I'd enjoy an intellectual discussion-

9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

What you say here was especially true when Trump was the head of the government.

Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
This stupid ass troll has proven time and time he has Alzheimer’s diseace,he says I am a republican even though I have stated that before the 2016 election many times to him the only Republican president we ever had thst I say was worth a shit that did not take a shit on the constitution that served the people instead of the corporations was Calvin Coolidge yet I’m a tepublican he says. :cuckoo:

Then he sees me say say both parties are corrupt and one in the same,lies and says I am a Republican cause he never sees me arguing with republicans despite the fact he has seen me many times call mudwhistle and political chic idiots because they ignore thst Reagan was the most corrupt president ever at the time and do the same as he does that Obama was a clone of bush,as much a mass murderer as he was expanding the Middle East war.they are asmuch idiots as he is as biased on the republicans as he is on the dems and they are an embarrassment to trump supporters ignoring Reagan’s corruption,yet he says I am a Republican.:cuckoo: Plus keeps always saying I am on his ignore list yet you all see him reading my posts,who is the liar here?:rofl::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I totally get being skeptical about what the mainstream media serves up. That seems reasonable. What I don't get is using that as an excuse to indulge every nitwit who has "suspicions". There's a sane middle ground somewhere between believing everything the MSM tells you, and believing every crackpot with an internet connection.
so you think I'm ignorant because I don't believe conspiracy theories from people with no evidence? odd. Again, I find it ignorant that you feel two jumbo jets flying into buildings wouldn't inject some sort of structural damage to them. That seems ignorant to me. Feel free to present evidence, not a video of opinions, actual assessment of the structure that shows what someone might have done. you haven't presented that detail yet. I have two jumbo jets slamming into buildings, you got nothing and I'm the ignorant one. Now that's funny.
You keep proving you are afraid of the truth ignoring all the facts I presented in post# 133 and proof you are afraid to watch that video.

You watch movies once in a while,if you can sit through a two hour movie then you can sit through and listen to the best architects and engineers in the world and demolition experts and witnesses and watch it in 30 minute segments to get through the two hour video. :cuckoo: you do the same thing on 9/11 that smellybozo does with the virus hoax and :cuckoo: vote fraud,ignore whistleblowers,I can’t he, I can’t help it if you afraid of the truth to watch the video.:cuckoo: I get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again just cause you are afraid so I have not read through most your posts in here after I gave you the facts in that post that you keep ignoring as well as the video,

as I said to donald,sense you afraid of the truth in that video and won’t watch it,I’m done with you,you do what smellybozo does on election fraud,ignore the evidence and the best experts and whistleblowers which is asinine just as he is on the election fraud of the evidence he ignores.:cuckoo: As Itold donald,until you stop being afraid of the truth in that video,I’m done with you.
You keep proving you are afraid of the truth ignoring all the facts I presented in post# 133 and you are afraid to watch videos. You watch two movies once in a while,if you can sit through a two hour movie then you can sit through and listen to the best architect and engineers in the world and watch it in 30 minute segments to get through the two hour video.you do the same thing on 9/11 that smellybozo does with the virus hoax and vote fraud,ignore whistleblowers,I can’t he, I can’t help it if you afraid of the truth to watch the video.:cuckoo:
why can't you just summarize what is in the video? And no, I'm not watching a two hour video as I already stated, you can provide a time in the video that emphasizes your position, but again, you can't even articulate a summary of what the video shows. Why? That's truly odd. I find you a reasonable poster in here. I know two jumbo jets slammed into a building each, I've seen nothing more than that until the buildings fall. They fall top down, which isn't normal demolition patterns. So if that is indeed your position, do they state how the dynamite would have been installed in the secure building occupied and built out for each floor of those buildings? you don't know me very well, I don't take orders nor does someone else's position drive my time.
Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
Not sure who you mean by you guys- adhominem attacks aren't intelectual discussion, btw.
See how he always lumps us in with biased republicans like mudwhiistle and political chic. :cuckoo: This stupid fuck always ignores I have said bush was a clone of Obama and that I have told pc and mud thousands of times they are idiots for ignoring how evil Reagan was and what a warmonger he is,yet this lying idiot says I don’t argue with republicans on this board,what a stupid fuck.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

What you say here was especially true when Trump was the head of the government.

Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
This stupid ass troll has proven time and time he has Alzheimer’s diseace,he says I am a republican even though I have stated that before the 2016 election many times to him the only Republican president we ever had thst I say was worth a shit that did not take a shit on the constitution that served the people instead of the corporations was Calvin Coolidge yet I’m a tepublican he says. :cuckoo:

Then he sees me say say both parties are corrupt and one in the same,lies and says I am a Republican cause he never sees me arguing with republicans despite the fact he has seen me many times call mudwhistle and political chic idiots because they ignore thst Reagan was the most corrupt president ever at the time and do the same as he does that Obama was a clone of bush,as much a mass murderer as he was expanding the Middle East war.they are asmuch idiots as he is as biased on the republicans as he is on the dems and they are an embarrassment to trump supporters ignoring Reagan’s corruption,yet he says I am a Republican.:cuckoo: Plus keeps always saying I am on his ignore list yet you all see him reading my posts,who is the liar here?:rofl::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You're clearly a Republican now. Maybe a Tea party one. Maybe a libertarian one. Maybe a Trump Republican. But one things for sure. You're a republican.
You keep proving you are afraid of the truth ignoring all the facts I presented in post# 133 and you are afraid to watch videos. You watch two movies once in a while,if you can sit through a two hour movie then you can sit through and listen to the best architect and engineers in the world and watch it in 30 minute segments to get through the two hour video.you do the same thing on 9/11 that smellybozo does with the virus hoax and vote fraud,ignore whistleblowers,I can’t he, I can’t help it if you afraid of the truth to watch the video.:cuckoo:
why can't you just summarize what is in the video? And no, I'm not watching a two hour video as I already stated, you can provide a time in the video that emphasizes your position, but again, you can't even articulate a summary of what the video shows. Why? That's truly odd. I find you a reasonable poster in here.

Well, there's your problem, right there. I don't watch Ram's videos because I know his posting history. It's all horseshit. You don't need to go any further.
You keep proving you are afraid of the truth ignoring all the facts I presented in post# 133 and you are afraid to watch videos. You watch two movies once in a while,if you can sit through a two hour movie then you can sit through and listen to the best architect and engineers in the world and watch it in 30 minute segments to get through the two hour video.you do the same thing on 9/11 that smellybozo does with the virus hoax and vote fraud,ignore whistleblowers,I can’t he, I can’t help it if you afraid of the truth to watch the video.:cuckoo:
why can't you just summarize what is in the video? And no, I'm not watching a two hour video as I already stated, you can provide a time in the video that emphasizes your position, but again, you can't even articulate a summary of what the video shows. Why? That's truly odd. I find you a reasonable poster in here. I know two jumbo jets slammed into a building each, I've seen nothing more than that until the buildings fall. They fall top down, which isn't normal demolition patterns. So if that is indeed your position, do they state how the dynamite would have been installed in the secure building occupied and built out for each floor of those buildings? you don't know me very well, I don't take orders nor does someone else's position drive my time.
Did you really think I was going to read that Bible length babble after the first couple of words why cant you summarize after I said I’m done for you? I’m not like sealybozo,I,don’t lie.when I say I’m done with you,I keep my word,I’m done with you on this thread.
I'm not going to waste my time watching an hour video
Of course not- you're afraid to see the truth-
:thankusmile: Obviously.whats even far more baffling is you would think he would be afraid to see the truth that the virus is a hoax as well sense it is a much more grand operation involving the world leaders around the world and they are using that to depopulate thw world

