IDF says Hezbollah continues to violate Lebanon truce


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The UN Security Council will hold consultations on Thursday about alleged violations by both Hezbollah and Israel of its resolution that ended the Second Lebanon War, the IDFā€™s Spokespersonā€™s Unit said.

Last month the IDF accused the Shiā€™ite terrorist organization of violating Resolution 1701, which set the terms to end the 34-day war fought between Israel and Hezbollah in the summer of 2006.

Hezbollah has been establishing observation posts under the guise of a NGO ā€œGreen Without Bordersā€ near the Blue Line border between Lebanon and Israel since April, presumably to gather intelligence, the IDF said.

The army on Tuesday released additional footage of Hezbollah members gathering intelligence on Israel, saying that the Iran-backed Lebanese group continues to use the NGO as a front for information gathering in order to harm Israel.
IDF says Hezbollah continues to violate Lebanon truce

Imagine that. The UN will hold consultations.

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