I wouldn't legitimize him

I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Flattering a crazy person, who also happens to have nukes, is a small price to pay to get that crazy person to give them up. You clowns laud the wonderful behavior of the "professionals" who's sole accomplishment has been to ensure that the crazy person got his nukes. You people are moronically stupid.
Yeah, no professionals were involved in this whole thing at all. Holy fucking crap. So stupid.

Yeah, Obama did a great job.......he did nothing with N Korea, and gave Iran tons of cash.....wow anyone can fucking do that.........
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Did you ever think Trump is blowimg smoke up Kim ass like the used car dealer that sold you your first lemom?

Both most likely walked awat thinking what a blowhard and yet I bet Kim was star struck like the mental midget he is...
Lefties cant understand that....and they don't want to.....all they have is

me hate trump......unga bunga
Yeah heaping praise on shitheads like murders Un and Putin while bashing your allies who you WILL NEED is the sign of some one who hasn't lost his mind?

OMG you guys are not bright at all......

how would you handle kim?

hey kim stop building nukes....or.........what?????
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Flattering a crazy person, who also happens to have nukes, is a small price to pay to get that crazy person to give them up. You clowns laud the wonderful behavior of the "professionals" who's sole accomplishment has been to ensure that the crazy person got his nukes. You people are moronically stupid.
Yeah, no professionals were involved in this whole thing at all. Holy fucking crap. So stupid.

Yeah, Obama did a great job.......he did nothing with N Korea, and gave Iran tons of cash.....wow anyone can fucking do that.........
What did Trump promise Kim? Holy shit dude.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Flattering a crazy person, who also happens to have nukes, is a small price to pay to get that crazy person to give them up. You clowns laud the wonderful behavior of the "professionals" who's sole accomplishment has been to ensure that the crazy person got his nukes. You people are moronically stupid.
Yeah, no professionals were involved in this whole thing at all. Holy fucking crap. So stupid.

Yeah, Obama did a great job.......he did nothing with N Korea, and gave Iran tons of cash.....wow anyone can fucking do that.........
He kept your republican butt safe ,,,,,,,,,,,,and rich if you invested when he became president
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?
So what does he mean by legitimizing him?????

and how would have done it differently?
We're going to have to start small with you. Here: the definition of legitimize
Old I lost a ton in the market today and needed a laugh Your "starting small" gave it to me
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
I can’t remember, did Obama ever heap praise on Khamenei, even calling him talented and honorable? Google’s just not working for me right now. Anybody know?

Did you ever think Trump is blowimg smoke up Kim ass like the used car dealer that sold you your first lemom?

Both most likely walked awat thinking what a blowhard and yet I bet Kim was star struck like the mental midget he is...
Lefties cant understand that....and they don't want to.....all they have is

me hate trump......unga bunga
Yeah heaping praise on shitheads like murders Un and Putin while bashing your allies who you WILL NEED is the sign of some one who hasn't lost his mind?

OMG you guys are not bright at all......

how would you handle kim?

hey kim stop building nukes....or.........what?????
HOW ?? the same way you wanted obama to handle him Remember that?
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Yeah, liberals didn't mind Obama legitimizing the murdering, terrorist-funding Iranian mullahs by sitting down with them to make the Iran nuclear "deal." What a pack of hypocrites.
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Yeah, liberals didn't mind Obama legitimizing the murdering, terrorist-funding Iranian mullahs by sitting down with them to make the Iran nuclear "deal." What a pack of hypocrites.
they gave up nukes.

I don't think anyone would be unhappy if Trump normalized relations with Kim, provided he gave up nukes and actually had even a part of the gummit elected.
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Got a few from there here Berzark, saw Dale , another is a mod here
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?

One of the things that Bill Richardson warned about was against appearing too friendly with Un, because Un would use it as positive propaganda at home. And, Richardson should know, because he's been there 6 times as a negotiator to get back hostages.

Trump was friendlier with Un than he was with the G6, and it showed. Now, Un can point to his meeting with Trump and tell his people that he is now a recognized world leader because Trump endorses him (which is what he did when he got back, even to the point that N. Korean media brought back the pink lady from retirement to announce the news.)

Ok he uses it as propaganda......now what?
Is he the leader of N Korea?
Does he alreay put people in labor camps?
Does he kill people?
so how does this "legitimizing" change anything?

Yes, he is the leader of N. Korea. Yes, he puts people in labor camps and kills them as well as starves his population. Which makes me wonder why Trump said publicly that Un loves his country and his people.
Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Oh yeah Kinetta too lol
You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.....but they're still flies.

Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Oh yeah Kinetta too lol

Ok, so the leftist talking point is legitimizing Kim

What does that mean?

And what would you have done differently to avoid it?
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Oh yeah Kinetta too lol

Just relaying to ben all the old pres 2000 people here
Well Trump calling him "smart" "caring for his people" "strong" "funny" are all pretty disgusting since he's a homicidal despot whose murdered thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, but beyond that .... probably nothing. Only the Trumpbots will jump on the bandwagon, and they're already on.
Ben they finally closed that other board The polish guy is here
Ah, I noticed him. So that's why. I couldn't access the other board from work, and when I did at home it filled my ancient hard drive with email.
Oh yeah Kinetta too lol

Just relaying to ben all the old pres 2000 people here

Ah. Yeah jeez, 20 years between that and here.

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