If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

...never discussed, or even considered?

There must be all kinds of stories of fathers who wanted to keep their child, but the mother aborted and they could do nothing to stop it.

I am convinced the pro-abort media is censoring these stories, which must be in the millions by now.

I do have a story of a friend of mine, who was blackmailed into a very bad marriage.

She said, "Marry me, or I will abort your child."

So he married her, even though I told him the marriage would never last, even though his father told him he'd get an all-expenses paid trip through Europe if he didn't marry her.

Of course, none of us knew about the abortion threat, because he kept that a secret.

And, sure enough, the marriage was very unhappy, and as I predicted, ended in divorce.

Why doesn't the media cover a story like that?

I find the story very interesting, don't you?
You know how to solve all those problems?

Don't get a girl pregnant in the first place.

If you do not see her take a birth control pill every day do not trust her when she says she is on the pill.
Yes, that is right,and back to the topic. I think that the father's feelings should definitely be considered. I think the woman who would not consider his feelings at all is kind of a selfish jerk, TBH. Having said that though, it is really the woman who takes all the risks when it comes to a pregnancy. Although it's not really common, pregnancy can have some complications that can have permanent results on a woman's health. I would not be against limiting abortion to the first trimester though except for maybe some certain circumstances.

Prenatal genetic testing (amino centisis) isn't done until at least 15 weeks, and takes some time for results, so banning abortions after the first trimester isn't practical. Prior to 15 weeks there isn't sufficient amniotic fluid to perform the test, and there's a bigger risk of complications, including miscarriage.

So whenever the leg spreader wants to kill what she produced is OK with you?
Rubbers are readily available, if the daddy doesn't want to be a daddy, and fork up for being a daddy, then use one.

Pretty much what I just said. In fact if a baby is such a hardship both of them should use something. Problem solved

The difference between what you said, and it's absolutely accurate, and what rightwinger, care4all, etc. say is that you take into account both parties and they only want the man to be responsible. If a man refuses to wear a condom yet the woman still lets him do her, who is to blame? I say both. They say him.

they only want the man to be responsible

The thread premise was about paternal rights in abortion, dumbass. I say was because you cons can never stay on topic.

Are you saying the concept of parental rights doesn't involve parental responsibility?

Absolutely... ever heard a lib speak of responsibilities in any other context than your responsibilities to them?

It's been on such a rare basis I can't remember when and on what issue.
...never discussed, or even considered?

There must be all kinds of stories of fathers who wanted to keep their child, but the mother aborted and they could do nothing to stop it.

I am convinced the pro-abort media is censoring these stories, which must be in the millions by now.

I do have a story of a friend of mine, who was blackmailed into a very bad marriage.

She said, "Marry me, or I will abort your child."

So he married her, even though I told him the marriage would never last, even though his father told him he'd get an all-expenses paid trip through Europe if he didn't marry her.

Of course, none of us knew about the abortion threat, because he kept that a secret.

And, sure enough, the marriage was very unhappy, and as I predicted, ended in divorce.

Why doesn't the media cover a story like that?

I find the story very interesting, don't you?
You know how to solve all those problems?

Don't get a girl pregnant in the first place.

If you do not see her take a birth control pill every day do not trust her when she says she is on the pill.

Don't be shocked if the lefties want to blame others for not making sure she took her pill. They want people they've told have no say in what a woman does with her body to pay for things like birth control that involve choices she makes with her body. It's not beyond the realm of possibility.
I did? Hmm...who knew?
Can you show me where I stated that?

So you oppose mandated taxes used to support the children that a person didn't help produce?

Mandated taxes? What are you saying?

Like I said, you're a coward too afraid to answer a simple question.

You are losing It, dude.

You are actually saying that women should be forced to bear a child and should live in poverty. Completely nuts. :cuckoo:

How is a woman forced to bear children?
Do you actually read threads or just dump on random posts?

Feel free to open the quote boxes and read the conversation.
So you oppose mandated taxes used to support the children that a person didn't help produce?

