If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

To who's level?

The low class level you choose to be.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.
The low class level you choose to be.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.

You've lied about it. The only one you've convinced is yourself but you're on the same intellectual level as the n*ggers.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.

You've lied about it. The only one you've convinced is yourself but you're on the same intellectual level as the n*ggers.
Oh? What does your deformed brain tell you I lied about?
Take this issue back to the beginning's of organized society. Go back to when people left isolated or in small groups on their own.

Ward members of the family or tribe prevent or punish a woman who shopped a stick up her self in a boarded at pregnancy? What are the others people feel when they had the right to demand that the child born? Could they do anything to stop such an action?

Preventing a woman from terminating her own pregnancy is against natural law and natural rights. Pregnancies at the wrong time could be severely detrimental and even deadly to not only the mother, but the entire group.

I do not want some jack ass bureaucrat laden government dictating such a severe burden and health risk to anyone.

If I were a woman, I certainly would not want some gold status jack ass dude with a penis who will never see any baby that I would have, dictating whether not I can or cannot board that baby.

Make no mistake. I hate abortion. I think that it is a savage practice and would never want any of my family members to do such a thing. At the same time, I adhere to a much higher principle of liberty and limited government. Making the decision to choose liberty over something that I hate justifies my resolve.

Those who would use government to tell women that they must carry a child and give birth to that child are no better than the goose-stepping pinko commie bastard's trying to overthrow America. You are all douche bag authoritarian fuck wads and I hope you burn in the Mythical play's known as hell , if such a place did exist (it doesn't).

With all you just said. . .

When should a child's right to the equal protections of our laws begin?

1. At the earliest moment that we can establish with scientific evidence that they are a living human organism and the product of human reproduction?


2. When we as a society can no longer stomach or justify the denial of their rights anymore?

Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.

You've lied about it. The only one you've convinced is yourself but you're on the same intellectual level as the n*ggers.

You mean far above YOU? Humble of you to admit it.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.

You've lied about it. The only one you've convinced is yourself but you're on the same intellectual level as the n*ggers.
That would make him 100x smarter than you recessive monkey. Please point out where he lied?
Yes, that is right,and back to the topic. I think that the father's feelings should definitely be considered. I think the woman who would not consider his feelings at all is kind of a selfish jerk, TBH. Having said that though, it is really the woman who takes all the risks when it comes to a pregnancy. Although it's not really common, pregnancy can have some complications that can have permanent results on a woman's health. I would not be against limiting abortion to the first trimester though except for maybe some certain circumstances.

Prenatal genetic testing (amino centisis) isn't done until at least 15 weeks, and takes some time for results, so banning abortions after the first trimester isn't practical. Prior to 15 weeks there isn't sufficient amniotic fluid to perform the test, and there's a bigger risk of complications, including miscarriage.

So whenever the leg spreader wants to kill what she produced is OK with you?

When you refer to a woman as a "leg spreader", your misogyny and contempt for women is openly displayed. It's obvious you don't consider them as human beings with their own needs, which are independent of their ability to bear children.

These are women who are wives, mothers, daughters, who are, in all likelihood, involved in a relationship with a man who fathered the child the are carrying, and now must make a decision which will impact the rest of their lives.

Unless and until you can speak of women and their rights with respect. I'm done with you.
Since I'm not low class, you only further convince me that you're just another senile racist conservative.

Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.

You've lied about it. The only one you've convinced is yourself but you're on the same intellectual level as the n*ggers.
Check out the christian trumpanzee using racial slurs.
You are heartless, cruel, and morally in a very dark place. I advise you to seek spiritual guidance.
I have a god daughter I am raising. I cant be too cruel and yes I am in a dark place. I like the dark. Its my spiritual guidance.
How do you have a goddaughter when you obviously don't believe in God? Did the parents just pick you randomly off the street?
Its just a term. It doesnt mean my goddaughter is actually a god.
No. I have known the mother since we were young adults.
To be a godmother, you have to participate in the child's baptism, stand in her place and say the words for her denouncing Satan and all the rest.

And in the Catholic Church, at least, you must be a believing Catholic to be a godmother. And they make sure of it, you don't get to be a godmother if you are just a casual Catholic.

You, ma'am, are a complete sociopath who calls unborn children "parasites". I have to assume you are a non-believer.
Looks like you thought I was a woman too. :laugh:

I'm a godfather and we did none of that bullshit. I have just been in the childs life since her birth. Hell I was the one there with her mom when she was born instead of her real father.
Buy a dictionary you aren't a godfather it's got religious connotations. There are no secular godfathers.
Take this issue back to the beginning's of organized society. Go back to when people left isolated or in small groups on their own.

