IED EXPLODES IN NYC... Second one today


An IED has created sever damage to buildings in NYC. 15 injured or dead.. NYC police say that the explosive device has created damage to several buildings. Still developing//

Earlier today an IED (pipe bomb) detonated along a runners route in New Jersey but due to a late start no one was injured..

Unknown if they are related..

DHS, ATF, FBI, and local agencies are working together..

they are not yet saying its an IED.

no doubt you know more than the NYPD you trump knows more than the generals.


Uhhhh....we better hope it's an IED otherwise that would indicate the terrorist have access to real bombs.
Medium velocity explosion.. This was a real bomb. The manufacturer of these devices knew exactly what they were doing.

Why "inside"? a dumpster? Thst contains the blast. Or was it "nearby"?

The first explosion is meant to draw people in. Minor injuries are what is desired. then you deploy the second strike where the responders and support personnel are. Simple military strategy to distract and kill significantly more people.
The good old liberal media jumps on Trump for calling it a bomb. No surprises here. Keep in mind that Barry Hussein Obama's political mentor and friend Bill Ayers blew up a Greenwhch Village condo with an IED intended for Ft. Dix Soldiers and today he is a "respected" college professor.
The good old liberal media jumps on Trump for calling it a bomb. No surprises here. Keep in mind that Barry Hussein Obama's political mentor and friend Bill Ayers blew up a Greenwhch Village condo with an IED intended for Ft. Dix Soldiers and today he is a "respected" college professor.

The lib media is clueless and are protecting Hillary at all costs..

On a more positive note, Julian Assanige is set to release another data dump today or tomorrow..
I find it odd that there are no "official" reports of the other three devices, yet credible sources say otherwise... hmmmm.... hushing up the severity of the event..

Looks like they are posturing for further potential strikes and trying to keep people calm.. Not sure this strategy will work with ISIS now claiming responsibility.
Sorry about my last quote. I must have hit the submit option after changing my mind about responding. :dunno:
Components of an ied found at explosion site according to James O'Neill

An IED has created sever damage to buildings in NYC. 15 injured or dead.. NYC police say that the explosive device has created damage to several buildings. Still developing//

Earlier today an IED (pipe bomb) detonated along a runners route in New Jersey but due to a late start no one was injured..

Unknown if they are related..

DHS, ATF, FBI, and local agencies are working together..

they are not yet saying its an IED.

no doubt you know more than the NYPD you trump knows more than the generals.


Uhhhh....we better hope it's an IED otherwise that would indicate the terrorist have access to real bombs.
Medium velocity explosion.. This was a real bomb. The manufacturer of these devices knew exactly what they were doing.

So what do you think would be more damaging?
A pressure cooker some chucklehead cobbled together in his basement or a claymore?

The average person could not create a lot of damage.. Someone who is trained and knows what compositions to use could make a device very comparable, IN THEIR BASEMENT!

Go ahead and roll the dice..
Fox News is reporting that the Manhattan and New Jersey bombings may be related:

"Police believe the two devices that were detonated in New Jersey and New York were made by the same person, a law enforcement source told Fox News on Sunday."
Several outlets are, including cbs, nbc-
Three attacks in U.S. in 12 hours, but links remain uncertain

Authorities probe ties between Chelsea bombing and NJ blast | New York Post
Officials Look Into Possible Similarities Between Explosives

Fox News is reporting that the Manhattan and New Jersey bombings may be related:

"Police believe the two devices that were detonated in New Jersey and New York were made by the same person, a law enforcement source told Fox News on Sunday."

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