If Archie Bunker were ever alive, he'd be rolling over in his grave

True, he'd have problems with the figments of your imagination, but he'd really like the Democrats.
never heard hte theme song?

"wish we had a man like Herbie Hoover again"

didn't like blacks, (he'd have likely moved overseas when Obama was elected)

Didn't like Draft dodgers, (Clinton, Biden, and Trump)

Didn't like hippies

didn't like gays

should I continue?
So you're saying because Archie ws racist, he'd still back Republicans?

That's not the own you think it is.

I'm saying he wouldn't put up with the democrats that have been in charge for the last 30 years

do you aways cherry pick, file clerk?
Must be why they're closing churches.


In the case of Catholic churches, the only reason they're likely to be closed is the shortage of NORMAL priests, and the seminaries are being filled with candidates that are chosen because of their gay tendencies. The priests that are being turned out are those who are MOST likely to sexually assault the children in their parishes.

With the likelihood of being sued by the parents of their "victims", it's not at all surprising that normally oriented men discerning the priesthood are dwindling by the day.

I've heard from priests who are very much hurt by the fact that, if they have encounters with affectionate youngsters who would like to express their affection by giving a trusted spiritual guide an innocent hug, they must push them away or risk a lawsuit from a litigation-hungry parent!

Breaks my heart for the children and I am so very grateful that, as a 70 year old woman, I can feel safe giving my trusted spiritual adviser and friend a genuine embrace of gratitude and real affection.

So now the Catholic churches are PACKED because of the shortage of NORMAL priests, and the priests are so busy that their parishioners are hungry for deeper communication with their priests, but the fathers just don't have the time for everyone.

Thank God....fewer Catholics.

They're almost as perverted and crazy as Muslims.

It's not fewer Catholics. It's fewer priests.

The two churches in my pastorate are PACKED every Sunday. The churches are crying out for qualified deacons and have resorted to recruiting laity to serve Holy Communion.

Must be why they're closing churches.

Hell the Catholics are building a new church in my AO and have rapidly expanded on the two that were already here.....I'm not sure that's a good thing for the area either as they vote straight gop in local elections where we tend to prefer slow-growth independants.

At last count my small county has 64 churches.....I can see three from my back deck and the steeple of the fourth.

If anything there too many churches.....At least they tie-up land from developers I guess.

The catholics just completed this thing last year.....Meh, at least they are white.


It's not fewer Catholics. It's fewer priests.

The two churches in my pastorate are PACKED every Sunday. The churches are crying out for qualified deacons and have resorted to recruiting laity to serve Holy Communion.

---National Catholic Reporter --- Church membership continues to decline in 21st century---

---The poll highlights the trend in declining church membership across the Catholic Church---

With the Catholic church, it's a bit more complicated than that. They are losing members, no doubt about that. But the Catholic church is moving to "super parishes" that are in the suburbs and have a larger flock. That allows them to operate with fewer churches and fewer priests. Nobody wants to be a priest anymore since they can't get married.

Basically true, but nobody wants to be a priest because of the risk of litigation-hungry parents who can't wait to sue them and their churches over lies that they made up about assaults that never happened.

And this has come with more and more left-leaning parishes.

The seminaries used to be able to weed out candidates that would likely have problems with celibacy, but now they're so busy packing seminaries with candidates who can't wait to get their hands on the kiddies.

---National Catholic Reporter --- Church membership continues to decline in 21st century---

---The poll highlights the trend in declining church membership across the Catholic Church---

My butt not having a pew to sit in on Sunday says different.

Tell me that when there's no place to sit in my church on Sunday.

The church in a nearby town overflows the nave every Sunday and folks spill over into the room adjacent.

Hell the Catholics are building a new church in my AO and have rapidly expanded on the two that were already here.....I'm not sure that's a good thing for the area either as they vote straight gop in local elections where we tend to prefer slow-growth independants.

At last count my small county has 64 churches.....I can see three from my back deck and the steeple of the fourth.

If anything there too many churches.....At least they tie-up land from developers I guess.

The catholics just completed this thing last year.....Meh, at least they are white.


I've got to laugh.

Were you addressing the churches or the people, when you said "They are white"?

At Easter Vigil last night at St.Joseph Cathedral in Sioux Falls, there were about 50 African people being confirmed! One of my favorite priests is Ethiopian/Eritrean and has the task of teaching all those Africans how to be Catholics.


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