I wouldn't legitimize him

I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Flattering a crazy person, who also happens to have nukes, is a small price to pay to get that crazy person to give them up. You clowns laud the wonderful behavior of the "professionals" who's sole accomplishment has been to ensure that the crazy person got his nukes. You people are moronically stupid.

And then there's the people who are morally stupid.
Trump gushes over a man who kills his enemies, starves his people and sells children for sex.
And Trump glosses over it with "he loves his people".
Get off your high horse. Trump,s behavioral was morally disgusting.

And your hero, the shrilary claims to "fight for the LGBTQ community" and accepts millions of dollars from countries that throw them off of buildings. Take your faux moral outrage and shove it up your keester.

As I stated multiple times before the 2016 election, someone would have to put a gun to my head, to get me to vote for Clinton or Trump. They were to two worse major party candidates, ever. I also, never voted for Hillary’s dickhead of a husband. I actually did volunteer work for George H W and Bob Dole.
Unlike you, I think out of the box and don’t subscribe to any ideology. Never have, never will.
I see how folks like you let yourselves get steamrolled by a narcissistic, lying, incompetent slime like Trump. As your hero says,,, SAD!

Based on your responses I doubt anything you claim. There is no way you worked for the campaign for bush. I did vote for clinton, bill that is. ALL politicians are narcissists, anyone who claims otherwise is a fool, or a narcissist themselves. You do ascribe to an ideology, and that is progressivism. Your attempt to hide is laughable. I am a liberal Democrat. I always have been. I am not, and will never be a progressive.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Nah, he just gave him a billion dollars.
It wasn't money the US taxed or borrowed

Irrelevant. No one in their right mind gives an enemy a billion dollars, unless they are in with that enemy.
It was their money.
Then why did we have it?

When the sanctions were imposed on Iran, the money that they had in accounts under US control was frozen, meaning they couldn't have access to it. When the sanctions were finally lifted under the Iran deal, the money was no longer frozen, and had to be returned to them.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Flattering a crazy person, who also happens to have nukes, is a small price to pay to get that crazy person to give them up. You clowns laud the wonderful behavior of the "professionals" who's sole accomplishment has been to ensure that the crazy person got his nukes. You people are moronically stupid.

And then there's the people who are morally stupid.
Trump gushes over a man who kills his enemies, starves his people and sells children for sex.
And Trump glosses over it with "he loves his people".
Get off your high horse. Trump,s behavioral was morally disgusting.

And your hero, the shrilary claims to "fight for the LGBTQ community" and accepts millions of dollars from countries that throw them off of buildings. Take your faux moral outrage and shove it up your keester.

As I stated multiple times before the 2016 election, someone would have to put a gun to my head, to get me to vote for Clinton or Trump. They were to two worse major party candidates, ever. I also, never voted for Hillary’s dickhead of a husband. I actually did volunteer work for George H W and Bob Dole.
Unlike you, I think out of the box and don’t subscribe to any ideology. Never have, never will.
I see how folks like you let yourselves get steamrolled by a narcissistic, lying, incompetent slime like Trump. As your hero says,,, SAD!

Based on your responses I doubt anything you claim. There is no way you worked for the campaign for bush. I did vote for clinton, bill that is. ALL politicians are narcissists, anyone who claims otherwise is a fool, or a narcissist themselves. You do ascribe to an ideology, and that is progressivism. Your attempt to hide is laughable. I am a liberal Democrat. I always have been. I am not, and will never be a progressive.

Thanks for making my point. You are a boxed in ideological goose-stepper, who so narrow minded that you think centralist are leftist.
I challenge you to find one post where I clearly support any progressive. Where as you’d support Charles Manson if had a R behind his name.
I’m sure glad I’m not you! Whew!
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

No he just secretly gave him millions of dollars for terrorism
When Trump called Kim little rocket man and talked about fire and fury the left was upset with that claming he would lead us into nuclear war now your upset he is being polite and diplomatic for God sakes make up your mind and pick one.
Flattering a crazy person, who also happens to have nukes, is a small price to pay to get that crazy person to give them up. You clowns laud the wonderful behavior of the "professionals" who's sole accomplishment has been to ensure that the crazy person got his nukes. You people are moronically stupid.

And then there's the people who are morally stupid.
Trump gushes over a man who kills his enemies, starves his people and sells children for sex.
And Trump glosses over it with "he loves his people".
Get off your high horse. Trump,s behavioral was morally disgusting.

And your hero, the shrilary claims to "fight for the LGBTQ community" and accepts millions of dollars from countries that throw them off of buildings. Take your faux moral outrage and shove it up your keester.

