I'd Like (However Many) Breaks A Day Too

The OP's thread title is misleading.

Depending on the job's hours or which shift the the person is working.

A muslin wishing to pray during work hours.

Would only need one, or at most two prayer breaks, to fulfill his religious obligation. ...... :cool:

Most places give you two breaks and a lunch hour.
They can pray then.
God's timing doesn't follow union rules.
The OP's thread title is misleading.

Depending on the job's hours or which shift the the person is working.

A muslin wishing to pray during work hours.

Would only need one, or at most two prayer breaks, to fulfill his religious obligation. ...... :cool:

Most places give you two breaks and a lunch hour.
They can pray then.
God's timing doesn't follow union rules.

Since when have you cared about God?
If the business is the type that needs all hands working at the same time this is a no brainer.
You cant stop production to pray.
Now if it doesnt matter if a few guys step off to pray thats fine,but dont expect to be able to take a break when the other workers do...since you already used your time to pray.
The OP's thread title is misleading.

Depending on the job's hours or which shift the the person is working.

A muslin wishing to pray during work hours.

Would only need one, or at most two prayer breaks, to fulfill his religious obligation. ...... :cool:

Most places give you two breaks and a lunch hour.
They can pray then.
God's timing doesn't follow union rules.

Since when have you cared about God?
If the business is the type that needs all hands working at the same time this is a no brainer.
You cant stop production to pray.
Now if it doesnt matter if a few guys step off to pray thats fine,but dont expect to be able to take a break when the other workers do...since you already used your time to pray.
If they can prove that they can't "reasonably accommodate" the Muslims, then they might have a chance. Otherwise, they will lose.

We accommodate religion here, within reason.
The OP's thread title is misleading.

Depending on the job's hours or which shift the the person is working.

A muslin wishing to pray during work hours.

Would only need one, or at most two prayer breaks, to fulfill his religious obligation. ...... :cool:

Most places give you two breaks and a lunch hour.
They can pray then.
God's timing doesn't follow union rules.

Since when have you cared about God?
If the business is the type that needs all hands working at the same time this is a no brainer.
You cant stop production to pray.
Now if it doesnt matter if a few guys step off to pray thats fine,but dont expect to be able to take a break when the other workers do...since you already used your time to pray.
If they can prove that they can't "reasonably accommodate" the Muslims, then they might have a chance. Otherwise, they will lose.

We accommodate religion here, within reason.

You cant accommodate a religion if it shuts down your company.
time off for prayers at work??I owned a business once upon a time and I'd fire the person immediately that wasted time like that

I dont think you're as liberal as you think eddie,maybe there's hope for you after all.
I'm not a liberal and there are policies of the dem party I don't like BUT unfortunately I've become as hard headed as those I dislike and won't start talking down the dem party until I see Republicans can also talk down the unreasonableness of theirs
time off for prayers at work??I owned a business once upon a time and I'd fire the person immediately that wasted time like that

I dont think you're as liberal as you think eddie,maybe there's hope for you after all.
I'm not a liberal and there are policies of the dem party I don't like BUT unfortunately I've become as hard headed as those I dislike and won't start talking down the dem party until I see Republicans can also talk down the unreasonableness of theirs

The Republican party is changing right before your eyes.
time off for prayers at work??I owned a business once upon a time and I'd fire the person immediately that wasted time like that

I dont think you're as liberal as you think eddie,maybe there's hope for you after all.
I'm not a liberal and there are policies of the dem party I don't like BUT unfortunately I've become as hard headed as those I dislike and won't start talking down the dem party until I see Republicans can also talk down the unreasonableness of theirs

The Republican party is changing right before your eyes.
It's changing alright, like this:
Gonna get nailed on that one unless they can prove there is no way to accommodate the Muslim faithful. And learn when Muslims pray, it's not five times during 9 to 5.

Just to point out, the standard is not "no way to accommodate", the standard is "undue hardship". The company only need show that allowing the breaks causes a disruption of production which decreases efficiency and cost them more then a minimal amount of money.

You cant accommodate a religion if it shuts down your company.
No, but that's not what's happening. Everybody gets to take a break.

And you conveniently ignored that part of my post.
Try again.
No, I responded to it since what you said is not happening.

No you didnt.
So again...if they can take a break and not effect the running of the company that's fine they can take their break and pray,just dont expect to take a break with the other workers.
If they cannot run the company without a full work force in place they can find another job or pray when everyone else takes a break.
Gonna get nailed on that one unless they can prove there is no way to accommodate the Muslim faithful. And learn when Muslims pray, it's not five times during 9 to 5.

Just to point out, the standard is not "no way to accommodate", the standard is "undue hardship". The company only need show that allowing the breaks causes a disruption of production which decreases efficiency and cost them more then a minimal amount of money.

It has to show that it is an "unreasonable disruption", like a pharmacy that has to switch staff at the window because one will not issue Plan B or birth control which is NOT unreasonable in most cases. It will likely always be a "disruption" to the work day, the question is, how unreasonable is it? People eating and using the toilet disrupts things, but we allow for it.

