ID law found discriminatory

I think this article sums it up rather nicely

Holder's Voter ID Fraud
The AG invents fears of ballot suppression. .Article Comments more in Opinion | Find New $LINKTEXTFIND$ ».Email Print Save ↓ More .
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The Obama Administration's re-election mobilization continues: Witness Eric Holder's attempt to play the race card and perhaps twist the law in a campaign against voter identification laws.

In the Attorney General's telling, the movement in the states to require voters to show some ID is a revival of minority disenfranchisement a la Jim Crow. A growing number of minorities, he said in a speech last week, are now worried about "the same disparities, divisions and problems" that beset the country in 1965 and "many Americans, for the first time in their lives . . . now have reason to believe that we are failing to live up" to the promise of democracy for all.

If you haven't heard about this national crisis, perhaps that's because you don't travel in Mr. Holder's political circles. He is merely repeating the howls of groups like the NAACP and the George Soros-funded Brennan Center, which claim without evidence that voter ID laws hurt minorities.

The NAACP even petitioned the United Nations this month for a human-rights ruling on what President Benjamin Jealous called a "tidal wave of assaults on the right to vote." He meant in America, not Cuba or North Korea. The American Civil Liberties Union has sued to challenge a voter ID law in Wisconsin.

.Mr. Holder's remarks are especially notable because they come as the Justice Department is reviewing voter ID laws in Texas and South Carolina for "preclearance" under the Voting Rights Act. The states' plans require voters to present photo ID like a driver's license or passport to vote, a measure endorsed by the Commission on Federal Election Reform headed by President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker in 2005 to protect the integrity of the ballot.

Mr. Holder says the Civil Rights Division led by Thomas Perez will review the policies and impartially "apply the law." If that's true, Mr. Perez's job should be easy: In 2005, Justice approved a nearly identical law in Georgia. In 2008's Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, the Supreme Court likewise ruled 6-3 that an Indiana law requiring photo ID at the ballot box was constitutional.

The court's liberal lion, then-Justice John Paul Stevens, wrote for the majority that Indiana's law "is unquestionably relevant to the State's interest in protecting the integrity and reliability of the electoral process." Indiana offered free voter ID cards to all citizens, so the inconvenience of picking up an ID at the Department of Motor Vehicles wasn't an undue burden and was reasonably balanced by the state's interest in reducing fraud, Justice Stevens wrote.

That isn't good enough for Mr. Holder, who says his department's priority is to "expand the franchise." But expand it for whom, exactly? The vast majority of voters already have the necessary photo ID, which they need to get through airport security or register for a grocery-store savings card.

read the rest..
Review & Outlook: Holder's Voter ID Fraud -
Voters in Maine struck down another Republican voter suppression law.

The Republican governors are really helping the Democratic Party with their extremist tactics.

You guys have made it very clear you have a compulsory need to cheat.

Voter fraud is virtually non-existent.

The voter ID thing is just a tactic to keep African Americans from voting.

explain to me Chris why a black person cant go and get a picture ID......
Why should they have to?

Voter fraud is practically non existent.

But this isn't the only thing Republicans are doing to keep people from voting.

They are reducing the number of days that the polls are open.

Ask yourself this question, Why would they do that?

That has nothing to do with voter fraud. It's just an attempt to suppress the vote.

why should someone have to show an ID to cash a check?.......i have to show an ID at the Pharmacy to buy certain over the counter cold medicines.....why should i have to?....when someone comes to the PO to pick up held mail,they have to show an ID.....why? you know what an ID is for Chris?.....
Why should they have to?

Voter fraud is practically non existent.

But this isn't the only thing Republicans are doing to keep people from voting.

They are reducing the number of days that the polls are open.

Ask yourself this question, Why would they do that?

That has nothing to do with voter fraud. It's just an attempt to suppress the vote.

why should someone have to show an ID to cash a check?.......i have to show an ID at the Pharmacy to buy certain over the counter cold medicines.....why should i have to?....when someone comes to the PO to pick up held mail,they have to show an ID.....why? you know what an ID is for Chris?.....

Requiring valid ID is not 'Racist.' The Democrats are just full of shit as usual. They hate those valid ID requirements because it makes it harder for them to rig Elections. It really is that simple. Valid ID is required all the time. It has nothing to do with 'Racism.' It's all about the votes & power.
You guys have made it very clear you have a compulsory need to cheat.

Voter fraud is virtually non-existent.

The voter ID thing is just a tactic to keep African Americans from voting.

Why and in what way does this prevent only African Americans from voting?

