I wonder what its like to be white?

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I wouldnt expect Black women to be more beautiful to white men. That wouldnt even make sense. White men typically rationalize that white women are the most beautiful for the obvious reasons. It would be like insulting themselves to admit that Black women are the most beautiful.
White women with good genes who take care of themselves are absolutely stunning no matter which way you slice it. I honestly don't know how white men could live in the olden days without experiencing constant, painful erections staring at drop dead gorgeous women every minute of every day.
A stunning white woman is a rare sight indeed but its an everyday occurrence for Black women. However, that has nothing to do with my point. My point is that white men have always found Black women irresistible and more desirable than their own white women. Why else would they have raped Black women when they were enslaved when they had a white woman living in the house with them? In order to make this right in their minds they had to rationalize that white women were somehow more desirable. If they didnt rationalize this to themselves they would be admitting they understood their recessiveness.
Rape is about power and control

Its also about lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes;

Let me ask you something ; do you think its possible for one culture to rape another? Can one nation rape a whole country? I am curious , if an atom bomb is dropped on a nation , is that rape? Is it rape when you rain a chemical on a city? Is it rape when you give porn to the world?
Rape is unlawful, forceful sex

Miz Molly , rape is also the act of capturing and carrying off by force ; or abduction . Rape is also to plunder or pillage a city or a country. It can also be abuse or improper treatment ,its not limited to just sex.
White women with good genes who take care of themselves are absolutely stunning no matter which way you slice it. I honestly don't know how white men could live in the olden days without experiencing constant, painful erections staring at drop dead gorgeous women every minute of every day.
A stunning white woman is a rare sight indeed but its an everyday occurrence for Black women. However, that has nothing to do with my point. My point is that white men have always found Black women irresistible and more desirable than their own white women. Why else would they have raped Black women when they were enslaved when they had a white woman living in the house with them? In order to make this right in their minds they had to rationalize that white women were somehow more desirable. If they didnt rationalize this to themselves they would be admitting they understood their recessiveness.
Rape is about power and control

Its also about lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes;

Let me ask you something ; do you think its possible for one culture to rape another? Can one nation rape a whole country? I am curious , if an atom bomb is dropped on a nation , is that rape? Is it rape when you rain a chemical on a city? Is it rape when you give porn to the world?
Rape is unlawful, forceful sex

Miz Molly , rape is also the act of capturing and carrying off by force ; or abduction . Rape is also to plunder or pillage a city or a country. It can also be abuse or improper treatment ,its not limited to just sex.
When I looked up the definition it mentions unwanted sex
Whites lust for jurisdiction , they want the right and power to interpret and apply the law. This thing inside their consciousness is also the reason you can see so many of them always trying to interpret all the threads here ; you know , as if THEY are the law on all websites. You know ,because THEY invented the internet ,them and Al Gore!

Remember jurisdiction is basically controlling territory; its the territorial range of authority. And if another race is living on YOUR territory , well then their your property. This is an ingrained way of thinking.

So blacks crave for no jurisdiction?, no law? white people interpret threads here?? WTF ? we're supposed to read blindly? then you would accuse whites of being ignorant, not taking the time to read or think. OH wait, im sure you already do. you accuse whites of wanting to apply law? sorry, its that way all over the world. Go to Africa, see how they apply law, go to Arabia, China, they all apply law... whites are no different in that respect

Chinese built that great big thing called the great wall of China. Cause they thought that was their territory. This is nothing new, only you all have a great disdain for whites and looking for anything to pick on, carry on though, your doing just great with that
No, they are increasingly going with black women because they think black women are hot and they also realize that black women are not completely owned by feminist lunatic doctrine like many white women are from the day they can speak.

Breeding with black people only causes your children to be ugly as sin because the child will basically be 50% of each race and people of European descent and people of African descent are basically the closest you can get in the human species to opposites(meaning your children end up in the middle with highly contrasting features).
Theyve always thought Black women were hot. They cant help that. However, now they are making the conscious decision to do so.

I agree that some biracial children are ugly as sin when they display more of the white genes. When there is very little white on display they tend to be beautiful.
Black women have never held a candle to white women in white men's minds until very recently. Even white men who have an extreme fetish for black women can see how beautiful white women are.