Mandated taxes? What are you saying?

Like I said, you're a coward too afraid to answer a simple question.

You are losing It, dude.

You are actually saying that women should be forced to bear a child and should live in poverty. Completely nuts. :cuckoo:

How is a woman forced to bear children?
Do you actually read threads or just dump on random posts?

Feel free to open the quote boxes and read the conversation.

I've read most all of them.. not one explanation as to how women are forced to have children. As well, not one explanation as to why I am obligated to support others' children.
It is so weird at how conservatives resist abortion, so want to force a woman to have the baby, but then say the baby has no rights once born (to food, healthcare, clothing etc). Nope, at that point its on its own with a mama who doesn't love it and a dad who has made a dash for it. Why be more concerned with embryos' rights than children living on the streets?
I am a mom of three and if anyone had forced me to go through carrying, birthing and raising those little angels I would have wiped that smile off his sodden face in a second flat.
Can you provide a link to a site or quote or ANY fucking thing to a Conservative saying that children have NO RIGHTS to food or clothing once they are fucking born, fucktard?


I didn't think you could.

Yet, Conservatives consistently cut funding to programs that help young children

The fucking claim was that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.
Providing those things are the responsibility of the mother and father. There are conservatives here who seek to deny those things from the father.
Why should I fund somebody else's kid? Here's a thought, if you haven't the money to support a kid, don't get pregnant.

Why conservative objections to abortion can't be taken seriously

They oppose abortion in all cases and then complain if they are asked to pay for the upkeep of the resulting child. Give an expecting mother no other choices.....don't complain if she chooses to abort

Birth control is readily available....use it. YOU specifically
Rubbers are readily available, if the daddy doesn't want to be a daddy, and fork up for being a daddy, then use one.

Pretty much what I just said. In fact if a baby is such a hardship both of them should use something. Problem solved

The difference between what you said, and it's absolutely accurate, and what rightwinger, care4all, etc. say is that you take into account both parties and they only want the man to be responsible. If a man refuses to wear a condom yet the woman still lets him do her, who is to blame? I say both. They say him.
I've never discounted the woman in this situation....she is as much responsible as he is....she just has the harder job of raising the kids for the next 18 to 25 years and he has the harder job of financing their livelihood...and that is not easy either, especially if he ends up having another family as well.
It is so weird at how conservatives resist abortion, so want to force a woman to have the baby, but then say the baby has no rights once born (to food, healthcare, clothing etc). Nope, at that point its on its own with a mama who doesn't love it and a dad who has made a dash for it. Why be more concerned with embryos' rights than children living on the streets?
I am a mom of three and if anyone had forced me to go through carrying, birthing and raising those little angels I would have wiped that smile off his sodden face in a second flat.
Can you provide a link to a site or quote or ANY fucking thing to a Conservative saying that children have NO RIGHTS to food or clothing once they are fucking born, fucktard?


I didn't think you could.

Yet, Conservatives consistently cut funding to programs that help young children

The fucking claim was that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.
Providing those things are the responsibility of the mother and father. There are conservatives here who seek to deny those things from the father.

Fathers who don't support their children are scumbags.
I did? Hmm...who knew?
Can you show me where I stated that?

So you oppose mandated taxes used to support the children that a person didn't help produce?

Mandated taxes? What are you saying?

Like I said, you're a coward too afraid to answer a simple question.

You are losing It, dude.

You are actually saying that women should be forced to bear a child and should live in poverty. Completely nuts. :cuckoo:

As it stands right now, if a woman has a child it was her choice. No one is forcing her to do a damn thing.
If she chooses to abort?
You've condemned every option presented. Your misogyny is noted.
The best choice is for the man to not impregnate her and put her in that position in the first place.
So you oppose mandated taxes used to support the children that a person didn't help produce?

Mandated taxes? What are you saying?

Like I said, you're a coward too afraid to answer a simple question.

You are losing It, dude.

