If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

...never discussed, or even considered?

There must be all kinds of stories of fathers who wanted to keep their child, but the mother aborted and they could do nothing to stop it.

I am convinced the pro-abort media is censoring these stories, which must be in the millions by now.

I do have a story of a friend of mine, who was blackmailed into a very bad marriage.

She said, "Marry me, or I will abort your child."

So he married her, even though I told him the marriage would never last, even though his father told him he'd get an all-expenses paid trip through Europe if he didn't marry her.

Of course, none of us knew about the abortion threat, because he kept that a secret.

And, sure enough, the marriage was very unhappy, and as I predicted, ended in divorce.

Why doesn't the media cover a story like that?

I find the story very interesting, don't you?

Should have gone to europe and gotten laid. Those chicks pop Plan B for breakfast.

You want to hear another kind of story…?

About 60,000 unwanted children in the L.A. foster care system. just one city.

I know this because I was a foster parent. At Dependency Court I got to hear all kinds of stories about children burned, chained to tables, beaten bloody, locked in closets, left for days and abandoned on the side of the road…

Not everyone is meant to be a parent.

Who are we to question the nature of God's will -- a medical procedure performed by a compassionate doctor… that could be God's will.

I know rape and incest are not God's will. That is man's self-will run riot. God's grace is revealed to the girl when she decides the right thing to do. Not to anyone else.

It's arrogant of so-called "christians" to think they know better. Adults who have searched their hearts on this matter know that abortion is a private sadness. No one is "pro"abortion so stop calling Dems or pro-choice people that. You just sound stupid. But no one has the right to decide in these private matters. It's between the women or parents and their higher power, if they have one.
Aww, you poor, demented, racist. Bless your heart. :itsok:

Nothing demented about expecting people that make the choices to pay for them. Being demented involves doing it and being played like a fool by those doing it.
Being racist is being demented. It's who you are. It's what separates you Neanderthals from evolved humans.

Being a NL proves you're demented. It's who you choose to be. It's hard to tell the difference between your kind and Neanderthals.

You're so retarded, the best shot you can muster is parroting back at me what I said about you. :lmao:

Figures you can't think for yourself.

I'm not a NL, therefore, it proves I've thought.

That proves you don't think.
Take this issue back to the beginning's of organized society. Go back to when people left isolated or in small groups on their own.

Ward members of the family or tribe prevent or punish a woman who shopped a stick up her self in a boarded at pregnancy? What are the others people feel when they had the right to demand that the child born? Could they do anything to stop such an action?

Preventing a woman from terminating her own pregnancy is against natural law and natural rights. Pregnancies at the wrong time could be severely detrimental and even deadly to not only the mother, but the entire group.

I do not want some jack ass bureaucrat laden government dictating such a severe burden and health risk to anyone.

If I were a woman, I certainly would not want some gold status jack ass dude with a penis who will never see any baby that I would have, dictating whether not I can or cannot board that baby.

Make no mistake. I hate abortion. I think that it is a savage practice and would never want any of my family members to do such a thing. At the same time, I adhere to a much higher principle of liberty and limited government. Making the decision to choose liberty over something that I hate justifies my resolve.

Those who would use government to tell women that they must carry a child and give birth to that child are no better than the goose-stepping pinko commie bastard's trying to overthrow America. You are all douche bag authoritarian fuck wads and I hope you burn in the Mythical play's known as hell , if such a place did exist (it doesn't).

With all you just said. . .

When should a child's right to the equal protections of our laws begin?

1. At the earliest moment that we can establish with scientific evidence that they are a living human organism and the product of human reproduction?


2. When we as a society can no longer stomach or justify the denial of their rights anymore?
Nothing demented about expecting people that make the choices to pay for them. Being demented involves doing it and being played like a fool by those doing it.
Being racist is being demented. It's who you are. It's what separates you Neanderthals from evolved humans.

Being a NL proves you're demented. It's who you choose to be. It's hard to tell the difference between your kind and Neanderthals.

You're so retarded, the best shot you can muster is parroting back at me what I said about you. :lmao:

Figures you can't think for yourself.

I'm not a NL, therefore, it proves I've thought.

That proves you don't think.

It proves you don't have the guts to admit what you are, NL. Why do you lower yourself to their level?
So I should stand by silently while innocent children are butchered? Is that your advice to me?

This is why you people are sick and annoying has hell.