Chris thinks Minorities are to stupid or poor to get an ID......but how many of those Minorities storming the stores yesterday to drop a hunk of cash for a fucking pair of Sneakers cant afford one?..........
SC is not a blue state. It's not controlled by Democrats. Conservative Republicans are in control of the apparatus of gov't. So, how exactly would Democrats rig elections, again?

In fact, there are 8 states that have strict voter ID laws. With the exception of Hawaii, all the states are red states: Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Wisconsin, SC, Tennessee, and Texas. They're all states that are Republican-controlled.

You know conservatives don’t take kindly to facts, messes with the dogma.

…how would this prevent any particular group or groups from voting?

explain to me Chris why a black person cant go and get a picture ID......

Again, that’s not the issue.

States are responsible to ensure voters have access to the polls, potentially restrictive measures must be justified, and there is no evidence voter ID laws are justified or even work. Whether one can obtain a picture ID or not is irrelevant.
SC is not a blue state. It's not controlled by Democrats. Conservative Republicans are in control of the apparatus of gov't. So, how exactly would Democrats rig elections, again?

In fact, there are 8 states that have strict voter ID laws. With the exception of Hawaii, all the states are red states: Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Wisconsin, SC, Tennessee, and Texas. They're all states that are Republican-controlled.

You know conservatives don’t take kindly to facts, messes with the dogma.

…how would this prevent any particular group or groups from voting?

explain to me Chris why a black person cant go and get a picture ID......

Again, that’s not the issue.

States are responsible to ensure voters have access to the polls, potentially restrictive measures must be justified, and there is no evidence voter ID laws are justified or even work. Whether one can obtain a picture ID or not is irrelevant.

Any excuse to cheat. WE KNOW.

You cant even argue against it, if you could you would have to show how you too are concerned with vote fraud. I have never seen that concern with a democrat until they lost an election.
Voter fraud is virtually non-existent.

The voter ID thing is just a tactic to keep African Americans from voting.

Why and in what way does this prevent only African Americans from voting?

According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand why cant these people get an ID?......
SC is not a blue state. It's not controlled by Democrats. Conservative Republicans are in control of the apparatus of gov't. So, how exactly would Democrats rig elections, again?

In fact, there are 8 states that have strict voter ID laws. With the exception of Hawaii, all the states are red states: Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Wisconsin, SC, Tennessee, and Texas. They're all states that are Republican-controlled.

You know conservatives don’t take kindly to facts, messes with the dogma.

explain to me Chris why a black person cant go and get a picture ID......

Again, that’s not the issue.

States are responsible to ensure voters have access to the polls, potentially restrictive measures must be justified, and there is no evidence voter ID laws are justified or even work. Whether one can obtain a picture ID or not is irrelevant.

Any excuse to cheat. WE KNOW.

You cant even argue against it, if you could you would have to show how you too are concerned with vote fraud. I have never seen that concern with a democrat until they lost an election.
Gore v. Bush is a prime example until the court got involved and stoped the madness the Statists were fronting.
South Carolina voter ID law rejected by Justice Department -

Reporting from Washington— The Obama administration's civil rights office is stepping up its fight with the Southern states over voting rights, announcing it will block a new South Carolina law that would require voters to show a government-issued photo identification before casting a ballot.

The Justice Department invoked the Voting Rights Act on Friday and said the new photo-identification rule could deny the right to vote for tens of thousands of blacks and other minorities.

"According to the state's statistics, there are 81,938 minority citizens who are already registered to vote and who lack DMV-issued identification," Thomas E. Perez, the chief of the department's civil rights division, said in a letter to South Carolina officials. He referred to a driver's license issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, the most common form of photo identification.

In other words, some people are too fucking stupid to get an ID. I guess they don't get loans, write checks or get served alcohol in public places. Right! Any legal citizen can easily get a driver's license or ID. Only the illegals would have trouble and we know damn well Obama sees them as his constituents. That speech he gave to a group of Hispanics, many children of illegals, was an insult to this country. He called those of us who wanted border security the "enemy" and made stupid jokes.

People aren't falling for this shit. I think the majority realize that this is an effort to keep any spotlight off voting practices. I think the fraud and abuse runs far deeper than we realize.
Why and in what way does this prevent only African Americans from voting?

According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand why cant these people get an ID?......

Laziness, blue side of the isle. Doesnt take much imagination does it?
Why and in what way does this prevent only African Americans from voting?

According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand why cant these people get an ID?......
Chris is essentially calling the stupid as his Statist handlers want him to.
South Carolina voter ID law rejected by Justice Department -

Reporting from Washington— The Obama administration's civil rights office is stepping up its fight with the Southern states over voting rights, announcing it will block a new South Carolina law that would require voters to show a government-issued photo identification before casting a ballot.

