If 100% secure border is so needed , what about the north border ?

But when it's suggested that the money would be better spent on health care, you scream like babies at the cost, but if someone were to suggest going to war with Iran, you'd be all for it.
That's because Iran is a threat to my liberty. Your greed and laziness is not.
Here is the difference. Unlike you idiots, we wouldn't waste the money on such a useless thing as a wall. He spend our money on education, health care, infrastructure, and helping our citizens.
And yet your nation is far inferior to mine. What does that tell you? The fact that you can't even find a Canadian website to troll and instead come to a U.S. website says it all. :laugh:
You complain about it when it is for the general welfare not the general warfare; how amoral is that, right wingers.
Few things illustrate how radicalized, greedy, and lazy the left has become like daniel's comments right there.
"Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country" - President John F. Kennedy
The Democrats of Kennedy's era wouldn't even recognize their own selfish, greedy, lazy, anti-American party of today.
However, the problem with the American system is that it is extremely expensive.
You get what you pay for. I don't want cut-rate, third-world healthcare. I want state-of-the-art, top of the line healthcare. My health is critical to me. I want the very best, cost be damned.
My mother in Canada is waiting for a knee replacement and she was told it would be two years, which is ridiculous, and we are trying for it to be less.
Bingo. Absolutely ridiculous. I don't even have to wait a week for knee replacement in the U.S. Only a jack ass wants that kind of healthcare.
But when it's suggested that the money would be better spent on health care, you scream like babies at the cost, but if someone were to suggest going to war with Iran, you'd be all for it.
That's because Iran is a threat to my liberty. Your greed and laziness is not.
where is the muslim War on Alcohol and their AEA waging their war in the US and other foreign nations?

No more terrorism; a war on Alcohol!
Canada is slated to become the 51st state and Canadians know it. Some Canadians are already discussing it.
Quebec election notebook: It's time to become the 51st state, new party says

As the 51st state we won't need to build a wall.

Just too fking funny.


I thought Canada was America's hat?????

And I always thought of them as nosy neighbors always asking to borrow tools but never bringing them back. The only thing we get from Canada is their opinion of why we should do things differently.


They'd better be careful...America might roll over in its sleep and crush 'em.
You complain about it when it is for the general welfare not the general warfare; how amoral is that, right wingers.
Few things illustrate how radicalized, greedy, and lazy the left has become like daniel's comments right there.
"Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country" - President John F. Kennedy
The Democrats of Kennedy's era wouldn't even recognize their own selfish, greedy, lazy, anti-American party of today.
We have an Establishment clause for an uniform rule of naturalization. There is no immigration clause or border security clause or wall building clause.
We have an Establishment clause for an uniform rule of naturalization. There is no immigration clause
So now you want to deny immigration? Damn...you are one racist nationalist. Typical leftists. Conservatives love legal immigrants.
Canadians are one of the most respected nationalities on earth
You're not "respected". At all. You're liked. And you're liked because you immediately drop to your knees and give a blow job to anyone who demands it. You're a bunch of pussies.

The U.S. is the polar opposite. We're not liked, but we're damn sure respected. Even Kim Jong-Un dropped to his knees in fear once a real American was in charge once again.
Canadians are one of the most respected nationalities on earth
You're not "respected". At all. You're liked. And you're liked because you immediately drop to your knees and give a blow job to anyone who demands it. You're a bunch of pussies.

The U.S. is the polar opposite. We're not liked, but we're damn sure respected. Even Kim Jong-Un dropped to his knees in fear once a real American was in charge once again.

Canadians are liked because their PM is The Village People.

And you are obese and dumb with no health coverage, with lot of homeles, a drug and violence epidemic.
We're "obese" because we're the most prosperous nation on earth, dumb shit. You know who isn't obese? Ethiopia. The nation that thought socialism was a good idea.

As for the rest of your nonsense, everything has consequences. Everything. Even liberty. Some people self-destruct when left to their own free will. So what? Let 'em stick heroin in their arms until they die. That's just basic darwinism - and it will ensure that only people who can handle liberty survive and thrive.

Every problem we have stems from ignorant assholes like you demanding that government subsidize failure. Stop feeding the lazy, stop rescuing the heroin addicts and all of our problems go away. Thank you for illustrating how your ideology results in failure and problems.
Albertans say that their wealth is being used by Ottawa and little consideration is given to the province. They also express that monies given to Alberta are well below what they feel is taken from them.

Quebec has its own list of complaints as do many of the provinces. What would it take for Canadians to take to the streets much like the Gilets Jaune did in France. For the French it was a carbon tax on fuel and the belief that taxes and the cost of living left them with too little disposable income.


All the provinces complain about Ottawa, except maybe Ontario, which basically controls the country. All the provinces in Western Canada feel some level of alienation because we felt that eastern Canada was ignoring our concerns. But almost everyone in Western Canada feels like a proud Canadian, unlike in Quebec, where most feel proud to be Quebecois first and foremost.

Canada has "equalization payments," and has had for decades. These are payments made by the rich provinces to the poor provinces. Alberta has perpetually been a rich province since oil was discovered, and has subsidized the rest of Canada for 60-70 years.

It was much worse in the 1970s and 1980s. The provinces control the natural resources according to the Canadian constitution. Pierre Trudeau tried to transfer oil wealth from Alberta to Ottawa and redistribute it to the east. THAT was a big deal, and literally wiped out the Liberal Party in Western Canada for decades, and which still hasn't fully recovered. Back then, there was talk about separation, but it never went anywhere. If Albertans weren't going to separate then, they aren't going to separate now.
Hahahahahaha!!! That is awesome! Canada wants to become the 51st state. Who can blame them? Trudeau is a tool and an embarrassment. Anybody with an IQ above that of sand would much rather have President Trump.

Canadians don't want to be part of the United States.

Canada exists in part because the provinces in the 1860s did not want to be part of the US, so they formed their own country under the British crown. That powerful cultural identity still exists today.

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