It mainly has to do with white feminist bitches that drive normal white men to Asian and black women.
I wouldnt expect Black women to be more beautiful to white men. That wouldnt even make sense. White men typically rationalize that white women are the most beautiful for the obvious reasons. It would be like insulting themselves to admit that Black women are the most beautiful.
White women with good genes who take care of themselves are absolutely stunning no matter which way you slice it. I honestly don't know how white men could live in the olden days without experiencing constant, painful erections staring at drop dead gorgeous women every minute of every day.
A stunning white woman is a rare sight indeed but its an everyday occurrence for Black women. However, that has nothing to do with my point. My point is that white men have always found Black women irresistible and more desirable than their own white women. Why else would they have raped Black women when they were enslaved when they had a white woman living in the house with them? In order to make this right in their minds they had to rationalize that white women were somehow more desirable. If they didnt rationalize this to themselves they would be admitting they understood their recessiveness.
Some were attracted to them, others simply took advantage of their situation as slavemasters over a female population.
Whites lust for jurisdiction , they want the right and power to interpret and apply the law. This thing inside their consciousness is also the reason you can see so many of them always trying to interpret all the threads here ; you know , as if THEY are the law on all websites. You know ,because THEY invented the internet ,them and Al Gore!

Remember jurisdiction is basically controlling territory; its the territorial range of authority. And if another race is living on YOUR territory , well then their your property. This is an ingrained way of thinking.

So blacks crave for no jurisdiction?, no law? white people interpret threads here?? WTF ? we're supposed to read blindly? then you would accuse whites of being ignorant, not taking the time to read or think. OH wait, im sure you already do. you accuse whites of wanting to apply law? sorry, its that way all over the world. Go to Africa, see how they apply law, go to Arabia, China, they all apply law... whites are no different in that respect

Chinese built that great big thing called the great wall of China. Cause they thought that was their territory. This is nothing new, only you all have a great disdain for whites and looking for anything to pick on, carry on though, your doing just great with that

Oh sure , other races do and want all the things I have stated; but the thread is about whites . If you don't mind sir , I will carry on and thank for your permissive will. The focus of thread is white, what it is like to be white ; oh I know this will irritate some whites , but if you need relief , just read the threads here that stomp on black behavior. There are plenty of them to pacify you.

Welcome to thread.
Theyve always thought Black women were hot. They cant help that. However, now they are making the conscious decision to do so.

I agree that some biracial children are ugly as sin when they display more of the white genes. When there is very little white on display they tend to be beautiful.
Black women have never held a candle to white women in white men's minds until very recently. Even white men who have an extreme fetish for black women can see how beautiful white women are.

It mainly has to do with white feminist bitches that drive normal white men to Asian and black women.
I wouldnt expect Black women to be more beautiful to white men. That wouldnt even make sense. White men typically rationalize that white women are the most beautiful for the obvious reasons. It would be like insulting themselves to admit that Black women are the most beautiful.
White women with good genes who take care of themselves are absolutely stunning no matter which way you slice it. I honestly don't know how white men could live in the olden days without experiencing constant, painful erections staring at drop dead gorgeous women every minute of every day.
A stunning white woman is a rare sight indeed but its an everyday occurrence for Black women. However, that has nothing to do with my point. My point is that white men have always found Black women irresistible and more desirable than their own white women. Why else would they have raped Black women when they were enslaved when they had a white woman living in the house with them? In order to make this right in their minds they had to rationalize that white women were somehow more desirable. If they didnt rationalize this to themselves they would be admitting they understood their recessiveness.
Some were attracted to them, others simply took advantage of their situation as slavemasters over a female population.

I agree , If I may ; the lion will jump on the meat ,they can't help it :
the dog cannot resist the meat;
it was the lust in the consciousness of the white man who raped the many black women , as I have stated before , the physical act may have declined over the years , but the consciousness is the key ; is the lust still there in the mind?

Is racism still there lurking in the darkness of the white consciousness?

And I want to go into that.
What it is like to be white , is similar to what it is like to be any other race , but mind you not exact! All humans are alike in many ways ,yet we all have many things that are unique to just our individual selves , and then our individual race and culture. In example no humans eyes are exactly alike , or finger prints. But we all have hair , arms , feet , torso , heads and fingers. I think its possible that so does God and Christ. I am not sure , but it is highly possible.

The white race is unique , as is all races. Because of ego , we all like to hear that we are unique , you know , get pacified and pat on the back. But when it comes to truthfully examining our race , both the good and bad of it , well then well then some of us get inflamed ; and I understand that.