The Justice Department invoked the Voting Rights Act on Friday and said the new photo-identification rule could deny the right to vote for tens of thousands of blacks and other minorities.

"According to the state's statistics, there are 81,938 minority citizens who are already registered to vote and who lack DMV-issued identification," Thomas E. Perez, the chief of the department's civil rights division, said in a letter to South Carolina officials. He referred to a driver's license issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, the most common form of photo identification.

In other words, some people are too fucking stupid to get an ID. I guess they don't get loans, write checks or get served alcohol in public places. Right! Any legal citizen can easily get a driver's license or ID. Only the illegals would have trouble and we know damn well Obama sees them as his constituents. That speech he gave to a group of Hispanics, many children of illegals, was an insult to this country. He called those of us who wanted border security the "enemy" and made stupid jokes.

People aren't falling for this shit. I think the majority realize that this is an effort to keep any spotlight off voting practices. I think the fraud and abuse runs far deeper than we realize.
Indeed. We have a Chicago Thug in the Whitehouse...and his ex Chief of Staff fellow shit disturber now Mayor of the Same...:eusa_whistle:
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand why cant these people get an ID?......

Laziness, blue side of the isle. Doesnt take much imagination does it?

And illegals do vote. There are currently no safeguards in place to stop them and the Dems aren't about to allow that. Illegal aliens have no say in this country and their anchor babies shouldn't be granted citizenship. They need to go change their home country and stop messing with ours. I am tired of Obama and others pandering to the illegals while treating the citizens like dirt. We are not the enemy. We have a right to maintain sovereignty and keep our elections honest. As soon as the government ceased to uphold our immigration laws, it became necessary to take other measures to protect ourselves.

Obama will sue states who try to keep borders safe and secure and he will fight any state who tries to keep our voting privleges sacred. Nothing about our country is sacred to him.
SC is not a blue state. It's not controlled by Democrats. Conservative Republicans are in control of the apparatus of gov't. So, how exactly would Democrats rig elections, again?

In fact, there are 8 states that have strict voter ID laws. With the exception of Hawaii, all the states are red states: Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Wisconsin, SC, Tennessee, and Texas. They're all states that are Republican-controlled.

You know conservatives don’t take kindly to facts, messes with the dogma.

…how would this prevent any particular group or groups from voting?

explain to me Chris why a black person cant go and get a picture ID......

Again, that’s not the issue.

States are responsible to ensure voters have access to the polls, potentially restrictive measures must be justified, and there is no evidence voter ID laws are justified or even work. Whether one can obtain a picture ID or not is irrelevant.
Part of access, stupid is that they properly ID themselves. WHY do you have a problem with this?:eusa_hand: why cant these people get an ID?......

Laziness, blue side of the isle. Doesnt take much imagination does it?

And illegals do vote. There are currently no safeguards in place to stop them and the Dems aren't about to allow that. Illegal aliens have no say in this country and their anchor babies shouldn't be granted citizenship. They need to go change their home country and stop messing with ours. I am tired of Obama and others pandering to the illegals while treating the citizens like dirt. We are not the enemy. We have a right to maintain sovereignty and keep our elections honest. As soon as the government ceased to uphold our immigration laws, it became necessary to take other measures to protect ourselves.

Obama will sue states who try to keep borders safe and secure and he will fight any state who tries to keep our voting privleges sacred. Nothing about our country is sacred to him.
One man wrecking crew with a gallery of thugs (Holder), helping him do it.
Showing valid ID is not racist in any way. Requiring a valid ID just makes it harder for the Democrats to rig Elections. And that's all this stuff is ever about. Their Race-Baiting stuff is so old & tired. I think most Americans are sick of it though. Without the Illegals,Felons,Deceased Citizens,and Fictitious Voters,the Democrats wouldn't win very many Elections. And they know this. Requiring a valid ID just gets in the way of their fixes. It has nothing to do with 'Racism.' It's just a scam.

Nobody votes without id, regardless of race, so I truly don't know how it can be construed as racist.
It’s incumbent upon states to remove voting hurtles, not erect new ones.
so getting a photo ID must be a motherfucker to some people.....can these same people go outside by themselves without help?......just askin.....

Wonder how fast they could get to apply for a passport if you gave them a free 2 week vacation somewhere that it was required?
You pretend its an insult to people to make sure they get a chance to vote?

You insult them by implying they are too stupid to comply with reasonable standards.

You're not fooling anyone by throwing the word "reasonable" in there. I say it's UNREASONABLE...AND I used caps...So there :mad:

so if a person walks up to vote but does not speak English,should that person be given a ballet without questioning?....

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