You go right to extremes… "baby killer" "children butchered"…. the conversation ends right there. It's like dropping an F bomb.

Okay… try this on… A child is not murdered because the soul enters the body at first breath…. Do you have proof otherwise, because I know that to be true and we're all entitled to our beliefs. Are you going to trample MY religious freedom, forcing me to believe in a God that would put a soul in child BEFORE birth?

My faith believe abortion is a compassionate private choice. Aren't my rights valid too.
So I should stand by silently while innocent children are butchered? Is that your advice to me?

This is why you people are sick and annoying has hell.

You go right to extremes… "baby killer" "children butchered"…. the conversation ends right there. It's like dropping an F bomb.

Okay… try this on… A child is not murdered because the soul enters the body at first breath…. Do you have proof otherwise, because I know that to be true and we're all entitled to our beliefs. Are you going to trample MY religious freedom, forcing me to believe in a God that would put a soul in child BEFORE birth?

My faith believe abortion is a compassionate private choice. Aren't my rights valid too.

Can you prove your claim that souls exist?
If someone chooses to have a child and can't support that child, it's not the place of anyone to be forced to do it. If she can't fund HER choices, tough shit.
This ^

Simply put....it takes two to make a baby. If she wants it and he doesn't, then SHE is responsible for raising it. Not him. Period. If he wants it and she doesn't, its her body and her choice..depending on time and how far along she is. If she agrees to carry it because he wants it, its HIS responsibility and not hers for future support of that child.

I've already said to more than one of you idiots that it takes two. I've also said that the two involved in making a baby are the only two responsible for supporting that baby. In addition, I said that in the cases where I'm not one of the two, the cost of supporting it isn't my responsibility. Furthermore, if she can't get the other half to do his part and she can't do it herself, she can either find bleeding hearts willing to accept responsibility with their money to pay for a choice they didn't make or do without.
And either one can bow out... the man can bolt ... the woman can have an abortion. And if the former occurs but not the latter, she need not go in search of bleeding hearts. She lives in a society where she will receive help.
Being racist is being demented. It's who you are. It's what separates you Neanderthals from evolved humans.

Being a NL proves you're demented. It's who you choose to be. It's hard to tell the difference between your kind and Neanderthals.

You're so retarded, the best shot you can muster is parroting back at me what I said about you. :lmao:

Figures you can't think for yourself.

I'm not a NL, therefore, it proves I've thought.

That proves you don't think.

It proves you don't have the guts to admit what you are, NL. Why do you lower yourself to their level?
To who's level?
I'd jump for joy if a woman with whom I had no plans of any kind of relationship with told me she was pregnant and getting an abortion.

Especially if she didn't ask me to pay for it.
If someone chooses to have a child and can't support that child, it's not the place of anyone to be forced to do it. If she can't fund HER choices, tough shit.
This ^

Simply put....it takes two to make a baby. If she wants it and he doesn't, then SHE is responsible for raising it. Not him. Period. If he wants it and she doesn't, its her body and her choice..depending on time and how far along she is. If she agrees to carry it because he wants it, its HIS responsibility and not hers for future support of that child.

I've already said to more than one of you idiots that it takes two. I've also said that the two involved in making a baby are the only two responsible for supporting that baby. In addition, I said that in the cases where I'm not one of the two, the cost of supporting it isn't my responsibility. Furthermore, if she can't get the other half to do his part and she can't do it herself, she can either find bleeding hearts willing to accept responsibility with their money to pay for a choice they didn't make or do without.
And either one can bow out... the man can bolt ... the woman can have an abortion. And if the former occurs but not the latter, she need not go in search of bleeding hearts. She lives in a society where she will receive help.

She lives in a society where those that say she deserves help and claim they care for her do anything but provide for her with their money. They pass the buck off to the taxpayers then take credit as if they had done it voluntarily.

Why do you think helping someone whose place in life is because of their own bad choices is a good idea? Haven't you learned that by doing so you're only enabling them to continue making bad choices?
Being a NL proves you're demented. It's who you choose to be. It's hard to tell the difference between your kind and Neanderthals.

You're so retarded, the best shot you can muster is parroting back at me what I said about you. :lmao:

Figures you can't think for yourself.

I'm not a NL, therefore, it proves I've thought.

That proves you don't think.

It proves you don't have the guts to admit what you are, NL. Why do you lower yourself to their level?
To who's level?

