If "ANTIFA" is a threat. why are there no deaths attributed to them?

I have never seen a White supremist. I see the NAACP, BET tv, Miss Black America and people of different color chanting my death because of the color of my skin that shows nothing but stupidity which has no cure. Here's how I look at it. Since birth I have crossed path with tens of thousands of people. Some I hated,a few I married, some a friend for life, and even identical twins. But never has there been two the same making a racist someone that can't tie his own shoes.
White Supremacist live in the Alt Left Universe with all our Leftist friends pink unicorns.
You won't accept any evidence. No leftist shill does. But, where would we get evidence? You don't have evidence of jack schidt. Pasting a link to a website proves nothing. We aren't part of any investigative body, so how would we have any facts?. You're just another lying vermin troll that spews BS and then tries to make everyone look bad because they have no "facts" to counter your bullcrap with.
Leftist do not accept facts.

It's emotions ONLY for these psychos.

All they need is some Fake News article stating some Leftist LIE and/or Propaganda and not only do they believe it ...

They will defend it despite all the actual evidence proving otherwise.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a MENTAL DISORDER !!!

The OP is right as I've posted many times. It is you right-wingers who ignore the facts-

Murder and Extremism -
www.adl.org › media › download PDF

As is typically the case, the extremist-related murders of 2019 were overwhelmingly (90%) linked to right-wing extremists. All but one of the incidents had ties to -

The 42 extremist-related murders of 2019 occurred in 17 separate incidents, 14 of which involved a single death. Two incidents—the El Paso and Jersey City attacks—can be considered mass killings. Both attacks were also ideological attacks targeting specific victims: Hispanics in the first instance and Jews (and possibly police officers) in the second. Overall, five of the deadly incidents, with a total of 29 fatalities, were ideological attacks of some kind. Hispanics were targeted in one incident, African Americans in one incident and Jews in two incidents. In the fifth incident, a perpetrator targeted an organized crime figure he believed was connected to a right-wing conspiracy theory

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US ...

www.theguardian.com › world › jul › us-rightwing-ext...

27 Jul 2020 - As Trump rails against 'far-left' fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing ...

Eight Deadliest Acts of Violence by U.S. Domestic Extremists (1970-2020)
alities Year Ideology Weapon Description
1 168 1995 Right-Wing Extremism Bomb Bombing of Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
2 49 2016 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by Omar Mateen
3 22 2019 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, by Patrick Crusius
4 17 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at high school in Parkland, Florida, by Nikolas Cruz
5 14 2015 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik
6 13 2009 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings by Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas
7 11 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Robert Bowers
8 9 2015 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by Dylann Roof

Because you happen to share the same Neo-Nazi philosophy you just ignore the fact that no Antifa member has ever been convicted.
You also ignore the fact that right-wing groups have been convicted of 90% of the terrorist murders in the USA.
I am not constantly posting about those things. Are you confusing me with someone else here???
You, your fellow far right USMB posters, same difference...all you people post about is ANTIFA.

Then you PRETEND that White Supremacy doesn't exist.

Exactly the OPPOSITE of what Trump's FBI has stated.

When last have you condemned White Supremacy on here?
We hear a lot about white supremacists from lefties like you, yet never any videos of a KKK group attacking a black man.

Where are all these White Supremes at?
You won't accept any evidence. No leftist shill does. But, where would we get evidence? You don't have evidence of jack schidt. Pasting a link to a website proves nothing. We aren't part of any investigative body, so how would we have any facts?. You're just another lying vermin troll that spews BS and then tries to make everyone look bad because they have no "facts" to counter your bullcrap with.
Leftist do not accept facts.

It's emotions ONLY for these psychos.

All they need is some Fake News article stating some Leftist LIE and/or Propaganda and not only do they believe it ...

They will defend it despite all the actual evidence proving otherwise.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a MENTAL DISORDER !!!

The OP is right as I've posted many times. It is you right-wingers who ignore the facts-

Murder and Extremism -
www.adl.org › media › download PDF

As is typically the case, the extremist-related murders of 2019 were overwhelmingly (90%) linked to right-wing extremists. All but one of the incidents had ties to -

The 42 extremist-related murders of 2019 occurred in 17 separate incidents, 14 of which involved a single death. Two incidents—the El Paso and Jersey City attacks—can be considered mass killings. Both attacks were also ideological attacks targeting specific victims: Hispanics in the first instance and Jews (and possibly police officers) in the second. Overall, five of the deadly incidents, with a total of 29 fatalities, were ideological attacks of some kind. Hispanics were targeted in one incident, African Americans in one incident and Jews in two incidents. In the fifth incident, a perpetrator targeted an organized crime figure he believed was connected to a right-wing conspiracy theory

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US ...

www.theguardian.com › world › jul › us-rightwing-ext...