And I clarified my initial post. TY.
You cant accommodate a religion if it shuts down your company.
No, but that's not what's happening. Everybody gets to take a break.

And you conveniently ignored that part of my post.
Try again.
No, I responded to it since what you said is not happening.

No you didnt.
So again...if they can take a break and not effect the running of the company that's fine they can take their break and pray,just dont expect to take a break with the other workers.
If they cannot run the company without a full work force in place they can find another job or pray when everyone else takes a break.
Study up, then whine like an infant: WYSK: Workplace Religious Accommodation
I'd rather spend my breaks having a smoke or a Twinkie than praying; not much of a 'break,' from their perspective.

if they have a right, you MUST have a right, too


What is your question, Old Lady?
Just not sure what you meant. It seems if they're busy fulfilling a religious obligation, it's not a 'break' in the regular sense. Do you argue if they get prayer breaks, the non-Muslims must get the same amount of breaks? Is that the problem?

I will help you to understand. Muslims ----according to their religion are SORTA
'obligated' to do a prayer thing several times per day. The times are not
hewn in STONE-----there is lots of flexibility. In sum----the prayer thing for muslims
is not all that much different from the prayer or meditation thing for Christians, jews, Hindus or Buddhists. ALL RELIGIONS GOT THEM. I have known a few
catholics who attended MASS ---EVERY SINGLE DAY of their lives. Some hindus do a whole big ceremony that ends them up with a red dot on the forehead
each morning and all kinds of other things during the day related to their Gods.
Different religions have "fast days"--------you might be amazed to know how many
"fast days" hindus do-----especially the females and how many "fast days" --there
are on the Jewish calendar. Just about MOST people CAN cite 'RELIGIOUS'
obligations. I have worked with------hindus, jews, muslims, Christians-----and
whatever. ALL OF US COULD HAVE DEMANDED special times to do our various things. I will give you a hint--------I never noticed that the jewish
neurosurgeon--------decided to leave the brain exposed whilst he left to
join his buddies for MAARIV (evening prayer). Now my answer-----YES---
all get the same rights-------we can ALL decide to ADHERE to something.
If the hindu lady is fasting for one of her scores of reasons to do so-----everyone
should desist from eating-------In my lifetime------whilst in the company of a
JAIN colleague------I did desist from eating a hamburger (really----I was young back
then). WE CAN ALL FIND REASONS in our religions or ideologies to NEED
special accommodation. The current SPECIAL ISLAMIC DEMANDS have
nothing to do with religion-----they are a POLITICAL STATEMENT. (same idea
for SPECIAL CLOTHES--------and "I AM A MUSLIM" ----meaning 'you can't examine me----I need a male doc and my wife needs a female'. )) In the USA people with SUCH
special needs have a right to create their own places in which to live and work----
like the AMISH do. They can even create their own hospitals. In the part of
the USA in which I grew up there was a catholic hospital staffed largely by nuns
(nursing staff) They engaged in all kinds of ceremonies here and there. In my
life time I worked with a real life nun in a regular hospital-------she did not demand
SPECIAL breaks. Not to bore you ----I will not describe my stint in an orthodox
jewish hospital except to mention it is there I met the only Saudi muslim I ever
knew well. He did not pop out of situations for "prayers" either. I have no idea
if he ever went BACK to Saudi arabia where "praying" on the job is mandatory
Gonna get nailed on that one unless they can prove there is no way to accommodate the Muslim faithful. And learn when Muslims pray, it's not five times during 9 to 5.

Just to point out, the standard is not "no way to accommodate", the standard is "undue hardship". The company only need show that allowing the breaks causes a disruption of production which decreases efficiency and cost them more then a minimal amount of money.

It has to show that it is an "unreasonable disruption", like a pharmacy that has to switch staff at the window because one will not issue Plan B or birth control which is NOT unreasonable in most cases. It will likely always be a "disruption" to the work day, the question is, how unreasonable is it? People eating and using the toilet disrupts things, but we allow for it.

And I clarified my initial post. TY.

you got a list of jobs in which popping out for prayers for half an hour two, three or four times per day is NOT DISRUPTIVE? I held many DIFFERENT jobs in my life-----before getting into a specific profession-------even "sales/stock" girl in a large department store could not tolerate such disruptions. Pious muslims could
do "piece work" at home-------or become artisans like shoemakers----working
The OP's thread title is misleading.

Depending on the job's hours or which shift the the person is working.

A muslin wishing to pray during work hours.

Would only need one, or at most two prayer breaks, to fulfill his religious obligation. ...... :cool:

Most places give you two breaks and a lunch hour.
They can pray then.

In at least one of the states I worked-------one break of 15 minutes was MANDATORY for every four hour period-----PLUS a 30 minute break for
lunch. ( I got them for unskilled jobs-----for professional stuff----you ain't
ENTITLED to nuthin' )

everyone should be ENTITLED to the same stuff regardless of strict
religion or complete lack thereof

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