.he will look at the evidence of the virus being a hoax with all the leaders around the world being involved,yet incredibly,he wont look at the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job which was a much smaller operation. this is all i can say to that.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as i said before,i would be much less surprised if someone accepted 9/11 was an inside job but would not look at the evidence the virus is a hoax the fact it requires all the leaders around the world to be involved yet 9/11 does not yet.

he will look at the evidence on the virus but wont on 9/11. i cant even come up for words for that one other than WOW:cuckoo:
I saw a jumbo jet slam into a high rise building. You need to provide other evidence that something else happened. I’m just saying
He also thinks the election was rigged. Of course they said the evidence would come out. Still waiting. In fact, instead of Trump exposing Dominion voting machines for cheating, Dominion has slapped Trump Rudy and Fox with a billion dollar lawsuit. If any states won't use Dominion Voting Machines in the future because of Trump's lies and slander, they should have to pay Dominion for ruining their good name.

And I actually know one of the owners of Dominion believe it or not. He lives in Canada. He stole my girl. Or she chose him because he has a lot of $.
well it was stolen, see it's called election night, not election week. there is no justification to extending election day, so feel free to explain that and then that's a beginnning.
Didn't we have a recount in 2000? Didn't it take beyond election night?

And Trump purposely slowed up the US mail to make sure votes came in late. Fuck that. You don't get to blatantly cheat and break laws because 45% of the voters let you get away with it. Not when you are up for re election.

The governors are in charge of their states. You've heard of states rights correct? So don't tell the governor of georgia what to do. To "find" Trump 200,000 votes asap. What a cheater. You guys are deplorable and can spin anything. Such good liars.
yep, led by guidance from SCOTUS. And it was a recount, so the election night was complete. The losing campaign challenged ballots. Same thing Trump did. and yet you called him ignorant. So doesn't that then make the 2000 recount ignorant? In 2000 they did a physical forensic of each ballot looking for hanging chads. You remember? no different than Trump's assertion.
Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
Not sure who you mean by you guys- adhominem attacks aren't intelectual discussion, btw.
See how he always lumps us in with biased republicans like mudwhiistle and political chic. :cuckoo: This stupid fuck always ignores I have said bush was a clone of Obama and that I have told pc and mud thousands of times they are idiots for ignoring how evil Reagan was and what a warmonger he is,yet this lying idiot says I don’t argue with republicans on this board,what a stupid fuck.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
You defended Bush when he was in office. Now you throw him under the bus?

Remember, McCain was your nominee at one point. So was Romney. You guys loved them back then but now you don't. Same for Bush. Today his name is mud in the GOP.
You keep proving you are afraid of the truth ignoring all the facts I presented in post# 133 and you are afraid to watch videos. You watch two movies once in a while,if you can sit through a two hour movie then you can sit through and listen to the best architect and engineers in the world and watch it in 30 minute segments to get through the two hour video.you do the same thing on 9/11 that smellybozo does with the virus hoax and vote fraud,ignore whistleblowers,I can’t he, I can’t help it if you afraid of the truth to watch the video.:cuckoo:
why can't you just summarize what is in the video? And no, I'm not watching a two hour video as I already stated, you can provide a time in the video that emphasizes your position, but again, you can't even articulate a summary of what the video shows. Why? That's truly odd. I find you a reasonable poster in here. I know two jumbo jets slammed into a building each, I've seen nothing more than that until the buildings fall. They fall top down, which isn't normal demolition patterns. So if that is indeed your position, do they state how the dynamite would have been installed in the secure building occupied and built out for each floor of those buildings? you don't know me very well, I don't take orders nor does someone else's position drive my time.
Did you really think I was going to read that Bible length babble after the first couple of words why cant you summarize after I said I’m done for you? I’m not like sealybozo,I,don’t lie.when I say I’m done with you,I keep my word,I’m done with you on this thread.
I never said you lied, I asked you to present your summary of the video you are discussing. that is ignorant to me. You should settle down, I've continued to be gracious in this discussion, no reason to go all out batman at me.
I'm not going to waste my time watching an hour video
Of course not- you're afraid to see the truth-
:thankusmile: Obviously.whats even far more baffling is you would think he would be afraid to see the truth that the virus is a hoax as well sense it is a much more grand operation involving the world leaders around the world and they are using that to depopulate thw world

