If a few cells on MARS would be considered “Life on MARS”, why isn’t a human zygote “Life”?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Seems contradictory to me.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
Seems contradictory to me.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.
Cancer is life. You live with it. I don’t want to.
Seems contradictory to me.

Who said a zygote isn't "life"? The question is whether it's a person, with legal rights.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.

Is it "murder" when you take a shit? You're flushing living organisms from your body, down the toilet, every time you do.
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?


I said I am pro choice. The point is disingenuous to say it’s not life that is being killed from an abortion.

The pussyhat crowd wants to say it’s not life.
Because leftists have abortions WAY more than non-leftisrs, and I want all leftist spawn to be put down before they get big enough to vote.



Seems contradictory to me.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.
Cancer is life. You live with it. I don’t want to.

You responded to my post, yet you didn’t read it.

Nice to compare cancer and a human zygote. We know wher your head is,
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?


I said I am pro choice. The point is disingenuous to say it’s not life that is being killed from an abortion.

The pussyhat crowd wants to say it’s not life.
If you are pro-choice then stop sweating the details, let them choose why they do it.
If a few cells are murder so is masturbation and menstruation, of course so is washing your face. And that recent bowel movement, any life there you think. You guys are too funny, you care nada for living children as immigration opposition demonstrates, or healthcare for children, or the child who dies ever few seconds in the world, but you get all emotional over cellular life. Why? because it is empty emotion of no real depth or thought.

Let me repeat: Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does not extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money and no longer has anything to do with morality, you know simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

America was not founded on....

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal disease - UNICEF DATA
Seems contradictory to me.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.
Very good question, but since I have realized the abortion issue, let me try to explain.

Liberal women are all for abortion, because they decided to open their legs and allow a liberal man to penetrated them then decide it was a mistake, not God's will.
So off they go to Unplanned Parenthood, see the killer and then abort their baby. Well you have to be pretty stupid to kill your baby, so maybe it is a good thing all those liberal future voters are eliminated before they get to 18 and then become stupid like their mothers. Why else did Obama open the flood gates to the Diseased Illegal Hordes that have been flooding this country? Since Roe V Wade, millions of liberal voters, were just snuffed out. If they keep going and the WALL is built, the Democrap party will cease to exist in a few years...….Liberalism is a cancer and every abortion takes some of that cancer away. *


* I have been using this sarcasm to show how stupid the left is, but they dont have the intelligence to realize what truths I am presenting. They think I am with them, only to the point of their self extinction.
Seems contradictory to me.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.

Serious question: Do you actually want someone to explain why your argument is utter bullshit, or did you just post this to contribute to your personal echo chamber and congratulate yourself?
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Seems contradictory to me.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.

Serious question: Do you actually want someone to explain why your argument is utter bullshit, or did you just post this to to contribute to your personal echo chamber and congratulate yourself?

Hey - watch it with the spoilers! Now you've ruined the whole thread!
FUNNY - a baby capable of surviving outside the womb is not considered a living human being according to Democrats and pro-abortionists, but if you possible living cells on another planet is considered valuable Signs of Life...

Thanks, OP! That was alarmingly funny...
The woman's egg is "life", and the egg she was in, and her mother, and on back probably hundreds of thousands of years. Life is continuous. It started a long time ago, and humans have been making choices about it since the beginning. Pretending that it is something new and just happening now is just that; pretend.
The choice is the woman's.

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