If 100% secure border is so needed , what about the north border ?

we are told that a wall is a must . If you don’t have a full wall , then you really don’t have a secure border . NOW NOW NOW !

Why no squawking about the Canadian border ? It’s far more open than the south border .

Canada is known to allow immigrants and asylum seekers from all kinds of crazy countries . Then can just wander in!

Where’s the clamor about the OTHER border ?

First, as a side note- 100% secure border is neither achievable or being called for.

Your question is fair, but also easily answered. Quite simply, the southern border is the bigger issue regarding illegal immigration. People living in Canada are not trying to “escape” to the USA like people are living to the south. You already must have known this, so I assume you have a greater point you are attempting to make. What is it?

The point that a full wall is a waste . We have vast empty wastelands in the southwest that don’t need a wall as they act as a natural barrier already .

Just saw tonight on the news border patrol on Canada side saying their is a problem with illegals going over to the U.S. lol. So your theory may very well be right.
I guess most Canadians come here to get the healthcare they can't get up in their socialist healthcare system.
They get theirs for free Lucky bastards
Let Canadian Brian Williams enlighten you...
Williams said he didn't announce his departure south of the border because he didn't want to create "a media gong show," but added that criticism would've followed him had he chose to have surgery in Canada.

"I would've been criticized if I had stayed in Canada and had been perceived as jumping a line or a wait list .… I accept that. That's public life," he said.
So basically he has to leave his freaking country and pay out of pocket like we do (after already having paid for everyone else in Canada) or he has to wait in line for 3rd world healthcare. Only a parasite such as yourself would consider those two nightmare scenarios “lucky”.

'My heart, my choice,' Williams says
Brian Williams is from NJ

Brian Williams hasn't lived in Canada in 30 years. You have to return home every six months in order to continue to have access to Canadian health care.

My friend's husband had a heart attack while in the US on business. They stabilized him, and flew him home for treatment in Toronto. The man is a Manulife Vice-President who could have gone anywhere for treatment. He chose the hospital closest to his home, The Schulich Heart Centre at Sunnybrook Hospital - one of the best cardiac care hospitals in the world.

Women's College Hospital is one of the leading research hospitals for Women's health in the world, and children are flown in from all over the world for life-saving surgeries at Sick Kids in Toronto. The doctor who did my tubal restoration surgury wrote the manual on the procedure, which American hospitals use for teaching.

Canadians invented insulin, mapped the genome, and pioneered many forms of cancer treatment. Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans which tells you all you need to know about the quality of our medical treatment.
Let Canadian Brian Williams enlighten you...
Williams said he didn't announce his departure south of the border because he didn't want to create "a media gong show," but added that criticism would've followed him had he chose to have surgery in Canada.

"I would've been criticized if I had stayed in Canada and had been perceived as jumping a line or a wait list .… I accept that. That's public life," he said.
So basically he has to leave his freaking country and pay out of pocket like we do (after already having paid for everyone else in Canada) or he has to wait in line for 3rd world healthcare. Only a parasite such as yourself would consider those two nightmare scenarios “lucky”.

'My heart, my choice,' Williams says
Brian Williams hasn't lived in Canada in 30 years.
The article isn’t about Brian Williams, sweetie. It’s about the Newfoundland and Labrador Premier, Danny Williams. Thank you for proving to everyone that you comment without reading what you are commenting on first. In other words, you comment from a place of pure ignorance. Oops.
Let Canadian Brian Williams enlighten you...
Williams said he didn't announce his departure south of the border because he didn't want to create "a media gong show," but added that criticism would've followed him had he chose to have surgery in Canada.

"I would've been criticized if I had stayed in Canada and had been perceived as jumping a line or a wait list .… I accept that. That's public life," he said.
So basically he has to leave his freaking country and pay out of pocket like we do (after already having paid for everyone else in Canada) or he has to wait in line for 3rd world healthcare. Only a parasite such as yourself would consider those two nightmare scenarios “lucky”.

'My heart, my choice,' Williams says
Brian Williams hasn't lived in Canada in 30 years.
The article isn’t about Brian Williams, sweetie. It’s about the Newfoundland and Labrador Premier, Danny Williams. Thank you for proving to everyone that you comment without reading what you are commenting on first. In other words, you comment from a place of pure ignorance. Oops.

Why would I read an article in which YOU told us you were quoting BRIAN Williams. It's your error. My only error is assuming that YOU knew what you were talking about and were posting accurately. I won't make that mistake again.
Why would you post an image without anything in said image pointing to where you're getting your data from?
Because progressives just cry about the source anyway. I’ve filled USMB with sources and the only thing it was good for was proving that the left can’t accept reality.
I'm assuming it's from FAIR -- which has a history of errors and, quite frankly, bad methodology.
Aaaand...I rest my case. :lmao:
FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed
we are told that a wall is a must . If you don’t have a full wall , then you really don’t have a secure border . NOW NOW NOW !

Why no squawking about the Canadian border ? It’s far more open than the south border .

Canada is known to allow immigrants and asylum seekers from all kinds of crazy countries . Then can just wander in!

Where’s the clamor about the OTHER border ?

Great question.
Trump doesn't mind white illegal aliens.
He only wants to keep out the brown ones.
Canada should build a wall 100 feet tall to protect against the criminals, drug addicts, racists savages down south.
Canada is a socialist paradise with free everything and tough laws on political correctness and no right to keep and bear arms so why would anybody want to leave that winter wonderland that sells milk in bags?