27 Jul 2020 - As Trump rails against 'far-left' fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing ...

Eight Deadliest Acts of Violence by U.S. Domestic Extremists (1970-2020)
alities Year Ideology Weapon Description
1 168 1995 Right-Wing Extremism Bomb Bombing of Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
2 49 2016 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by Omar Mateen
3 22 2019 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, by Patrick Crusius
4 17 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at high school in Parkland, Florida, by Nikolas Cruz
5 14 2015 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik
6 13 2009 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings by Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas
7 11 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Robert Bowers
8 9 2015 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by Dylann Roof

Because you happen to share the same Neo-Nazi philosophy you just ignore the fact that no Antifa member has ever been convicted.
You also ignore the fact that right-wing groups have been convicted of 90% of the terrorist murders in the USA.

So...there were 17 racists out there.

What’s that have to do with President Trump or any of us?
Well? I'd like to know, minus the trolling and far right lies. Here's a study that proves that of the acts of terrorism leading to death, none was committed by ANTIFA

Cool! So I can come break into your house. Steal everything of value (if there is anything)
Then burn it down
Maybe beat up one of your family members while I'm at it.

And you wouldn't consider any of that a threat?

And just to be clear none of what I just typed was a threat........
You won't accept any evidence. No leftist shill does. But, where would we get evidence? You don't have evidence of jack schidt. Pasting a link to a website proves nothing. We aren't part of any investigative body, so how would we have any facts?. You're just another lying vermin troll that spews BS and then tries to make everyone look bad because they have no "facts" to counter your bullcrap with.
Leftist do not accept facts.

It's emotions ONLY for these psychos.

All they need is some Fake News article stating some Leftist LIE and/or Propaganda and not only do they believe it ...

They will defend it despite all the actual evidence proving otherwise.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a MENTAL DISORDER !!!

The OP is right as I've posted many times. It is you right-wingers who ignore the facts-

Murder and Extremism -
www.adl.org › media › download PDF

As is typically the case, the extremist-related murders of 2019 were overwhelmingly (90%) linked to right-wing extremists. All but one of the incidents had ties to -

The 42 extremist-related murders of 2019 occurred in 17 separate incidents, 14 of which involved a single death. Two incidents—the El Paso and Jersey City attacks—can be considered mass killings. Both attacks were also ideological attacks targeting specific victims: Hispanics in the first instance and Jews (and possibly police officers) in the second. Overall, five of the deadly incidents, with a total of 29 fatalities, were ideological attacks of some kind. Hispanics were targeted in one incident, African Americans in one incident and Jews in two incidents. In the fifth incident, a perpetrator targeted an organized crime figure he believed was connected to a right-wing conspiracy theory

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US ...

www.theguardian.com › world › jul › us-rightwing-ext...

27 Jul 2020 - As Trump rails against 'far-left' fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing ...

Eight Deadliest Acts of Violence by U.S. Domestic Extremists (1970-2020)
alities Year Ideology Weapon Description
1 168 1995 Right-Wing Extremism Bomb Bombing of Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
2 49 2016 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by Omar Mateen
3 22 2019 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, by Patrick Crusius
4 17 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at high school in Parkland, Florida, by Nikolas Cruz
5 14 2015 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik
6 13 2009 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings by Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas
7 11 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Robert Bowers
8 9 2015 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by Dylann Roof

Because you happen to share the same Neo-Nazi philosophy you just ignore the fact that no Antifa member has ever been convicted.
You also ignore the fact that right-wing groups have been convicted of 90% of the terrorist murders in the USA.
You Extremist Live in an Alt Left Universe of Fake News.

Reality is another matter.

And, you are about to see that fact come November 3rd.
Well? I'd like to know, minus the trolling and far right lies. Here's a study that proves that of the acts of terrorism leading to death, none was committed by ANTIFA

This serious?
Well? I'd like to know, minus the trolling and far right lies. Here's a study that proves that of the acts of terrorism leading to death, none was committed by ANTIFA

Cool! So I can come break into your house. Steal everything of value (if there is anything)
Then burn it down
Maybe beat up one of your family members while I'm at it.

And you wouldn't consider any of that a threat?