I think there is light and darkness in us all I really believe that .

God did something of interest in Gen. 2:9 he planted ,( or created ) , a tree of knowledge of both good and evil , notice , " In the same tree." He planted this on earth ,which means HE established it on earth , he wanted this to be . This also means influence on the human nature , both good and evil influence , in the same tree ,AND meaning in the same individual human consciousness. This is WHY ALL human consciousness is affected with this ; its the root reason ; this is something religion just can't get to or comprehend. Even the non religious do not get to this origin of our behavior.

This is why white people behave and think as they do. Its why all races behave and think as they do.

Now , that being said , allow me to continue on the white race and how the darkness has affected them.
Theyve always thought Black women were hot. They cant help that. However, now they are making the conscious decision to do so.

I agree that some biracial children are ugly as sin when they display more of the white genes. When there is very little white on display they tend to be beautiful.
Black women have never held a candle to white women in white men's minds until very recently. Even white men who have an extreme fetish for black women can see how beautiful white women are.

It mainly has to do with white feminist bitches that drive normal white men to Asian and black women.
I wouldnt expect Black women to be more beautiful to white men. That wouldnt even make sense. White men typically rationalize that white women are the most beautiful for the obvious reasons. It would be like insulting themselves to admit that Black women are the most beautiful.
White women with good genes who take care of themselves are absolutely stunning no matter which way you slice it. I honestly don't know how white men could live in the olden days without experiencing constant, painful erections staring at drop dead gorgeous women every minute of every day.
A stunning white woman is a rare sight indeed but its an everyday occurrence for Black women. However, that has nothing to do with my point. My point is that white men have always found Black women irresistible and more desirable than their own white women. Why else would they have raped Black women when they were enslaved when they had a white woman living in the house with them? In order to make this right in their minds they had to rationalize that white women were somehow more desirable. If they didnt rationalize this to themselves they would be admitting they understood their recessiveness.
Some were attracted to them, others simply took advantage of their situation as slavemasters over a female population.
Took advantage how? If they had sex, forced or otherwise, they were attracted.
Now , read this and notice toward the end the author gives 3 reasons why the European's , or whites , came into power.

ELI5: How did white men come to be dominant on earth? • /r/explainlikeimfive

Now , I think the choice of the Catholic church becoming aggressive in history , THAT is where the whites came to rule the world .

And God was behind it all. But not for reasons the white human ego would like to think.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
What you are describing is average for human beings. Genetically, we're all 99.5% alike.

A primary difference isn't genetic, it's cultural. Do you believe the high proportion of murders and violent crime committed by blacks in the US is genetic or cultural? I believe it's cultural, but from your OP, I suspect you think it's genetic.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
What you are describing is average for human beings. Genetically, we're all 99.5% alike.

A primary difference isn't genetic, it's cultural. Do you believe the high proportion of murders and violent crime committed by blacks in the US is genetic or cultural? I believe it's cultural, but from your OP, I suspect you think it's genetic.
You are right about it being cultural. Due to dysfunctional white culture and its effects on the Black Americans it is causing them to no longer value the lives of their brothers. We know this is true because prior to the effects of white dysfunction and racism becoming ingrained, Black people stuck together and were not violent with each other.
.....We know this is true because prior to the effects of white dysfunction and racism becoming ingrained, Black people stuck together and were not violent with each other.

Obviously you need to stop drinking that cheap booze. It's rotting your brain.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
What you are describing is average for human beings. Genetically, we're all 99.5% alike.

A primary difference isn't genetic, it's cultural. Do you believe the high proportion of murders and violent crime committed by blacks in the US is genetic or cultural? I believe it's cultural, but from your OP, I suspect you think it's genetic.

I think its both; which is to say I think we do violent crimes because of what is inside of us and outside of us.
.....We know this is true because prior to the effects of white dysfunction and racism becoming ingrained, Black people stuck together and were not violent with each other.

Obviously you need to stop drinking that cheap booze. It's rotting your brain.
Whites and their over indulgence in booze coupled with their latent criminal activity concerning the product is a very bad influence on other races.
Black women have never held a candle to white women in white men's minds until very recently. Even white men who have an extreme fetish for black women can see how beautiful white women are.

