If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing!! (Video was Censored)!!!

José;969455 said:
I know this is off-topic so this will be my only post on this subject.
You have this weird notion that the mexican government approched Austin and other settlers and said:
"Dear Anglos,
Our northern provinces are waiting for you!!
Tejas, California... they are all here for the taking!!"

There is no difference between the 19th century anglo immigrants and modern mexican immigrants in the US.
Before being allowed to settle in Texas they all had to go through a naturalization process in which they promised to never violate Mexico's territorial integrity and respect the Mexican authorities and constitution.
They had the right to own land in Mexico as Mexican citizens just like any naturalised american.
Texas was not their historical homeland by any stretch of the imagination (most of them were born in the US having lived there for only 13 years).
Anglo settlers had the same right to create a new country in Texas as a mexican immigrant who lived 13 years as a legal American citizen.
This is pathetic, buddy... you are rationalizing the second biggest landgrab in the history of the American Continent just because it was good for the US.

SIMPLE yes or now answer Jose.. you ready?

Did the gringos have permission from the authorities in Mexico city to settle texas?

yes or no.
Originally posted by Shogun
SIMPLE yes or now answer Jose.. you ready?

Did the gringos have permission from the authorities in Mexico city to settle texas?

yes or no.

Do mexican citizens become legal American citizens every fucking year?

Yes, they do.

Does their legal status as american citizens gives them the right to violate America's territorial integrity?

Hell no!!!!
Of course it's the same. YOU just don't want to admit as much because it makes you the piece of shit antagonist in this little conflict. Indeed, Pali's weren't out killing the jews who lived among them BEFORE THE CREATION OF ISRAEL invalidated their role on that land. Just like the Nez Perce.

You either are not well versed in the history of this conflict, or you are just flat lying...

Just to remind you that Palestinian butchering of Jews began more then 50 years before Israel became a state, when Jews were a small minority in the area. The "business" of killing Jews became more organized and systematic after the Balfour declaration of 1917 (dated November 2, 1917) which was a classified formal statement of policy by the British government on the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I.

The letter stated the position, agreed at a British Cabinet meeting on October 31, 1917, that the British government supported Zionist plans for a National home for the Jewish people within Palestine WITH THE CONDITION THAT NOTHING SHOULD BE DONE WHICH MIGHT PREJUDICE THE RIGHTS OF EXISTING COMMUNITIES THERE.

THE JEWS AGREED, THE PALESTINIANS DID NOT. So what did they do? they started an organized campaign of killing helpless Jews (including women and children) everywhere with the intention of scaring the Jews away. For example, this campaign included events like the August 24, 1929, "Hebron Massacre" in which gangs of Arabs from Hebron committed a massacre the small Jewish community in their town. The results were the murdering of 67 DEFENSELESS men, women and children. This Jewish community was NOT an immigrant community but rather existed there for hundreds of years. THOSE ARAB WERE "FREE" AND NOT UNDER ISRAELI OCCUPATION!

Such atrocities against the Jews continued throughout the 20's, 30's and 1940's. ALL WHILE YOUR "SWEET" PALESTINIANS WERE "FREE" AND ISRAEL DID NOT EVEN EXIST!!!

So let us not get fooled by their lies that they are only doing this because of the "Israeli occupation"!!
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José;969481 said:
Do mexican citizens become legal American citizens every fucking year?

Yes, they do.

Does their legal status as american citizens gives them the right to violate America's territorial integrity?

Hell no!!!!

Was that my question, Jose? Do I need to repeat it and make a 10 page tangent about why you are avoiding this simple yes or no question?
You either are not well versed in the history of this conflict, or you are just flat lying...

yea yea yea.. I care about your interpretation of the REALITY of all three major religions living peacefully together. Lord fucking knows you people would interpret a jewish bloody nose as the next incarnation of adolph hitler if you thought it would excuse another couple of years of racist state policies.

Arab Caliphate rule (638–1099 CE)
An 1890 map of Palestine as described by medieval Arab geographers, with Jund Filastin administrative area

In 638 CE, Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab and Safforonius, the Byzantine governor of Jerusalem, signed Al-Uhda al-'Omariyya (The Umariyya Covenant), an agreement that stipulated the rights and obligations of all non-Muslims in Palestine.[81] Jews were permitted to return to Palestine for the first time since the 500-year ban enacted by the Romans and maintained by Byzantine rulers.[86][
Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 691, Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan ordered that the Dome of the Rock be built on the site where the Islamic prophet Muhammad is believed by Muslims to have begun his nocturnal journey to heaven, on the Temple Mount. About a decade afterward, Caliph Al-Walid I had the Al-Aqsa Mosque built.[92]

It was under Umayyad rule that Christians and Jews were granted the official title of "Peoples of the Book" to underline the common monotheistic roots they shared with Islam.[86][93

You silly bastards are too hellbent on your support for the next version of an Ayrian nation to see beyond your talking points.
Originally posted by Shogun
Was that my question, Jose? Do I need to repeat it and make a 10 page tangent about why you are avoiding this simple yes or no question?

1 - They went through the same naturalisation process applied to any foreign national.

2 - They swore to respect Mexico's territorial integrity.

3 - They swore to respect Mexico's Constitution.

4 - They swore to respect any decision taken by Mexico's government.

5 - They became mexican citizens after reneging any allegiance to foreign governments.