The low class level you choose to be.
If someone chooses to have a child and can't support that child, it's not the place of anyone to be forced to do it. If she can't fund HER choices, tough shit.
This ^

Simply put....it takes two to make a baby. If she wants it and he doesn't, then SHE is responsible for raising it. Not him. Period. If he wants it and she doesn't, its her body and her choice..depending on time and how far along she is. If she agrees to carry it because he wants it, its HIS responsibility and not hers for future support of that child.

I've already said to more than one of you idiots that it takes two. I've also said that the two involved in making a baby are the only two responsible for supporting that baby. In addition, I said that in the cases where I'm not one of the two, the cost of supporting it isn't my responsibility. Furthermore, if she can't get the other half to do his part and she can't do it herself, she can either find bleeding hearts willing to accept responsibility with their money to pay for a choice they didn't make or do without.
And either one can bow out... the man can bolt ... the woman can have an abortion. And if the former occurs but not the latter, she need not go in search of bleeding hearts. She lives in a society where she will receive help.

She lives in a society where those that say she deserves help and claim they care for her do anything but provide for her with their money. They pass the buck off to the taxpayers then take credit as if they had done it voluntarily.

Why do you think helping someone whose place in life is because of their own bad choices is a good idea? Haven't you learned that by doing so you're only enabling them to continue making bad choices?
You're an imbecile who fools himself into believing every single woman, who needs financial aid, made bad choices.

Sometimes, people find themselves in predicaments even when they make good choices.

And regardless, as a society, we don't make children suffer even when the results stem from bad choices.

Like it or not, your taxes will go to help such children. Even to help black kids. That really gnaws at you, dudn't it?

You're so retarded, the best shot you can muster is parroting back at me what I said about you. :lmao:

Figures you can't think for yourself.

I'm not a NL, therefore, it proves I've thought.

That proves you don't think.

It proves you don't have the guts to admit what you are, NL. Why do you lower yourself to their level?
To who's level?

The low class level you choose to be.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.
...never discussed, or even considered?

There must be all kinds of stories of fathers who wanted to keep their child, but the mother aborted and they could do nothing to stop it.

I am convinced the pro-abort media is censoring these stories, which must be in the millions by now.

I do have a story of a friend of mine, who was blackmailed into a very bad marriage.

She said, "Marry me, or I will abort your child."

So he married her, even though I told him the marriage would never last, even though his father told him he'd get an all-expenses paid trip through Europe if he didn't marry her.

Of course, none of us knew about the abortion threat, because he kept that a secret.

And, sure enough, the marriage was very unhappy, and as I predicted, ended in divorce.

Why doesn't the media cover a story like that?

I find the story very interesting, don't you?

Your right to decide ended when you dropped your tighty whities. Don't want to be part of an abortion then keep it in your pants, boys.
If someone chooses to have a child and can't support that child, it's not the place of anyone to be forced to do it. If she can't fund HER choices, tough shit.
This ^

Simply put....it takes two to make a baby. If she wants it and he doesn't, then SHE is responsible for raising it. Not him. Period. If he wants it and she doesn't, its her body and her choice..depending on time and how far along she is. If she agrees to carry it because he wants it, its HIS responsibility and not hers for future support of that child.

I've already said to more than one of you idiots that it takes two. I've also said that the two involved in making a baby are the only two responsible for supporting that baby. In addition, I said that in the cases where I'm not one of the two, the cost of supporting it isn't my responsibility. Furthermore, if she can't get the other half to do his part and she can't do it herself, she can either find bleeding hearts willing to accept responsibility with their money to pay for a choice they didn't make or do without.
And either one can bow out... the man can bolt ... the woman can have an abortion. And if the former occurs but not the latter, she need not go in search of bleeding hearts. She lives in a society where she will receive help.

She lives in a society where those that say she deserves help and claim they care for her do anything but provide for her with their money. They pass the buck off to the taxpayers then take credit as if they had done it voluntarily.

Why do you think helping someone whose place in life is because of their own bad choices is a good idea? Haven't you learned that by doing so you're only enabling them to continue making bad choices?
You're an imbecile who fools himself into believing every single woman, who needs financial aid, made bad choices.

Sometimes, people find themselves in predicaments even when they make good choices.

And regardless, as a society, we don't make children suffer even when the results stem from bad choices.

Like it or not, your taxes will go to help such children. Even to help black kids. That really gnaws at you, dudn't it?