Ward members of the family or tribe prevent or punish a woman who shopped a stick up her self in a boarded at pregnancy? What are the others people feel when they had the right to demand that the child born? Could they do anything to stop such an action?

Preventing a woman from terminating her own pregnancy is against natural law and natural rights. Pregnancies at the wrong time could be severely detrimental and even deadly to not only the mother, but the entire group.

I do not want some jack ass bureaucrat laden government dictating such a severe burden and health risk to anyone.

If I were a woman, I certainly would not want some gold status jack ass dude with a penis who will never see any baby that I would have, dictating whether not I can or cannot board that baby.

Make no mistake. I hate abortion. I think that it is a savage practice and would never want any of my family members to do such a thing. At the same time, I adhere to a much higher principle of liberty and limited government. Making the decision to choose liberty over something that I hate justifies my resolve.

Those who would use government to tell women that they must carry a child and give birth to that child are no better than the goose-stepping pinko commie bastard's trying to overthrow America. You are all douche bag authoritarian fuck wads and I hope you burn in the Mythical play's known as hell , if such a place did exist (it doesn't).

With all you just said. . .

When should a child's right to the equal protections of our laws begin?

1. At the earliest moment that we can establish with scientific evidence that they are a living human organism and the product of human reproduction?


2. When we as a society can no longer stomach or justify the denial of their rights anymore?


Fucking cowards.

You should at least have the courage to give a straight forward answer to a straight forward question.
It is so weird at how conservatives resist abortion, so want to force a woman to have the baby, but then say the baby has no rights once born (to food, healthcare, clothing etc). Nope, at that point its on its own with a mama who doesn't love it and a dad who has made a dash for it. Why be more concerned with embryos' rights than children living on the streets?
I am a mom of three and if anyone had forced me to go through carrying, birthing and raising those little angels I would have wiped that smile off his sodden face in a second flat.
Yeah murder of the most innocent, should be acceptable to all.
The most innocent clump of cells as opposed to the most innocent living children abandoned on the streets? Which is "most innocent" in your book?
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.

if you want your child you should have sex only with a woman that wants to carry your child.

Then why do so many black "men" produce so many black bastards for white people to have to financially support?
Because white conservatives can't get it up?
Okay, first let me say that aborting a baby is one of the worst things someone can do. There should be a damn fucking good reason for doing so. If we're going to do it, why not let mother kill child up until the ages of 2 years after birth? All the same reasons still apply. Let mama kill baby.

With that said, balance the burdens of the mother verses the father. Mother has to carry the baby, which fucks up her body. She has to live with the burden of caring for the child for a good portion of her life. All father has had to do in the entire process is FUCK.

The decision should be the mother's alone, given her extreme burden compared with the father's.

Well over 90% of the reasons given related to someone not wanting the result of a choice they made knowing that the choice could produce that result. Saying I don't want something despite taking the actions that caused it isn't a good reason.

The father, whether it is by choice or by court order, has to financially support that child until age 18. If you're going to give the choice of whether or not the baby is born or aborted to the mother, does the father get a say in whether or not he supports a choice SHE alone made?
Except he was "implicated" in that decision coming into the world..... :biggrin:
men need to control their sperm......once you let go of it...it belongs to the woman....simple as that...if you are that concerned control your sperm. stoping making excuses that men cant control their sperm

OK. That means if that sperm that is now hers produces a child she chooses to have, that eliminates him from any financial responsibility since everything belongs to her. In addition, since those of us that didn't release the sperm that is now hers didn't do so, we also have no responsibility in that matter. That's good. People that didn't make choice not having to pay for those choices. Agree?
It is silly to say the sperm belongs to anybody once it leaves a man's body. Similarly your boogers fail to belong to you once they hit the ceramic tiling.

But if those sperm happen to have fertilised an egg, then something new arises for which you have to bear your share of the burden. It is simple.
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Take this issue back to the beginning's of organized society. Go back to when people left isolated or in small groups on their own.

Ward members of the family or tribe prevent or punish a woman who shopped a stick up her self in a boarded at pregnancy? What are the others people feel when they had the right to demand that the child born? Could they do anything to stop such an action?

Preventing a woman from terminating her own pregnancy is against natural law and natural rights. Pregnancies at the wrong time could be severely detrimental and even deadly to not only the mother, but the entire group.

I do not want some jack ass bureaucrat laden government dictating such a severe burden and health risk to anyone.

If I were a woman, I certainly would not want some gold status jack ass dude with a penis who will never see any baby that I would have, dictating whether not I can or cannot board that baby.

Make no mistake. I hate abortion. I think that it is a savage practice and would never want any of my family members to do such a thing. At the same time, I adhere to a much higher principle of liberty and limited government. Making the decision to choose liberty over something that I hate justifies my resolve.

