If 100% secure border is so needed , what about the north border ?

Hmm....there's nothing stopping the Republicans from courting latino voters. Well, except for their affinity for white supremacy that is.
It’s difficult to “court” a bunch of poor, uneducated people with a message of constitutional government and liberty while your side “courts” them with “give us power and we’ll steal from other people and give you shit”.
my friends, the Greeks built a wall around their entire country 7 years before the Persian threat even existed. we need to build walls around the entire american land because we dont know what threats might arise!
the Spartans made fun of them the whole time. Real men don't need walls.
The Spartans were overthrown... :lmao:

Real men don’t sacrifice their women, their children, and their own lives because they allow a coward (like you) to challenge their manhood. Real men bury their ego and properly secure their nation and their families. Real men laugh at you every day.
Pay for your alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror like real men.
Building new Cities could divert asylum seekers to those new cities.
Or we could just enforce our laws and save ourselves trillions of dollars of building “new” cities we don’t need just to house illegal aliens. Only the left thinks it doesn’t cost money to build cities. Only the left thinks we should violate the law.

Rather than trying to steal elections with foreigners, why don’t you just change your bat-shit crazy ideology to align with rational Americans and earn their votes? Oh wait. I forgot. As a parasite, you don’t believe in earning anything.
Talk is what the right wing does most. Anybody can talk. Men can come up with arguments.

This is an express law not an implied law: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,
We've started a GoFundMe page to build a privacy hedge. It's very popular:

Canadian GoFundMe Raises $6B In Two Hours To Pay For Privacy Hedge Along Entire US Border
We know that is fake news. Canadians can’t come up with $6 thanks to their failed and idiotic left-wing socialism, much less $6 billion. :laugh:

LOL, What clued you in? That fact that it came from a web site dedicated SATIRE? or was it all those voices in your head that tipped you off?

Relax, learn to laugh a little, it was a good joke.
we are told that a wall is a must . If you don’t have a full wall , then you really don’t have a secure border . NOW NOW NOW !

Why no squawking about the Canadian border ? It’s far more open than the south border .

Canada is known to allow immigrants and asylum seekers from all kinds of crazy countries . Then can just wander in!

Where’s the clamor about the OTHER border ?
If you’re going to die, why not commit suicide?
A stupid argument.
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we are told that a wall is a must . If you don’t have a full wall , then you really don’t have a secure border . NOW NOW NOW !

Why no squawking about the Canadian border ? It’s far more open than the south border .

Canada is known to allow immigrants and asylum seekers from all kinds of crazy countries . Then can just wander in!

Where’s the clamor about the OTHER border ?
Anyone who has lived near the Northern border knows it's way more porous.....and a prime entrance for those who found it easy to get into Canada and then the U.S. Way easier to get into Canada from other places than it is to get into Mexico.
I guess most Canadians come here to get the healthcare they can't get up in their socialist healthcare system.
They get theirs for free Lucky bastards
Let Canadian Brian Williams enlighten you...
Williams said he didn't announce his departure south of the border because he didn't want to create "a media gong show," but added that criticism would've followed him had he chose to have surgery in Canada.

"I would've been criticized if I had stayed in Canada and had been perceived as jumping a line or a wait list .… I accept that. That's public life," he said.
So basically he has to leave his freaking country and pay out of pocket like we do (after already having paid for everyone else in Canada) or he has to wait in line for 3rd world healthcare. Only a parasite such as yourself would consider those two nightmare scenarios “lucky”.

'My heart, my choice,' Williams says
Brian Williams is from NJ
Hmm....there's nothing stopping the Republicans from courting latino voters. Well, except for their affinity for white supremacy that is.
It’s difficult to “court” a bunch of poor, uneducated people with a message of constitutional government and liberty while your side “courts” them with “give us power and we’ll steal from other people and give you shit”.

Nice cop-out. It's seems more like your disdain for them precludes any meaningful outreach.
The border is secure, because Canadians do their part to keep shit from mexico coming in, as well as our guns. So since both sides of the border function properly, it's secure. But go ahead retard. Try sneaking into Canada and see WTF happens.

Bring a gun and some heroin.