Are you saying someone having a child they can't afford is a good choice?

With that attitude, don't expect the pieces of shit having children they can't afford to do anything but have more they can't afford.

That you're a worthless piece of shit that think paying taxes is the same as voluntarily helping someone proves you're on the same level as the dumbass 85 average IQ n*ggers.
I'm not a NL, therefore, it proves I've thought.

That proves you don't think.

It proves you don't have the guts to admit what you are, NL. Why do you lower yourself to their level?
To who's level?

The low class level you choose to be.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
This ^

Simply put....it takes two to make a baby. If she wants it and he doesn't, then SHE is responsible for raising it. Not him. Period. If he wants it and she doesn't, its her body and her choice..depending on time and how far along she is. If she agrees to carry it because he wants it, its HIS responsibility and not hers for future support of that child.

I've already said to more than one of you idiots that it takes two. I've also said that the two involved in making a baby are the only two responsible for supporting that baby. In addition, I said that in the cases where I'm not one of the two, the cost of supporting it isn't my responsibility. Furthermore, if she can't get the other half to do his part and she can't do it herself, she can either find bleeding hearts willing to accept responsibility with their money to pay for a choice they didn't make or do without.
And either one can bow out... the man can bolt ... the woman can have an abortion. And if the former occurs but not the latter, she need not go in search of bleeding hearts. She lives in a society where she will receive help.

She lives in a society where those that say she deserves help and claim they care for her do anything but provide for her with their money. They pass the buck off to the taxpayers then take credit as if they had done it voluntarily.

Why do you think helping someone whose place in life is because of their own bad choices is a good idea? Haven't you learned that by doing so you're only enabling them to continue making bad choices?
You're an imbecile who fools himself into believing every single woman, who needs financial aid, made bad choices.

Sometimes, people find themselves in predicaments even when they make good choices.

And regardless, as a society, we don't make children suffer even when the results stem from bad choices.

Like it or not, your taxes will go to help such children. Even to help black kids. That really gnaws at you, dudn't it?

Are you saying someone having a child they can't afford is a good choice?

With that attitude, don't expect the pieces of shit having children they can't afford to do anything but have more they can't afford.

That you're a worthless piece of shit that think paying taxes is the same as voluntarily helping someone proves you're on the same level as the dumbass 85 average IQ n*ggers.
That you think that's what I said reveals your IQ is even lower than those to whom you post.

That proves you don't think.

It proves you don't have the guts to admit what you are, NL. Why do you lower yourself to their level?
To who's level?

The low class level you choose to be.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.
I've already said to more than one of you idiots that it takes two. I've also said that the two involved in making a baby are the only two responsible for supporting that baby. In addition, I said that in the cases where I'm not one of the two, the cost of supporting it isn't my responsibility. Furthermore, if she can't get the other half to do his part and she can't do it herself, she can either find bleeding hearts willing to accept responsibility with their money to pay for a choice they didn't make or do without.
And either one can bow out... the man can bolt ... the woman can have an abortion. And if the former occurs but not the latter, she need not go in search of bleeding hearts. She lives in a society where she will receive help.

She lives in a society where those that say she deserves help and claim they care for her do anything but provide for her with their money. They pass the buck off to the taxpayers then take credit as if they had done it voluntarily.

Why do you think helping someone whose place in life is because of their own bad choices is a good idea? Haven't you learned that by doing so you're only enabling them to continue making bad choices?
You're an imbecile who fools himself into believing every single woman, who needs financial aid, made bad choices.

Sometimes, people find themselves in predicaments even when they make good choices.

And regardless, as a society, we don't make children suffer even when the results stem from bad choices.

Like it or not, your taxes will go to help such children. Even to help black kids. That really gnaws at you, dudn't it?

Are you saying someone having a child they can't afford is a good choice?

With that attitude, don't expect the pieces of shit having children they can't afford to do anything but have more they can't afford.

That you're a worthless piece of shit that think paying taxes is the same as voluntarily helping someone proves you're on the same level as the dumbass 85 average IQ n*ggers.
That you think that's what I said reveals your IQ is even lower than those to whom you post.

Copying me with the IQ thing. Based on your own words, that makes you an idiot. How does it feel to know a white MAN made a NL boy look bad?
It proves you don't have the guts to admit what you are, NL. Why do you lower yourself to their level?
To who's level?

The low class level you choose to be.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

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