Ian McCormik's Near Death Experience


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIEDQR09i4I&feature=player_embedded]Ian McCormack - CBN interview (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGs8VzXYzSQ&feature=player_embedded]Ian McCormack - CBN interview (Part 2 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

An interesting story. I have no idea how true it is, if true at all, but it fits what hundreds of thousands of other people have described when they left their bodies at the moment of death also.
Dr. Moody wrote Life after Life, an unbiased account of NDE, and found 12 common elements in all of the cases. Some may have all 12 experiences, ( tunnel, light, relatives that come to meet them, a pervading feeling of love), or a combo of the 12, but #12 seems to be the result for every NDE. A changed perspective on life.

The best case I have read about was a woman, blind since birth, who was operated on for a brain tumor. It was imperative that no brain activity occur during the surgery.
She watched the whole event, and upon wakening, described the instruments used, how they were used, the song the surgeon was singing during the operation, what the room looked like, and the color of the scrubs the Dr. had on. How did she know what blue looked like?

My dad sat my mom down on my uncle's couch and told her my brother had been in a car wreck, and she bolted off of that couch, hit the door running, and was a block away before my dad caught her.

I was in an ambulance when my heart stopped. I could see myself, my grandmother's neighbor with her stethoscope on my chest, and my mother directly in front of me. I saw her lean forward and look at my body, then turn and look at the door, then look back at my body. I knew if I didn't get back in that body and move it, she was going to step right out of that ambulance at 90 miles an hour. No sooner did I think it, I was back in my body. That's when I realized how much 100 lbs. of clay weighs. I couldn't move my arm, so I tried moving a finger and couldn't lift it. So I moaned to let her know I was ok.
Going from life with clay to life without clay is effortless. I'm happy to know what the process is like. I've never had to wonder if what the Bible said was true. I know we are eternal. We never morph into something else. We are the same person, the same being with or without the terrestrial part.

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