And just to be clear none of what I just typed was a threat........
That's what you right-wingers do all the time and have been convicted but Antifa has never!
Well? I'd like to know, minus the trolling and far right lies. Here's a study that proves that of the acts of terrorism leading to death, none was committed by ANTIFA

Cool! So I can come break into your house. Steal everything of value (if there is anything)
Then burn it down
Maybe beat up one of your family members while I'm at it.

And you wouldn't consider any of that a threat?

And just to be clear none of what I just typed was a threat........
That's what you right-wingers do all the time and have been convicted but Antifa has never!
Hard to convict on the democrat catch and release program.
If "ANTIFA" is a threat. why are there no deaths attributed to them?

Like Aaron Danielson?

You won't accept any evidence. No leftist shill does. But, where would we get evidence? You don't have evidence of jack schidt. Pasting a link to a website proves nothing. We aren't part of any investigative body, so how would we have any facts?. You're just another lying vermin troll that spews BS and then tries to make everyone look bad because they have no "facts" to counter your bullcrap with.
Leftist do not accept facts.

It's emotions ONLY for these psychos.

All they need is some Fake News article stating some Leftist LIE and/or Propaganda and not only do they believe it ...

They will defend it despite all the actual evidence proving otherwise.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a MENTAL DISORDER !!!

The OP is right as I've posted many times. It is you right-wingers who ignore the facts-

Murder and Extremism -
www.adl.org › media › download PDF

As is typically the case, the extremist-related murders of 2019 were overwhelmingly (90%) linked to right-wing extremists. All but one of the incidents had ties to -

The 42 extremist-related murders of 2019 occurred in 17 separate incidents, 14 of which involved a single death. Two incidents—the El Paso and Jersey City attacks—can be considered mass killings. Both attacks were also ideological attacks targeting specific victims: Hispanics in the first instance and Jews (and possibly police officers) in the second. Overall, five of the deadly incidents, with a total of 29 fatalities, were ideological attacks of some kind. Hispanics were targeted in one incident, African Americans in one incident and Jews in two incidents. In the fifth incident, a perpetrator targeted an organized crime figure he believed was connected to a right-wing conspiracy theory

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US ...

www.theguardian.com › world › jul › us-rightwing-ext...

27 Jul 2020 - As Trump rails against 'far-left' fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing ...

Eight Deadliest Acts of Violence by U.S. Domestic Extremists (1970-2020)
alities Year Ideology Weapon Description
1 168 1995 Right-Wing Extremism Bomb Bombing of Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
2 49 2016 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by Omar Mateen
3 22 2019 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, by Patrick Crusius
4 17 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at high school in Parkland, Florida, by Nikolas Cruz
5 14 2015 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik
6 13 2009 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings by Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas
7 11 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Robert Bowers
8 9 2015 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by Dylann Roof

Because you happen to share the same Neo-Nazi philosophy you just ignore the fact that no Antifa member has ever been convicted.
You also ignore the fact that right-wing groups have been convicted of 90% of the terrorist murders in the USA.
You Extremist Live in an Alt Left Universe of Fake News.

Reality is another matter.

And, you are about to see that fact come November 3rd.
Trump's FBI stated that ANTIFA is an ideology, nothing more.

They've also stated that White Supremacists are THEE biggest violent threat to Americans.
Where is this scary murderous group of White Supremacists?
Are they the ones committing the murders in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, New York...etc?
You won't accept any evidence. No leftist shill does. But, where would we get evidence? You don't have evidence of jack schidt. Pasting a link to a website proves nothing. We aren't part of any investigative body, so how would we have any facts?. You're just another lying vermin troll that spews BS and then tries to make everyone look bad because they have no "facts" to counter your bullcrap with.
Leftist do not accept facts.

It's emotions ONLY for these psychos.

All they need is some Fake News article stating some Leftist LIE and/or Propaganda and not only do they believe it ...

They will defend it despite all the actual evidence proving otherwise.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a MENTAL DISORDER !!!

The OP is right as I've posted many times. It is you right-wingers who ignore the facts-

Murder and Extremism -
www.adl.org › media › download PDF

As is typically the case, the extremist-related murders of 2019 were overwhelmingly (90%) linked to right-wing extremists. All but one of the incidents had ties to -

The 42 extremist-related murders of 2019 occurred in 17 separate incidents, 14 of which involved a single death. Two incidents—the El Paso and Jersey City attacks—can be considered mass killings. Both attacks were also ideological attacks targeting specific victims: Hispanics in the first instance and Jews (and possibly police officers) in the second. Overall, five of the deadly incidents, with a total of 29 fatalities, were ideological attacks of some kind. Hispanics were targeted in one incident, African Americans in one incident and Jews in two incidents. In the fifth incident, a perpetrator targeted an organized crime figure he believed was connected to a right-wing conspiracy theory

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US ...

www.theguardian.com › world › jul › us-rightwing-ext...

