If 100% secure border is so needed , what about the north border ?

Canada should build a wall 100 feet tall to protect against the criminals, drug addicts, racists savages down south.
I hope they do! Why do you think a wall is "insulting" to Americans? You're such a fuck'n fragile little snowflake. A wall from our neighbors to the north wouldn't bother us in the least. In fact, we would love it.
Canada should build a wall 100 feet tall to protect against the criminals, drug addicts, racists savages down south.
I hope they do! Why do you think a wall is "insulting" to Americans? You're such a fuck'n fragile little snowflake. A wall from our neighbors to the north wouldn't bother us in the least. In fact, we would love it.
I was watching a European show, where they asked people what's the most racist country on earth...they all said the US and added Trump to why they said that. Super fucking sad.
Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans which tells you all you need to know about the quality of our medical treatment.

They're a lot more laid back....jmho....~S~

We're laid back because we have cradle to the grave social programs to help cushion the blows that come with recessions and wars. Even our wealthiest citizens participate. Everybody, rich or poor, gets the Old Age Security pension, which is $540 a month. And don't think the rich don't cash in on that one. Even the wealthiest man in Canada collected his OAS.

Plus there's the freedom from unexpected hospital bills and expenses. With no co-pays for hospital stays or doctors' office visits, when you're sick, you worry about getting well. You even get unemployment insurance if you're off work due to illness. You can focus more on getting well, than in filling out paperwork for medical claims, fighting with insurance companies, or worrying about medical bills. You still have to deal with loss of income, and recovering your health, but you don't ever hear of Canadians being bankrupted by hospital bills.

I had a 30 yr career listening to patients ,most of which thought they were in 'good hands' loose it all DLady

After a while it really got to me, we're the only 1st world country that puts a sick kid's face on a quicky mart donation can , then find a way to blame him and/or his parents.

And don't get me started on all the old folks i turned into soylent green....


I'm going for an MRI in January, leading to a knee replacement and a hip replacement down the road. I have arthritis all through my body. If I lived in the US, it would be doing without, because I couldn't afford the co-pays. Co-pays do nothing to prevent abuse of the system. They simply keep low income people from getting treatment.

Drugs are covered for those over 65 with only a $100 copay, which is waived for low income seniors. My business was originally started with a training grant and new start up grant for one year. Wonderful program for new businesses. We do amazing things with tax dollars in this country which helps ALL of our people. From young families, to businesses to seniors.

It's amazing how much better your citizens do when you aren't focused on military conquest.
the right wing only believes in ending general welfare social payments for the poor not general warfare social payments for the rich.
If I lived in the US, it would be doing without, because I couldn't afford the co-pays.
Therefore you advocate for the government to literally stick a gun to my head like the mafia and force me to pay your healthcare for you. Awesome libtard "logic" there sweetie.
lol. You complain about it when it is for the general welfare not the general warfare;

how amoral is that, right wingers.
Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans which tells you all you need to know about the quality of our medical treatment.

They're a lot more laid back....jmho....~S~

We're laid back because we have cradle to the grave social programs to help cushion the blows that come with recessions and wars. Even our wealthiest citizens participate. Everybody, rich or poor, gets the Old Age Security pension, which is $540 a month. And don't think the rich don't cash in on that one. Even the wealthiest man in Canada collected his OAS.

Plus there's the freedom from unexpected hospital bills and expenses. With no co-pays for hospital stays or doctors' office visits, when you're sick, you worry about getting well. You even get unemployment insurance if you're off work due to illness. You can focus more on getting well, than in filling out paperwork for medical claims, fighting with insurance companies, or worrying about medical bills. You still have to deal with loss of income, and recovering your health, but you don't ever hear of Canadians being bankrupted by hospital bills.

I had a 30 yr career listening to patients ,most of which thought they were in 'good hands' loose it all DLady

After a while it really got to me, we're the only 1st world country that puts a sick kid's face on a quicky mart donation can , then find a way to blame him and/or his parents.

And don't get me started on all the old folks i turned into soylent green....


I'm going for an MRI in January, leading to a knee replacement and a hip replacement down the road. I have arthritis all through my body. If I lived in the US, it would be doing without, because I couldn't afford the co-pays. Co-pays do nothing to prevent abuse of the system. They simply keep low income people from getting treatment.

Drugs are covered for those over 65 with only a $100 copay, which is waived for low income seniors. My business was originally started with a training grant and new start up grant for one year. Wonderful program for new businesses. We do amazing things with tax dollars in this country which helps ALL of our people. From young families, to businesses to seniors.

It's amazing how much better your citizens do when you aren't focused on military conquest.
the right wing only believes in ending general welfare social payments for the poor not general warfare social payments for the rich.

socilaism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us is the white elephant here, more of our miliutary jaunts about this rock are elite opportunists cloaked in the guise of democracy building , worse is for countries who'll simply pass the tin hat along as soon as the dust of our departure clears......~S~
They're a lot more laid back....jmho....~S~

We're laid back because we have cradle to the grave social programs to help cushion the blows that come with recessions and wars. Even our wealthiest citizens participate. Everybody, rich or poor, gets the Old Age Security pension, which is $540 a month. And don't think the rich don't cash in on that one. Even the wealthiest man in Canada collected his OAS.