You're the imbecile. The border does NOT function properly. Half of all of the guns illegally in Canada, come from the USA,, smuggled in and sold to criminals. And to prove what fools Americans are, the highest number of illegal immigrants flooding into the US isn't coming from Mexico, it's coming from Canada. Of course most of our illegals are Americans too, but unlike Republicans, Canadians won't hire illegals so it's not a huge problem here.

Here, laws against hiring undocumented workers are harsh. If you don't have a copy of the employee's SIN card in their file, it's a $10,000 fine per employee, whether they are legal or not. You fucking well better make sure your workers are legal and documented or your ass is grass.

And Canadians won't work under the table either. Everyone has medical insurance, whether or not you're working, but you need to be working within the system to claim unemployment insurance, retraining benefits, and a whole host of other programs available to assist low income families, including subsidized child care, and after school programs. There is little to no benefit to working under the table, and a lot of benefit to declaring your income and paying your taxes.

My tax dollars go to support other Canadians, not a bloated military involved in stupid wars to protect Canadian property owned by Canadian corporations abroad. Our government isn't bloated by "make government employees" work programs like "food stamps" and "earned income credits", which are administration heavy programs. It's easier, and much much cheaper to have a realistic minimum wage and mandate that employers pay it. In Ontario, at the moment, that minimum wage is $14 per hour.

All Canadians benefit from our programs. There are child benefit cheques for young families - A young couple one child and a combined income of $37,000 per year would receive $450 per month to assist with the raising their child, as well as a Provincial child care supplement of up to $120 per month.

Our corporations receive no wage subsidies like earned income credits, or food stamps, and all employers, big and small pay employer health taxes based on a percentage of their employees' wages. Less than 0.95% for payroll of less than $200,000, 1.829% of payroll from $200,000 to $400,000, and 1.95% for all others. They have to pay minimum wage and all of the employer taxes for unemployment insurance and Canada Pension Plan.

And yet for all of our cradle to grave government programs, our people are hard working, industrious, and have built a warm and welcoming country, where everyone is willing to help their neighbours, through good times and bad. Companies that used to locate in the US are now looking to Canada because our population is better educated, and our infrastructure is sound and improving, our government is stable, and middle class is the fastest growing in the world.
The border is secure, because Canadians do their part to keep shit from mexico coming in, as well as our guns. So since both sides of the border function properly, it's secure. But go ahead retard. Try sneaking into Canada and see WTF happens.

Bring a gun and some heroin.


You're the imbecile. The border does NOT function properly. Half of all of the guns illegally in Canada, come from the USA,, smuggled in and sold to criminals. And to prove what fools Americans are, the highest number of illegal immigrants flooding into the US isn't coming from Mexico, it's coming from Canada. Of course most of our illegals are Americans too, but unlike Republicans, Canadians won't hire illegals so it's not a huge problem here.

Here, laws against hiring undocumented workers are harsh. If you don't have a copy of the employee's SIN card in their file, it's a $10,000 fine per employee, whether they are legal or not. You fucking well better make sure your workers are legal and documented or your ass is grass.

And Canadians won't work under the table either. Everyone has medical insurance, whether or not you're working, but you need to be working within the system to claim unemployment insurance, retraining benefits, and a whole host of other programs available to assist low income families, including subsidized child care, and after school programs. There is little to no benefit to working under the table, and a lot of benefit to declaring your income and paying your taxes.

My tax dollars go to support other Canadians, not a bloated military involved in stupid wars to protect Canadian property owned by Canadian corporations abroad. Our government isn't bloated by "make government employees" work programs like "food stamps" and "earned income credits", which are administration heavy programs. It's easier, and much much cheaper to have a realistic minimum wage and mandate that employers pay it. In Ontario, at the moment, that minimum wage is $14 per hour.

All Canadians benefit from our programs. There are child benefit cheques for young families - A young couple one child and a combined income of $37,000 per year would receive $450 per month to assist with the raising their child, as well as a Provincial child care supplement of up to $120 per month.

Our corporations receive no wage subsidies like earned income credits, or food stamps, and all employers, big and small pay employer health taxes based on a percentage of their employees' wages. Less than 0.95% for payroll of less than $200,000, 1.829% of payroll from $200,000 to $400,000, and 1.95% for all others. They have to pay minimum wage and all of the employer taxes for unemployment insurance and Canada Pension Plan.

