in. Nor do you trust them. I was in the ER last night ; a white man , 75 years old , was brought in by his son. He was in a wheel chair and had to be lifted onto the bed. The only white male nurse on duty , refused to help two other nurses on duty lift him ; he claimed he did not want to hurt his own back. I am 61years old , 6 feet two inches tall and in decent shape. I was appalled at this guy ; got up myself to help put the man in bed , but my doctor would not allow me , for insurance purposes ; this doctor would not even help , he was white too. The male nurse and the doctor acted as if they were above helping lift this man ; both the old man and his son had very kind spirits. The old man just looked at me and said , " Son , don't worry about it , eventually their going to figure it out."

I just shook my head. And I have seen this kind of stuff all my life.
The staff should have been reported.
I wonder what its like to be white ; I wonder why I never wonder what it is like to be any other race? One reason is the " White Touch", seems like when white people get their hands on something , that thing is never the same again, and that goes in both good and evil directions.

Like when they got religion into their hands ; its been perverted ever since.
Like when I meet up with one of my black beauties n I put that white touch in her.:laugh:
Careful. I hear those inflatable dolls will give you a dick burn.
Damn son r u telling us u caught an STD from using a blow up doll.:eek-52:
No. I'm telling you to stop having sex with rubber dolls or you will get a dick burn.
Which came first , the egg or the chicken? Which came first , black arrogance or white arrogance ;

Jeremy Tate; Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance… : ThyBlackMan.com

That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.
You forget that whites started the stereotyping and have kept it up to this moment. Pretty sure if whites stopped their actions Blacks would be more than willing to stop theirs. I think its the one flaw that we Blacks have. We are way too forgiving.
Which came first , the egg or the chicken? Which came first , black arrogance or white arrogance ;

Jeremy Tate; Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance… : ThyBlackMan.com

That was a thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.
Whites have established a pattern. You dont get a pass from the past.
Your welcome. The incredible bias of many whites has even reached the bible itself ,as they have tried to lift their race up , and put other races down. Notice ;

Blacks in Biblical Antiquity | Resources | American Bible Society
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.

Well lets just examine what I do know ; whites insulted me all my life , my mother all her life , my grandmother all her life , just that is 200 years , will you accept that?
All whites? I was insulted most of my life because I come from a large, poor family. I don't hold all rich people responsible. I was insulted as a teenager for being a hippie, not all people insulted me. I have been told I was despised for being white by black people, I don't blame all black people. Holding grudges is harmful to your peace of mind. We are all individuals with individual personalities, races, behaviors, etc. Being hateful, or having a negative or resentful attitude toward whites, just for being white, is not only racist, but further fuels the racism toward you for your behavior.
You can change being poor. You cant change your genetics. Your comparison was a logical fallacy.
There are people who will put other races down, but too many black people think this is how all white people, or most are. That isn't true. We do not chose or have any say in what race we are, so to put down whites with such a broad brush, is totally unfair. Blacks don't want to be stereotyped, yet many tend to stereotype whites.

I disagree , we learned this from white people. When you are the brunt of insults for centuries , you learn how to dish it out.
You haven't been alive for centuries, you should not judge people by insults from people before you existed.

Well lets just examine what I do know ; whites insulted me all my life , my mother all her life , my grandmother all her life , just that is 200 years , will you accept that?
All whites? I was insulted most of my life because I come from a large, poor family. I don't hold all rich people responsible. I was insulted as a teenager for being a hippie, not all people insulted me. I have been told I was despised for being white by black people, I don't blame all black people. Holding grudges is harmful to your peace of mind. We are all individuals with individual personalities, races, behaviors, etc. Being hateful, or having a negative or resentful attitude toward whites, just for being white, is not only racist, but further fuels the racism toward you for your behavior.

Not all whites ,but most of them. I am not hateful , but I most definitely hold a negative attitude toward whites , its like being in a room with someone who is capable of any evil , and you just never know what mood they are in. Nor do you trust them. I was in the ER last night ; a white man , 75 years old , was brought in by his son. He was in a wheel chair and had to be lifted onto the bed. The only white male nurse on duty , refused to help two other nurses on duty lift him ; he claimed he did not want to hurt his own back. I am 61years old , 6 feet two inches tall and in decent shape. I was appalled at this guy ; got up myself to help put the man in bed , but my doctor would not allow me , for insurance purposes ; this doctor would not even help , he was white too. The male nurse and the doctor acted as if they were above helping lift this man ; both the old man and his son had very kind spirits. The old man just looked at me and said , " Son , don't worry about it , eventually their going to figure it out."

I just shook my head. And I have seen this kind of stuff all my life.
Bingo. As I have said many times before. I simply dont trust whites as a first reaction.
The worst, and most damaging lie to race relations is, " we're all the same". It spits in the face of actual diversity. And ignores our differences as if they don't matter. Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.
We definitely are not the same. I see that whites as a race have a genetically driven inferiority complex. I think it stems from having recessive genes and instinctively resenting the dominant genes of Blacks.
I must say it's pretty awesome. :thup:
Just wait a decade or two, you will see how "awesome" it is when you are the minority everywhere and you have to rely on non-whites mostly adhering to extremely left wing ideologies just to get through the day.
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