27 Jul 2020 - As Trump rails against 'far-left' fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing ...

Eight Deadliest Acts of Violence by U.S. Domestic Extremists (1970-2020)
alities Year Ideology Weapon Description
1 168 1995 Right-Wing Extremism Bomb Bombing of Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
2 49 2016 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by Omar Mateen
3 22 2019 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, by Patrick Crusius
4 17 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at high school in Parkland, Florida, by Nikolas Cruz
5 14 2015 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik
6 13 2009 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings by Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas
7 11 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Robert Bowers
8 9 2015 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by Dylann Roof

Because you happen to share the same Neo-Nazi philosophy you just ignore the fact that no Antifa member has ever been convicted.
You also ignore the fact that right-wing groups have been convicted of 90% of the terrorist murders in the USA.

So...there were 17 racists out there.

What’s that have to do with President Trump or any of us?
Trump told 'Proud Boys', who had just killed a woman to "Stand By!"
If "ANTIFA" is a threat. why are there no deaths attributed to them?
Well? I'd like to know, minus the trolling and far right lies
First of all, a threat of death is not the same thing as an actual death. Secondly, the deaths caused by ANTIFA have been falsely attributed to COVID-19 by doctors complicit in the latest epidemiological fad propaganda.
I am not interested in your thread distractions.

I have already posted a story of ANTIFA killing Trump supporters.

The Police killed that Leftist POS before he could be convicted.

Screw you and your thread distracting Bullshit.
You won't accept any evidence. No leftist shill does. But, where would we get evidence? You don't have evidence of jack schidt. Pasting a link to a website proves nothing. We aren't part of any investigative body, so how would we have any facts?. You're just another lying vermin troll that spews BS and then tries to make everyone look bad because they have no "facts" to counter your bullcrap with.
Leftist do not accept facts.

It's emotions ONLY for these psychos.

All they need is some Fake News article stating some Leftist LIE and/or Propaganda and not only do they believe it ...

They will defend it despite all the actual evidence proving otherwise.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a MENTAL DISORDER !!!

The OP is right as I've posted many times. It is you right-wingers who ignore the facts-

Murder and Extremism -
www.adl.org › media › download PDF

As is typically the case, the extremist-related murders of 2019 were overwhelmingly (90%) linked to right-wing extremists. All but one of the incidents had ties to -

The 42 extremist-related murders of 2019 occurred in 17 separate incidents, 14 of which involved a single death. Two incidents—the El Paso and Jersey City attacks—can be considered mass killings. Both attacks were also ideological attacks targeting specific victims: Hispanics in the first instance and Jews (and possibly police officers) in the second. Overall, five of the deadly incidents, with a total of 29 fatalities, were ideological attacks of some kind. Hispanics were targeted in one incident, African Americans in one incident and Jews in two incidents. In the fifth incident, a perpetrator targeted an organized crime figure he believed was connected to a right-wing conspiracy theory

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US ...

www.theguardian.com › world › jul › us-rightwing-ext...

27 Jul 2020 - As Trump rails against 'far-left' fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing ...

Eight Deadliest Acts of Violence by U.S. Domestic Extremists (1970-2020)
alities Year Ideology Weapon Description
1 168 1995 Right-Wing Extremism Bomb Bombing of Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
2 49 2016 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by Omar Mateen
3 22 2019 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, by Patrick Crusius
4 17 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at high school in Parkland, Florida, by Nikolas Cruz
5 14 2015 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik
6 13 2009 Islamist Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings by Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas
7 11 2018 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Robert Bowers
8 9 2015 Right-Wing Extremism Firearm(s) Shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by Dylann Roof

Because you happen to share the same Neo-Nazi philosophy you just ignore the fact that no Antifa member has ever been convicted.
You also ignore the fact that right-wing groups have been convicted of 90% of the terrorist murders in the USA.

So...there were 17 racists out there.

What’s that have to do with President Trump or any of us?
Trump told 'Proud Boys', who had just killed a woman to "Stand By!"
Killed a woman?
You’re delusional.

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