IBM cancels Baton Rouge ribbon-cutting because of Gov. Jindal's anti-gay EO

I've been saying this for years. Jindal is so incredibly naive that he does not understand that the Louisiana state government is owned by corporate interests, and he is only their front man. I don't think that his political education went past 8th grade Civics.
So Jindal stands up to corporate interests and you want to slam him for that? You're just a partisan hack.
Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle...

Jindal isn't standing up to corporate interests, he's pandering to extremist Christians.
I've been saying this for years. Jindal is so incredibly naive that he does not understand that the Louisiana state government is owned by corporate interests, and he is only their front man. I don't think that his political education went past 8th grade Civics.
So Jindal stands up to corporate interests and you want to slam him for that? You're just a partisan hack.
Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle...

Jindal isn't standing up to corporate interests, he's pandering to extremist Christians.
Why arent you boycotting IBM since they do business with states that kill homosexuals?
I've been saying this for years. Jindal is so incredibly naive that he does not understand that the Louisiana state government is owned by corporate interests, and he is only their front man. I don't think that his political education went past 8th grade Civics.
So Jindal stands up to corporate interests and you want to slam him for that? You're just a partisan hack.
Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle...

Jindal isn't standing up to corporate interests, he's pandering to extremist Christians.
Why arent you boycotting IBM since they do business with states that kill homosexuals?

I don't actually own any IBM products.

I don't live in Saudi Arabia, I live in the U.S.
I've been saying this for years. Jindal is so incredibly naive that he does not understand that the Louisiana state government is owned by corporate interests, and he is only their front man. I don't think that his political education went past 8th grade Civics.
Pretty impressive, actually

Jindal studied for a Bachelor of Science in biology and public policy at Brown University from 1988 to 1991 and then a Master of Letters in political science from New College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar.

And, yet, he has absolutely no political savvy, and little commons sense.

...and a Bachelor of Science guy signing a law requiring the teaching of creationism in school, no less...
I've been saying this for years. Jindal is so incredibly naive that he does not understand that the Louisiana state government is owned by corporate interests, and he is only their front man. I don't think that his political education went past 8th grade Civics.
Pretty impressive, actually

Jindal studied for a Bachelor of Science in biology and public policy at Brown University from 1988 to 1991 and then a Master of Letters in political science from New College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar.

And, yet, he has absolutely no political savvy, and little commons sense.

...and a Bachelor of Science guy signing a law requiring the teaching of creationism in school, no less...
Probably his native American side
I've been saying this for years. Jindal is so incredibly naive that he does not understand that the Louisiana state government is owned by corporate interests, and he is only their front man. I don't think that his political education went past 8th grade Civics.
Pretty impressive, actually

Jindal studied for a Bachelor of Science in biology and public policy at Brown University from 1988 to 1991 and then a Master of Letters in political science from New College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar.

And, yet, he has absolutely no political savvy, and little commons sense.

...and a Bachelor of Science guy signing a law requiring the teaching of creationism in school, no less...
Probably his native American side

...which predates American history, and goes back to when when India sent people to fight against the Lost Tribes of Israel on the American continent. (I think that is in the Book of Mormon, somewhere, but if not, it should be!)
Corporate America has no Moral Backbone... just a commitment to the Bottom Line.

Corporate America isn't SUPPOSED to have a backbone, they are SUPPOSED to make money for their Stockholders..... You. And me.

I couldn't give a fuck less about butt rangers and bean flickers. But I do care if IBM makes a profit and sends me my dividend check.

If they feel that giving these SCUM a platform for them to protest their Company is a detriment to their making of a profit, they do what they have to do.

Looking to a Corporation for morality is a fool's errand.

Want morality? Vote scum of the earth dimocrap FILTH out of office.

THEN you might have a chance at some morality in this Country.
Easy there, Tex.

I didn't say it was SUPPOSED to have one... just that it didn't.

Although every now-and-then, we see a glimmer of Good Corporate Citizenship.

But it's sufficiently rare so as to be remarkable rather than the norm.

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