.he will look at the evidence of the virus being a hoax with all the leaders around the world being involved,yet incredibly,he wont look at the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job which was a much smaller operation. this is all i can say to that.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as i said before,i would be much less surprised if someone accepted 9/11 was an inside job but would not look at the evidence the virus is a hoax the fact it requires all the leaders around the world to be involved yet 9/11 does not yet.

he will look at the evidence on the virus but wont on 9/11. i cant even come up for words for that one other than WOW:cuckoo:
I saw a jumbo jet slam into a high rise building. You need to provide other evidence that something else happened. I’m just saying
He also thinks the election was rigged. Of course they said the evidence would come out. Still waiting. In fact, instead of Trump exposing Dominion voting machines for cheating, Dominion has slapped Trump Rudy and Fox with a billion dollar lawsuit. If any states won't use Dominion Voting Machines in the future because of Trump's lies and slander, they should have to pay Dominion for ruining their good name.

And I actually know one of the owners of Dominion believe it or not. He lives in Canada. He stole my girl. Or she chose him because he has a lot of $.
well it was stolen, see it's called election night, not election week. there is no justification to extending election day, so feel free to explain that and then that's a beginnning.
Didn't we have a recount in 2000? Didn't it take beyond election night?

And Trump purposely slowed up the US mail to make sure votes came in late. Fuck that. You don't get to blatantly cheat and break laws because 45% of the voters let you get away with it. Not when you are up for re election.

The governors are in charge of their states. You've heard of states rights correct? So don't tell the governor of georgia what to do. To "find" Trump 200,000 votes asap. What a cheater. You guys are deplorable and can spin anything. Such good liars.
yep, led by guidance from SCOTUS. And it was a recount, so the election night was complete. The losing campaign challenged ballots. Same thing Trump did. and yet you called him ignorant. So doesn't that then make the 2000 recount ignorant? In 2000 they did a physical forensic of each ballot looking for hanging chads. You remember? no different than Trump's assertion.
Republicans in 2000 rioted and got the recount stopped. Sound familiar?
9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

What you say here was especially true when Trump was the head of the government.

Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
This stupid ass troll has proven time and time he has Alzheimer’s diseace,he says I am a republican even though I have stated that before the 2016 election many times to him the only Republican president we ever had thst I say was worth a shit that did not take a shit on the constitution that served the people instead of the corporations was Calvin Coolidge yet I’m a tepublican he says. :cuckoo:

Then he sees me say say both parties are corrupt and one in the same,lies and says I am a Republican cause he never sees me arguing with republicans despite the fact he has seen me many times call mudwhistle and political chic idiots because they ignore thst Reagan was the most corrupt president ever at the time and do the same as he does that Obama was a clone of bush,as much a mass murderer as he was expanding the Middle East war.they are asmuch idiots as he is as biased on the republicans as he is on the dems and they are an embarrassment to trump supporters ignoring Reagan’s corruption,yet he says I am a Republican.:cuckoo: Plus keeps always saying I am on his ignore list yet you all see him reading my posts,who is the liar here?:rofl::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You're clearly a Republican now. Maybe a Tea party one. Maybe a libertarian one. Maybe a Trump Republican. But one things for sure. You're a republican.
Everytime your losing an argument to me so you lie as always.lol you even ignore that I wanted Obama to win over McCain which I have stated hundreds of times dumbshit.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg: I was even happy back then he got elected for the millionth I time you idiot retard.:rofl:
I'm not going to waste my time watching an hour video
Of course not- you're afraid to see the truth-
:thankusmile: Obviously.whats even far more baffling is you would think he would be afraid to see the truth that the virus is a hoax as well sense it is a much more grand operation involving the world leaders around the world and they are using that to depopulate thw world