Plus there's the freedom from unexpected hospital bills and expenses. With no co-pays for hospital stays or doctors' office visits, when you're sick, you worry about getting well. You even get unemployment insurance if you're off work due to illness. You can focus more on getting well, than in filling out paperwork for medical claims, fighting with insurance companies, or worrying about medical bills. You still have to deal with loss of income, and recovering your health, but you don't ever hear of Canadians being bankrupted by hospital bills.

I had a 30 yr career listening to patients ,most of which thought they were in 'good hands' loose it all DLady

After a while it really got to me, we're the only 1st world country that puts a sick kid's face on a quicky mart donation can , then find a way to blame him and/or his parents.

And don't get me started on all the old folks i turned into soylent green....


I'm going for an MRI in January, leading to a knee replacement and a hip replacement down the road. I have arthritis all through my body. If I lived in the US, it would be doing without, because I couldn't afford the co-pays. Co-pays do nothing to prevent abuse of the system. They simply keep low income people from getting treatment.

Drugs are covered for those over 65 with only a $100 copay, which is waived for low income seniors. My business was originally started with a training grant and new start up grant for one year. Wonderful program for new businesses. We do amazing things with tax dollars in this country which helps ALL of our people. From young families, to businesses to seniors.

It's amazing how much better your citizens do when you aren't focused on military conquest.
the right wing only believes in ending general welfare social payments for the poor not general warfare social payments for the rich.

socilaism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us is the white elephant here, more of our miliutary jaunts about this rock are elite opportunists cloaked in the guise of democracy building , worse is for countries who'll simply pass the tin hat along as soon as the dust of our departure clears......~S~
Pretty expensive to merely be used for gunboat diplomacy.
Not too many beaners coming from Canada. And Canadians don't want to come here, not that I blame them. We have too many beaners.
we are told that a wall is a must . If you don’t have a full wall , then you really don’t have a secure border . NOW NOW NOW !

Why no squawking about the Canadian border ? It’s far more open than the south border .

Canada is known to allow immigrants and asylum seekers from all kinds of crazy countries . Then can just wander in!

Where’s the clamor about the OTHER border ?
/——/ Canadians refuse to abandon their Tim Horton coffee and panther piss beer. And who eats round bacon? Eh?
Canada should build a wall 100 feet tall to protect against the criminals, drug addicts, racists savages down south.
I hope they do! Why do you think a wall is "insulting" to Americans? You're such a fuck'n fragile little snowflake. A wall from our neighbors to the north wouldn't bother us in the least. In fact, we would love it.

Here is the difference. Unlike you idiots, we wouldn't waste the money on such a useless thing as a wall. He spend our money on education, health care, infrastructure, and helping our citizens.

Americans piss away more money on useless garbage than any nation on earth, while letting the poor go without decent health care. How much have you spent on weapons rusting in missile silos? How much have you spent on trying to build a southern wall? Then there's the F35 - billions and billions wasted and no sign that plane will ever fly.

But when it's suggested that the money would be better spent on health care, you scream like babies at the cost, but if someone were to suggest going to war with Iran, you'd be all for it.
we are told that a wall is a must . If you don’t have a full wall , then you really don’t have a secure border . NOW NOW NOW !

Why no squawking about the Canadian border ? It’s far more open than the south border .

Canada is known to allow immigrants and asylum seekers from all kinds of crazy countries . Then can just wander in!

Where’s the clamor about the OTHER border ?
/——/ Canadians refuse to abandon their Tim Horton coffee and panther piss beer. And who eats round bacon? Eh?
--------------------------------------- Yeah , Canadian bacon sucks , i'll eat it but its just HAM and nothing to look forward too .
Canada should build a wall 100 feet tall to protect against the criminals, drug addicts, racists savages down south.
I hope they do! Why do you think a wall is "insulting" to Americans? You're such a fuck'n fragile little snowflake. A wall from our neighbors to the north wouldn't bother us in the least. In fact, we would love it.

Here is the difference. Unlike you idiots, we wouldn't waste the money on such a useless thing as a wall. He spend our money on education, health care, infrastructure, and helping our citizens.

Americans piss away more money on useless garbage than any nation on earth, while letting the poor go without decent health care. How much have you spent on weapons rusting in missile silos? How much have you spent on trying to build a southern wall? Then there's the F35 - billions and billions wasted and no sign that plane will ever fly.

But when it's suggested that the money would be better spent on health care, you scream like babies at the cost, but if someone were to suggest going to war with Iran, you'd be all for it.

Uhm Canada has no money, and we defend your ass

Canada should build a wall 100 feet tall to protect against the criminals, drug addicts, racists savages down south.
I hope they do! Why do you think a wall is "insulting" to Americans? You're such a fuck'n fragile little snowflake. A wall from our neighbors to the north wouldn't bother us in the least. In fact, we would love it.