They ain't taco eating Mexicans looking to sign up for Kalifornia's welfare, are they?
You know you like tacos, bitch. I do.
life expectancy varies in individuals . And I lose NO sleep wondering when my neighbors or most of America or the World is gonna die .
Hmm....there's nothing stopping the Republicans from courting latino voters. Well, except for their affinity for white supremacy that is.
It’s difficult to “court” a bunch of poor, uneducated people with a message of constitutional government and liberty while your side “courts” them with “give us power and we’ll steal from other people and give you shit”.
Nice cop-out. It's seems more like your disdain for them precludes any meaningful outreach.
You know it's true. That's why you're "best" response is "nice cop-out". :laugh:

Another cop-out. Your disdain is evident.
...we may need to anticipate Mexico asking for British Dominion for Dominion air rates to Canada.
Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans which tells you all you need to know about the quality of our medical treatment.

They're a lot more laid back....jmho....~S~

We're laid back because we have cradle to the grave social programs to help cushion the blows that come with recessions and wars. Even our wealthiest citizens participate. Everybody, rich or poor, gets the Old Age Security pension, which is $540 a month. And don't think the rich don't cash in on that one. Even the wealthiest man in Canada collected his OAS.

Plus there's the freedom from unexpected hospital bills and expenses. With no co-pays for hospital stays or doctors' office visits, when you're sick, you worry about getting well. You even get unemployment insurance if you're off work due to illness. You can focus more on getting well, than in filling out paperwork for medical claims, fighting with insurance companies, or worrying about medical bills. You still have to deal with loss of income, and recovering your health, but you don't ever hear of Canadians being bankrupted by hospital bills.
Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans which tells you all you need to know about the quality of our medical treatment.

They're a lot more laid back....jmho....~S~

We're laid back because we have cradle to the grave social programs to help cushion the blows that come with recessions and wars. Even our wealthiest citizens participate. Everybody, rich or poor, gets the Old Age Security pension, which is $540 a month. And don't think the rich don't cash in on that one. Even the wealthiest man in Canada collected his OAS.

Plus there's the freedom from unexpected hospital bills and expenses. With no co-pays for hospital stays or doctors' office visits, when you're sick, you worry about getting well. You even get unemployment insurance if you're off work due to illness. You can focus more on getting well, than in filling out paperwork for medical claims, fighting with insurance companies, or worrying about medical bills. You still have to deal with loss of income, and recovering your health, but you don't ever hear of Canadians being bankrupted by hospital bills.

I had a 30 yr career listening to patients ,most of which thought they were in 'good hands' loose it all DLady

After a while it really got to me, we're the only 1st world country that puts a sick kid's face on a quicky mart donation can , then find a way to blame him and/or his parents.

And don't get me started on all the old folks i turned into soylent green....

Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans which tells you all you need to know about the quality of our medical treatment.

They're a lot more laid back....jmho....~S~

We're laid back because we have cradle to the grave social programs to help cushion the blows that come with recessions and wars. Even our wealthiest citizens participate. Everybody, rich or poor, gets the Old Age Security pension, which is $540 a month. And don't think the rich don't cash in on that one. Even the wealthiest man in Canada collected his OAS.

Plus there's the freedom from unexpected hospital bills and expenses. With no co-pays for hospital stays or doctors' office visits, when you're sick, you worry about getting well. You even get unemployment insurance if you're off work due to illness. You can focus more on getting well, than in filling out paperwork for medical claims, fighting with insurance companies, or worrying about medical bills. You still have to deal with loss of income, and recovering your health, but you don't ever hear of Canadians being bankrupted by hospital bills.

I had a 30 yr career listening to patients ,most of which thought they were in 'good hands' loose it all DLady

After a while it really got to me, we're the only 1st world country that puts a sick kid's face on a quicky mart donation can , then find a way to blame him and/or his parents.

And don't get me started on all the old folks i turned into soylent green....


I'm going for an MRI in January, leading to a knee replacement and a hip replacement down the road. I have arthritis all through my body. If I lived in the US, it would be doing without, because I couldn't afford the co-pays. Co-pays do nothing to prevent abuse of the system. They simply keep low income people from getting treatment.

Drugs are covered for those over 65 with only a $100 copay, which is waived for low income seniors. My business was originally started with a training grant and new start up grant for one year. Wonderful program for new businesses. We do amazing things with tax dollars in this country which helps ALL of our people. From young families, to businesses to seniors.

It's amazing how much better your citizens do when you aren't focused on military conquest.
Why would I read an article...
Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you the LAZY idiot left-wing in all of their glory. They can't understand why they would read an article that they are commenting on.

If I lived in the US, it would be doing without, because I couldn't afford the co-pays.
Therefore you advocate for the government to literally stick a gun to my head like the mafia and force me to pay your healthcare for you. Awesome libtard "logic" there sweetie.
Co-pays do nothing to prevent abuse of the system. They simply keep low income people from getting treatment.
Co-pays don't exist to prevent "abuse of the system", you freaking nitwit. They exist to ensure two things:

A. Lower premiums

B. That people don't seek treatment for trivial items just because they have coverage

You can have a policy without any co-pay. But the premium will be extremely high (for reason B above). Dumb ass. Maybe if you clicked on links and read them before commenting, you would actually learn something.

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