.he will look at the evidence of the virus being a hoax with all the leaders around the world being involved,yet incredibly,he wont look at the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job which was a much smaller operation. this is all i can say to that.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as i said before,i would be much less surprised if someone accepted 9/11 was an inside job but would not look at the evidence the virus is a hoax the fact it requires all the leaders around the world to be involved yet 9/11 does not yet.

he will look at the evidence on the virus but wont on 9/11. i cant even come up for words for that one other than WOW:cuckoo:
I saw a jumbo jet slam into a high rise building. You need to provide other evidence that something else happened. I’m just saying
He also thinks the election was rigged. Of course they said the evidence would come out. Still waiting. In fact, instead of Trump exposing Dominion voting machines for cheating, Dominion has slapped Trump Rudy and Fox with a billion dollar lawsuit. If any states won't use Dominion Voting Machines in the future because of Trump's lies and slander, they should have to pay Dominion for ruining their good name.

And I actually know one of the owners of Dominion believe it or not. He lives in Canada. He stole my girl. Or she chose him because he has a lot of $.
well it was stolen, see it's called election night, not election week. there is no justification to extending election day, so feel free to explain that and then that's a beginnning.
Didn't we have a recount in 2000? Didn't it take beyond election night?

And Trump purposely slowed up the US mail to make sure votes came in late. Fuck that. You don't get to blatantly cheat and break laws because 45% of the voters let you get away with it. Not when you are up for re election.

The governors are in charge of their states. You've heard of states rights correct? So don't tell the governor of georgia what to do. To "find" Trump 200,000 votes asap. What a cheater. You guys are deplorable and can spin anything. Such good liars.
yep, led by guidance from SCOTUS. And it was a recount, so the election night was complete. The losing campaign challenged ballots. Same thing Trump did. and yet you called him ignorant. So doesn't that then make the 2000 recount ignorant? In 2000 they did a physical forensic of each ballot looking for hanging chads. You remember? no different than Trump's assertion.
Republicans in 2000 rioted and got the recount stopped. Sound familiar?
You prove what a stupid fuck moron you are as always the fact yes bush stole the election but there was ten times less evidence on that than there was Biden stole the election that you ignore stupid fuck.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I'm not going to waste my time watching an hour video
Of course not- you're afraid to see the truth-
:thankusmile: Obviously.whats even far more baffling is you would think he would be afraid to see the truth that the virus is a hoax as well sense it is a much more grand operation involving the world leaders around the world and they are using that to depopulate thw world

.he will look at the evidence of the virus being a hoax with all the leaders around the world being involved,yet incredibly,he wont look at the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job which was a much smaller operation. this is all i can say to that.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as i said before,i would be much less surprised if someone accepted 9/11 was an inside job but would not look at the evidence the virus is a hoax the fact it requires all the leaders around the world to be involved yet 9/11 does not yet.

he will look at the evidence on the virus but wont on 9/11. i cant even come up for words for that one other than WOW:cuckoo:
I saw a jumbo jet slam into a high rise building. You need to provide other evidence that something else happened. I’m just saying
He also thinks the election was rigged. Of course they said the evidence would come out. Still waiting. In fact, instead of Trump exposing Dominion voting machines for cheating, Dominion has slapped Trump Rudy and Fox with a billion dollar lawsuit. If any states won't use Dominion Voting Machines in the future because of Trump's lies and slander, they should have to pay Dominion for ruining their good name.

And I actually know one of the owners of Dominion believe it or not. He lives in Canada. He stole my girl. Or she chose him because he has a lot of $.
well it was stolen, see it's called election night, not election week. there is no justification to extending election day, so feel free to explain that and then that's a beginnning.
Didn't we have a recount in 2000? Didn't it take beyond election night?

And Trump purposely slowed up the US mail to make sure votes came in late. Fuck that. You don't get to blatantly cheat and break laws because 45% of the voters let you get away with it. Not when you are up for re election.

