IDF...Here We Come.

"I swear and commit to pledge allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the authority of the Israel Defense Force, obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life for the protection of the homeland and liberty of Israel."
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Does Sealadaigh also object to the blacks (entertainers, celebrities, athletes..) who support/contribute heavily to Africa?
How about Irish Americans who volunteer to serve Ireland (or the IRA)?
Did those North American Jews ever refuse to serve in the US military or act against America's interests?
If not, what's the point and why the partially larger font ?
"I swear and commit to pledge allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the authority of the Israel Defense Force, obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life for the protection of the homeland and liberty of Israel."
Who said that?
The laws of this country allow that and as we can see there is a long history and tradition for it.

and i am suggesting that those laws be changed in a very specific manner.
Maybe this thread belongs in the Law and Justice board. Another avenue would be to write a local congressperson or Senator, or start a movement like gathering signatures etc. For now it's perfectly legal and ethical, even during wartime, as many Americans served during WWII with the French or British.

and i covered that. many americans enlisted or served with the french and british beore america entered the war. many americans enlisted in droves in the U.S military when america entered the war.

if someone had enlisted in the IDF prior to the wars america was engaged in, i would have no problem were they to honour that commitment.
Does Sealadaigh also object to the blacks (entertainers, celebrities, athletes..) who support/contribute heavily to Africa?
How about Irish Americans who volunteer to serve Ireland (or the IRA)?
Did those North American Jews ever refuse to serve in the US military or act against America's interests?
If not, what's the point and why the partially larger font ?
These are all very valid good questions. :clap:
An important point missing in this debate is that the young men in question have IMMIGRATED to Israel. Israel doesn't have a volunteer army. If they want to live in Israel, they HAVE to serve in the army there.
"I swear and commit to pledge allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the authority of the Israel Defense Force, obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life for the protection of the homeland and liberty of Israel."
Who said that?

that is the oath of allegiance every IDF recruit takes. it is a matter of public record and is not subject to copyright.
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and i am suggesting that those laws be changed in a very specific manner.
Maybe this thread belongs in the Law and Justice board. Another avenue would be to write a local congressperson or Senator, or start a movement like gathering signatures etc. For now it's perfectly legal and ethical, even during wartime, as many Americans served during WWII with the French or British.

and i covered that. many americans enlisted or served with the french and british beore america entered the war. many americans enlisted in droves in the U.S military when america entered the war.

if someone had enlisted in the IDF prior to the wars america was engaged in, i would have no problem were they to honour that commitment.
I dint think America is currently war with any country. Other than figurative wars. Our military is drawing down to a minimum and Iraq and Afghanistan are our allies now. At least that's what our president keeps telling us. And as far as Al Queda is concerned I think they keep telling everybody "Al Queda is decimated on the run"
An important point missing in this debate is that the young men in question have IMMIGRATED to Israel. Israel doesn't have a volunteer army. If they want to live in Israel, they HAVE to serve in the army there.

maybe you should read the article. that was not missed.

but fine. it sounds like you have no problem with the revocation of their american citisenship.
"I swear and commit to pledge allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the authority of the Israel Defense Force, obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life for the protection of the homeland and liberty of Israel."
Perhaps then you should have provided a link for it then, as posting quotes without proper linkeage is a violation of rules.

Is it a known fact that they actually took this oath?
Maybe this thread belongs in the Law and Justice board. Another avenue would be to write a local congressperson or Senator, or start a movement like gathering signatures etc. For now it's perfectly legal and ethical, even during wartime, as many Americans served during WWII with the French or British.

and i covered that. many americans enlisted or served with the french and british beore america entered the war. many americans enlisted in droves in the U.S military when america entered the war.

if someone had enlisted in the IDF prior to the wars america was engaged in, i would have no problem were they to honour that commitment.
I dint think America is currently war with any country. Other than figurative wars. Our military is drawing down to a minimum and Iraq and Afghanistan are our allies now. At least that's what our president keeps telling us. And as far as Al Queda is concerned I think they keep telling everybody "Al Queda is decimated on the run"

those almost 2000 "figurative" deaths in afghanistan seem to tell a different story.

and i never said we were at war with afghanistan anyway. i said we were at war in afghanistan.

wasn't it just last week that you were among those who said we had surrendered to al queda when we closed our embassies. make up your mind.
Does Sealadaigh also object to the blacks (entertainers, celebrities, athletes..) who support/contribute heavily to Africa?
How about Irish Americans who volunteer to serve Ireland (or the IRA)?
Did those North American Jews ever refuse to serve in the US military or act against America's interests?
If not, what's the point and why the partially larger font ?

i am beyond arguing apples and oranges so i will address all of the above that apply to my very narrow statement.

i think that any irish-american who joins the other, good IDF while america is at war should have their citisenship revoked.
"I swear and commit to pledge allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the authority of the Israel Defense Force, obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life for the protection of the homeland and liberty of Israel."
Perhaps then you should have provided a link for it then, as posting quotes without proper linkeage is a violation of rules.