It mainly has to do with white feminist bitches that drive normal white men to Asian and black women.
I wouldnt expect Black women to be more beautiful to white men. That wouldnt even make sense. White men typically rationalize that white women are the most beautiful for the obvious reasons. It would be like insulting themselves to admit that Black women are the most beautiful.
White women with good genes who take care of themselves are absolutely stunning no matter which way you slice it. I honestly don't know how white men could live in the olden days without experiencing constant, painful erections staring at drop dead gorgeous women every minute of every day.
A stunning white woman is a rare sight indeed but its an everyday occurrence for Black women. However, that has nothing to do with my point. My point is that white men have always found Black women irresistible and more desirable than their own white women. Why else would they have raped Black women when they were enslaved when they had a white woman living in the house with them? In order to make this right in their minds they had to rationalize that white women were somehow more desirable. If they didnt rationalize this to themselves they would be admitting they understood their recessiveness.
Some were attracted to them, others simply took advantage of their situation as slavemasters over a female population.

I agree , If I may ; the lion will jump on the meat ,they can't help it :
the dog cannot resist the meat;
it was the lust in the consciousness of the white man who raped the many black women , as I have stated before , the physical act may have declined over the years , but the consciousness is the key ; is the lust still there in the mind?

Is racism still there lurking in the darkness of the white consciousness?

And I want to go into that.

Whites lust for jurisdiction , they want the right and power to interpret and apply the law. This thing inside their consciousness is also the reason you can see so many of them always trying to interpret all the threads here ; you know , as if THEY are the law on all websites. You know ,because THEY invented the internet ,them and Al Gore!

Remember jurisdiction is basically controlling territory; its the territorial range of authority. And if another race is living on YOUR territory , well then their your property. This is an ingrained way of thinking.

So blacks crave for no jurisdiction?, no law? white people interpret threads here?? WTF ? we're supposed to read blindly? then you would accuse whites of being ignorant, not taking the time to read or think. OH wait, im sure you already do. you accuse whites of wanting to apply law? sorry, its that way all over the world. Go to Africa, see how they apply law, go to Arabia, China, they all apply law... whites are no different in that respect

Chinese built that great big thing called the great wall of China. Cause they thought that was their territory. This is nothing new, only you all have a great disdain for whites and looking for anything to pick on, carry on though, your doing just great with that

Oh sure , other races do and want all the things I have stated; but the thread is about whites . If you don't mind sir , I will carry on and thank for your permissive will. The focus of thread is white, what it is like to be white ; oh I know this will irritate some whites , but if you need relief , just read the threads here that stomp on black behavior. There are plenty of them to pacify you.

Welcome to thread.

I see, well i shouldn't have stepped out of line like that. Didn't quite get the rules of your thread, since its about WHITE all references to the subject should not include anything but white. ok, your thread your rules. "carry on" , no, not granting WHITE permission, just saying what a great job your doing painting a beautiful picture. maybe i should have used better words. I realize now i'm hopelessly racist beyond my will and any opinion i post is so flawed by my collective racial past, that you really don't have much interest or use or would any other person, especially one of color. from this point on i will cease to 'interpret' any of your posts
Black women have never held a candle to white women in white men's minds until very recently. Even white men who have an extreme fetish for black women can see how beautiful white women are.

It mainly has to do with white feminist bitches that drive normal white men to Asian and black women.
I wouldnt expect Black women to be more beautiful to white men. That wouldnt even make sense. White men typically rationalize that white women are the most beautiful for the obvious reasons. It would be like insulting themselves to admit that Black women are the most beautiful.
White women with good genes who take care of themselves are absolutely stunning no matter which way you slice it. I honestly don't know how white men could live in the olden days without experiencing constant, painful erections staring at drop dead gorgeous women every minute of every day.
A stunning white woman is a rare sight indeed but its an everyday occurrence for Black women. However, that has nothing to do with my point. My point is that white men have always found Black women irresistible and more desirable than their own white women. Why else would they have raped Black women when they were enslaved when they had a white woman living in the house with them? In order to make this right in their minds they had to rationalize that white women were somehow more desirable. If they didnt rationalize this to themselves they would be admitting they understood their recessiveness.
Some were attracted to them, others simply took advantage of their situation as slavemasters over a female population.
Took advantage how? If they had sex, forced or otherwise, they were attracted.
According to your logic white women are the most attractive, because they were the most sought after concubines back in the day.
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