If another 9/11 were to happen


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?

Probably not. The ones who live and die by infowars will swear it's a false flag.
I suspect it will not be very long before we see another massive attack.
The Orange Clown is doing all in his power to make the jihadis hate us even more, and there are any number of soft targets in the USA.
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?
Simple they would scream it was (Bush, Trumps) fault and want to impeach someone on the other side.
I kind of doubt it. The country has become so divided since 9/11, I think there would be cheering on one side depending on who the terrorist were.
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?

Probably not. The ones who live and die by infowars will swear it's a false flag.
Sadly, I suspect the Trump crowd would celebrate another 9/11 level attack, happy to see liberals get what they feel liberals deserve.
I don't remember everyone hugging and kissing last time. You do remember the document trail afterward using 911 fear to point at the wrong nation and make up shat galore. It was a time of lies, I guess the cynic should not be surprised today? What has changed is the view of the world on the US since Trump. That has changed and what nations would cooperate as they did in Afghanistan.

The 10th anniversary of everything going straight to hell

What were the causes of 9/11?' by Peter Bergen
What were the causes of 9/11? | Prospect Magazine

"There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action." Downing Street Memo
I don't remember everyone hugging and kissing last time. You do remember the document trail afterward using 911 fear to point at the wrong nation and make up shat galore. It was a time of lies, I guess the cynic should not be surprised today? What has changed is the view of the world on the US since Trump. That has changed and what nations would cooperate as they did in Afghanistan.

The 10th anniversary of everything going straight to hell

What were the causes of 9/11?' by Peter Bergen
What were the causes of 9/11? | Prospect Magazine

"There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action." Downing Street Memo
Yea all this a full year after 9/11. If you don't remember what that year was like, I'd venture to say you were too young to know
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?
Sadly I think it would be the blame game.
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?
Somewhere in the basement of the Capitol is a shrink-wrapped PATRIOT Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business!

Everyone with a beard more than six inches long will be waterboarded. Meter maids will be authorized to shoot double parkers on sight. Fox News hosts will start wearing armbands, and anyone caught not wearing a flag pin will be detained for questioning. Ann Coulter will insist that pulling fingernails is not torture. No habeas corpus for Democrats. We'll be carpet bombing Pakistani nursery schools.

Then another Democrat will be elected and they'll be all, like, "Hey, this guy hates the Constitution!"

It'll be a clown show. Retards on rampage.
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?
Somewhere in the basement of the Capitol is a shrink-wrapped PATRIOT Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business!

Meter maids waterboarding double parkers. No habeas corpus for Democrats. Carpet bombing Pakistani nursery schools.

Then another Democrat will be elected and they'll be all, like, "Hey, this guy hates the Constitution!"

It'll be a clown show. Retards on rampage.

Obama expanded patriot act, and also could've easily ended. Don't act like Dems didn't play a part in it. I mean Snowden came out, and told us the patriot act was a lie, they're spying on all of us...and what did obama do? Didn't say a word, try to go after Snowden for treason. So stop blaming the right. Obama had every chance to condemn and go after the patriot act, and instead more than sat on his hands, but actually used and went after the one whistleblower against it. Spare us the hypocrisy.

The obama administration shut down an entire political movement with the IRS political audits. Zero donations were allowed to come in for thousands of political groups due to the IRS targeting. If you actually do agree with the constitution you should've been crying bloody murder when this happened, and then going even more ape shit when the IRS deleted subpoenaed evidence. Please I don't want to hear it. The left CANNOT ACT LIKE THEY LOVE THE CONSTITUTION UNTIL THEY CONDEMN THIS. I have heard ZERO on the left condemn this, which is easily 100 TIMES WORSE than anything Nixon did. I don't care if obama had a part in it or not, it is one of the worst violations in our the past 50 years, and the left completely excused it. Worse than Clinton, worse than anything trump is slightly accused of, worse than any sort of bribery pay to play BS going on in Washington. This was the IRS shutting down 1000 of groups for political reasons, admitting it, then deleting the evidence for it. I still can't believe not one person on the left has condemned this. The hypocrisy baffles my mind.
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?

9/11/2001 brought the nation together for a fleeting 90 seconds.

9/11/2001 had almost 3,000 dead victims.

You think that three wounded will bring the Nation together?
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?
I believe we should start asking the, "security chiefs" of the several States of the Union.
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?

9/11/2001 brought the nation together for a fleeting 90 seconds.

9/11/2001 had almost 3,000 dead victims.

You think that three wounded will bring the Nation together?

Better adjust your count. You are incorrect.
If another terrorist attack on or close to the scale of 9/11 were to happen, do you think this country would unite, hug each other, help each other, and be more self aware and practice more compassion like we did when 9/11 happened...Or do you think it would play the blame game, and we'd start shouting at each other more?
Another 9-11 is inevitable.

And there is no reason to think it will have the unintended consequence of uniting the USA again.
I suspect it will not be very long before we see another massive attack.
The Orange Clown is doing all in his power to make the jihadis hate us even more, and there are any number of soft targets in the USA.
I remember on May 2, 2011 I was arriving at my favorite bar after a long day of work meeting with clients about their fiscal issues.

When I got to the bar the pretty bartendress asked me, "Have you seen the news today yet?"

I said no, I have not yet had a chance to watch tv at all.

Then she said, "They got Osama Bin Laden!"

I said, "What do you mean -- got him ??"

She said, "He's dead! The Navy killed him!"

Then CNN flashed the news update on the TV's at the bar.

I was never so proud of the U.S. Navy as on that day.

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