IED EXPLODES IN NYC... Second one today

Terror attacks under Obama are becoming as ubiquitous as his lying. They figure that both have become so common that no one will notice or care anymore. Like shootings in Chicago.
Like school church movie theater shootings at Congresswoman rallies....
None of those have the common thread of islam. Making excuses for this hack president is as bad as abetting his failure. Aren't you supposed to accuse me of racism for criticizing your hack? That's your job.
"None of those have the common thread of Islam"....WHAT! You mean that some bad attacks happen, perpetrated by other than Muslims? NO WAY!
Well if there was any question about this being terrorism, there isn't any more... The remote detonator for the second device is standard operating procedure for a person in line of site watching the attack and choosing when to deploy the second device...

Waiting to hear back on the New Jersey investigation and what parts were located during the crime scene crew search. What they find could very easily link these events..
Anyone can build a big pipe bomb. I figured it was someone without much skill putting the bombs in trash cans with a delayed fuse. With a remote detonator it may be harder to catch them but I don't think these idiots will go free long. Someone had to plant the bombs and that is where hopefully there is leads to catch them. Lets hope they get caught as soon as possible.

An IED has created sever damage to buildings in NYC. 15 injured or dead.. NYC police say that the explosive device has created damage to several buildings. Still developing//

Earlier today an IED (pipe bomb) detonated along a runners route in New Jersey but due to a late start no one was injured..

Unknown if they are related..

DHS, ATF, FBI, and local agencies are working together..

I mean don't ya think? I'm SURE this kind of stuff will ALL END if we just OVERLOAD America with MUSLIMS... YAAAAAAY... GREAT IDEA..!!!

Yeah, keep running in circles screaming like a dope without knowing what's happened and whose responsible.
Well if there was any question about this being terrorism, there isn't any more... The remote detonator for the second device is standard operating procedure for a person in line of site watching the attack and choosing when to deploy the second device...

Waiting to hear back on the New Jersey investigation and what parts were located during the crime scene crew search. What they find could very easily link these events..
Anyone can build a big pipe bomb. I figured it was someone without much skill putting the bombs in trash cans with a delayed fuse. With a remote detonator it may be harder to catch them but I don't think these idiots will go free long. Someone had to plant the bombs and that is where hopefully there is leads to catch them. Lets hope they get caught as soon as possible.
They can build it, but will it go off.. In my unit we built IEDs to test our knowledge of how too do it or how to dismantle it and the newbies had a failure rate of about 50% when we actually tested them.. Not just anyone can make them go boom reliably.
Well if there was any question about this being terrorism, there isn't any more... The remote detonator for the second device is standard operating procedure for a person in line of site watching the attack and choosing when to deploy the second device...

Waiting to hear back on the New Jersey investigation and what parts were located during the crime scene crew search. What they find could very easily link these events..
Anyone can build a big pipe bomb. I figured it was someone without much skill putting the bombs in trash cans with a delayed fuse. With a remote detonator it may be harder to catch them but I don't think these idiots will go free long. Someone had to plant the bombs and that is where hopefully there is leads to catch them. Lets hope they get caught as soon as possible.
They can build it, but will it go off.. In my unit we built IEDs to test our knowledge of how too do it or how to dismantle it and the newbies had a failure rate of about 50% when we actually tested them.. Not just anyone can make them go boom reliably.
You are right I shouldn't have made it seem like any yahoo can easily do something like this. It definitely takes some skill to just construct a bomb properly and a delayed fuse takes some skill as well. Try to do it in your backyard and you have a good chance of blowing your arm off or worse. That said pipe bombs are probably the easiest to make. The fuse will be the interesting part. I cant wait till this/these assholes get caught.
The recent attacks highlight the reasons why we need to keep Hillary away from the WH. We'll soon be seeing Trump' poll #'s going up even more.
In the Crossroads Mall stabbings the guy asked if one was muslim, also yelled the familiar allah akbar.

I would bet all these today are related, but will we ever be given the truth?
As the nation’s eyes were focused on the explosion in Manhattan, at least eight people were stabbed at theCrossroads Center Mall in the American heartland by a suspect in a private security uniform who referenced Allah and asked at least one victim if he was Muslim.
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An IED has created sever damage to buildings in NYC. 15 injured or dead.. NYC police say that the explosive device has created damage to several buildings. Still developing//

Earlier today an IED (pipe bomb) detonated along a runners route in New Jersey but due to a late start no one was injured..

Unknown if they are related..

DHS, ATF, FBI, and local agencies are working together..

NYPD Confirm Multiple Pressure Cooker Bombs Have Been Found


Yet NYC mayor claims “It's not terrorism!” How lame can these Leftists be? Pipe bombs aimed at Marines in NJ and a mass stabbing in Minnesota. At what point do they wake the hell up?


Here's another they found and disarmed.

Story @ BREAKING: NYPD Confirm Multiple Pressure Cooker Bombs Have Been Found
The recent attacks highlight the reasons why we need to keep Hillary away from the WH. We'll soon be seeing Trump' poll #'s going up even more.
How do those attacks highlight "reasons"?
Her plans of taking in refugees that can't be properly vetted will surely increase crimes like this. After Terrorist said they'll be slipping in with the refugees, Hillary announced she'll be increasing the # by >500%.

Trump is smart enough to see the problems with that.

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