I wonder where the


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Yellow went.Famous saying.No I doesn't.I wonder where the
COVID went.Because in the last 24 hrs. it's gone.Like Magic.
It's official.By Mr. Executive Order Joe Biden.Just like that.
With the snap of the fingers.As if President Biden wouldn't screw up
snapping his fingers.Even when listening to the *Andrews sisters.
How bout ... Where did Dr.Fauci go_Or Miss Scarf { Dr. Birx }.

* preeminent singing sister act of all time.With well over
75 million records sold.
Yellow went.Famous saying.No I doesn't.I wonder where the
COVID went.Because in the last 24 hrs. it's gone.Like Magic.
It's official.By Mr. Executive Order Joe Biden.Just like that.
With the snap of the fingers.As if President Biden wouldn't screw up
snapping his fingers.Even when listening to the *Andrews sisters.
How bout ... Where did Dr.Fauci go_Or Miss Scarf { Dr. Birx }.

* preeminent singing sister act of all time.With well over
75 million records sold.
Ya bro covid just disappeared by executive order there were zero other variables :rolleyes:
Ya bro covid just disappeared by executive order there were zero other variables :rolleyes:
Like a Virus knows from variables.Maybe the calendar.
Like the yearly Flu.But Covid was used as intended.
To force Americans to know the power of The State.
The State forcing Lockdowns was a near first in our Country.
History will not look kindly on it's use.And each passing month
Covid gains a new following among those who Hate it.
Yet, i see where there are those like Democrats in Wisconsin
on Election Day wearing masks as they count the validity
of cast ballots. I thought how creepy.Masks Never did what we
were instructed.Nor did the 6 foot rule { stay at least 6 feet from
others' }. It was Giant Hoax.
But The most dastardly thing is that just last Fall The Experts
were seeing to it that Toddlers got a booster.Pressuring Parents
to use the Injections.This is Definable Evil!
Actually, it’s been with us since the summer of 2019
Almost three years……hardly overnight
No way Bub.You're off by nearly 6 months.The first we heard of Covid
was in December of 2019.A month later it was reported by the Mainstream
media and not taken seriously.The proof is back in mid-October
of 2019 ,where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins
hosted - Event 201 - at a N.Y.city Hotel { Lafette } along with the
World Economic Forum { Invitation only } in a Tabletop Pandemic exercise.
It was barely mentioned even a year later.

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