Idaho pursues 'end of ObamaCare,' setting stage for new fight


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
They will be the testing ground for Federal movement. You can be bet, this will help in the mid-terms assuming it is successful as other states will point to it and say "see, elect more GOP and we will do the same in our state!"

One state pursues 'end of ObamaCare,' setting stage for new fight

Idaho has become ground zero in a new ObamaCare fight, with officials pursuing major changes that could serve as a national model for other states looking to expand insurance options in defiance of the law – even as Democrats warn of higher costs for vulnerable customers.

As soon as April, Blue Cross of Idaho is planning to make new options available.

That’s after Gov. Butch Otter and Lt. Gov. Brad Little co-signed an executive order asking the Department of Insurance to seek creative ways to make health coverage more affordable. The move opened the door for plans that don’t adhere to ObamaCare coverage requirements – though with the Trump administration testing similar ideas, the state may be unlikely to face much resistance from the White House.
“Pursues” end? But I thought it was supposed to collapse by itself. After all the sabotage that’s been piled on, you still have to “pursue” its end?
“Pursues” end? But I thought it was supposed to collapse by itself. After all the sabotage that’s been piled on, you still have to “pursue” its end?

Well, if you have citizens spending $2000 a month on this to subsidize others while in a true free market they could obtain the same coverage at a fraction of the price, than yes, it is failing.

Consider the mandatory penalty if you DON'T buy insurance. That's about as communist as one can get. What next?
“Pursues” end? But I thought it was supposed to collapse by itself. After all the sabotage that’s been piled on, you still have to “pursue” its end?

Well, if you have citizens spending $2000 a month on this to subsidize others while in a true free market they could obtain the same coverage at a fraction of the price, than yes, it is failing.

Consider the mandatory penalty if you DON'T buy insurance. That's about as communist as one can get. What next?
Citizens spending two thousand a month?

Gawd you guys lie. It's all you ever have.

Remember, until Obama, millions died without healthcare and Republicans were very, very happy with that.
“Pursues” end? But I thought it was supposed to collapse by itself. After all the sabotage that’s been piled on, you still have to “pursue” its end?

Well, if you have citizens spending $2000 a month on this to subsidize others while in a true free market they could obtain the same coverage at a fraction of the price, than yes, it is failing.

Consider the mandatory penalty if you DON'T buy insurance. That's about as communist as one can get. What next?
Citizens spending two thousand a month?

Gawd you guys lie. It's all you ever have.

Remember, until Obama, millions died without healthcare and Republicans were very, very happy with that.

Well I heard someone call into a radio show and suggest he pays $1600 a month for he, his wife and son. So I would assume there are many paying over $2k

I resent you calling me a liar. I challenge you to present any evidence of me lying on this site. Maybe some tongue in cheek or what have you, but I don't lie about serious issues. Maybe I get sloppy like anyone from time to time, but not a purposeful lie.

Also, the "millions died" doesn't mean haphazard solution that benefits his big donors but doesn't provide a sustainable long term solution to healthcare. I've said it before, socialized HC cannot work in America as your costs are too high. How do you balance this?

Not with Obamacare. I have my ideas, but too long to type right now. I suggested a multi tiered system, this is what will be provided in some manner with various insurance plans.
As a person living here, at 'ground zero', I got to tell you, that no one really cares..beyond the politicians and such. We are a small State..and what works here..may not be viable in other States. Yes, some alternate plans are being proposed..most of them attractive to the young and healthy..with a lot of 'bare bones' provisions and high deductibles. Were you to opt for one of those plans..and wish the same coverage as an ACA costs far more. Idaho enjoys a low unemployment percentage--and most of the workers are covered by employer based plans. Idaho is also notorious for having a skimpy safety net...lucky for us the cost of living is much lower than many of the larger States.

I suspect that a larger State, population-wise, might have some real inequities the risk pool divides into high and low..with the premiums for the high sky-rocketing.

No dog in this fight though--The VA is my primary care giver..and contrary to popular myth..the VA has given me great care--hundreds of thousands of dollars worth.

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