I wonder what its like to be white?

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I have always liked Clint Eastwoods movies ,never have liked his political views; his views are certainly white.
I would hope everyone would have their own view and not base it on your race. Having a different view of any subject just means it is different, why would race be a factor?
Your race forever influences your individual view.
I totally disagree. I don't dwell on my race or base my views on what I should think because I am white.

Well then your just a rare white horse, among a whole bunch of other horses in this human race. You can stand up for your people ,speak out for them ,deny as much as you want , defend as much as you want ; but whites are white no matter how holy you would try to make them , you cannot undo what they did yesterday , what they are doing today , and what they will do tomorrow.

In just the last five years of my life , I have never seen so many black men killed by white police; and its weekly ,almost daily. And the white mind sees this and still sticks its mighty head in the sand and puts that weird blind over their eyes. Its uncanny.
Who is making anyone holy? I am not responsible for what anyone did in the past. You are being hateful

Oh no , no! I am not being hateful ,I am just wondering out loud what it is like to be white ; its like trying to stomp on a fly with your feet ; their pride is so great , their naturally elusive.

But their is a way to stomp on them ;

people look at a mirror sometimes , just to prepare themselves for others to look at them.

You can stomp on white people ,by forcing them to look into the mirror of history and reality about themselves.
None of us asked to be born on this planet or what race we are given. We are all born human. That in itself is a wonderful thing.
You have only negative comments about white people. White people want what black people want. To be able to get an education, raise your children, live a productive life, etc. There are good and bad in every race, not just whites
You have only negative comments about white people. White people want what black people want. To be able to get an education, raise your children, live a productive life, etc. There are good and bad in every race, not just whites

Well that's true , but many threads in this section are ranting against black people ; may I then rant a bit against white people? May I? I mean those whites doing this , seem to have card blanch to do it ,may I then do it? I mean give me just a few more weeks ?

I mean I almost look white ;I got a little white blood in me . Could you allow me to continue ,you know , just for the white in me?
You have only negative comments about white people. White people want what black people want. To be able to get an education, raise your children, live a productive life, etc. There are good and bad in every race, not just whites

Well that's true , but many threads in this section are ranting against black people ; may I then rant a bit against white people? May I? I mean those whites doing this , seem to have card blanch to do it ,may I then do it? I mean give me just a few more weeks ?

I mean I almost look white ;I got a little white blood in me . Could you allow me to continue ,you know , just for the white in me?
Lol you DO have the right to express yourself
You have only negative comments about white people. White people want what black people want. To be able to get an education, raise your children, live a productive life, etc. There are good and bad in every race, not just whites

Well that's true , but many threads in this section are ranting against black people ; may I then rant a bit against white people? May I? I mean those whites doing this , seem to have card blanch to do it ,may I then do it? I mean give me just a few more weeks ?

I mean I almost look white ;I got a little white blood in me . Could you allow me to continue ,you know , just for the white in me?
Lol you DO have the right to express yourself

Well thank you ,that is mighty white of you. To realize that I am allowed to do here ,what so many whites have done for a long time.

You know , take target practice on another race. The history of threads here in archives bears this out ; there is no hiding from this truth. But the odds are in your favor ; what, hundreds of white threads , against just a few black threads .

That is Ms Molly , until I came along. I am going to even things up, and then tip the scales.
You have only negative comments about white people. White people want what black people want. To be able to get an education, raise your children, live a productive life, etc. There are good and bad in every race, not just whites

That is Ms Molly , until I came along. I am going to even things up, and then tip the scales.

Good luck with that....The real truth is, in life we tend to generalize and summarize groups / communities...so when vast majorities of X group are low-lifes we tend to have negative things to say about X group....follow me? So the flip side is when the majority of Y group are stand-up, hard working, positive contributors we tend not to have negative things to say about Y group. Get it? You see where this is going right? Nobody really cares about the small percentages as they don't effect the greater whole.
To simplify; think of football teams.
Team X is 16-0 has 2 terrible players and 51 great players...nobody cares about or acknowledges the 2 bad players
Team Y is 0-16 and has 51 terrible players and 2 great players...all anyone talks about is how bad the team is and nobody acknowledges how good the 2 players are

To summarize:
When the majority of your 'group' is terrible you will be grouped in as terrible...sorry, but that's just the way it is. Get your majority to start acting right and change the stereotype....pretty simple stuff.
You have only negative comments about white people. White people want what black people want. To be able to get an education, raise your children, live a productive life, etc. There are good and bad in every race, not just whites

Well that's true , but many threads in this section are ranting against black people ; may I then rant a bit against white people? May I? I mean those whites doing this , seem to have card blanch to do it ,may I then do it? I mean give me just a few more weeks ?

I mean I almost look white ;I got a little white blood in me . Could you allow me to continue ,you know , just for the white in me?
Lol you DO have the right to express yourself

Well thank you ,that is mighty white of you. To realize that I am allowed to do here ,what so many whites have done for a long time.

You know , take target practice on another race. The history of threads here in archives bears this out ; there is no hiding from this truth. But the odds are in your favor ; what, hundreds of white threads , against just a few black threads .

That is Ms Molly , until I came along. I am going to even things up, and then tip the scales.

