I wonder what its like to be white?

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Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.


I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.

He is very much just a normal white man.

I doubt you have a problem with all the millions of blacks and Asians who have extremely racial views.

Well your right , I don't. White people have cornered the market on racism in my view. Most all races have racism , yes. But whites are the masters of it.

The white millennials don't agree with you.

White millennials don't even have speaks with me. Listen , whites took the ball on racism and ran with it , scored more points than any other race in history. They stomped on all races , anyone who got in their way. They took the world , like predators.

They changed the whole ballgame ; now they are reaping what they sewed. Their whole historical purpose was to be that way ; it is destiny. Its like humpty dumpty sat on a wall , and humpty had a great fall. And no one will put them together again in this life.

I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.

He is very much just a normal white man.

I doubt you have a problem with all the millions of blacks and Asians who have extremely racial views.

Well your right , I don't. White people have cornered the market on racism in my view. Most all races have racism , yes. But whites are the masters of it.

The white millennials don't agree with you.

White millennials don't even have speaks with me. Listen , whites took the ball on racism and ran with it , scored more points than any other race in history. They stomped on all races , anyone who got in their way. They took the world , like predators.

They changed the whole ballgame ; now they are reaping what they sewed. Their whole historical purpose was to be that way ; it is destiny. Its like humpty dumpty sat on a wall , and humpty had a great fall. And no one will put them together again in this life.

If white millennials become completely racial, that will be the ballgame(as far as being equivalent to "humpty dumpty").

White people simply expanded our influence to accommodate for our growing numbers due to our great success in Europe, that is all it really was. If native Americans or any other people in what became European colonies had a society that was as advanced as Europe was at the time, things would have been a lot different.
I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.
He is very much just a normal white man.

I doubt you have a problem with all the millions of blacks and Asians who have extremely racial views.

Well your right , I don't. White people have cornered the market on racism in my view. Most all races have racism , yes. But whites are the masters of it.
The white millennials don't agree with you.

White millennials don't even have speaks with me. Listen , whites took the ball on racism and ran with it , scored more points than any other race in history. They stomped on all races , anyone who got in their way. They took the world , like predators.

They changed the whole ballgame ; now they are reaping what they sewed. Their whole historical purpose was to be that way ; it is destiny. Its like humpty dumpty sat on a wall , and humpty had a great fall. And no one will put them together again in this life.
If white millennials become completely racial, that will be the ballgame(as far as being equivalent to "humpty dumpty").

White people simply expanded our influence to accommodate for our growing numbers due to our great success in Europe, that is all it really was. If native Americans or any other people in what became European colonies had a society that was as advanced as Europe was at the time, things would have been a lot different.

Things went according to plan , the white race did what they were created to do ; bred to do. And nothing could stop it but the God who put it in play; history is just the unfolding of his will. God did not stop it , because he wanted it to happen;

nothing can happen that God does not want to happen.
I recall the stunning reactions to whites and blacks during the OJ Simpson verdict.
Well if you have a clue , I would like to hear you explain what its like to be white.
To be white is to be culturally irrelevant in even your ancestral homelands, and even politically irrelevant.

To be white is to be one of the smallest minorities in the world while also being the most divided race in the world in terms of ideology and the endless sub-group demographics which white people only ever seem to contribute significantly to.

To be white is to be expected to have a guilt complex 24/7 and to deem yourself morally inferior to all other groups based on a perceived history of your ancestors.

To be white is be seen as lesser in every sense of the word in a world that supposedly is moving towards absolute egalitarianism.

Interesting . Much of your answers I think are strange ;I will not say they are wrong , just strange. I wish more whites would contribute their honest evaluation. I do not see whites as being lesser in this world ,or a minority ; I agree that they are expected to have a guilt complex.

I would here more if you do not mind.
White people are becoming a minority in Europe.

We sure as hell are a minority in the world at large.

Well your view of white skin is far differing than mine.

How many white people are there in the world? - Quora

About 1.3 billion white people , around 7 billion in the world; that's a lot of white people.
White people are people of European descent, that is it.

There are less than 800,000,000 people in the world that are actually of European descent, and the vast majority of them are middle aged or older(almost effectively eliminated from western pop culture).

To be under 30 and white in this world is very much different than to be over 50 and white and have memories of a western world that was legitimately over 90% white and much more youthful than it is today.

Even the world I was born into 27 years ago was VASTLY more white than it is today.
Is this why the white racists are all panicky and bust a gasket when white women leave to be with Blacks?
They have no clue what it is like to be white out on Main Street in any major city.

Well if you have a clue , I would like to hear you explain what its like to be white.
To be white is to be culturally irrelevant in even your ancestral homelands, and even politically irrelevant.

To be white is to be one of the smallest minorities in the world while also being the most divided race in the world in terms of ideology and the endless sub-group demographics which white people only ever seem to contribute significantly to.

To be white is to be expected to have a guilt complex 24/7 and to deem yourself morally inferior to all other groups based on a perceived history of your ancestors.

To be white is be seen as lesser in every sense of the word in a world that supposedly is moving towards absolute egalitarianism.

Interesting . Much of your answers I think are strange ;I will not say they are wrong , just strange. I wish more whites would contribute their honest evaluation. I do not see whites as being lesser in this world ,or a minority ; I agree that they are expected to have a guilt complex.

I would here more if you do not mind.
Guilt complex for what? I don't know of any white people with a guilt complex because they have nothing to be guilty of. Perhaps you expect too much?
Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.


I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.

I would hope everyone would have their own view and not base it on your race. Having a different view of any subject just means it is different, why would race be a factor?
Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.


I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.

I would hope everyone would have their own view and not base it on your race. Having a different view of any subject just means it is different, why would race be a factor?

Typically its because it promotes white supremacy which is based on the races white people made up.
Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.


I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.

I would hope everyone would have their own view and not base it on your race. Having a different view of any subject just means it is different, why would race be a factor?

Typically its because it promotes white supremacy which is based on the races white people made up.

Having a different view does not promote any kind of supremacy, what races did white people make up?
Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.


I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.

I would hope everyone would have their own view and not base it on your race. Having a different view of any subject just means it is different, why would race be a factor?

Typically its because it promotes white supremacy which is based on the races white people made up.

Having a different view does not promote any kind of supremacy, what races did white people make up?

The white race for starters.
Excuse me ,I am giving birth to yet another poem;

I was white when I was born
I was white through out all my life
When I died I was white , and I had them purify the dirt before they put me in it
Hitler was white Nazi of course.

Well he was not a black Nazi , that we know for sure. But he was a supremacist ,or one who believes a certain group should be supreme. This kind of mindset in humanity has long roots in the past , and they rear their ugly head in this age.

but not the age to come!
ever wonder what its like to be white?
If you aren't white, you do not know what it is like. Black people have said the same about their race. If we aren't black we can't know what it is like. Does it really matter? We have no choice over our skin color.
Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.


I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.

He is very much just a normal white man.

I doubt you have a problem with all the millions of blacks and Asians who have extremely racial views.

Well your right , I don't. White people have cornered the market on racism in my view. Most all races have racism , yes. But whites are the masters of it.

Even Einstein a white Jew agrees with you.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

I rated you "winner" because I think you described them well. I judge everyone as individual though and I have nothing against whites, but I observe the same "trend" as you.
ever wonder what its like to be white?
If you aren't white, you do not know what it is like. Black people have said the same about their race. If we aren't black we can't know what it is like. Does it really matter? We have no choice over our skin color.

We have no choice over our historical behavior either.
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