Those who would use government to tell women that they must carry a child and give birth to that child are no better than the goose-stepping pinko commie bastard's trying to overthrow America. You are all douche bag authoritarian fuck wads and I hope you burn in the Mythical play's known as hell , if such a place did exist (it doesn't).

With all you just said. . .

When should a child's right to the equal protections of our laws begin?

1. At the earliest moment that we can establish with scientific evidence that they are a living human organism and the product of human reproduction?


2. When we as a society can no longer stomach or justify the denial of their rights anymore?

I'll ignore the iodiotc way that you framed the question, but answer a more reasonable one without your poorly framed (a) and (b).

When should a child's right to equal protection under the law begin? At three months, after which time abortion is an exception and can only be justified by health risks to the mother.
It has no rights while it freeloads off the mothers body. And there IS a time frame for those squatters rights.

Funny, that's not what the Supreme Court said when they were deciding Roe.

They said:

You don't get it. I DON'T CARE what the SC says. Its MY body. MY choice. Not yours. Not the courts. Not anybodys. PERIOD. And the laws can dictate whatever floats their boat but women who choose to NOT carry a fetus WILL find a way to remove it. So knock yourselves out trying to win control over a body that is not yours. Good luck with that.

You don't get it. I DON'T CARE what the SC says. Its MY body. MY choice. Not yours. Not the courts. Not anybodys. PERIOD. And the laws can dictate whatever floats their boat but women who choose to NOT carry a fetus WILL find a way to remove it. So knock yourselves out trying to win control over a body that is not yours. Good luck with that.

Thank you. That is exactly why it must be legal. It's part of human nature and Roe simply allows for it to be done safely.

Funny how those of you that say what a woman does with her body is her choice yet you want others to pay for things when the one making the choice can't afford to do so. If someone gets to make the sole choice, shouldn't the sole responsibility of paying for it be with the one making it?

And its even more funny that there are those who say shes gotta have a baby at all costs, then will not partake in those costs and couldn't care less if that baby rots the second after it is born.

Nah, rather freedom to choose and societal support if a family comes upon hard times. moste definately a more meaningful way.
Take this issue back to the beginning's of organized society. Go back to when people left isolated or in small groups on their own.

Ward members of the family or tribe prevent or punish a woman who shopped a stick up her self in a boarded at pregnancy? What are the others people feel when they had the right to demand that the child born? Could they do anything to stop such an action?

Preventing a woman from terminating her own pregnancy is against natural law and natural rights. Pregnancies at the wrong time could be severely detrimental and even deadly to not only the mother, but the entire group.

I do not want some jack ass bureaucrat laden government dictating such a severe burden and health risk to anyone.

If I were a woman, I certainly would not want some gold status jack ass dude with a penis who will never see any baby that I would have, dictating whether not I can or cannot board that baby.

Make no mistake. I hate abortion. I think that it is a savage practice and would never want any of my family members to do such a thing. At the same time, I adhere to a much higher principle of liberty and limited government. Making the decision to choose liberty over something that I hate justifies my resolve.

Those who would use government to tell women that they must carry a child and give birth to that child are no better than the goose-stepping pinko commie bastard's trying to overthrow America. You are all douche bag authoritarian fuck wads and I hope you burn in the Mythical play's known as hell , if such a place did exist (it doesn't).

With all you just said. . .

When should a child's right to the equal protections of our laws begin?

1. At the earliest moment that we can establish with scientific evidence that they are a living human organism and the product of human reproduction?


2. When we as a society can no longer stomach or justify the denial of their rights anymore?

I'll ignore the iodiotc way that you framed the question, but answer a more reasonable one without your poorly framed (a) and (b).

When should a child's right to equal protection under the law begin? At three months, after which time abortion is an exception and can only be justified by health risks to the mother.

The Constitution says that all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws, fucktard.

It doesn't say "starting at 3 months"
Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.

You've lied about it. The only one you've convinced is yourself but you're on the same intellectual level as the n*ggers.
Oh? What does your deformed brain tell you I lied about?

Everything you post, BOY.
Your mindset that offsetting the bad choices of some irresponsible piece of shit is a good thing proves you're low class. You've convinced me you're as dumb as the average black person in the country. You can stop. I already know.
Nope, I never said that either. Have an average black person explain it to ya -- they're obviously smarter than you.

Won't own up to what you say? What a coward.

Your senility worsens. I've owned up to what I said -- you just don't possess the minimal intellect required to understand what I said. That's on you, not me.

You've lied about it. The only one you've convinced is yourself but you're on the same intellectual level as the n*ggers.
Check out the christian trumpanzee using racial slurs.

It can't be a racial slur. Too many that call it that have come up with so many exceptions when it isn't, that claim went away a long time ago.

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