As I stated multiple times before the 2016 election, someone would have to put a gun to my head, to get me to vote for Clinton or Trump. They were to two worse major party candidates, ever. I also, never voted for Hillary’s dickhead of a husband. I actually did volunteer work for George H W and Bob Dole.
Unlike you, I think out of the box and don’t subscribe to any ideology. Never have, never will.
I see how folks like you let yourselves get steamrolled by a narcissistic, lying, incompetent slime like Trump. As your hero says,,, SAD!

Based on your responses I doubt anything you claim. There is no way you worked for the campaign for bush. I did vote for clinton, bill that is. ALL politicians are narcissists, anyone who claims otherwise is a fool, or a narcissist themselves. You do ascribe to an ideology, and that is progressivism. Your attempt to hide is laughable. I am a liberal Democrat. I always have been. I am not, and will never be a progressive.

Thanks for making my point. You are a boxed in ideological goose-stepper, who so narrow minded that you think centralist are leftist.
I challenge you to find one post where I clearly support any progressive. Where as you’d support Charles Manson if had a R behind his name.
I’m sure glad I’m not you! Whew!

You will find I attack cons and progressives equally. I despise extremism. One thing I noticed about your posts, you have NEVER pointed out a bad thing that a progressive has done. You are all over any bad thing a con has done, but you are remarkably silent on equal condemnation for progressives. Remember cupcake, it's not just who you support, but who's bad acts you are silent on as well.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?
So what does he mean by legitimizing him?????

and how would have done it differently?
We're going to have to start small with you. Here: the definition of legitimize
I do not believe he does not understand! He is just like my ex wife he believes that if he never admits to being full of shit then he has won the argument!
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?
So what does he mean by legitimizing him?????

and how would have done it differently?
We're going to have to start small with you. Here: the definition of legitimize
I do not believe he does not understand! He is just like my ex wife he believes that if he never admits to being full of shit then he has won the argument!
I know the definition dipshit, now tell me how it APPLIES to this case.....in other words put down the talking points and come up with your own thoughts....

The leftwing echo chamber doesn't ask that question, so you have no talking points about it to spout....so again HOW does it legitimize him
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?
So what does he mean by legitimizing him?????

and how would have done it differently?
We're going to have to start small with you. Here: the definition of legitimize
I do not believe he does not understand! He is just like my ex wife he believes that if he never admits to being full of shit then he has won the argument!
I know the definition dipshit, now tell me how it APPLIES to this case.....in other words put down the talking points and come up with your own thoughts....

The leftwing echo chamber doesn't ask that question, so you have no talking points about it to spout....so again HOW does it legitimize him
Well dipshit, reading comprehension problems? Thank you for telling me what I already know! I do not bnelieve he does not understand = understands! I believe you understood that but just wanted to bandy about the word dip shit! Making you even more like my ex wife. You gotta have drama don't you Un is such a peice of shit he can not be legitimzed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid clown Trump who just got bent over in a deal where we got nothing took to shouting superlatives about a fat litle weasle not desrving of them and made himself look stupid! This is most of the worlds opinion! If you feel this was so bright why don't you spend the next hour telling us and your freinds at home what a great guy that fat little fucker is!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you bandy about superlatives about the little fucker with out getting sick in your stomach?
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?
So what does he mean by legitimizing him?????

and how would have done it differently?
We're going to have to start small with you. Here: the definition of legitimize
I do not believe he does not understand! He is just like my ex wife he believes that if he never admits to being full of shit then he has won the argument!
I know the definition dipshit, now tell me how it APPLIES to this case.....in other words put down the talking points and come up with your own thoughts....

The leftwing echo chamber doesn't ask that question, so you have no talking points about it to spout....so again HOW does it legitimize him
Well dipshit, reading comprehension problems? Thank you for telling me what I already know! I do not bnelieve he does not understand = understands! I believe you understood that but just wanted to bandy about the word dip shit! Making you even more like my ex wife. You gotta have drama don't you Un is such a peice of shit he can not be legitimzed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid clown Trump who just got bent over in a deal where we got nothing took to shouting superlatives about a fat litle weasle not desrving of them and made himself look stupid! This is most of the worlds opinion! If you feel this was so bright why don't you spend the next hour telling us and your freinds at home what a great guy that fat little fucker is!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you bandy about superlatives about the little fucker with out getting sick in your stomach?
You still haven't said how?
Is he the leader of North Korea? Yes or No?
Do we have to deal with him? Yes of No?

And the other question is how do we handle him?
Sanctions? Tried that
Ignoring him? Tried that

so what approach would you use?

and yes this thread shows you have no idea what to do, so you parrott talking points.

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