’If Abortion is About Women’s Rights, Then What Were Mine?

She had none. Pretty simple question.
Just like it used to be for black people.
Just like it's been for lots of people
So then you’re OK with blacks being denied any rights because they’re black?
You just said you are. You said denying rights for one group makes it OK to do that to others.
Oh then please quote where I said that
“Instead of dying, after 18 hours of being burned in my mother’s womb, I was delivered alive in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles on April the 6th, 1977. My medical records state: 'Born alive during saline abortion at 6AM.'"
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Gianna Jessen Asks Congress: “If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?”
She had none. Pretty simple question.
Just like it used to be for black people.
Just like it's been for lots of people
So then you’re OK with blacks being denied any rights because they’re black?
There has been endless amounts of resources spent to make thing right. Anytime a person is denied rights is terrible. However there has been massive corruption and stealing and taking advantage of any help by a percentage of people in any background and massively abused by African Americans. The games played and the one way back scratching is legendary. To many civil people who are African Americans do not talk down this behavior. And in fact believe it is someone elses fault when we all have our ways and we all do stupid things. But I agree with you with constant repeat profiling and harassing and other things. I in m life have been helped a few times in simple ways that improved it by African Americans. I would support them over a family member or two if it came to it.
Thought so
Here's the difference, asshole: You shill for infanticide and abortion with the express intention of snuffing out innocent human life. I voted for Bush as an alternative to a clown like Al Gore....not because I wanted him to slaughter young children.

Comprende, fool?
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,

you concern yourself with some fetuses that get aborted.

Just does not make sense.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,
I'll tell you what I told your fellow amoral bag of crap.... We don't get into wars or sanction of rogue nations or have any control over what happens in Yemen (if we did invade to end the suffering you would be the first hypocrite to scream about children there as victims of war) with the intention
of hurting innocent victims of any of those things.
It's one of the tragic byproducts of conflicts that cannot be helped.

One the other hand you and other fans of snuffing out innocent lives of helpless victims know exactly what you are doing when you shill and aid abortionists to kill the helpless in the womb, and now, just barely out of the womb.
So don't try to claim you are holding any sort of moral high ground. It's sickening hypocrisy.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,
I'll tell you what I told your fellow amoral bag of crap.... We don't get into wars or sanction of rogue nations or have any control over what happens in Yemen (if we did invade to end the suffering you would be the first hypocrite to scream about children there as victims of war) with the intention
of hurting innocent victims of any of those things.
It's one of the tragic byproducts of conflicts that cannot be helped.

One the other hand you and other fans of snuffing out innocent lives of helpless victims know exactly what you are doing when you shill and aid abortionists to kill the helpless in the womb, and now, just barely out of the womb.
So don't try to claim you are holding any sort of moral high ground. It's sickening hypocrisy.

I am pro choice and proud of it, since you the Republicans took healthcare away FROM millions. I am on the high ground and I think prevention is a lot more better than abortion, but Republican states are the worst, and you fricking people are taking away BC right out of health ins policies, and all you people that might save a dime applaud.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,
I'll tell you what I told your fellow amoral bag of crap.... We don't get into wars or sanction of rogue nations or have any control over what happens in Yemen (if we did invade to end the suffering you would be the first hypocrite to scream about children there as victims of war) with the intention
of hurting innocent victims of any of those things.
It's one of the tragic byproducts of conflicts that cannot be helped.

One the other hand you and other fans of snuffing out innocent lives of helpless victims know exactly what you are doing when you shill and aid abortionists to kill the helpless in the womb, and now, just barely out of the womb.
So don't try to claim you are holding any sort of moral high ground. It's sickening hypocrisy.

I am pro choice and proud of it, since you the Republicans took healthcare away FROM millions. I am on the high ground and I think prevention is a lot more better than abortion, but Republican states are the worst, and you fricking people are taking away BC right out of health ins policies, and all you people that might save a dime applaud.

You can waltz right into any county public health office and get birth control free or at reduced cost.

Save that worn out BS
I am pro choice and proud of it, since you the Republicans took healthcare away FROM millions. I am on the high ground and I think prevention is a lot more better than abortion, but Republican states are the worst, and you fricking people are taking away BC right out of health ins policies, and all you people that might save a dime applaud.
LOL...you think what's going on in New York and Virginia is the "high ground"?
You are really deluded.

We still have this government supported entity called Planned Parenthood and if you can't spend a few bucks of your own money to insure you won't get pregnant, because you can't control yourself or whatever, or you just can't be bothered
with controlling your own groin area then you have no room for complaint.
Birth control is absolutely free in many places. Stop your pity party for one.

Take some responsibility for yourself and stop whining because you want other people's money to make your life smoother. That's how parasites think.

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