The governors are in charge of their states. You've heard of states rights correct? So don't tell the governor of georgia what to do. To "find" Trump 200,000 votes asap. What a cheater. You guys are deplorable and can spin anything. Such good liars.
yep, led by guidance from SCOTUS. And it was a recount, so the election night was complete. The losing campaign challenged ballots. Same thing Trump did. and yet you called him ignorant. So doesn't that then make the 2000 recount ignorant? In 2000 they did a physical forensic of each ballot looking for hanging chads. You remember? no different than Trump's assertion.
Republicans in 2000 rioted and got the recount stopped. Sound familiar?
sure I do, I don't hide under chairs and in holes. The reason was that ballots that weren't actually counted in the original count magically appeared, you know that right? It was supposed to be a recount, the name infers already counted. Those were not, so that presented a reason to cancel the recount at where it was. So the demofks have experience with bringing in ballots that aren't actual ballots cast by the populace.
9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

What you say here was especially true when Trump was the head of the government.

Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
This stupid ass troll has proven time and time he has Alzheimer’s diseace,he says I am a republican even though I have stated that before the 2016 election many times to him the only Republican president we ever had thst I say was worth a shit that did not take a shit on the constitution that served the people instead of the corporations was Calvin Coolidge yet I’m a tepublican he says. :cuckoo:

Then he sees me say say both parties are corrupt and one in the same,lies and says I am a Republican cause he never sees me arguing with republicans despite the fact he has seen me many times call mudwhistle and political chic idiots because they ignore thst Reagan was the most corrupt president ever at the time and do the same as he does that Obama was a clone of bush,as much a mass murderer as he was expanding the Middle East war.they are asmuch idiots as he is as biased on the republicans as he is on the dems and they are an embarrassment to trump supporters ignoring Reagan’s corruption,yet he says I am a Republican.:cuckoo: Plus keeps always saying I am on his ignore list yet you all see him reading my posts,who is the liar here?:rofl::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You're clearly a Republican now. Maybe a Tea party one. Maybe a libertarian one. Maybe a Trump Republican. But one things for sure. You're a republican.
Everytime your losing an argument to me so you lie as always.lol you even ignore that I wanted Obama to win over McCain which I have stated hundreds of times dumbshit.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg: I was even happy back then he got elected for the millionth I time you idiot retard.:rofl:
You believed Obama would be different and at some point realized he's just as corrupt as Bush. How come you never figured that out about Trump?
Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
Not sure who you mean by you guys- adhominem attacks aren't intelectual discussion, btw.
See how he always lumps us in with biased republicans like mudwhiistle and political chic. :cuckoo: This stupid fuck always ignores I have said bush was a clone of Obama and that I have told pc and mud thousands of times they are idiots for ignoring how evil Reagan was and what a warmonger he is,yet this lying idiot says I don’t argue with republicans on this board,what a stupid fuck.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
You defended Bush when he was in office. Now you throw him under the bus?

Remember, McCain was your nominee at one point. So was Romney. You guys loved them back then but now you don't. Same for Bush. Today his name is mud in the GOP.
Oh god you one fuckimg paid shill liar,everybody including you knows I have always stated bush was the most corrupt president ever and never said one good word about him you lying stupid fuck who keeps ignoring that i proved you are a liar when you said you had me on ignore but do. Not.find where I ever once defended bush shillyou can’t,you have been caught lying S always paid troll.
I'm not going to waste my time watching an hour video
Of course not- you're afraid to see the truth-
:thankusmile: Obviously.whats even far more baffling is you would think he would be afraid to see the truth that the virus is a hoax as well sense it is a much more grand operation involving the world leaders around the world and they are using that to depopulate thw world

.he will look at the evidence of the virus being a hoax with all the leaders around the world being involved,yet incredibly,he wont look at the evidence of 9/11 being an inside job which was a much smaller operation. this is all i can say to that.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as i said before,i would be much less surprised if someone accepted 9/11 was an inside job but would not look at the evidence the virus is a hoax the fact it requires all the leaders around the world to be involved yet 9/11 does not yet.