Is it a known fact that they actually took this oath?

violating copyright is an inringement of the rules. the oath is not copyrighted.


Delmar DustPan: Masada shall not fall again - 73 AD or CE - which ever you consider politically correct

i assume they took the oath as it is a requirement of all recruits. they may have crossed their fingers but i will leave it to you to suggest that rather than impugn jewish integrity.
"I swear and commit to pledge allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the authority of the Israel Defense Force, obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life for the protection of the homeland and liberty of Israel."
Perhaps then you should have provided a link for it then, as posting quotes without proper linkeage is a violation of rules.

Is it a known fact that they actually took this oath?

violating copyright is an inringement of the rules. the oath is not copyrighted.


Delmar DustPan: Masada shall not fall again - 73 AD or CE - which ever you consider politically correct

i assume they took the oath as it is a requirement of all recruits. they may have crossed their fingers but i will leave it to you to suggest that rather than impugn jewish integrity.

I'll let the powers that be decide whether any board rules were violated, since the material in question was copied from another source.

So there isn't any difinitive evidence they took the oath, as it might be possible that foreign volunteers might not be subject to it unless they are also requesting citizenship.
An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism.

Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dual loyalty[edit source]

A canard found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but dating to before that document, is that Jews are more loyal to world Jewry than to their own country. Since the establishment of the state of Israel, this canard has taken the form of accusations that Jewish citizens of countries such as the United States are more loyal to Israel than to their home country.[51]
Perhaps then you should have provided a link for it then, as posting quotes without proper linkeage is a violation of rules.

Is it a known fact that they actually took this oath?

violating copyright is an inringement of the rules. the oath is not copyrighted.


Delmar DustPan: Masada shall not fall again - 73 AD or CE - which ever you consider politically correct

i assume they took the oath as it is a requirement of all recruits. they may have crossed their fingers but i will leave it to you to suggest that rather than impugn jewish integrity.

I'll let the powers that be decide whether any board rules were violated, since the material in question was copied from another source.

So there isn't any difinitive evidence they took the oath, as it might be possible that foreign volunteers might not be subject to it unless they are also requesting citizenship.

i grabbed the first source i came across when you asked and i did not copy any of his original copyrighted material, just the public domain material. if it will ease your mind, i will add the same source to the original.

it is a standard oath administered to all recruits.
An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism.

Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dual loyalty[edit source]

A canard found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but dating to before that document, is that Jews are more loyal to world Jewry than to their own country. Since the establishment of the state of Israel, this canard has taken the form of accusations that Jewish citizens of countries such as the United States are more loyal to Israel than to their home country.[51]

This accusation that you try to disprove seems to be proven true by this quote which I took from the OP

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."
violating copyright is an inringement of the rules. the oath is not copyrighted.


Delmar DustPan: Masada shall not fall again - 73 AD or CE - which ever you consider politically correct

i assume they took the oath as it is a requirement of all recruits. they may have crossed their fingers but i will leave it to you to suggest that rather than impugn jewish integrity.

I'll let the powers that be decide whether any board rules were violated, since the material in question was copied from another source.

So there isn't any difinitive evidence they took the oath, as it might be possible that foreign volunteers might not be subject to it unless they are also requesting citizenship.

i grabbed the first source i came across when you asked and i did not copy any of his original copyrighted material, just the public domain material. if it will ease your mind, i will add the same source to the original.

it is a standard oath administered to all recruits.
I don't believe the oath is part of the requirements and procedures for non Israelis. I checked.

It will be administered if the individual is requesting citizenship, which in turn will increase the duration of service as well as additional requirements will be requested.
An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism.

Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dual loyalty[edit source]

A canard found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but dating to before that document, is that Jews are more loyal to world Jewry than to their own country. Since the establishment of the state of Israel, this canard has taken the form of accusations that Jewish citizens of countries such as the United States are more loyal to Israel than to their home country.[51]

i don't think ynet news is an anti-semitic newspaper and i am pretty sure that the article is not false.
An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism.

Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dual loyalty[edit source]

A canard found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but dating to before that document, is that Jews are more loyal to world Jewry than to their own country. Since the establishment of the state of Israel, this canard has taken the form of accusations that Jewish citizens of countries such as the United States are more loyal to Israel than to their home country.[51]

This accusation that you try to disprove seems to be proven true by this quote which I took from the OP

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."
In that case that specific person is both serving and immigrating to be a citizen. I don't see a problem with that either. Lots of people move to other countries and become citizens. I remember during the elections many Democrats swore they would move to Canada and revoke their American citizenship if certain candidates get elected.
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