Good luck with that....The real truth is, in life we tend to generalize and summarize groups / communities...so when vast majorities of X group are low-lifes we tend to have negative things to say about X group....follow me? So the flip side is when the majority of Y group are stand-up, hard working, positive contributors we tend not to have negative things to say about Y group. Get it? You see where this is going right? Nobody really cares about the small percentages as they don't effect the greater whole.
To simplify; think of football teams.
Team X is 16-0 has 2 terrible players and 51 great players...nobody cares about or acknowledges the 2 bad players
Team Y is 0-16 and has 51 terrible players and 2 great players...all anyone talks about is how bad the team is and nobody acknowledges how good the 2 players are

To summarize:
When the majority of your 'group' is terrible you will be grouped in as terrible...sorry, but that's just the way it is. Get your majority to start acting right and change the stereotype....pretty simple stuff.
I like the idea of America that they interfere in other countries when it is time war. It is one of my favorites with America having white presidents, I am proud Christian myself, other Gulf War was an important invent of America in the threat from Iraq's nuclear rearmament as Saddam did but America chose to attack Saddam's Iraq and it was America's road to peace in their battle for America's threats. It was George W Bush with Marines how take Saddam's Iraq in war in 2003. This is what George W Bush is proud with when he won to America. I hope the same with Trump if he has enemy and he attack with troops. Import for America's interest. Maybe it is Korea war next time for America they have troops in South Korea or they take away in South Korea if Trump will this I will this. I will in futures 45,000 troops in Alaska they can hold for America's chance.
Being white is " A Spirit in man", its a conscious way of thinking. Its just there, deeper than skin. Its like sweat that comes out of the body ; its a consciousness planted deep inside white people. They were programed years ago to hunt humanity and capture them; rule over them ,like a predator.

Look at some of the threads here by white people , they talk like predators. That nature comes out of them; they act like this place is a zoo, and we are but captors in this cage. This society ; caged in this world; they think minorities are in a box. Like we are animals.

I am a Black Panther , and here ; here in this fortress of solitude I speak my piece. I use my teeth ,and bite every white hand that tries to feed me garbage.
In wondering what it is like to be white, its really a study of "The spirits in man." I think there is a spirit world ,or something other than man in reality. More on that later. There are many spirits that can be in a human; life is a spirit we all have. There are male spirits , female spirits, and when those two spirits invade each other in a human ,that human's nature is then highly influenced by those spirits, which I think then produces homosexuality, lesbianism ,or a mix of the two, inside one human. Not that they are confused ,I think more so invaded ; a " Difference" crowded into their consciousness. I think a human can be born into this invasion ,or choose to be invaded.

Lust is a spirit ; I have chosen a thousand times to be invaded by lust , and enjoyed it.

Culture in humanity is a spirit ; an influence lets say.

White consciousness is a spirit ; an invasion inside of the white mind! A tampering of a whole people. And I want to go into that.
whites don't get it ?

nothing says personal responsibility like demanding equal rights while denying the rights of others

In my view ,this is not about rights ,its about destiny. All of humanity has a destiny , a birth right from God, but whites would even seek to pervert that. To control and manipulate the awesome free gift of God.
In wondering what it is like to be white, its really a study of "The spirits in man." I think there is a spirit world ,or something other than man in reality. More on that later. There are many spirits that can be in a human; life is a spirit we all have. There are male spirits , female spirits, and when those two spirits invade each other in a human ,that human's nature is then highly influenced by those spirits, which I think then produces homosexuality, lesbianism ,or a mix of the two, inside one human. Not that they are confused ,I think more so invaded ; a " Difference" crowded into their consciousness. I think a human can be born into this invasion ,or choose to be invaded.

Lust is a spirit ; I have chosen a thousand times to be invaded by lust , and enjoyed it.

Culture in humanity is a spirit ; an influence lets say.

White consciousness is a spirit ; an invasion inside of the white mind! A tampering of a whole people. And I want to go into that.

Basically a spirit in humans ,is a consciousness; and consciousness is the governor of behavior. Differing consciousness invoke differing behavior and beliefs. A spirit then is a predominant mood or influence within us. This is what causes humans to murder, rape or just read. Or just take offense to things , or have particular standards of living and thinking. From this can come strong loyalty or dedication. Or insanity!

So the white consciousness ,like all consciousness , is unique. I think definite patterns of thinking and ability was implanted within the species that would make them rise in history and do what they did. I think God was behind this behavior. This history , this most unusual promotion.

God is well ordered ,himself a most unusual being; I think its possible God may have upwards to 7 separate consciousness, within himself. Which would be astounding! But I don't know ,I can only guess at that ,but I have my biblical reasons for guessing at it. I think God controls the ways and historical means of man. And I think he wanted this world to be in an uproar when he returns.

And I think he choose the white race to help establish that on earth.
In the bible, a book called " Romans" chapter13 verse 1 , it states" The powers that be are ordained by God!" Any human culture , any human race ,any human people that dominated the world at any time in history , did so because of God. Whatever they thought like was manipulated by God. Used by God ; determined by God. Such is my belief ,and it explains human history to me better than any thing else I am aware of.

It explains human nature better than any other reasonant I have considered.

Humanity did not create itself. We did not just " Puff" up out of empty space. We are not the off spring of the idiot hierocracy of speechless apes. Reality did not vomit us out of a useless explosion in space; explosions don't cause life ,it causes destruction.

Life comes from life ; consciousness comes from consciousness.
whites don't get it ?

nothing says personal responsibility like demanding equal rights while denying the rights of others

In my view ,this is not about rights ,its about destiny. All of humanity has a destiny , a birth right from God, but whites would even seek to pervert that. To control and manipulate the awesome free gift of God.

or it could be that whites are destined to rule the world?
whites don't get it ?

nothing says personal responsibility like demanding equal rights while denying the rights of others

In my view ,this is not about rights ,its about destiny. All of humanity has a destiny , a birth right from God, but whites would even seek to pervert that. To control and manipulate the awesome free gift of God.

or it could be that whites are destined to rule the world?

No ,they already rule the world . But I would say they were " Pre Destined" to rule the world. And pre destined to fall.
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