IED EXPLODES IN NYC... Second one today

NYPD Special Ops- Possible secondary device found at 27th between 6th and 7th
Standard terrorist tactic.. Place a second device where recuse personnel will most likely be positioned to guarantee maximum casualties. This is not looking good... Hallmarks of a militarily or terroist planned event..
Remember the Olympic bomber doing that at abortion clinics.
And his name wasn't Richard Jewell too.

What about that Atilla? He was a HUN.

An IED has created sever damage to buildings in NYC. 15 injured or dead.. NYC police say that the explosive device has created damage to several buildings. Still developing//

Earlier today an IED (pipe bomb) detonated along a runners route in New Jersey but due to a late start no one was injured..

Unknown if they are related..

DHS, ATF, FBI, and local agencies are working together..

election time.

Only if your Hillary Clinton Or BHO.. Events like this are like giving sunshine to vampires... Or water to a Witch.....

An IED has created sever damage to buildings in NYC. 15 injured or dead.. NYC police say that the explosive device has created damage to several buildings. Still developing//

Earlier today an IED (pipe bomb) detonated along a runners route in New Jersey but due to a late start no one was injured..

Unknown if they are related..

DHS, ATF, FBI, and local agencies are working together..

election time.

Only if your Hillary Clinton Or BHO.. Events like this are like giving sunshine to vampires... Or water to a Witch.....
Remember that little event on Sept 11, 2012?
Wasn't until after the election Dear Leader called it terrorism.
NYPD Special Ops- Possible secondary device found at 27th between 6th and 7th
Standard terrorist tactic.. Place a second device where recuse personnel will most likely be positioned to guarantee maximum casualties. This is not looking good... Hallmarks of a militarily or terroist planned event..
Remember the Olympic bomber doing that at abortion clinics.

How many anti abortion nut jobs actually committed a crime? Five? Six? How about 25 just to be on the safe side. And how many years ago was that? Now I understand your desperate desire to deflect away from the failed immigration policies of your hero, I truly do, but don't ever think we're as stupid as you. Just sayin...
Must be those Christian Crusaders again..

NYPD Special Ops- Possible secondary device found at 27th between 6th and 7th
Standard terrorist tactic.. Place a second device where recuse personnel will most likely be positioned to guarantee maximum casualties. This is not looking good... Hallmarks of a militarily or terroist planned event..
Remember the Olympic bomber doing that at abortion clinics.

How many anti abortion nut jobs actually committed a crime? Five? Six? How about 25 just to be on the safe side. And how many years ago was that? Now I understand your desperate desire to deflect away from the failed immigration policies of your hero, I truly do, but don't ever think we're as stupid as you. Just sayin...
Calm down, Chicken Little...if you'd BOTHERED to read the post I was adding to......
Ok...preceed with your hysteria.
Fox liberal media whore actually just said, "Could is be possible someone threw away a pressure cooker?" ROFLMAO You fucking liberals and your media whores will say and do anything , lie in order to overrun our country with terrorists.
This just in.. Susan Rice being booked for every Sunday show with an internet video narrative.
The old CORRUPT hag has spoken.. fucking idiot

Hillary Clinton:
"Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism."
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck....don't you think?

ISIS or ISIS sympathizers.

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