he will look at the evidence on the virus but wont on 9/11. i cant even come up for words for that one other than WOW:cuckoo:
I saw a jumbo jet slam into a high rise building. You need to provide other evidence that something else happened. I’m just saying
He also thinks the election was rigged. Of course they said the evidence would come out. Still waiting. In fact, instead of Trump exposing Dominion voting machines for cheating, Dominion has slapped Trump Rudy and Fox with a billion dollar lawsuit. If any states won't use Dominion Voting Machines in the future because of Trump's lies and slander, they should have to pay Dominion for ruining their good name.

And I actually know one of the owners of Dominion believe it or not. He lives in Canada. He stole my girl. Or she chose him because he has a lot of $.
well it was stolen, see it's called election night, not election week. there is no justification to extending election day, so feel free to explain that and then that's a beginnning.
Didn't we have a recount in 2000? Didn't it take beyond election night?

And Trump purposely slowed up the US mail to make sure votes came in late. Fuck that. You don't get to blatantly cheat and break laws because 45% of the voters let you get away with it. Not when you are up for re election.

The governors are in charge of their states. You've heard of states rights correct? So don't tell the governor of georgia what to do. To "find" Trump 200,000 votes asap. What a cheater. You guys are deplorable and can spin anything. Such good liars.
yep, led by guidance from SCOTUS. And it was a recount, so the election night was complete. The losing campaign challenged ballots. Same thing Trump did. and yet you called him ignorant. So doesn't that then make the 2000 recount ignorant? In 2000 they did a physical forensic of each ballot looking for hanging chads. You remember? no different than Trump's assertion.
Republicans in 2000 rioted and got the recount stopped. Sound familiar?
sure I do, I don't hide under chairs and in holes. The reason was that ballots that weren't actually counted in the original count magically appeared, you know that right? It was supposed to be a recount, the name infers already counted. Those were not, so that presented a reason to cancel the recount at where it was. So the demofks have experience with bringing in ballots that aren't actual ballots cast by the populace.
That's a lie. That never happened. Same way you're wrong about this past election being rigged.
9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

I am neither a Chemist, or a Physicist- but, I do know that 2+2 = 4. I also know the US gov't and it's lackey presstitutes are the lyingest entities on the planet-

What you say here was especially true when Trump was the head of the government.

Funny you guys don't ever seem to think Republicans are lying. But then you'll say stuff like this?
This stupid ass troll has proven time and time he has Alzheimer’s diseace,he says I am a republican even though I have stated that before the 2016 election many times to him the only Republican president we ever had thst I say was worth a shit that did not take a shit on the constitution that served the people instead of the corporations was Calvin Coolidge yet I’m a tepublican he says. :cuckoo:

Then he sees me say say both parties are corrupt and one in the same,lies and says I am a Republican cause he never sees me arguing with republicans despite the fact he has seen me many times call mudwhistle and political chic idiots because they ignore thst Reagan was the most corrupt president ever at the time and do the same as he does that Obama was a clone of bush,as much a mass murderer as he was expanding the Middle East war.they are asmuch idiots as he is as biased on the republicans as he is on the dems and they are an embarrassment to trump supporters ignoring Reagan’s corruption,yet he says I am a Republican.:cuckoo: Plus keeps always saying I am on his ignore list yet you all see him reading my posts,who is the liar here?:rofl::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You're clearly a Republican now. Maybe a Tea party one. Maybe a libertarian one. Maybe a Trump Republican. But one things for sure. You're a republican.
Everytime your losing an argument to me so you lie as always.lol you even ignore that I wanted Obama to win over McCain which I have stated hundreds of times dumbshit.:rofl::abgg2q.jpg: I was even happy back then he got elected for the millionth I time you idiot retard.:rofl:
You believed Obama would be different and at some point realized he's just as corrupt as Bush. How come you never figured that out about Trump?
Trump did not start new wars as Obama did dumbass.h

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