You are actually saying that women should be forced to bear a child and should live in poverty. Completely nuts. :cuckoo:

As it stands right now, if a woman has a child it was her choice. No one is forcing her to do a damn thing.
If she chooses to abort?
You've condemned every option presented. Your misogyny is noted.
The best choice is for the man to not impregnate her and put her in that position in the first place.

An equally best choice is for woman to not allow herself to get impregnated if she isn't in a position to take care of a kid. Face it, the vast majority of abortions occur because of "hookups". Completely avoidable situation.
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.
If we lived in a civilized world populated by civilized people, you would have to hide yourself in shame for the rest of your life for uttering those horrible words.

But among liberals, who are morally corrupt and reprehensible in all ways that matter, your words will barely register at all.
Dont get emotional. Use your brain. Its horrible to witness a abortion however until you have to carry the child you really dont have a say in the matter.
Sorry, but you can't claim witnessing an abortion is "horrible" in one post, and literally call a fetus "a parasite" in another one....

You need to look up the term "cognitive dissonance".
Why not? You do know what parasite means right? I already know what cognitive dissonance is. I see it displayed everyday on these forums.

"women should not be allowed to abort those innocent children"

in the next breath.

"send those anchor babies back to Mexico!"
It is not "horrible" to terminate or cut off a parasite, moron. You are too stupid to think at a 3rd grade level right now.

BTW, A fetus does give emotional, psychological, and even physical benefits to its mother, so it isn't a parasite in any sense.

Your example of supposed cognitive dissonance also doesn't work. It is the mother at fault for both the attempted abortion and the abuse of our Constitution. The baby obviously had no say where they were born, and consequently has no say where they will be a citizen.
Yet, Conservatives consistently cut funding to programs that help young children

The fucking claim wss that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

Attitudes like this are a reason women feel they have little choice but to get an abortion. If you really opposed abortion like your screen persona indicates......you would support free birth control, free prenatal care, free childcare, welfare and food stamps

Those are the programs that give a woman an option other than abortion

If you supported personal responsibility, you'd support the one making the choice to have children feed their own or you'd do it yourself voluntarily.

I support if she makes the choice to have a child, she supports the child or do without.

I don't want to hear from any conservative that opposes abortion and then refuses to fund any program that gives a woman an option to keep the child

Tough shit. Since abortion is legal at this time, if a woman chooses to have a child she can't afford, it's because she chose between two options. Since she had a choice and chose one that results in needing someone else's money, her choice means she pays. If she can't, tough shit, also.

Wrong. She can have the child and you're still gonna pay.
Birth control is readily available....use it. YOU specifically
Rubbers are readily available, if the daddy doesn't want to be a daddy, and fork up for being a daddy, then use one.

Pretty much what I just said. In fact if a baby is such a hardship both of them should use something. Problem solved

The difference between what you said, and it's absolutely accurate, and what rightwinger, care4all, etc. say is that you take into account both parties and they only want the man to be responsible. If a man refuses to wear a condom yet the woman still lets him do her, who is to blame? I say both. They say him.

they only want the man to be responsible

The thread premise was about paternal rights in abortion, dumbass. I say was because you cons can never stay on topic.

Are you saying the concept of parental rights doesn't involve parental responsibility?
No. Not in any way. In fact, I've said the exact opposite.
I believe you are functionally illiterate.
The fucking claim wss that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

Attitudes like this are a reason women feel they have little choice but to get an abortion. If you really opposed abortion like your screen persona indicates......you would support free birth control, free prenatal care, free childcare, welfare and food stamps

Those are the programs that give a woman an option other than abortion

If you supported personal responsibility, you'd support the one making the choice to have children feed their own or you'd do it yourself voluntarily.

I support if she makes the choice to have a child, she supports the child or do without.

I don't want to hear from any conservative that opposes abortion and then refuses to fund any program that gives a woman an option to keep the child

Tough shit. Since abortion is legal at this time, if a woman chooses to have a child she can't afford, it's because she chose between two options. Since she had a choice and chose one that results in needing someone else's money, her choice means she pays. If she can't, tough shit, also.