And yet for all of our cradle to grave government programs, our people are hard working, industrious, and have built a warm and welcoming country, where everyone is willing to help their neighbours, through good times and bad. Companies that used to locate in the US are now looking to Canada because our population is better educated, and our infrastructure is sound and improving, our government is stable, and middle class is the fastest growing in the world.

I take it you're close to the boarder as well DLady......~S~
every job i'm on has foreign labor.......even the small ones.....i'm getting beat out by aliens on a daily basis because they find loopholes........which will still exist after we pay a bizillion $$$$ for a wall

I guess most Canadians come here to get the healthcare they can't get up in their socialist healthcare system.
They get theirs for free Lucky bastards
Let Canadian Brian Williams enlighten you...
Williams said he didn't announce his departure south of the border because he didn't want to create "a media gong show," but added that criticism would've followed him had he chose to have surgery in Canada.

"I would've been criticized if I had stayed in Canada and had been perceived as jumping a line or a wait list .… I accept that. That's public life," he said.
So basically he has to leave his freaking country and pay out of pocket like we do (after already having paid for everyone else in Canada) or he has to wait in line for 3rd world healthcare. Only a parasite such as yourself would consider those two nightmare scenarios “lucky”.

'My heart, my choice,' Williams says
Brian Williams is from NJ
Yeah...no, snowflake. The link is there. Once again, you've been exposed as clueless and ignorant.
Hmm....there's nothing stopping the Republicans from courting latino voters. Well, except for their affinity for white supremacy that is.
It’s difficult to “court” a bunch of poor, uneducated people with a message of constitutional government and liberty while your side “courts” them with “give us power and we’ll steal from other people and give you shit”.
Nice cop-out. It's seems more like your disdain for them precludes any meaningful outreach.
You know it's true. That's why you're "best" response is "nice cop-out". :laugh:
The border is secure, because Canadians do their part to keep shit from mexico coming in, as well as our guns. So since both sides of the border function properly, it's secure. But go ahead retard. Try sneaking into Canada and see WTF happens.

Bring a gun and some heroin.


You're the imbecile. The border does NOT function properly. Half of all of the guns illegally in Canada, come from the USA,, smuggled in and sold to criminals. And to prove what fools Americans are, the highest number of illegal immigrants flooding into the US isn't coming from Mexico, it's coming from Canada. Of course most of our illegals are Americans too, but unlike Republicans, Canadians won't hire illegals so it's not a huge problem here.

Here, laws against hiring undocumented workers are harsh. If you don't have a copy of the employee's SIN card in their file, it's a $10,000 fine per employee, whether they are legal or not. You fucking well better make sure your workers are legal and documented or your ass is grass.

And Canadians won't work under the table either. Everyone has medical insurance, whether or not you're working, but you need to be working within the system to claim unemployment insurance, retraining benefits, and a whole host of other programs available to assist low income families, including subsidized child care, and after school programs. There is little to no benefit to working under the table, and a lot of benefit to declaring your income and paying your taxes.

My tax dollars go to support other Canadians, not a bloated military involved in stupid wars to protect Canadian property owned by Canadian corporations abroad. Our government isn't bloated by "make government employees" work programs like "food stamps" and "earned income credits", which are administration heavy programs. It's easier, and much much cheaper to have a realistic minimum wage and mandate that employers pay it. In Ontario, at the moment, that minimum wage is $14 per hour.

All Canadians benefit from our programs. There are child benefit cheques for young families - A young couple one child and a combined income of $37,000 per year would receive $450 per month to assist with the raising their child, as well as a Provincial child care supplement of up to $120 per month.

Our corporations receive no wage subsidies like earned income credits, or food stamps, and all employers, big and small pay employer health taxes based on a percentage of their employees' wages. Less than 0.95% for payroll of less than $200,000, 1.829% of payroll from $200,000 to $400,000, and 1.95% for all others. They have to pay minimum wage and all of the employer taxes for unemployment insurance and Canada Pension Plan.

And yet for all of our cradle to grave government programs, our people are hard working, industrious, and have built a warm and welcoming country, where everyone is willing to help their neighbours, through good times and bad. Companies that used to locate in the US are now looking to Canada because our population is better educated, and our infrastructure is sound and improving, our government is stable, and middle class is the fastest growing in the world.

I take it you're close to the boarder as well DLady......~S~

So close that when I go downtown, my cell phone pings off American towers, and I get "roaming charges".

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