If 7 Million Signed Up – What Are the Other 36 Million?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
What a question asked on the Dad29 blog. Our guy in Wisconsin once again hits the nail on the head with this observation.

All we heard, a few years ago, was that there are '43 million un-insured' in the US. Those "43 million" did not have health insurance.

So ObozoCare!!

After ceaseless flogging, and under penalty of law, only 7 million have "signed up" for ObozoCare.

That means that 36 million did not.

Prolly the largest expansion of the criminal class in the history of mankind!


I really get a kick out of this guy's posts. 36 million law breakers. Crooks. Scofflaws.
THEY were another LIE that this awful man (Obama) and party (Democrats) used to push this monster government EXPANSION entitlement on us

vote these Democrat out of office folks...they looked you in the face and LIED to you and strapped you with this pos law
Obama made it seem like the, I remember him saying 48 million....
Anyway 43-48 million people were dying in the streets because they didn't have insurance because the rotten pricks (the GOP) wanted them to die.They were dying or going bankrupt and the GOP wanted it that way...So we the Democrat party need to do something right away....

So they pass this turd of a bill and sign it into law.
It fucks up a lot of people including yours truly.
It signs up a few million.
It's called a huge sucess.....

And the people that this whole this whole thing was meant for are still on the sidelines.....

Are you friggin kidding me!
Obama made it seem like the, I remember him saying 48 million....
Anyway 43-48 million people were dying in the streets because they didn't have insurance because the rotten pricks (the GOP) wanted them to die.They were dying or going bankrupt and the GOP wanted it that way...So we the Democrat party need to do something right away....

So they pass this turd of a bill and sign it into law.
It fucks up a lot of people including yours truly.
It signs up a few million.
It's called a huge sucess.....

And the people that this whole this whole thing was meant for are still on the sidelines.....

Are you friggin kidding me!

That's the democrat talking point. Obviously not true, or we would have had 47 million sign ups in the first several months. Who's going to miss out on free medical insurance? No one is.

But once the employer mandate kicks in, wisely postponed until after the mid term election 69 percent of the employer based coverage in this country will be cancelled to move all of them into the exchanges for higher premiums so they can pay for all the Medicaid enrollees and those that are getting subsidized.

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