6 - And then, ONLY THEN, they got the right to own real state in Mexico like any other mexican citizen.
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Originally Posted by Godboy
You either are not well versed in the history of this conflict, or you are just flat lying...

yea yea yea.. I care about your interpretation of the REALITY of all three major religions living peacefully together. Lord fucking knows you people would interpret a jewish bloody nose as the next incarnation of adolph hitler if you thought it would excuse another couple of years of racist state policies.

Now wait a minute, you said that the Palestinians never attacked Jews before the creation of Israel. I proved that is not the case. This isnt a matter of interpreting religion, its simple fact.

You were wrong, which is fine (you dont always have to be right), but responding with "yea yea yea.." is a cop out and you know it.

Now, you originally said this...

Indeed, Pali's weren't out killing the jews who lived among them BEFORE THE CREATION OF ISRAEL invalidated their role on that land.

Your claim being, that the only reason they ever attacked the Jews, is because they occupy that land. So, since its obvious that they were attacking them before the creation of Israel, will you now concede that they have been doing this to Jews since the begining of this centruy? Will you admit that where we are today, is just the escalation of nearly a hundred years of persecuting jews? This started with muslims hating non muslims, and i dont see any difference today.

A culture filled with hate cannot possibly flourish, as is evident with the struggles the palestinians are going through now. They are going to have a tough time deprogramming generations of hate taught to their children. Maybe they could start with taking childrens programming off the air that teaches them that jews are evil.

Oh, and they might stop firing rockets into civilian areas while they are at it. That sort of thing brings heavy consequences to the Palestinian civilians.
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Honestly I think it's about time Israel stands up and kicks their ass. I'm behind their defending themselves.

Why are there many generations being raised in the refugee camps? At what point does a camp become a home? Who's keeping them in those tents? It's not the Israelis keeping them there. Why haven't their Muslim brothers taken them in? Because to keep them there keeps the hate alive.
Originally posted by AngelHeart
At what point does a camp become a home?

At what point an european ghetto become a home, AngelHeart?

Not in two thousand years according to the euro jews presently living in Palestine.
I have a simple question, if the rockets are solely coming from gaza, what the fuck are Israelis doing in the west bank? They have no right to that land, at all, and should vacate it.
Originally posted by AngelHeart
Why haven't their Muslim brothers taken them in? Because to keep them there keeps the hate alive.

Holy ignorance!!

The day egyptian forces invade Gaza and Jordanian troops invade the West Bank in order to assimilate them and destroy their national identity is the day you're gonna see palestinians putting bullets in the heads of arab soldiers intead of jewish ones.

Wait, this would be good news for you : )
Holy ignorance!!

The day egyptian forces invade Gaza and Jordanian troops invade the West Bank in order to assimilate them and destroy their national identity is the day you're gonna see palestinians putting bullets in the heads of arab soldiers intead of jewish ones.

Yes, very ignorant! You conveniently leave out the fact that palestinians arent firing rockets at Egypt or Jordan, otherwise they would be getting their asses handed to them by those guys TOO!!!
Honestly I think it's about time Israel stands up and kicks their ass. I'm behind their defending themselves.

Why are there many generations being raised in the refugee camps? At what point does a camp become a home? Who's keeping them in those tents? It's not the Israelis keeping them there. Why haven't their Muslim brothers taken them in? Because to keep them there keeps the hate alive.

By kick their ass you mean, this poor chap?


No government has to right to deprive a man of life (which both parties are doing), of liberty or property (which the Israelis have done since it's inception in 1948). I don't discount Israelis being killed by Hamas, at all, and I deplore that in the same exact manner. But you don't see Hamas being subsidized more than any other military in history.

This situation needs to be resolved in the same manner the British resolved the situation in Ireland.
José;969667 said:
At what point an european ghetto become a home, AngelHeart?

Not in two thousand years according to the euro jews presently living in Palestine.

Again who's keeping them there? Who's forcing them to stay in those camps vs finding new homes in the Muslim world? Not Israel. Unlike the ghettos of Europe they are not being kept there by the ones they say they are. The Jews in the ghettos couldn't leave due to the Nazi's. Who's keeping them in the tents? Does Israel surround the camps? Or does their Muslim "brothers"? Who's keeping them in the camps breeding hate? It's not Israel like you say it is.


By kick their ass you mean, this poor chap?


No government has to right to deprive a man of life (which both parties are doing), of liberty or property (which the Israelis have done since it's inception in 1948). I don't discount Israelis being killed by Hamas, at all, and I deplore that in the same exact manner. But you don't see Hamas being subsidized more than any other military in history.

This situation needs to be resolved in the same manner the British resolved the situation in Ireland.

Is it real or is it Pallywood?
wonder what dead and wounded Israeli look like? or does that matter? or the 3000 Americans who died on 9-11? hhhhmmm!!!
Difficult to say for the OP...but the result of 3,000 dead Americans looks like Palestinians celebrating in the streets.
wonder what dead and wounded Israeli look like? or does that matter? or the 3000 Americans who died on 9-11? hhhhmmm!!!

All equally tragic and deplorable. I live in NYC, so I know people who were personally affected on 9-11. It doesn't give a government does not have any more right to kill people than a militant group; everyone has rights to life, liberty and property. If you order a bomb dropped, you are fucking responsible for what happens, and saying you are not is the cowards way out.
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All equally tragic and deplorable. A government does not have any more right to kill people than a militant group; everyone has rights to life, liberty and property. If you order a bomb dropped, you are fucking responsible for what happens, and saying you are not is the cowards way out.

Perhaps governments should not have a monopoly on the use of force...but it is not impossible to determine when the government is in the moral right and its opponents are not.

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