Wrong. She can have the child and you're still gonna pay.

Equally wrong. Isn't it enough that I supported my own children? Now I have to support someone else's because they acted irresponsibly?
Mandated taxes? What are you saying?

Like I said, you're a coward too afraid to answer a simple question.

You are losing It, dude.

You are actually saying that women should be forced to bear a child and should live in poverty. Completely nuts. :cuckoo:

How is a woman forced to bear children?
Do you actually read threads or just dump on random posts?

Feel free to open the quote boxes and read the conversation.

I've read most all of them.. not one explanation as to how women are forced to have children. As well, not one explanation as to why I am obligated to support others' children.

You've obviously missed it.
It is so weird at how conservatives resist abortion, so want to force a woman to have the baby, but then say the baby has no rights once born (to food, healthcare, clothing etc). Nope, at that point its on its own with a mama who doesn't love it and a dad who has made a dash for it. Why be more concerned with embryos' rights than children living on the streets?
I am a mom of three and if anyone had forced me to go through carrying, birthing and raising those little angels I would have wiped that smile off his sodden face in a second flat.
Can you provide a link to a site or quote or ANY fucking thing to a Conservative saying that children have NO RIGHTS to food or clothing once they are fucking born, fucktard?


I didn't think you could.

Yet, Conservatives consistently cut funding to programs that help young children

The fucking claim was that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.
Providing those things are the responsibility of the mother and father. There are conservatives here who seek to deny those things from the father.

Fathers who don't support their children are scumbags.

No doubt. Nice platitude but it does nothing to address the problem.
Mandated taxes? What are you saying?

Like I said, you're a coward too afraid to answer a simple question.

You are losing It, dude.

You are actually saying that women should be forced to bear a child and should live in poverty. Completely nuts. :cuckoo:

As it stands right now, if a woman has a child it was her choice. No one is forcing her to do a damn thing.
If she chooses to abort?
You've condemned every option presented. Your misogyny is noted.
The best choice is for the man to not impregnate her and put her in that position in the first place.

An equally best choice is for woman to not allow herself to get impregnated if she isn't in a position to take care of a kid. Face it, the vast majority of abortions occur because of "hookups". Completely avoidable situation.

The man makes the deposit. Without it...nothing.
Take this issue back to the beginning's of organized society. Go back to when people left isolated or in small groups on their own.

Ward members of the family or tribe prevent or punish a woman who shopped a stick up her self in a boarded at pregnancy? What are the others people feel when they had the right to demand that the child born? Could they do anything to stop such an action?

Preventing a woman from terminating her own pregnancy is against natural law and natural rights. Pregnancies at the wrong time could be severely detrimental and even deadly to not only the mother, but the entire group.

I do not want some jack ass bureaucrat laden government dictating such a severe burden and health risk to anyone.

If I were a woman, I certainly would not want some gold status jack ass dude with a penis who will never see any baby that I would have, dictating whether not I can or cannot board that baby.

Make no mistake. I hate abortion. I think that it is a savage practice and would never want any of my family members to do such a thing. At the same time, I adhere to a much higher principle of liberty and limited government. Making the decision to choose liberty over something that I hate justifies my resolve.

Those who would use government to tell women that they must carry a child and give birth to that child are no better than the goose-stepping pinko commie bastard's trying to overthrow America. You are all douche bag authoritarian fuck wads and I hope you burn in the Mythical play's known as hell , if such a place did exist (it doesn't).
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.

if you want your child you should have sex only with a woman that wants to carry your child.

That's basically how I feel the issue has become. We live in a selfish permiscuous society where more men tend to abandon women that become pregnant while those who seek to care for the child are really a rare thing to find. This is just the moral make up of the society we live in today. You won't find this back from among the labeled "Greatest Generation" or baby boomers, and it just shows how much families, parent obligations, and responsibility roles have changed since then.

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