’If Abortion is About Women’s Rights, Then What Were Mine?

I hear the Democrats are hoping to get the presidency in 2020 so they can call in air strikes on maternity wards.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,

you concern yourself with some fetuses that get aborted.

Just does not make sense.
Regurgitating that old lie to justify murdering children only shows how demonic you are.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,
I'll tell you what I told your fellow amoral bag of crap.... We don't get into wars or sanction of rogue nations or have any control over what happens in Yemen (if we did invade to end the suffering you would be the first hypocrite to scream about children there as victims of war) with the intention
of hurting innocent victims of any of those things.
It's one of the tragic byproducts of conflicts that cannot be helped.

One the other hand you and other fans of snuffing out innocent lives of helpless victims know exactly what you are doing when you shill and aid abortionists to kill the helpless in the womb, and now, just barely out of the womb.
So don't try to claim you are holding any sort of moral high ground. It's sickening hypocrisy.

I am pro choice and proud of it, since you the Republicans took healthcare away FROM millions. I am on the high ground and I think prevention is a lot more better than abortion, but Republican states are the worst, and you fricking people are taking away BC right out of health ins policies, and all you people that might save a dime applaud.
I'm pro life.Keep your legs closed if you aint.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,
I'll tell you what I told your fellow amoral bag of crap.... We don't get into wars or sanction of rogue nations or have any control over what happens in Yemen (if we did invade to end the suffering you would be the first hypocrite to scream about children there as victims of war) with the intention
of hurting innocent victims of any of those things.
It's one of the tragic byproducts of conflicts that cannot be helped.

One the other hand you and other fans of snuffing out innocent lives of helpless victims know exactly what you are doing when you shill and aid abortionists to kill the helpless in the womb, and now, just barely out of the womb.
So don't try to claim you are holding any sort of moral high ground. It's sickening hypocrisy.

I am pro choice and proud of it, since you the Republicans took healthcare away FROM millions. I am on the high ground and I think prevention is a lot more better than abortion, but Republican states are the worst, and you fricking people are taking away BC right out of health ins policies, and all you people that might save a dime applaud.
Your Pope pisses on you.
Just like it used to be for black people.
Just like it's been for lots of people
So then you’re OK with blacks being denied any rights because they’re black?
You just said you are. You said denying rights for one group makes it OK to do that to others.
Oh then please quote where I said that
Just like it’s been for lots of people.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995,

and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the

young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny,
I'll tell you what I told your fellow amoral bag of crap.... We don't get into wars or sanction of rogue nations or have any control over what happens in Yemen (if we did invade to end the suffering you would be the first hypocrite to scream about children there as victims of war) with the intention
of hurting innocent victims of any of those things.
It's one of the tragic byproducts of conflicts that cannot be helped.

One the other hand you and other fans of snuffing out innocent lives of helpless victims know exactly what you are doing when you shill and aid abortionists to kill the helpless in the womb, and now, just barely out of the womb.
So don't try to claim you are holding any sort of moral high ground. It's sickening hypocrisy.

I am pro choice and proud of it, since you the Republicans took healthcare away FROM millions. I am on the high ground and I think prevention is a lot more better than abortion, but Republican states are the worst, and you fricking people are taking away BC right out of health ins policies, and all you people that might save a dime applaud.
I'm pro life.Keep your legs closed if you aint.

Keep your dick out of *****.
One can't win with you guys, you do not want to pay for BC, calls unwed Mothers welfare moms, and want to take away childcare, and do not want to fund public schools, and Title X, Hell with Chip , screw future parents out of healthcare, the maj of autism and childhood illnesses and conditions are from the father over 40 (yes, male genes start to degenerate as well as female) maternal infections, uncontrolled diabetes , all medical conditions affect the fetus. Not vaccinations.

Shut down the PP, where men go to get abortions. Yes men use PP's. Most PP do not even do abortions.
“Instead of dying, after 18 hours of being burned in my mother’s womb, I was delivered alive in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles on April the 6th, 1977. My medical records state: 'Born alive during saline abortion at 6AM.'"
View attachment 245035
View attachment 245036

Gianna Jessen Asks Congress: “If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?”

Here is the warning USMB requires. "Warning Graphic Image"

Watch, at 1:36, as the abortionist torments a writhing aborted baby on the table.

“Instead of dying, after 18 hours of being burned in my mother’s womb, I was delivered alive in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles on April the 6th, 1977. My medical records state: 'Born alive during saline abortion at 6AM.'"
View attachment 245035
View attachment 245036

Gianna Jessen Asks Congress: “If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?”

Here is the warning USMB requires. "Warning Graphic Image"

Watch, at 1:36, as the abortionist torments a writhing aborted baby on the table.

Rae Seaweed video or not, I'm pro choice and proud of it.
The US didn't mind sanctioning over 1/2 million children under 5 of starving to death n Iraq in 1995, and apparently we do not care about the children that are dying in Yemen. And the US doesn't give a care for the young children killed in Gaza and the West Bank, so I find it funny, you concern yourself with some fetuses that get aborted. Just does not make sense.
Sure it does. You just named a bunch of foreign nations. We have no control over foreign nations (nor should we). As Americans, our job is to advocate for the public policy that is appropriate for us.
Will you men complainers please explain what you were in doing in bed with these women? This issue involves your body and what you did with it. How holy have you been in your life?
I think you suffered plenty. Glad you pulled through, but your case shouldn't dictate what happens to all women, in the abortion matter.
Time to pass laws controlling men's bodies so those sperm are controlled.
Women can do anything they want with their body. A baby is not their body. It is a unique life, proven by unique DNA.

If you have to resort to lying for your agenda (such as “a woman has a righ to do what she wants with her body), then your agenda is disturbing.

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