I wouldn't legitimize him

Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Oh yeah Kinetta too lol

Just relaying to ben all the old pres 2000 people here

Ah. Yeah jeez, 20 years between that and here.
Yes I miss it but seems everyone split Took the fun out of it Still 20 years with the same people,,miss them all
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.
And what is the moron going to do about it ?? Start a war??
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.

Actually, it wasn't so much money that was owed, as it was money that had been frozen when the sanctions were imposed, and when they were lifted, the frozen money that was theirs to begin with was released.
Since Trump didn’t want any note taker in Singapore, we only have the word of a fat, narcissist despot of a ruler vs. Kim.
Consider it from, say, Japan's point of view. Before, when one of Kim's limp, sputtering rockets went flying over Honshu, PM Abe could race to microphone and denounce Kim in the strongest terms, and could count on pretty much everyone else doing the same. Now, when that happens, PM Abe knows that he will be criticizing someone who was just lauded by the President of the most powerful country on Earth, so he won't be able to rip Kim a new one as easily, let alone suggest a retaliation such as sanctions. To PM Abe, Kim is now less of a murderous rogue dictator who should be vilified, and more of a legitimate government who should be included in the world community and maybe even invited to organizations like SEATO and the UN, even though he just fired a nuclear missile over Honshu.

Because he's just been legitimized.
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?

One of the things that Bill Richardson warned about was against appearing too friendly with Un, because Un would use it as positive propaganda at home. And, Richardson should know, because he's been there 6 times as a negotiator to get back hostages.

Trump was friendlier with Un than he was with the G6, and it showed. Now, Un can point to his meeting with Trump and tell his people that he is now a recognized world leader because Trump endorses him (which is what he did when he got back, even to the point that N. Korean media brought back the pink lady from retirement to announce the news.)

Ok he uses it as propaganda......now what?
Is he the leader of N Korea?
Does he alreay put people in labor camps?
Does he kill people?
so how does this "legitimizing" change anything?

Yes, he is the leader of N. Korea. Yes, he puts people in labor camps and kills them as well as starves his population. Which makes me wonder why Trump said publicly that Un loves his country and his people.

Because if you're negotiating with him to get rid of his nukes, it's best to be honest and say you are a worthless piece of shit dictator.....I mean you guys have some great diplomatic chops.....
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?

One of the things that Bill Richardson warned about was against appearing too friendly with Un, because Un would use it as positive propaganda at home. And, Richardson should know, because he's been there 6 times as a negotiator to get back hostages.

Trump was friendlier with Un than he was with the G6, and it showed. Now, Un can point to his meeting with Trump and tell his people that he is now a recognized world leader because Trump endorses him (which is what he did when he got back, even to the point that N. Korean media brought back the pink lady from retirement to announce the news.)

So he wasn't saying that before?
Is he not the leader of North Korea?
Who is going to say...ah now that he met with Trump, we now consider you legit, when before we thought your leader was invisible......
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Did you ever think Trump is blowimg smoke up Kim ass like the used car dealer that sold you your first lemom?

Both most likely walked awat thinking what a blowhard and yet I bet Kim was star struck like the mental midget he is...
An interesting phenomena about Trump sheep is how they invent little fairy tails in their heads to reconcile what Trump says he did versus what he actually did.

Oh, Trump was “blowing smoke up Kim’s ass like a used car dealer?” Brilliant! :cuckoo:

yeah, he should have told him he was a worthless piece of shit...….run for office on that platform.....Shit when Trump called him rocket man, you guys were pissing your pants thinking he was going to nuke us.....you guys are pathetic
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.
Wait money was "owed" to Iran?
Why would we give them anything?
they fund groups that fight us and Israel.....why in the fuck would you give them more money...….
Consider it from, say, Japan's point of view. Before, when one of Kim's limp, sputtering rockets went flying over Honshu, PM Abe could race to microphone and denounce Kim in the strongest terms, and could count on pretty much everyone else doing the same. Now, when that happens, PM Abe knows that he will be criticizing someone who was just lauded by the President of the most powerful country on Earth, so he won't be able to rip Kim a new one as easily, let alone suggest a retaliation such as sanctions. To PM Abe, Kim is now less of a murderous rogue dictator who should be vilified, and more of a legitimate government who should be included in the world community and maybe even invited to organizations like SEATO and the UN, even though he just fired a nuclear missile over Honshu.

Because he's just been legitimized.
So wait, don't have the meeting, because we can't vilify him as easily?
you guys really don't know how negotiations work.

so no meeting.....what's the plan?
talk more shit? you guys hated it when Trump did it before?
Give him money to prop up his regime like Bush and Clinton did?

I mean whats the play? If you have to say a few nice things about him to possibly end his nuclear arsenal, so fucking what?
If he doesn't play ball, just say I was negotiating and he's a piece of shit.....

it didn't change ANYTHING....

Abe, Moon and Xi all know what Trump is doing, Kim does as well......but Trump is giving him a choice....and he decides......no one else can force him unless you invade...which no one wants to do......so it's the only play we have....
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.
And what is the moron going to do about it ?? Start a war??
You guys want war with Russia and North Korea, why not add Iran to the list.....
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.

Actually, it wasn't so much money that was owed, as it was money that had been frozen when the sanctions were imposed, and when they were lifted, the frozen money that was theirs to begin with was released.
Why did we ever do that, they are just going to use it to kill more citizens, and fund terrorists to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Syria as well us suicide bombers in Israel......
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Oh yeah Kinetta too lol

Just relaying to ben all the old pres 2000 people here

Ah. Yeah jeez, 20 years between that and here.
Yes I miss it but seems everyone split Took the fun out of it Still 20 years with the same people,,miss them all
yes, and some of my favs passed. Richie, NoGuru.

Billy pops in as you notice, and Eagle does occasionally.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.
And what is the moron going to do about it ?? Start a war??
You guys want war with Russia and North Korea, why not add Iran to the list.....
Us guys? Who was fellating Trump when he was threating NK with nuclear war?
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?
no one is looking for praise. What we're actually doing is pointing to the stupid that is the left. Dude, first it was donald was instigating a fight with a nut job dictator in NK. he's got us going to war was coming all over the airwaves when he said his red button was bigger and better than Kim's. Now he shakes his hand and makes some sense of progress and the same narrators of creating war are now saying how dare he not create war I suppose. I can't make any other relevance out of statements since the handshake from the left. Are you all really that fking stupid? Truly, is there like a workshop on how to be totally insane stupid? you should stop going.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
Money that was owed, and did it in exchange for a deal. But now, looks like it was just free money and Iran is free to start up their nuke weapon program anytime they want.
And what is the moron going to do about it ?? Start a war??
You guys want war with Russia and North Korea, why not add Iran to the list.....
Us guys? Who was fellating Trump when he was threating NK with nuclear war?
when did he do that?

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