Iconic photos through time

Starving Boy and Missionary


Just .... wrong.

Kent State Massacre - 4 Dead in Ohio The tipping point at home for the end of the Vietnam War. I remember when this happened. It was terrible! College students at Kent State were shot by the police while protesting the Vietnam War.

That is truly an iconic photo from the anti-war movement. And I believe you're correct in saying it was a tipping point. It really focused America's attention on the worth and cost of the War. And set a scale for use of violence by authority that still resonates today. (And not to be picky but it was the Ohio National Guard that did the firing.)

This clip details how unnecessary the shootings were.

"The shootings killed four students and wounded nine. Two of the four students killed, Allison Krause and Jeffrey Miller, had participated in the protest, and the other two, Sandra Scheuer and William Knox Schroeder, had been walking from one class to the next at the time of their deaths. Schroeder was also a member of the campus ROTC battalion. Of those wounded, none was closer than 71 feet (22 m) to the guardsmen. Of those killed, the nearest (Miller) was 225 feet (69 m) away, and their average distance from the guardsmen was 345 feet"

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