Here is the difference. Unlike you idiots, we wouldn't waste the money on such a useless thing as a wall. He spend our money on education, health care, infrastructure, and helping our citizens.

Americans piss away more money on useless garbage than any nation on earth, while letting the poor go without decent health care. How much have you spent on weapons rusting in missile silos? How much have you spent on trying to build a southern wall? Then there's the F35 - billions and billions wasted and no sign that plane will ever fly.

But when it's suggested that the money would be better spent on health care, you scream like babies at the cost, but if someone were to suggest going to war with Iran, you'd be all for it.
------------------------------------------- and its true , you spend NO money on MILITARY as you know that the USA will protect you 'canooks' Dragonlady , --- We've given up on Canada's military, so let's abandon it altogether - Macleans.ca --- yeah , you 'canookian spawn of tories and Draft Doders ' are weaklings Dragonlady .
Alberta Canada is increasingly edging towards a desire to separate from the rest of Canada:

"The Rest of Canada has other reasons to avoid pushing Albertans to the point of separation. Should Alberta become a credible threat to leave the Canadian federation, the debate would likely embolden Quebec separatists, make Canada seem unstable and scare off both domestic and international investment. Alberta would have the United States as a bargaining chip, too: Manifest Destiny, the U.S. dream of controlling the entire continent, would experience a revival at the prospect of welcoming Alberta as its 51st state, strengthening America’s influence over the world’s energy markets and, in particular, over a now energy-dependent Rest of Canada."

Lawrence Solomon: If Alberta turns separatist, the Rest of Canada is in big trouble

Ontario as the 51st State and the Forming of a New Western Canadian Confederation


They get theirs for free Lucky bastards
Spoken like a true parasite. Thinks people with shitty third-world healthcare are “lucky bastards” just because - like all ignorant lefties - he thinks it is “free”.

(Hint: it’s not...nothing is “free”)
Canada has exceptional healthcare........NOBODY in Canada wants to give it up
Is that why Brian Williams - the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador - flew to Florida to pay out of pocket for American healthcare?!?
Mr. Williams went on to tell The Canadian Press: "I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics."
You're a fuck'n idiot. Canada's healthcare is so far inferior to America's that it is not even worth discussing. Move to Canada you fuck'n parasite.

That's true. But as a Canadian who has been living in America for 20 years, my impression is that Canadians are happier with their system than Americans are with theirs. Polls in Canada have shown an 80%+ approval rating for the medical system up there, which is higher than Americans rate their own.

The problem with the Canadian system is that one doesn't get the very best care. That's why Canadians come to the US if they can afford it. But it's pretty rare. Less than 1% of Canadians ever go south for treatment. However, the problem with the American system is that it is extremely expensive. And because of the expense, a surprisingly high number of Americans go abroad for medical services. In fact, the rate of Americans going abroad for medical care is something like twice as high as Canadians going abroad for medical care.

It's also true that the waiting lines in Canada are almost entirely due to non-emergency care. My mother in Canada is waiting for a knee replacement and she was told it would be two years, which is ridiculous, and we are trying for it to be less. However, if you have an emergency, you will get a hospital bed.

Having experienced both systems, as an upper income person, I'd rather be in the American system than the Canadian system. But if I were a lower income person, I'd rather be in the Canadian system.
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And Canadians won't work under the table either.

Not true.

My brother worked under the table being paid in cash for most of his life.

When the GST was first implemented, it drove something like 10%-20% of the trades business underground. That's since lessened, but it still goes on.

Let's also not forget when a large portion of the cigarette business went underground when native bands started smuggling them across the border.
Alberta Canada is increasingly edging towards a desire to separate from the rest of Canada:

That's been around for decades, and has never received any real serious traction. It's a fringe movement.

I simply postulated a reason not to build a wall along the Canadian border but I wouldn't call certain separatist movements in Canada "fringe".

In 1995 Quebec saw 92% of its voters narrowly defeat a move for separation - 50.?% to stay versus 49.?% to leave. The polls in Quebec still show 30% plus who express a desire to separate - not what anyone would call fringe.

Alberta Canada is increasingly edging towards a desire to separate from the rest of Canada:

"The Rest of Canada has other reasons to avoid pushing Albertans to the point of separation. Should Alberta become a credible threat to leave the Canadian federation, the debate would likely embolden Quebec separatists, make Canada seem unstable and scare off both domestic and international investment. Alberta would have the United States as a bargaining chip, too: Manifest Destiny, the U.S. dream of controlling the entire continent, would experience a revival at the prospect of welcoming Alberta as its 51st state, strengthening America’s influence over the world’s energy markets and, in particular, over a now energy-dependent Rest of Canada."

Lawrence Solomon: If Alberta turns separatist, the Rest of Canada is in big trouble

Ontario as the 51st State and the Forming of a New Western Canadian Confederation

Yet, the right wing is proclaiming the "sky is falling" over refugees and wants a Wall, instead of "manifest destiny".

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