If Bernie endorses Clinton, he betrays his supporters

She doesn't deserve to be POTUS just because she has one. Like Obama not deserving to be POTUS just because he is black, ....he was the best person for the job, instead of being the lesser of two evils. Clinton's evils have made her famous.

no, in 2008 she was the best person for the job, just as she is in 2016.

nothing to do with skin color or gender... or the sound of her voice. :lol:

and that "evil" projection of yours is backfiring...
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.
Pretty much the same could be said for the 16 GOP folks that dropped out of the race with regards to Trump. They all hate him and have gone on the record as to how unqualified they think he is for President. This is a fascinating year.
Really it's astounding to me that we have a long time Senator come out on the campaign trail, with his major campaign platform, being about breaking up the big banks. Never once realizing that he, nor the Federal Government had the authority to do that. The Federal Reserve banks and the Federal Government have always operated independent and separately from one another. The Federal Government is not in charge of the Federal Reserve Banks.
The Office of the Comptroller of Currency, a bureau of the Dept. Of the Treasury which is a part of the Executive branch regulates the national banking system. One of their roles is to approve or disapprove changes to corporate banking structures. Why do you think the Federal government lacks the ability to control the national banks?
Bernie Sanders and his policies were soundly defeated by Democrats. There is no free college education on the table anymore. There is no adding 29 trillion dollars in Federal Government spending anymore.

Really it's astounding to me that we have a long time Senator come out on the campaign trail, with his major campaign platform, being about breaking up the big banks. Never once realizing that he, nor the Federal Government had the authority to do that. The Federal Reserve banks and the Federal Government have always operated independent and separately from one another. The Federal Government is not in charge of the Federal Reserve Banks.

There are 100 Senators in the U.S. Senate and I imagine there was only 1 Senator that did not have this basic--fundamental banking knowledge, and his name is Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News
There are 100 Senators in the U.S. Senate and I imagine there was only 1 Senator that did not have this basic--fundamental banking knowledge, and his name is Bernie Sanders.

There were 60 Senators who voted for Dodd Frank which among other things imposed legislation on the Federal Reserve.

Summary of H.R. 4173 (111th): Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - GovTrack.us
(Sec. 121) Requires the Federal Reserve Board to take mitigatory actions restricting the activities of bank holding companies with total consolidated assets of $50 billion or more, or Board-supervised nonbank financial companies, which pose a grave threat to U.S. financial stability, including: (1) limiting the company's ability to become affiliated with another company; (2) restricting the company's ability to offer a financial product or products; (3) requiring the company to terminate one or more activities; (4) imposing conditions on the manner in which the company conducts activities; or (5) requiring the company to transfer assets or off-balance-sheet items to unaffiliated entities.

Does that mean there were 60 Senators that don't understand the basic knowledge that you profess to possess?

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